What Feature Is Your GT6 Purchase Based On?" (A Second Look At Player Satisfaction With GT6)

  • Thread starter SZRT Ice

What Feature Is Most Important In Making Your GT6 Purchase?

  • Livery/Vinyl Editor (A full Livery Editor that allows you to create your own vehicles)

    Votes: 55 32.9%
  • Tracks (Old and new, real and original/fantasy)

    Votes: 61 36.5%
  • Customization (Bodykits, Racing Modifications, Rim Customization)

    Votes: 53 31.7%
  • Sounds (Engine, Tire, Crash, Etc)

    Votes: 39 23.4%
  • Tuning (Tire Pressure/Air Pressure, Tire Width, Rim Size, Engine/Drivetrain Swapping, Nitrous, etc.)

    Votes: 35 21.0%
  • GT6 is Perfect as is, I'm already sold.

    Votes: 14 8.4%
  • I'm a diehard GT fan and self admitted fanboy, and I will get GT6 regardless of it's included or dis

    Votes: 82 49.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I guess I'm in the diehard section. I'm going to buy it because I bought my PS3 to play gran turismo. I'll play the heck out of it because it's got cars I like to drive and tracks I like to drive on.

Been playing GT5 since launch. It's provided me with a hours of entertainment over two years for the price of a decent dinner out. No complaints here.

I'll be buying the DLC as well. Can't wait.
As I said earlier in the thread, I will buy the game used, I don't support corporate control over our culture.

I will also defend the community member who took exception to being nickel and dimed through the DLC model against being called 'ignorant'.
In the Capitalist model, it's the DUTY of the consumer to provide as much RESISTANCE as possible against paying too much for a good or service as much as it's the duty of the business to try and extract as much from the consumer for the delivery of said good or service.
This is the nature of the free market, I'm surprised at all the pro-business and pro-corporate apologists who somehow forget this central tenant of capitalism.

I respect your opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own of course. If their was no market in DLC, meaning nobody bought it, it wouldn't be around. But it is, and it doesn't seem like it's changing anytime soon. I'm not telling you to stop arguing your case though.

Some people maybe are on a limited income, or feel like they are being nickled and dimed. For me DLC is fine because I don't paying out a few bucks for something extra. It's of course, my choice.
I guess I'm in the diehard section. I'm going to buy it because I bought my PS3 to play gran turismo. I'll play the heck out of it because it's got cars I like to drive and tracks I like to drive on.

Been playing GT5 since launch. It's provided me with a hours of entertainment over two years for the price of a decent dinner out. No complaints here.

I'll be buying the DLC as well. Can't wait.

Same exact thing for me too.
I respect your opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own of course. If their was no market in DLC, meaning nobody bought it, it wouldn't be around. But it is, and it doesn't seem like it's changing anytime soon. I'm not telling you to stop arguing your case though.

Some people maybe are on a limited income, or feel like they are being nickled and dimed. For me DLC is fine because I don't paying out a few bucks for something extra. It's of course, my choice.

Well said:tup:👍 If someone isn't going to buy GT because it has DLC, they won't be buying many videogames in the forseeable future either. As always, we have a choice.
I will buy GT6 because it is a GT game and GT is my favorite game overall.

And I will but all DLC because it is DLC for my overall favorite game which will provide me more content for more hours to play my favorite game and not pay for some other games which are not my favorite but I would buy them for the same money if there were no GT6 DLC.

Everyone is Happy™
I honestly do not care if GT6 is not a huge leap forward from GT5 and if it's really more like GT5.5. The matter of the fact is, we've all played GT5 to death and all the new improvements and extra cars, tracks, races and accessories will be very welcome. And if that's not enough to make you buy GT6 at it's release price, why not trade in some older games you hardly play any more and bring the purchase price of GT6 down a bit? That's what I'll be doing.

The only thing I'm strugling with at the moment is trying to find games to "keep me going" until GT6 comes out. At least PD is still releasing Seasonal events for GT5. I wonder how long that will continue for...
Sounds and GT Mode. I'm nowhere near convinced about the former and PD's ability to improve them - at least this console generation. I'll probably just wait for a XL Edition, since they're planning releasing new tracks on a monthly basis, or so they've said.
::snip:: DLC.

In some cases DLC is fair. I believe GT5 handled DLC fairly. The game was in production a good amount of time, and the DLC was likely not able to make it in once the game went gold and was produced afterwards.

However if you've played any of the NFS's including The Run, Hot Pursuit, or Most Wanted (not to include many other games out there), you'll know what I mean about DLC being handled poorly. Some developers are literally giving what feels like half a game and tacking on the DLC after the game release in order to get the "Complete Version". Even GRiD 2 already has over $30 in DLC and it just released. Not cool...

Now in the case of GT6, I have a dilemma. I've already paid for GT5 at least 3x over (Collectors edition, XL edition, Car Pack 2 + 3, Suits, 3 Paint packs, Spa, Racing Car Pack, & Route X), so having these things in GT6 may be cool, but I've already paid for them, so it doesn't feel like such a huge bonus for me and is more or less expected. From what I know, there's new physics (update), a few new cars (15% New Game/ GT5 DLC), and a couple of new tracks (25% New Game/ GT5 DLC), oh and some GPS ghost lapper that only a handful will be capable of using. This equates to me as 30% to maybe 45% of a new game to me, with the rest being either rehashed, updateable, or DLC-able (IMHO mind you).

From what I've seen so far and with 3 years under the belt, it seems like MOST of the new content is being held for DLC with GT5 getting a few tweaks, and polishing in the process (and becoming GT6). As of yet, personally, I'm not sold. And I feel that as long as we keep buying into PD's/Kaz's/these DLC trends, we're never going to get a fully overhauled and up to date GT. Like a tough love of sorts, I wish for GT to improve and I feel that as long as we continue to fatten their wallets regardless of the reheated leftovers they continue to serve us, we're never going to see the GT we're hoping for.

Now mind you, I do understand we still don't know everything of GT6, and there may yet be much to be revealed. So I could be mistaken. But as of yet, I'm not impressed, and GT6 is lingering in a "No-buy" status for me. However I can't wait. 11 days until E3!
1. Better physics
2. Better and customizable AI
3. More offline racing with an event creator
4. Better online racing experience with more room options
5. More tracks and a real track editor
6. More tuning options
7. More car customization. If Kaz only gives us wings and wheels it proves he just doesn't get it and never will.
8. Better graphics and sounds. Without all the above this option would be like polishing a turd.

If GT6 isn't bug free on release I doubt if I will get a copy. It will also be competing with 2 new consoles, new releases on those consoles and pcars will be coming out in Q1 2014. If my friends get new consoles I just don't see them hooking up the old PS3 to play GT6. I just don't see a large user base for this release and it will be one that deteriorates quickly.
1. Better physics
2. Better and customizable AI
3. More offline racing with an event creator
4. Better online racing experience with more room options
5. More tracks and a real track editor
6. More tuning options
7. More car customization. If Kaz only gives us wings and wheels it proves he just doesn't get it and never will.
8. Better graphics and sounds. Without all the above this option would be like polishing a turd.

If GT6 isn't bug free on release I doubt if I will get a copy. It will also be competing with 2 new consoles, new releases on those consoles and pcars will be coming out in Q1 2014. If my friends get new consoles I just don't see them hooking up the old PS3 to play GT6. I just don't see a large user base for this release and it will be one that deteriorates quickly.

Without Graphics and Sounds you are left with nothing, no game...Those are the core elements and they are what makes the experience believable. They need to fix such elements first and then add all the gimmicks.
Well hopefully I have keeped my expectations grounded. Just a few items

Improved physics
Expanded GT Mode
Increased track count (just a few more)
Improved online experience
Improved graphics (expected)
Sound (no improvement, not unexpected)

Definitely going to purchase it.

You did quote me and I feel it was bit out of context.
Stores here at expensive Finland sells 69-85 euros for new game. And 1 euro is approximately 1.3 USD.

I have no problem to pay full price for new and innovative game, but I'm not willing to pay full price for something I feel is just little update from predecessor. I will wait and see what players will say about game as feedback.
I will buy GT6 because it is a GT game and GT is my favorite game overall.

And I will but all DLC because it is DLC for my overall favorite game which will provide me more content for more hours to play my favorite game and not pay for some other games which are not my favorite but I would buy them for the same money if there were no GT6 DLC.

Same here. GT is my favorite racing franchise. GT6 looks fantastic and I see enough benefits to buy GT6. And I will buy DLC as it will give me more stuff to have fun for a longer period of time and it will make PD invest to make more of the game over a longer period of time, too.

Regarding many other games I haven't bought any DLC because it was not worth it to me, but in GT it is.

Everyone can choose.

By the way: even all of the technology changes and minor improvements would have been enough benefits for me to buy GT6:
- new physics
- new tyre model
- less loading times
- new UI
- new graphics
- online features as championships
- one garage for premium and standards
- car customization with aeroparts and wheels
- the new course generator
- ...

This alone is enough for me to buy GT6 and there's still more to come. E3 is around the corner...
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I was going to buy GT6 in any case, but it seems like PD has realised what the main problems with GT5 are and addressed most of those weaknesses in GT6. What we have seen so far looks much better than what I expected, to be honest.

That, plus the fact that the overwhelming majority of the people racing and organizing online racing events in GT5 will migrate to GT6 pretty much on release day will be incentive enough for many people. I predict you will only find casual racers in GT5 online rooms anymore two months after release of GT6. And once decent GT5 rooms get rare, more will change to GT6.

You did quote me and I feel it was bit out of context.
Stores here at expensive Finland sells 69-85 euros for new game. And 1 euro is approximately 1.3 USD.

I have no problem to pay full price for new and innovative game, but I'm not willing to pay full price for something I feel is just little update from predecessor. I will wait and see what players will say about game as feedback.

I realize that you probably weren't on board with my radical position, however, price is a concern of yours and that's what I highlighted.

You did quote me and I feel it was bit out of context.
Stores here at expensive Finland sells 69-85 euros for new game. And 1 euro is approximately 1.3 USD.

I have no problem to pay full price for new and innovative game, but I'm not willing to pay full price for something I feel is just little update from predecessor. I will wait and see what players will say about game as feedback.
Im from estonia, I understand how you feel. 69.99 here.
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You did quote me and I feel it was bit out of context.
Stores here at expensive Finland sells 69-85 euros for new game. And 1 euro is approximately 1.3 USD.

I have no problem to pay full price for new and innovative game, but I'm not willing to pay full price for something I feel is just little update from predecessor. I will wait and see what players will say about game as feedback.

Hey, you're not the worst, pal! I'm from Portugal and stores sell games at 70 euros as new... And Finland is an economically solid country, but, Portugal, I'll let you find out about that...

I'm going to save to buy this game, even if I have to buy a PS4... 'Cause I played all the Gran Turismo games since the original, and own them all (except for GT5, the let-down of my fandom). I'm going to stop eating ice creams this Summer (that won't be here until September) and I'm going to have a summer job (perhaps I'll work at a café, if there is any job left in a country where 1 out of every 6 people is unemployed). It's going to be better for three things:

- my health;

- my fandom;

- my wallet.
I realize that you probably weren't on board with my radical position, however, price is a concern of yours and that's what I highlighted.

His concern was value, not price, big difference.
His concern was value, not price, big difference.

Nonsense. As people have more discretionary income, perceived value for any given price rises. When an economy is in tatters, as the global economy currently is, perceived value plummets due to lack of discretionary income.
Nonsense. As people have more discretionary income, perceived value for any given price rises. When an economy is in tatters, as the global economy currently is, perceived value plummets due to lack of discretionary income.
And globalization strongly disagrees with you, because it doesn't care that much about relatives.
And globalization strongly disagrees with you, because it doesn't care that much about relatives.

How does globalization disagree with me? Globalization is being exploited for the purpose of putting downward pressure on wages among other things which aren't specifically relevant to this discussion.

This means that workers, globally, will have (and do have) less discretionary income this year than they did last.
How does globalization disagree with me? Globalization is being exploited for the purpose of putting downward pressure on wages among other things which aren't specifically relevant to this discussion.

This means that workers, globally, will have (and do have) less discretionary income this year than they did last.
Would you sell your product for half the price in a country where people do only have half the purchase power?

Nope, you wouldn't.

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