What Feature Is Your GT6 Purchase Based On?" (A Second Look At Player Satisfaction With GT6)

  • Thread starter SZRT Ice

What Feature Is Most Important In Making Your GT6 Purchase?

  • Livery/Vinyl Editor (A full Livery Editor that allows you to create your own vehicles)

    Votes: 55 32.9%
  • Tracks (Old and new, real and original/fantasy)

    Votes: 61 36.5%
  • Customization (Bodykits, Racing Modifications, Rim Customization)

    Votes: 53 31.7%
  • Sounds (Engine, Tire, Crash, Etc)

    Votes: 39 23.4%
  • Tuning (Tire Pressure/Air Pressure, Tire Width, Rim Size, Engine/Drivetrain Swapping, Nitrous, etc.)

    Votes: 35 21.0%
  • GT6 is Perfect as is, I'm already sold.

    Votes: 14 8.4%
  • I'm a diehard GT fan and self admitted fanboy, and I will get GT6 regardless of it's included or dis

    Votes: 82 49.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

It's mine.

You can view it from two sides.
The argument I'm making is that dogmatic adherence to the capitalistic model isn't, in and of itself, a reasonable point from which to judge someone else's point of view as "ignorant".
Yep. Fanobys, fanboys everywhere.
I'll buy GT6 day one if it has
- Competitive AI
- Race Editor (select opponents and option to create championships)
- Livery Editor.

If not I'll wait and see.

pretty much same here. I've bought them all day one, 2 and 3 were fanboy purchases. 4 was also but was hoping sounds and customization was a bit better. GT5 was 5 years later so i thought they would have fixed that and added much more. GT6 may be a no buy for me, only thing it has going for it right now is it's on PS3.
I feel that as long as we keep buying into PD's/Kaz's/these DLC trends, we're never going to get a fully overhauled and up to date GT. Like a tough love of sorts, I wish for GT to improve and I feel that as long as we continue to fatten their wallets regardless of the reheated leftovers they continue to serve us, we're never going to see the GT we're hoping for.

Now mind you, I do understand we still don't know everything of GT6, and there may yet be much to be revealed. So I could be mistaken. But as of yet, I'm not impressed, and GT6 is lingering in a "No-buy" status for me.
I'm baffled by your post, because I'm not quite sure what you did and did not see in what has been revealed so far.

The car physics look to behave as real to life as I've ever seen, only comparable to next gen racers like Project CARS. And from remarks by some seasoned racing gamers and a couple of real world car nuts, the feel of the cars and physics are up there with top shelf PC sims like GTR2. Evidently some FIA podcast people grabbed one of the guys at the event for a lengthy chat about GT6, and relate that when you change rim sizes, it has an effect on car handling and performance. Evidently, FWD, RWD, 4WD, mid-engine, rear engine... every car type will feel much more like their real world counterparts. Customization of those cars, even Standards, is said to be extensive, and make little or no difference between S and P cars this time.

Online looks to have been given a massive overhaul as well, giving people the tools to create and maintain racing clubs and even leagues. And this no doubt means that with all the tools available, this includes an Event Maker which is likely going to be available offline as well. It also indicates to me strongly that some kind of Livery Editor will be included.

With all the work being put into GT6, it suggests that the single player game will be huge again, as making events is the easiest thing to do in a racing game.

Maybe you don't care for the Course Maker, but it looks to have been given most or all the features I've been asking for, including racing through city streets and out into the countryside.

Perhaps you don't like Standard cars and tracks, but Kaz is confident enough in them that he has made no distinction between them, except for car interiors. If that bums you out, I could see that.

Is it holding out a bunch of content as DLC? I don't know what to tell you on that, because the gaming world has demanded it. It gives longevity to games by periodically introducing fresh content. I like it too.

In fact, I'm blown away just by the teaser bits Kaz has given us. You evidently understand this because you sound as anxious for E3 as I am. While I voted for the Livery Editor as my chief attraction to GT6, I'm with these guys:

I was going to buy GT6 in any case, but it seems like PD has realised what the main problems with GT5 are and addressed most of those weaknesses in GT6. What we have seen so far looks much better than what I expected, to be honest.
The name on the.cover
I will buy GT6 because it is a GT game and GT is my favorite game overall.

And I will but all DLC because it is DLC for my overall favorite game which will provide me more content for more hours to play my favorite game and not pay for some other games which are not my favorite but I would buy them for the same money if there were no GT6 DLC.

Everyone is Happy™
I'm baffled by your post, because I'm not quite sure what you did and did not see in what has been revealed so far.

The car physics look to behave as real to life as I've ever seen, only comparable to next gen racers like Project CARS. And from remarks by some seasoned racing gamers and a couple of real world car nuts, the feel of the cars and physics are up there with top shelf PC sims like GTR2. Evidently some FIA podcast people grabbed one of the guys at the event for a lengthy chat about GT6, and relate that when you change rim sizes, it has an effect on car handling and performance. Evidently, FWD, RWD, 4WD, mid-engine, rear engine... every car type will feel much more like their real world counterparts. Customization of those cars, even Standards, is said to be extensive, and make little or no difference between S and P cars this time.

Online looks to have been given a massive overhaul as well, giving people the tools to create and maintain racing clubs and even leagues. And this no doubt means that with all the tools available, this includes an Event Maker which is likely going to be available offline as well. It also indicates to me strongly that some kind of Livery Editor will be included.

With all the work being put into GT6, it suggests that the single player game will be huge again, as making events is the easiest thing to do in a racing game.

Maybe you don't care for the Course Maker, but it looks to have been given most or all the features I've been asking for, including racing through city streets and out into the countryside.

Perhaps you don't like Standard cars and tracks, but Kaz is confident enough in them that he has made no distinction between them, except for car interiors. If that bums you out, I could see that.

Is it holding out a bunch of content as DLC? I don't know what to tell you on that, because the gaming world has demanded it. It gives longevity to games by periodically introducing fresh content. I like it too.

In fact, I'm blown away just by the teaser bits Kaz has given us. You evidently understand this because you sound as anxious for E3 as I am. While I voted for the Livery Editor as my chief attraction to GT6, I'm with these guys:

I was going to buy it anyway, but I might just buy 2 after this post!!:sly:

Nonsense. As people have more discretionary income, perceived value for any given price rises. When an economy is in tatters, as the global economy currently is, perceived value plummets due to lack of discretionary income.

The global economy is just fine. What isn't fine is socialism and bigger and bigger governments bankrupting otherwise healthy western economies. If you'd like to debate that point further I'd suggest you go here:


Ultimately it has nothing to do with GT6 or the price of the game. Some people may not buy the game because their circumstances have changed for the worse, happens all the time. Others will buy the game because there circumstances have changed for the better. Ultimately the marketplace will measure the success or lack thereof of GT6 as it does for anything else. PD is looking for 1% market penetration in the Western world to be successful, hardly an overwhelming task even if you think the economy is in the tank (which it isn't) and given they've done it 5 times already. The game will succeed on it's own merits based on the perceived value of millions of individual customers as it always has. And a little competition from a couple of other PS games won't hurt either.
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If Sony fires KY, PD disappears and the franchise is handed to a better/competent studio, then I'll buy GT6...
The global economy is just fine. What isn't fine is socialism and bigger and bigger governments bankrupting otherwise healthy western economies. If you'd like to debate that point further I'd suggest you go here:

Socialism isn't bankrupting otherwise healthy western economies, free-trade agreements, which reward multi-national countries for fleeing western nations which have western environmental protections, western workplace safety protections and western wage protections, is.

I suggest that when you insist on trying to have the last word in a discussion, you don't have your say and then invite the person you're flailing at to take the discussion somewhere else, at the risk of exposing yourself as a hypocrite.

PD is looking for 1% market penetration in the Western world to be successful, hardly an overwhelming task even if you think the economy is in the tank (which it isn't) and given they've done it 5 times already.

Any data to support this absurd claim? Before you ask "which one?", the one about the global economy not tanking.
:rolleyes: For lack of an option for people who will buy the game because it's a GT game (does not make one a fanboy) chose that.

Buying a game simply based on the name on the box? Whether you want to use that word or not that is the action of a seriously dedicated or obsessed fan.
Sorry for treating this like a wishlist but some of my hopes arent listed.

I would hope that the improved track creator is more like ModNation Racers's track maker where you can literally do anything, not be limited to a randomly generated section based on numbers.

Hoping for a livery editor,although doubtful. We could make cars from the movies or just putstripes on our Mini Coopers :)

Hoping for a garage with your cars in (at least your favourites) where you can virtually walk around and look at them/get into them, or you could invite friends into this virtual space to view your cars. Why not be able to get into them and drive out onto the track?

Better rules - NASCAR pace car, flags, vehicle crashes and vehicle recovery during safety car periods.

Better Damage.
Buying a game simply based on the name on the box? Whether you want to use that word or not that is the action of a seriously dedicated or obsessed fan.

I can see dedicated and fan used, but not with the adjectives you've used. I still fail to see how buying every game in a series makes one a fanboy. Explain that to me.
I can see dedicated and fan used, but not with the adjectives you've used. I still fail to see how buying every game in a series makes one a fanboy. Explain that to me.

I said, let's not use that word. All I'm saying is to come out and say you will absolutely buy any game with the name Gran Turismo on it, irrespective of any other factor, is a serious level of dedication to anything.
I can see dedicated and fan used, but not with the adjectives you've used. I still fail to see how buying every game in a series makes one a fanboy. Explain that to me.

If you buy games because of the name, developers won't be bothered fixing the issues. Because the max they can get from you is a day one purchase and DLC purchase if they already achieve that, fixing the issues become useless effort for the investors.
No new feature will make me buy GT6. I will buy it because I loved GT4, and really mostly because there isn't a single other option for the PS3. That is really 95% of why I'll buy it.
I said, let's not use that word. All I'm saying is to come out and say you will absolutely buy any game with the name Gran Turismo on it, irrespective of any other factor, is a serious level of dedication to anything.

Agreed with that,I'm a fan of the series despite it's flaws.

I've already voiced my dissapointment in many things about GT6 yet I'm still going to buy it that is dedication but I'd also agree there is hardly another option.

If you buy games because of the name, developers won't be bothered fixing the issues. Because the max they can get from you is a day one purchase and DLC purchase if they already achieve that, fixing the issues become useless effort for the investors.

This is a good way to loose your loyal customers and eventually your business. I'm pretty sure prudent companies would take care of their loyal fans, that's why they would have loyal fans in the first place.
My purchase is entirely dependant on the amount of Skyline's present in the game. Any less than 70 and its a massive step-back IMO and won't buy it.
My purchase is entirely dependant on the amount of Skyline's present in the game. Any less than 70 and its a massive step-back IMO and won't buy it.

You've officially earned the right to rock that William Farrell avatar. Wear it proudly my friend.
Without Graphics and Sounds you are left with nothing, no game...Those are the core elements and they are what makes the experience believable. They need to fix such elements first and then add all the gimmicks.
I said "better graphics and sounds" and not no graphics and sounds. They are also not the core of a game. They are merely "bling" when the game itself is broken. That is why they are low on my priority list. It would be nice to have better graphics and sounds but only after PD fixes the game itself.
Just curious as to where people stand now on their purchases or lack thereof now that GT6 has been out for some time now.

I'd love to hear from those who posted and voted here previously.
New cars, physics and features. The usual. But mostly because it's Gran Turismo; negatives, crappy sounds or inconsistencies really aren't a deal breaker. Sometimes I keep screaming at the screen when something is wrong, but I keep playing the game as I've been doing since the good old PS1 days.

Gran Turismo is like that ugly ex girlfriend. You just hate her, but you don't really know why you keep going back to her.

Just curious as to where people stand now on their purchases or lack thereof now that GT6 has been out for some time now.

I'd love to hear from those who posted and voted here previously.

Well, I can say GT6 is like every other GT sequel I've had. I go through the same process, and I'm quite used to it already.

First is the hype, then the happiness of popping the disc inside for the first time after waiting for months after the announcement, then crying like a fangirl as you play it for the next couple of days or so, and then comes the whining and anger for everything PD got wrong or half-assed :P

So at the end, I can't say it's worst or better than previous titles. This is just another new GT with new features and cars. My favorite game, nonetheless.

Now to wait for GT7 so the cycle starts all over again...
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