What causes cars to lose PP after modifications or alterations redering them unuseable in the game?

  • Thread starter SgtFury
What causes cars to lose PP and unusable in racing challenges? It's happened to 3 cars now and want to know if they are lost causes now?
I'm not totally sure I follow the question. How can a car become unusable by losing PP?

There's not - off the top of my head - any races with a minimum PP, only some with a maximum PP, so this isn't something that should occur.
I'm not totally sure I follow the question. How can a car become unusable by losing PP?

There's not - off the top of my head - any races with a minimum PP, only some with a maximum PP, so this isn't something that should occur.
I made modifications to 3 of my cars and the PP disappeared completely. I have a warning triangle with exclamation point in it next to PP . No PP assigned and cars can't be used. One happened after engine swap and the others where after regular changes to racing components under tuning. Sucks to lose them
I made modifications to 3 of my cars and the PP disappeared completely. I have a warning triangle with exclamation point in it next to PP . No PP assigned and cars can't be used. One happened after engine swap and the others where after regular changes to racing components under tuning. Sucks to lose them
Ah, I see.

The ⚠️ means that the car's performance can no longer be simulated, so it's not possible to determine a Performance Point value.

Generally this could be down to overly sticky tyres or weird suspension settings (particularly too low or stiff), but I recall it could also happen previously with mad gearbox settings - basically making the car undrivable for the simulation.

Engine swaps, particularly very powerful ones on old cars, can generate it too as they can suddenly overwhelm the tyres or suspension, so replacing tyres with less grippy items or reverting suspension to Sports should fix it.
Ah, I see.

The ⚠️ means that the car's performance can no longer be simulated, so it's not possible to determine a Performance Point value.

Generally this could be down to overly sticky tyres or weird suspension settings (particularly too low or stiff), but I recall it could also happen previously with mad gearbox settings - basically making the car undrivable for the simulation.

Engine swaps, particularly very powerful ones on old cars, can generate it too as they can suddenly overwhelm the tyres or suspension, so replacing tyres with less grippy items or reverting suspension to Sports should fix it.
Thank you. I will try that
Ah, I see.

The ⚠️ means that the car's performance can no longer be simulated, so it's not possible to determine a Performance Point value.

Generally this could be down to overly sticky tyres or weird suspension settings (particularly too low or stiff), but I recall it could also happen previously with mad gearbox settings - basically making the car undrivable for the simulation.

Engine swaps, particularly very powerful ones on old cars, can generate it too as they can suddenly overwhelm the tyres or suspension, so replacing tyres with less grippy items or reverting suspension to Sports should fix it.
That fixed it. Simply changing tires and some spring rates corrected issues thank you very much
That fixed it. Simply changing tires and some spring rates corrected issues thank you very much
As far as im aware altering spring rates,ride height,natural frequency and other suspension settings doesnt affect PP anymore.They used to, you could have some weird and wacky suspension settings to fool the PP system but PD fixed it, the Tomahawk was one such vehicle that was glitched.There were others but the Tomahawk was the go to car for grinding for credits`back in the day`,they didnt fix it straight away either. 👍
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