What Are You Working On/Doing Right Now? (General)

  • Thread starter superberkut
Watching NASCAR and trying to work up the energy to finish off my history essay after getting back from Scout camp.
Just finished applying for 3 jobs so I hope I do well! :)

Nice, Goodluck.

I'm studying for 2 midterms this Thursday. Only 210 more powerpoint slides to go... And then start over. I'm taking a "metal break" right now :)
Wondering what would happen if god was a woman. So far, i've concluded that the earth would be a cleaner place.
Just finished making a rotating pedestal for displaying my figurines, Hot Wheels or anything that fits.


Higher quality - 2.46mb

Spinning pedestal at work
A closer view on the gears
The gearing of the thing. The mechanic structure is made of K'nex and the base is a pizza pan turned upside down.
Following a (rather boring) Metallurgy I lecture. And thinking i'm not going to survive, after remembering I also have Industrial IT (basicly, typing equations and creating basic scripts on MATLAB)
Playing Civilization 4 - Beyond the Sword.

Your Navy SEAL has died trying to attack a Barbarian Archer! -_-
Playing Civilization 4 - Beyond the Sword.

Your Navy SEAL has died trying to attack a Barbarian Archer! -_-

That makes no sense. I'm currently doing a...

Assignment - You Teach the Class

In an effort to engage the class in a more hands-on approach, I have decided to assign specific chapters to groups of students to present to the class.​

Read the details here...
1. Students will be assigned groups that they will work together to complete this assignment.
2. Students will be required to read and produce an electronic fill-in-the-blank note (as a student handout, similar to what has been given to you recently) overview of their chapter. An electronic copy with the blanks completed will also be submitted to the teacher.
3. All of your assigned chapter ICE questions must be FULLY answered and submitted to the teacher.
4. Students will produce a list of the Important Terms and a completed list of the Important Terms.
5. Students will produce 25 high quality multiple choice questions to be submitted by their group covering their entire chapter.
6. Students will also be required to produce 25 high quality fill-in-the blank questions to be submitted that cover the entire chapter.
7. Students will also be required to produce 25 high quality short answer questions to be submitted that cover the entire chapter.
8. Students will also be required to produce 25 high quality matching questions to be submitted that cover the entire chapter.
9. Students will each present at least one section of their chapter to the class.

Due Date: - Friday, November 11, beginning of class.
This applies to all students, all chapters, and even if you are absent. If you are absent, I need to know ahead of time, or it had better be in my Inbox! A mark of zero may be assigned after this point.

Look For’s
• I will be looking to see that each student can reasonably read through a section of the text and paraphrase what their section is about. Copying word–for–word will result in lower or possibly zero marks.
• I will be looking to see that the information has been presented in proper sentence format, proper grammar, proper spelling, capitals where necessary, proper punctuation, proper formatting, and visually correct layout. I will take off a high percentage of marks for these mistakes.
• Multiple choice, FITB, short answer questions and ICE answers must be meaningful and include as many of the Important Terms as possible.
• I am especially concerned with the quality of the questions that will be submitted! You MUST follow the format that will be given to you regarding the layout of the submitted work.
• You will be part of a group. Everyone has different strengths. If someone in your group is a strong proof-reader, then ask them to review your work. This means that you will have to make up your effort somewhere else. Example – create more review questions.
• Page setup. Margins – Top, Bottom, Left and Right 0.75, Times New Roman 12, Bolded Titles
• Multiple choice questions, use numbered list 1 - 25 and small letters a. to e. One space between questions.
Making a helpsheet about word order and tense formation in English for the Year 10 class.
<I'm making both a description and a story about that pony. I got to be careful to not make it not look like a Dreams and Nighrmares rip-off.
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Getting ready to make breakfast, watching SVP show on Espnnews... relaxing.. on my semi-day off.
Thanks mate, and oh - definitely! :D

Now comes the most boring part... Washing all the dishes. :P

Well if you used that many dishes just to cook a scrambled egg, then it may not be such a big feat. :P
I have to write a Practice essay for English :grumpy: Thank goodness it was only the Intro, Body 1, and Planning. This was the second assigned one to prepare for the District Essay next week. And what was cool today at school was that my English teacher loved my 1st essay so much, she wanted to keep it, so wish granted :D
I'm adding articles to my site. Got 3 new editorials to submit today. That should keep me busy for an hour or so.
Link? Or would it be in Chinese?

It's in English, but still under construction or else I'd link it. Watch this space.

I think most people would avoid the link though because of the Wham Xmas song, they'd think it was a trap.
That makes no sense.

I was referring to the crappy combat of the game, where Classical/Medieval Era units would often beat Industrial/Modern age units, for example Tanks. And then you have Montezuma's unit stacks...
I have two university modules to do during my year abroad because I have to make up credits so I can do single honours German next year and finally drop business. 3 essays in 'Divided Germany' and I'm also doing Dutch II, having done Dutch I last year.

Essay #1:

Drawing on at least three stories from your dossier discuss the effectiveness of the
short story as a tool for Germans after 1945 to understand the legacy of the years under National Socialism.

I have two university modules to do during my year abroad because I have to make up credits so I can do single honours German next year and finally drop business. 3 essays in 'Divided Germany' and I'm also doing Dutch II, having done Dutch I last year.

Essay #1:

Drawing on at least three stories from your dossier discuss the effectiveness of the
short story as a tool for Germans after 1945 to understand the legacy of the years under National Socialism.

Good luck!