What are you watching?

  • Thread starter Blackbird.
Right now-> Anime related:

Mahō Sensei Negima! ~Shiroki Tsubasa Ala Alba~ OVA 1

Earlier-> Anime related:

Negima!? Ep.25 & 26

I can't believe what BBC Scotland have just done during the League Cup Semi-Final...

They switched channels (from BBC2, back to BBC1, after having switched 30 mins earlier) just after Dundee Utd missed a sudden-death penalty, meaning Celtic could win the match with the very next kick... folks right across Scotland (and many a pub barman) must have been scrambling for their remotes!!
I can't believe what BBC Scotland have just done during the League Cup Semi-Final...

They switched channels (from BBC2, back to BBC1, after having switched 30 mins earlier) just after Dundee Utd missed a sudden-death penalty, meaning Celtic could win the match with the very next kick... folks right across Scotland (and many a pub barman) must have been scrambling for their remotes!!

I guess somebody at the BBC loves Heidi, too. :)
I get it. :)

::remembers the details of the Heidi Bowl debacle::
After the trilogy of so called Resident Evil live action. I went and purchased Resident Evil : Degeneration.
So far, it isn't bad. For those who have played Resident evil 2 will recognize two similar characters. Being Claire Redfield ( the sister of Chris Redfield( Resident evil 1 and 5) and Leon S. Kennedy ( Resident evil 2 and 4). I believe that they did a good job on the recover end of reviving the franchise from the live action. If you did play RE2, somewhere along the film you will see a small tribute to Capcom and the game.
One of the greatest VIDEO OPTION, THE TSUKUBA SUPER LAP 2008:tup: Cant get enough of this one! JAPAN POWER :sly:
Dukes of Hazzard movie (the better one). It just dawned on me while watching...Johnny Knoxville and Sean-William Scott are both in this, and they are both in movies with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Weird? I'd like to think so.
Jim Gaffigan: King Baby

Pretty funny stuff. Typical Jim Gaffigan humor.

Will Ferrell's: You're Welcome America

Will Ferrell has a George W. Bush playing out the major moments of his presidency with humor and satire. It was pretty good, but could have been better. Condoleezza Rice and George W. Bush dancing together was well worth the viewing.
Watching my Robin Williams - Live On Broadway DVD - not just because it's superb, but also because I have no TV at the moment... we had a major power cut in Glasgow this evening, and since then I haven't been able to get any signal from the main aerial... Atleast I know it isn't just me, as I spoke to a neighbour earlier. Was pretty weird, I was walking home and the traffic lights were all down - but it was only when I got to the supermarket and the place was dark that I realised that the power was out everywhere! Was a bit disturbed though, since you couldn't buy anything - you couldn't even pop into the pub and ride it out over a nice pint... so I went home and watched stuff on my iPod :D
you couldn't even pop into the pub and ride it out over a nice pint... so I went home and watched stuff on my iPod :D
Really? The last two times we've had major power outages I did just that. I had to pay in cash or use old school credit card swiping things, but the beer in the tap was still cold. They had no pizza, but I managed to deal with it just fine.
Watching the Fantastic Four (2005) on tv. Does anybody know where they filmed the dirt bike jump scene? I could swear it's the HHH Metrodome in Minneapolis, but I can't find any info about it, nor is it mentioned on IMDB. Plus, I don't know of any other stadiums with the same roof as the 'Dome.
The Wicker Man is coming on the TV tonight at 10 (ITV4, UK), so I might have to try and stay awake for that... I love it, it's totally barking...
Meet The Fockers on BBC Three


Now im watching 'The Mentalist' on Five
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Bride Wars. My wife rented it on Blu-Ray so I can't even escape into video games. I'm contemplating digging my eyes out with an ink pen, assuming I don't go insane first.
I just finished off watching Battlestar Galactica and quite enjoyed it. Now watching through Life. Not a bad show so far being 5 episodes in. Unfortunate that it looks to be canned.
Was watching Round 2 of the Indy 500 Time Trials earlier today where they filled up spots 12 - 22.