What are you watching?

  • Thread starter Blackbird.
Yesterday: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy on TNT

Right now: Fox Soccer Report on Fox Soccer Channel
One night at McCools. :lol: Not something I'd have seen, but so far it's a lot better than I thought. It's like what Night at the Roxbury should've been.
The Great Raid - Good movie, though I hardly know any movies about Filipino/American History. So time to time,I will watch this movie over and over again.
ITV have just said that they are showing "Mission: Impossible 11" tonight... I might watch it, despite the fact that I've apparently missed the last 7 films in the series.
Reign Over Me
Who knew daytime TV could be so good? I've been ill, not the sick kind and well enough to watch some TV. All I've done is chucked it on Discovery Turbo all day; kind of goes something like this:

The Garage
Chop Shop
Kit Car Crisis (About some guy making his own kit car to race, quite good)
American Chopper
Wrecked Rides (It's alright, not brilliant but watchable)

Considering each one of those are one hour each, thats a considerable amount of day eaten. And although I'm going to be hopefully back on Monday, I want to find out what happens in the episode of American Chopper....
Step away from the remote and put your hands on your head...

Just say no to daytime TV, man. Sure, it sounds cool and you think you can enjoy it and not get hooked, but then you try and give it up and you realise that you're in too deep. One day soon, you'll find yourself running home from work at lunchtime in a cold sweat, just to catch the end of Bargain Hunt. I'm speaking from experience, man. One day, I was so hooked on daytime TV, I set the smoke alarm off after forgetting all about some cheese on toast I'd put under the grill... my girlfriend left me soon after that.

Anyway, I'm watching "The Flight Of The Conchords" (Series One)... my mate lent me the DVD and it's one of those "I can't be bothered but I better watch it because he'll ask me questions about it later and I don't want to offend him by telling him that I didn't bother watching any of it in the three months I've had it on loan" type things... it's superb, though, and I wish that I had started watching it sooner, especially since there are 12 episodes, and he wants it back this weekend... :ill:
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Just say no to daytime TV, man. Sure, it sounds cool and you think you can enjoy it and not get hooked, but then you try and give it up and you realise that you're in too deep. One day soon, you'll find yourself running home from work at lunchtime in a cold sweat, just to catch the end of Bargain Hunt. I'm speaking from experience, man. One day, I was so hooked on daytime TV, I set the smoke alarm off after forgetting all about some cheese on toast I'd put under the grill... my girlfriend left me soon after that.

Don't worry Alex, Chris is just trying to scare you. Any girlfriend who doesn't understand their other-halves need to watch a mouth watering episode of bargain hunt really isn't worth it. Soon they won't even appreciate you watching hours of quality viewing such as flog it, loose women and location, location, location. :ill: Its sad times when your girlfriend can't appreciate you for you you really are. :(
Step away from the remote and put your hands on your head...

Just say no to daytime TV, man. Sure, it sounds cool and you think you can enjoy it and not get hooked, but then you try and give it up and you realise that you're in too deep. One day soon, you'll find yourself running home from work at lunchtime in a cold sweat, just to catch the end of Bargain Hunt. I'm speaking from experience, man. One day, I was so hooked on daytime TV, I set the smoke alarm off after forgetting all about some cheese on toast I'd put under the grill... my girlfriend left me soon after that.

I'm not addicted to it, those are programmes I've always watched before its just the combination of them which is good. Although at the moment it's not the same this week but as I'm hoping to be better tommorrow I shouldn't have to worry about it anyway. One of the advantages of being ill, you can sample daytime TV but your never off long enough to get truly hooked in.
Don't worry Alex, Chris is just trying to scare you. Any girlfriend who doesn't understand their other-halves need to watch a mouth watering episode of bargain hunt really isn't worth it. Soon they won't even appreciate you watching hours of quality viewing such as flog it, loose women and location, location, location. :ill: Its sad times when your girlfriend can't appreciate you for you you really are. :(
Words of wisdom! :P

I'm not addicted to it, those are programmes I've always watched before its just the combination of them which is good. Although at the moment it's not the same this week but as I'm hoping to be better tommorrow I shouldn't have to worry about it anyway. One of the advantages of being ill, you can sample daytime TV but your never off long enough to get truly hooked in.
Hope you recover soon, or atleast before addiction sets in. Put it this way, if next week you are walking past a garage and you find yourself thinking "I wonder what the guy on Kit Car Crisis would do with that?", then start worrying! I knew I had a problem when I walked past an antique shop and saw an item for £30 and my first thought was, "that's a bargain, I bet I could get atleast £40 for that at auction!". :scared:

Hope you recover soon, or atleast before addiction sets in. Put it this way, if next week you are walking past a garage and you find yourself thinking "I wonder what the guy on Kit Car Crisis would do with that?", then start worrying! I knew I had a problem when I walked past an antique shop and saw an item for £30 and my first thought was, "that's a bargain, I bet I could get atleast £40 for that at auction!". :scared:

Thank you, I can't see that situation happening though! I've already had to persuade my Dad that "We don't want to make our own kit car" so hopefully that'll be the only situation I get into thanks to these motoring programmes...
Hope you recover soon, or atleast before addiction sets in. Put it this way, if next week you are walking past a garage and you find yourself thinking "I wonder what the guy on Kit Car Crisis would do with that?", then start worrying! I knew I had a problem when I walked past an antique shop and saw an item for £30 and my first thought was, "that's a bargain, I bet I could get atleast £40 for that at auction!". :scared:

Guess what I'm watching? American Chopper! Actually, I quite like American Chopper now it's more intresting than most of the other stuff on TV and actually has some humour in it unlike most the other programmes I'm watching at the moment. Also, my Dad likes American Chopper too so that makes two of us.
Watched an excellent documentary on the story of how evolution theory has developed over the last 150 years, shown last night on BBC Four (and available to people in the UK on iPlayer here) called "What Darwin Didn't Know". It was a comprehensive film, 90 minutes long, but was surprisingly engaging and as such it wasn't the yawn-fest I feared it might be.

Unlike the recent documentary series on Darwin by Richard Dawkins, this film avoided the creationism debate altogether, focusing entirely on how the theory of evolution has developed and responded to the numerous legitimate scientific problems it has faced since the publication of "On The Origin Of Species" (whose leather-bound copy of which our narrator (Armand Marie Leroi) handles lovingly and quotes respectfully from, like a church minister with a precious Bible...)

Great stuff, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone interested in evolution theory... it gave me an even greater respect for the magnitude of Darwin's discovery, since it put the subject into a historical context. It also left me with an appreciation of how the subject itself has grown from the initial seeds planted by Darwin and those who came before, during and after his work.
Just watched Top Gear, The episode where Captain slow gets a driving lesson by Mika Hakkinen in Finland. Also, The Veyron goes around there track, and it's not quickest. I'd imagine that in Australia we're a bit behind the rest of the world.
Yes, yes you are...

My Dexter blu-ray showed up, so watching that now, probably will have a mini marathon tomorrow, since everyone seems to be enjoying it.

I also need to play catch up on House and The Office soon...