What don't you like about GTS? From the beta

  • Thread starter diesel97
No idea, but i suspect P2P, however what I care about is the end result.

AC is fine online (as is Pcars), GTS for me is like racing against a time traveling car which has no idea where it should be at any given second.
Serious question, do you ever race in full rooms (club racing maybe?) in AC like in GTS Beta? I never see any even close to full, this was just now, I mean 26 people world wide can't be to hard to handle, can it? Just wondering if it's a fair comparison, PCars I have no idea about as I haven't played in ages.
Assetto Corsa.jpg
Serious question, do you ever race in full rooms (club racing maybe?) in AC like in GTS Beta? I never see any even close to full, this was just now, I mean 26 people world wide can't be to hard to handle, can it? Just wondering if it's a fair comparison, PCars I have no idea about as I haven't played in ages.
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I ran in a four lap GT3 race at the 'ring last night (Endurance layout) with nine others, my GTS races have averaged 10 to 16 people per race, so its pretty much on a par.

Again in terms of the total numbers, that's to my mind not that much of a factor. If PD want to go with dedicated servers then they need to be able to handle the traffic (its a choice they are making). I've been in enough Betas that when bandwidth, etc gets to be an issue they tweak the back end to fix it as part of the Beta. This I've not experienced at all with the GTS beta.

Keep in mind that the vast majority of users will not care how many people are burdening the system, how he connection is managed, etc. All they will care about is what the end result is like, and right now GTS is behind a developer with less than 20 people on its team. Unless they sort this, the aim of it being a eSport title is going to be massively undermined.
I ran in a four lap GT3 race at the 'ring last night (Endurance layout) with nine others, my GTS races have averaged 10 to 16 people per race, so its pretty much on a par.

Again in terms of the total numbers, that's to my mind not that much of a factor. If PD want to go with dedicated servers then they need to be able to handle the traffic (its a choice they are making). I've been in enough Betas that when bandwidth, etc gets to be an issue they tweak the back end to fix it as part of the Beta. This I've not experienced at all with the GTS beta.

Keep in mind that the vast majority of users will not care how many people are burdening the system, how he connection is managed, etc. All they will care about is what the end result is like, and right now GTS is behind a developer with less than 20 people on its team. Unless they sort this, the aim of it being a eSport title is going to be massively undermined.
I would count myself as one of those vast majority you speak of who don't care if it takes 20 or 2000 people, just make it work. I thought numbers would make a difference, less people=less load and so on, but I also know squat about these things:)

As for what I don't like about the Beta..... I don't have it :banghead:
I wanted to say that I am happy to someone else experience GTS the same way and shares my negative points. I agree with you also that is saddening. I really hoped GTS BETA would pull me back in but it has failed to do so. I wanted GTS to be good, to retake the crown of console racing but it has been overtaken on all sides. I am under the impression Gran Turismo is lost, very lost!

Yesterday I showed my wife the game. Hadn't talked about it with her and I simply wanted to know what she thought of it. The first thing she said is that it is well presented. Second thing she said is that the graphics when playing look basic, empty and lifeless and that the sounds are like lawnmowers. This comes from someone who is very casual towards games. I thought maybe I was to negative but she simply confirmed my thoughts.

I share your thoughts on being dull because it really is. I played this morning to get the extra car, a GT4 GTR and I thought come on take it out on a ride since you haven't driven a 4WD. Did 2 laps and shut it off. I really wonder why this game takes so long to develop because well..you know
I played some more on monday evening, mainly to do my part in the stress test of the servers. Surprisingly, I had some really nice clean racing and even managed to get a win. I enjoyed those (six) races I did, but my main concerns still remain. Maybe be the game will grow on me as time goes by as it has great potential but as of right now I'm scratching my head and asking myself why the game has been taking so long to get to this point.
What i don't like about the game is the daily events strict timing.
Like many other people i work in shifts, weekends included. So far i was only able to do one race!! This absolutely sucks, this game is not made fair towards the working people as far as i can tell.
Not sure if others have experienced it, but I've noticed significant frame rate dips at Brands Hatch, specifically at Druids with multiple cars on screen. There's no way for me to accurately measure it, but if I had to guess, it easily chops in half from the usual 60.

Thankfully, I don't notice it elsewhere very much, but it's still quite jarring.

Another issue is the complete lack of consistency with the hood/roof cam. It varies from car to car, but it means looking back in the Mustang Gr.4 gives you a view of the roof antennas, while the N300 Focus hilariously fills the screen with your driver and the dashboard.
What i don't like about the game is the daily events strict timing.
Like many other people i work in shifts, weekends included. So far i was only able to do one race!! This absolutely sucks, this game is not made fair towards the working people as far as i can tell.
The only reason its so strict at the moment is so then can ensure they get the maximum number of people racing at the same time. Remember that is the whole point of this beta, to stress test their server infrastructure. It won't be like this at retail release.
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The one thing that is growing to annoy me is the online ghosting system, it's totally unpredictable.

  • One race I had three guys dive bomb me, ghost and crash off.
  • Another race a guy was going slowly and just ghosted offline and I drove through him.
  • A guy in front of me smashes into the chicane at Dragon, comes to a stop and instead of him ghosting I smash into the back of him, only to be slowed down, so someone else can ghost right though me
I see so many battles for position where the cars just ghost for no reason and then the on track battle turns into a mini time trial..
For those saying that they find lacks in the game, especially with car models (everyone wants to see more) just remember that the game is still in progress and that you are testing the BETA version of it.
I really do wonder if PD will change much according to the user feedback which is left on their forum now. They didn't seem to bother with it for many years hence that's also why the game has remained in a sort of stalemate IMO.

My guess is that you will see small tweaks to improve online stability and the SR system yes (which is an actual necessity), but most other gameplay related issues will just remain for the full game when it arrives.

Then again I got a rep for being a negative Nancy when it concerns PD :P.
The one thing that is growing to annoy me is the online ghosting system, it's totally unpredictable.

  • One race I had three guys dive bomb me, ghost and crash off.
  • Another race a guy was going slowly and just ghosted offline and I drove through him.
  • A guy in front of me smashes into the chicane at Dragon, comes to a stop and instead of him ghosting I smash into the back of him, only to be slowed down, so someone else can ghost right though me
I see so many battles for position where the cars just ghost for no reason and then the on track battle turns into a mini time trial..

Agree. not sure if already discussed? I think that classe E, D will have ghosting and e.g. C,B and higher none ghosting. At least that's what I hope for.
Agree. not sure if already discussed? I think that classe E, D will have ghosting and e.g. C,B and higher none ghosting. At least that's what I hope for.

I've been trying to do as many races as I can, but it's a long way to get to C from D haha I hope the beta lasts long enough for me to find out !
This is a post adapted from another thread but probably even more relevant to this one.

I have a Thrustmaster T300, Shifter and upgraded pedals in my rig. I've tried GT Sport beta on that setup tonight and previous nights on the DS4.

With a DS4 controller

I do still use the controller 30 percent of the time in racing games. From what I've seen in my opinion the GT Sport beta is not worth playing on controller for me. Controller input and feedback is much better and more engaging on Project Cars 1 (once set up better than the controller defaults), Assetto Corsa (ditto) and Dirt Rally.

Hopefully things improve but the driving physics and car handling still feel a long way behind what I'm used to at least on what I can tell on controller.

With a Wheel

My H pattern gear stick isn't supported.

I've just driven the Seaside track in the Megane and Nordschleife in the RS01 and I'm afraid there's nothing better about using the wheel despite playing around with the FFB settings. I went and drove the RS01 @ Nordschleife in PCARS1 and even a fiat 500 @ Nordschleife in Assetto Corsa. It's like chalk and cheese. If it stays like this I will probably still get GT Sport but only for the photo mode and not the driving (or the sounds). Of course this is only a beta... but I'll be sticking to the above listed for a closer simulation for proper driving. I'm quite disappointed to feel or hear so little progress.


I'm underwhelmed by the sounds of the cars I've got.

I can't comment on the racing features of GTS as I've been unable to race at the restricted times so have only done the race qualifying.

The 30fps replay clips are horribly jarring straight after racing and when intercut with 60fps action as they regularly are. Shame as they're visually beautiful.
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I would say that's a good thing. I've returned AC after two days because it was more pain than fun on the DS4.
well until i found the proper ds4 settings for those two games ,i had thought i wasted my money .

it will be interesting to see what the masses end up thinking of this game when released .

-The way you move around the main menu. This is not a mouse and keyboard game. The cursor should snap onto each option, not move around freely.
-Cameras are too stiff.

plug a mouse in the USB, you'll be surprised..

What i don't like about the game is the daily events strict timing.
Like many other people i work in shifts, weekends included. So far i was only able to do one race!! This absolutely sucks, this game is not made fair towards the working people as far as i can tell.

Did you read the Beta Agreement? You Agreed to make yourself available at the times the events are run,
so if you can't be available, then you shouldn't have Signed up and Agreed to it.
I suppose, most people didn't read it either..
But the Idea of the Beta is to Stress test the Servers and On-line play. They Have to watch them Live, so they schedule the events around Their Work Schedule.

Poor H-shifter. After playing Project Cars I realize how good their clutch model is compared to PD's. Come on PD, get on the stick!

This is a Beta, with Limited Input devise, Just to allow players to get on-line and Stress Test the Servers.
It's not Intended for you to actually GAME with it...
A simplified version, so you can Take part in the Limited events, so they can Test the On-line servers.
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I don't like being punished for coming off the track by mistake with lowered sportsmanship. What? I can't make a mistake ever?, it happens. My sportsmanship is a 1 and I am a clean racer. I also can't help that people don't know how to brake for a corner than hit me an I get punished for that too with a lower sportsmanship. Needs tweaking.
This is a Beta, with Limited Input devise, Just to allow players to get on-line and Stress Test the Servers.
It's not Intended for you to actually GAME with it...
A simplified version, so you can Take part in the Limited events, so they can Test the On-line servers.

Sure thing! Somewhere in these threads I said the same exact thing three or four times but thanks for the reminder.
I don't like being punished for coming off the track by mistake with lowered sportsmanship. What? I can't make a mistake ever?, it happens. My sportsmanship is a 1 and I am a clean racer. I also can't help that people don't know how to brake for a corner than hit me an I get punished for that too with a lower sportsmanship. Needs tweaking.

1 SR? Are you sure that's not 10? I've never lost points in a race. I've gone though races without gaining SR but most of the time I gain points.

Last evening I was in a race at Dragon without any GT-R's in it. We all therefore launched at the same time. 18 cars all arrived at turn 2 at the same time. If max mechanical damage was on no-one would have made turn 3. I can't remember how many cars hit me or ghosted though me or how many I ghosted though.

I stayed on the track at all times though and at the checkpoint I saw a SR blue arrow.
I agree, penalising every little stumble off the track isn't good. Really it's only fair when you also get a "slow down" penalty for cutting a corner. And it's just an insult when you're wallowing in gravel! I'd be at least 10 pts higher in SR without that, and it would be a fairer representation of how I behave on track.

Rubbing is racing, but forcing someone off track should be detectable somehow. Needs work.
Traction Control doesn't work as it should, I suppose. I don't like it.
I think the problem is not the traction control, it's the trigger range with the DS4....and DS3 before it.
I can't really control the throttle with such a small range. In FM6 the range is larger with the xbox one controller so it's easier to correct oversteer even with tcs off.

On the other hand, steering is a lot more precise with DS4 sticks.
They Have to watch them Live, so they schedule the events around Their Work Schedule.
Citation needed. Why do they have to watch them live?

I can access load data for customer facing servers for historic data going back as long as they have been in place, I can do it from any location with an internet connection, at any time of the day or night.

They don't have to do so at all

This is a Beta, with Limited Input devise, Just to allow players to get on-line and Stress Test the Servers.
It's not Intended for you to actually GAME with it...
A simplified version, so you can Take part in the Limited events, so they can Test the On-line servers.
Again citation needed.

The main point of the beta is indeed to stress test the servers, but its not the only point of it at all, and how various controller inputs respond is a fairly major part of every beta I've been involved in (which is a far few as a Sony Beta tester).

I think the problem is not the traction control, it's the trigger range with the DS4....and DS3 before it.
I can't really control the throttle with such a small range. In FM6 the range is larger with the xbox one controller so it's easier to correct oversteer even with tcs off.

On the other hand, steering is a lot more precise with DS4 sticks.
I use a wheel and have also given GTS a go with a DS4. I would have to agree with those saying the TC is being quite odd at times.