What did you do in GT7 today?

  • Thread starter Harley45
Today I..

Bought my 21st 22nd and 23rd McLaren F1 94.:sly:
Also Bought my 5th Porsche 917.:sly:

And I'm dead broke again.:lol:
Daffy Duck No GIF by Looney Tunes
I made a start on the Master IB license tests - the first two are super easy and I golded them on the first attempt.

IB-4 at Suzuka was trickier, but I used the 'restart' trick after about 20-25 attempts and golded it first attempt on a restart...


I had by closest and best race at Spa just now.

I wanted a closer race than I usually get, so I swapped my Spa grind car (Lexus RC F GT500) for a Gr.3 car - appropriately enough the #98 ROWE BMW M4 (well, M6 GT3 in the game) that won the Spa 24h for real this year. I tuned it up to 780 PP, but it was immediately clear that it was going to be a tall order to win.

However, somehow I managed to win by just 1.6s.

My first stint was on RS tyres and I was as quick as the leaders, but the tyres only last 4 laps. Changing to RH put me near the back and slower than the AI. Then the rain came and saved my bacon - I went from P19 to P2 in one lap, but the leader was still a good distance ahead. As the track dried out, I had to come in for RH tyres at just the right moment, but found myself stuck in P3 and 45s off the lead. However, I was making good progress, but realised that I would likely not catch the leaders if I stayed on lean fuel and tried to take the car to the end without another stop.

So I gambled and went on FM1, and figured I could pit and take on RS tyres for the last 4 laps. Crucially, I only needed to take on 2 laps of fuel and the race had around 7 mins left to go when I pitted, which meant that there would be 4 more laps, not 3. The AI was 25s ahead as I came out of the pits but my choice of tyre paid off and I caught the leader just as the clock ticked down to zero on the final lap. I stayed ahead to claim the closest win I've ever had at Spa.

It was nerve-wracking, and I don't think I will try it again any time soon, even though it was enormous fun.
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Hello everyone and welcome back on "What did Pesselles do in GT7 this morning?" :D

1. Golded the 3rd sector on CE Lake Louise. Video shared on my profile ;) Dumb I am, I've forgot the final lap... :dunce:

2. Golded IB licence tests except IB-4 (NXS on Suzuka) and IB-5 (LFA in Watkins Glen) still in silver :banghead:

3. Started to gold IA licence tests. Things are getting serious here :nervous:

Hello everyone and welcome back on "What did Pesselles do in GT7 this afternoon?" :D

1. Golded the 3 first IA licence tests. And yes, the level is definitely EXPERT here as I needed 100 kms to get the gold with the Corvette C1 (video shared). I'm already in panic to test the final on the Green Hell with the Porsche 962... :( As I understood, we win the car in the final test when we get all the licence tests in gold, right?

2. Only because I need it for the stats, I've completed my 1st Dirty Champions race (Sardegna) after 3 attemps. Still 2 to complete. Oh God, I don't like these rally races... :yuck:

3. Didn't tried to improve my scores on the TTs but I should have... :rolleyes:

Good evening / afternoon / morning 👋
IB-4 at Suzuka was trickier, but I used the 'restart' trick after about 20-25 attempts and golded it first attempt on a restart...
What, wait, what is the 'restart' trick you're talking about?

(sorry for the double post but I really don't know how to edit my previous message to add yours in....)
What, wait, what is the 'restart' trick you're talking about?

(sorry for the double post but I really don't know how to edit my previous message to add yours in....)
By 'restart' I mean you quit out of a test and try again, instead of using 'Retry'.

I'm probably waffling though - the sky looks different in different attempts, but it probably doesn't have any effect in license tests.
Today i golden the rest two sectors in Barcelona with the middle one proved hard due to that twichy labo.
Now is left only the lap that i miss for few thousands 😵
The rest of the hour was testing XJ220 at La Sarthe in various settings and versions that help me to find the " trick " for 3 laps on AT gears without the need of MT and short shifting.
I just kept the stock gear box on .
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By 'restart' I mean you quit out of a test and try again, instead of using 'Retry'.

I'm probably waffling though - the sky looks different in different attempts, but it probably doesn't have any effect in license tests.
ok thanks for the explanation :)
I'm not sure there's a positive impact but who knows? And I'm happy it worked for you.
Today I completed WTC 700 with :
  • Mount Panorama
  • Autopolis
  • Laguna Seca
  • Brands Hatch

Got a 3* ticket for DW, which handed me another car... I can't believe it, now that I have nearly every car except some from LCD, 3 and 4* keep giving me cars (that I have of course). But hey that's better than 5k and sometimes better than 10 or 30k.

Gran Turismo™ 7_20231210193743.jpg
Working on the last few super licenses. S-9 is killing me. I golded the full lap trial mountain circuit experience, rather easily I thought. The S-9 super license is another story altogether. I know where I am losing time...the mid-section curves and that last left before the long run into the finish. I am TC 0, all other assists off except ABS. I fiddled with the haptics (off) but don't think it made a difference. My best lab is 1.23.063, the gold is 1.22.800. I have not broken 1.23 yet. Any advice would be appreciated, except the "git gud".
Yesterday only had time for menu book 17, the Trial Mountain Championship. Won the first race but crashed a lot on the reverse layout.

Today I did menu book 18 to unlock Kyoto Driving Park.
Then did the Circuit Experience on Yamagiwa there. Golded the sectors but didn't gold the full lap yet before calling it quits for today.
That should help with the current TT.
Did menu books up to 23.
Had to tune my R32 Skyline to beat the Asia Pacific Championship. Not knowing some tracks doesn't help.
Finished golding the Circuit Experience at Kyoto Yamagiwa.
Then tried my hand at the time trial there but only managed a bronze time so far. Many deceptive corners that can be taken at way more speed than I dare right now.
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Bought an ‘02 RX-7 to use the carbon driveshaft and an Ultra HS turbo I had in my parts bin. Ran LeMans with it. Ran some TT’s, no improvement. Finished up the CE at LeMans. Ran the Chili race at Suzuka, finished second again.
I went back to the Sarthe half of the old Sarthe/Sardegna grind. On the Plus account, it was with the Nissan GT-R Gr.B Rally Car tuned for the Clubman Cup Plus 700 PP events, and despite it eating tires (3 laps maximum on the RMs as part of the tune), fuel (needs some fuel saving to make it 3 laps), and a misread of the radar leading me to pit for intermediates and make it a 3-stop race, I had to coast on lap 7 to avoid an 8-lap run because the car will do sub-4:00 laps.

The cashless 4-star ticket gave a racing crank shaft. Fortunately, it was for a car for which I could still use it.

On the GTP account, since I still have the Chevrolet Corvette Gr.4 from the Manufacturers Cup, I used that for a drenched 6-lap laugher. The 4-star ticket gave an ultra-high RPM, again for a car for which I could still use it.
Did some tommy time trials around Tsukuba with an RCF Lexus '14 and a Honda FIT, collected about 250k in base pay then got my ticket, a 4-star with 10k prize. Woohoo /s

I also 'collected' my Christmas/eSports finale prizes.
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Won the Autopolis endurance race .... .. used a Cappuccino tuned with low rpm turbo , one stop and lapped entire field ... one of my best ever races . 😁...
YEAH good job!! As I remember, it's not an easy race, as the others cars are "naughties".
I bought 5 Porsche 917 as well! I'm skint as well.
Except "Billionaire" which i can understand 😂 , personally i see no reasons to buy a lot of heavy price race cars .
I can understand road cars that can take permanent modifications that can't be undone but race cars with 20 million or so it's a " heavy " sport at least for me .
Back to the grind. Did LeSarthe in 918 I won from the time trial. Just put RH and used power restrictor, ballast to get to 700pp. Got a 4 star ticket. Started the German 900 PP race but didn't finish because I got sleepy. Also I sold the 2+4 even though it lost like 100k cr value as it went from 444k cr to 331k cr or something close to that
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