What are you Eating/Drinking?

  • Thread starter Super-Supra
I've worked my way through approximately half of that haul so far.
Wow. You must eat a lot of popcorn.

I posted this earlier too. If you like cheesy popcorn, this stuff is the best.


It is real powdered cheese, with no added salt, so you can use a lot of it.
Made Thai basil eggplant with tofu. Stir fry the eggplant with garlic, then throw in some bell peppers, fried tofu, bird's eye chili, soy sauce and fish sauce. Add basil at the very end for a quick toss. Served with rice.
Mint chocolate rooibos tea. It's...interesting. It's not bad at all, but I expect that particular flavor combination to be sweet and this is unsweetened.

I'm not sure if I'll order it again but I'm glad I did.
Toast with apple butter and cinnamon. So simple, yet so delicious (would be even better with apple butter from an orchard instead of Musselmans, but I haven't made my way to one this year).
Hmmm.... apple butter....

While I live in a city where the craft brew flows, and my previous job was at a tap house, I still prefer the cheap stuff. Particularly stuff from south of the border. So grabbed my weekend 12 pack of Corona, but didn't realize until I put it in my car I grabbed the Light variety. Didn't want to wander back into the gas station to make the switch. Not the most fresh tasting, but I enjoyed the first 2.
I had some canned baby carrots tonight. Drained the liquid, salted them, light sprinkle of Cavenders, microwave. They weren't that great because they were really soft. :indiff:

Toast with apple butter and cinnamon. So simple, yet so delicious (would be even better with apple butter from an orchard instead of Musselmans, but I haven't made my way to one this year).
It's amazing how something that tickles the senses can bring back a ton of memories.

I haven't had apple butter since around Christmas 2016 and into 2017. And honestly haven't thought of it since then. I was making a lot of good memories at that time in my life and apparently apple butter made the cut. :lol:

(Also a bad memory, RIP George Michael.)
I had rice pudding with coconut blossom sugar. This sugar looks like brown sugar and tastes like somewhere in between brown sugar and caramel.
I only had a date (food not girl :D), a cookie with chocolate on top and a handful of raisins and it is 2:41 pm.

EDIT: Lasagna in the oven. Have to wait long time because Lasagna still is frozen.
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I've had a hankering for waffles for the last 2 days but have been too lazy to make them. Kids aren't taking the bait when I've suggested them, either. :lol:

Edit: This might be about as much as I accomplish all day!

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Chicken and pork from the smoker. Damn good it was. Sticky rice to compliment. And a beer to wash it down, of course.

Apparently Cheetos Mac N' Cheese is a thing. I actually like it more than the Kraft stuff, hopefully this lasts longer than products like this usually do.

They also have Cheesy Japaleno and Flamin Hot versions which I purchased one each of, hopefully they are also decent.
I prefer Kraft (powdered cheese mix) mac and cheese over literally any other Mac and cheese.

Add some milk and it's good to go.

I've eaten a box by myself for a meal on multiple occasions and yes I know I have a problem, lol.
I was planning to prepare:

  • Rice
  • Curry sauce
  • Turkey filet
but I'm not sure if I'm going to do it. I should though.
Pancakes with Maple Syrup. No Bacon as we’re trying to cut down on salt. Plus PJ’s and movies all Sunday.
