By ear phones do you mean ear buds Skyth? Because I find music sounds better with ear buds (once you get over the fact that you have an object covered in silicone in your ear canal). Though that is just my opinion. I am currently thinking about what I am going today. It is my sister's birthday, so I'm considering playing 'Happy Birthday' with my guitar. I am also just relaxing, as the caffeine from the cola I drank slowly leaves my system. It's been a fun day. The weather forecast says it's going to be sunny, so I'll play street hockey for some of the day. I want to be a better person physically, as well as socially, so I need to be more active.
Happy 4am! I have Sony earbuds, they're designed so that only you hear what's coming out of them, hard to explain this. The parts that go in the ear are on an angle so that you can't mix up left and right side, and part of the earbud that doesn't go in the ear canal goes right into the ear. So you can't hear the people around you, and they can't hear your music. Avoids embarrassment when that one song you like that a guy shouldn't like comes on.
W3HSFounding my own philosophy based on Buddhism. I plan to harness the flow of energy in the universe and teach my philosophy to others to in enlighten them.
I'm also making road safety campaign posters because Chinese drivers are intent on killing me and I'd like to politely remind them that they actually have eyes so should use them.
No youtube and no tinypic make Shem something something.Me no viewy picture either.
North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) public awareness commercials for the last few years has been a talking orange (yes, the kind you eat and yes, orange is also symbolism for traffic cones). Said orange's slogan at the end is "The orange says slooooow down."I'm going to assume it's something along the lines of road rage done in bad taste?
Can not be unseen.
I have just done something so utterly brilliant that it isn't considered brilliant! My room has gone through a transformation, in a quest to see the floor. But suddenly some weird grey soft stuff appeared.
Yes I'm aware that there is a cord running across the floor, but I have to, otherwise I can't use the internet. And while I was at it I even cleaned the desk.
That's like my room. I have an extension cord running across my room so I can maximize that amount of space in the middle of my room. My room has that grey carpet too. Except mine is bigger . I don't like to brag
I have 2 little assignments to do today for accounting. Forms of payment and notes receivable. How simple, how fun.