What exactly is so shameful about using Racing Soft tires?

  • Thread starter JLawrence
I still think it's a bit silly to argue about this "proof". Even if it was the case that every single detail of the physics, the car and the track was modelled to perfection; does anyone seriously believe that any GTPlanet driver (no offense to stotty or anyone else) is even close to Ito in terms of ability? I mean look at the second place qualifier at that race: #32 1'50.583, a time Stotty has already said he thinks he can manage, or the slowest #100 NSX at 1'51.513 which is a middle of the pack time. As I've already said, I'm .5 off that time! It would be absurd to claim I'm middle of the pack of the fastest ever qualifier in SuperGT at Suzuka, if I was I'd be in Japan right now making big bucks instead of at home typing on my laptop.

Besides, who's to say the cars are even modeled after the 2007 performance? In game the cars say '06, but in 2006 the qualifier was wet so can't really compare times. In '08 the times where much slower, and in '03 (where apparently the in-game cars are even faster) the qualifying times where *seconds* slower.
Yeah, it doesn't prove anything in particular as there are so many variables that aren't necessarily accurate in the game... but it's a good challenge trying, and with PSN down it's nice to find something to chase down :)

And although I don't claim to be anywhere near Ito's ability in a real car, I am a fairly handy driver with quite a bit of real life experience (I've driven a Formula Palmer Audi single seater for example... >250bhp and c.600kg, slicks). And in the game you don't have any self preservation worries, so it's much easier to find the absolute limit than in real life.
It's actually quite common to brake real life records in games. I don't think there is even one real life Nürburgring record that hasn't been beaten by players here inside the game. So it's rather unusual that the real life GT500 record hasn't been beaten on regular basis within GT5.
Tried the Xanavi NISMO GTR '08.

With 518bhp, ran a 51.8.

Much easier to drive than the NSX... more front end grip, better traction, but still miles off the record.
Just for laughs today, I tried out the Xanavi GTR at Suzuka (1:52,2) and Trial Mountain (1:16.5). I took the rear and set the spring rate to 20 and the bound/rebound to 9/10 and ARB to 7. I then varied the front suspension from the same setting all the way down to the minimum of 11 with B/R at 4/5 and ARB and it surprisingly made very little difference in the handling in practice mode. I expected it to be undrivable with those extreme settings but it was very well behaved.

I moved the front and rear settings up and down in height all over the place and noticed very little difference in feel and in lap times, if any, most of the time. That doesn't mean it makes no difference online because I suspect that almost nothing makes a difference in practice mode.

I'll try it out again online (remember that anyone?) and see what happens. I'm curious to see if it works to change the front height and I would use any little advantage I can get.

EDIT...oops sorry posted this in the wrong thread...
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Nürburgring Nordschleife, there are a couple of places where you have the opportunity to go FULL THROTLE (speed) and have you back end stepping out, e.g. Schwedenkreuz, Kesselchen, Pflanzgarten..

What are you on about? I dont use aids and use a wheel... Are you really that dense? "FULL speed" was just an exaggeration to get my point across... Get off your high horse.

Full speed and full throttle are completely different things.
No I don't sit on any high horse, I sit on the chair of correction.
The tires are no cheats! In fact should have always been your option. In reality it is just how much you can afford for your tires and how soon they wear out. Just that!
I use racing softs on all my cars, i find it suits my driving style & i know where the limit is with them.

When you get more Cr go buy Comf.Soft/Hard and Sports.Soft/Hard and Race.Hard.
I care little for Medium tires (yet) but I always buy those 6 tires for all my cars.
You never know when it's drift/race/challenge time:)

EDIT: I can't believe I have posted 500 times in this forum. :D
there were some cars i thought to be undrivable with RS fitted but since psn has been down I have been trying tunes from the tuning forum and MY GOD was i wrong, Mclaren F1 which was too snappy with my guess at a tune and RS so I ran SS on that car thinking it was rubbish. I tried RKM tune and it was transformed into an LMP1/group C competitor with an absurd amount of grip with RS, so planted so stable so quick. I am addicted to RS on this car, did a 1:02 around rome during a euro race in extreme series, thats bloody fast for me in a roadcar and its all down to the amazing tune.
Full speed and full throttle are completely different things.
No I don't sit on any high horse, I sit on the chair of correction.

As stated it was a figure of speech to get my point across.. Or do I have to be precise and specific for you to understand... I love the ignore list... Welcome to mine ;)
there were some cars i thought to be undrivable with RS fitted but since psn has been down I have been trying tunes from the tuning forum and MY GOD was i wrong, Mclaren F1 which was too snappy with my guess at a tune and RS so I ran SS on that car thinking it was rubbish. I tried RKM tune and it was transformed into an LMP1/group C competitor with an absurd amount of grip with RS, so planted so stable so quick. I am addicted to RS on this car, did a 1:02 around rome during a euro race in extreme series, thats bloody fast for me in a roadcar and its all down to the amazing tune.

The RKM tune is definitely a good one, but I think you'll find that the car isn't quite so well behaved online. If you don't race online then it doesn't matter of course.
As stated it was a figure of speech to get my point across.. Or do I have to be precise and specific for you to understand... I love the ignore list... Welcome to mine ;)

Since you won't read this you won't know that the ignore list are for people that can't handle criticism or correct information.
Using the ignore list are for weak people.
lol nice constructive conversation here.

I'm against R-S on the whole, but that is only my opinion, because I find it more fun with a lesser tire.

I don't car what other people use really. If they find it better using a lesser tire they will use that tire.

Or if they just want SPEED, then they will use R-S.

You can restrict it online, so there is no point in complaining.

Please don't get childish now, no reason to make enemies, making friends and helping people is the name of the game. Lets not nit pick people's posts for a small sense of "one-up-manship". We all knew exactly what he meant. Calling him weak when you think he has you on his "ignore list" was also very mature of you.
Has anyone else gone for the Laguna Seca F1 record?
I personally couldn't touch it even with RS tires.

Definitely search, because I'm sure I've seen something about this somewhere. (Though it may have been on another forum?)
If I find something here I'll update.

Since you won't read this you won't know that the ignore list are for people that can't handle criticism or correct information.
Using the ignore list are for weak people.

That's not true. It takes a great deal of strength to just let other people be. Feeling the need to convince others of something can be a real weakness.

OTOH, I usually set people to ignore without telling them. That way they can continue having fun being rude into a void if it gives them joy. ;) And I don't have to waste my time with it. So everyone's happy. I highly recommend it. It's a time saving feature.
Since you won't read this you won't know that the ignore list are for people that can't handle criticism or correct information.
Using the ignore list are for weak people.

Bro, no need for the ill will here... It's just a forum... We'd love to hear your opinion, but in a less testy fashion. Thanks man.

Is that good or bad ? :P

Sounds good enough to me =p

Anyways, I feel like shooting for the F1 record would be a relatively definitive test as to the grip of the RS tires to the Option tires from F1. I've seen a number of people on this thread state that they thought they were a good match, so how about we put it to the test eh?
That's not true. It takes a great deal of strength to just let other people be. Feeling the need to convince others of something can be a real weakness.

OTOH, I usually set people to ignore without telling them. That way they can continue having fun being rude into a void if it gives them joy. ;) And I don't have to waste my time with it. So everyone's happy. I highly recommend it. It's a time saving feature.

Very well said 👍 Now I will post again when I have something relevant to say about the topic at hand :P
That's not true. It takes a great deal of strength to just let other people be. Feeling the need to convince others of something can be a real weakness.

Sigh... I took it way to serious back then I guess:)
Bro, no need for the ill will here... It's just a forum... We'd love to hear your opinion, but in a less testy fashion. Thanks man.
I'll loosen the taste in my comments from now on then.
I went back and saw that my comments where a bit fiery.
I don't think it's necessarily "shameful". My opinion: Putting racing soft tires on a production car makes them more boring to drive, though. They tend to erase a lot of a car's natural handling tendencies, which erases the challenge of driving such cars. I'd rather have a challenge, personally. I only use racing tires if I'm actually driving a car of full-racing caliber.

But if you want to use them on your NSX or whatever, go ahead. :) You won't get any 🤬 from me.

That is false in so many levels. By your logic, you do not tune any of your cars?

Getting back to you late here, but whatever. You are correct. I do plenty of driving and racing with no tuning whatsoever, other than turning off most of the driving aids. Stock parts equipped. I hardly ever tune extensively because the Ai in GT5 is so easy to defeat as things are.

I'm not entirely sure what your point is supposed to be. Even if a car is tuned, swapping tires from comfort to sports to racing can still make a huge difference in that car's handling & maneuverability, even if the actual tune stays the same with each tire upgrade or downgrade.

If you swap comfort tires with racing tires like I have, you'll see what I mean. The racing tires will eliminate most of a car's natural tendencies (some bad, and some good).
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