What games are you playing now?

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Evil West is quite fun, and I dig the setting and gameplay, but in PC it was running well for at least the first 5 chapters and then it got pretty bad stuttering... so I had to put it down (Backlog: "He was weak... now feed me another!") I will continue to play on the Series X
Earth Defense Force 5: Haven't really played much of the proper Japanese EDF games, but I definitely forgot how cheesy fun it can be. Got it in a large EDF bundle and playing through it with my brother.

Earth Defense Force Iron Rain: A more western-ized version of EDF that I'm not really into like I was with Insect Armageddon. It's not as charming as the Japanese games or enjoyable as Insect Armageddon.

Got a free month's trial of Xbox Gamepass, so I could play these:
Like a Dragon: Ishin!: Kind of nice coming back to the pre-Dragon engine RGG game, but I'm still feeling a tad rusty. Especially with it involving blades and guns instead of fists. Enjoyable, but haven't been too motivated to go through the large amount of substories to really get through it. Hoping I can get out of my personal depression and enjoy this game more because I want to give it a chance.

Forza Motorsport (2023) : Been hoping to try out FM2023 for some time to see what it's like and....oh boy, my rather low expectations were still let down. It feels like Turn10 really does not respect your time and you don't feel rewarded for what you put into it. I want to go through and play with the car list, but it feels like such a grind that I can't be motivated to continue with it. Having trouble just launching the game with the issues of connecting to their servers is infuriating and already set the tone for how I'd feel about this game. I haven't felt this upset with a game in a while that I was at least looking forward to the cars on offer. I feel like I could rant about how many things I don't like about it.

Forza Horizon 5: Played FH5 for quite a bit, but after my previous gamepass trial expired, I hadn't touched it until recently. Feeling rather burnt out on the formula, especially the Festival Playlists. Honestly feels more like work than play when coming to this game...

Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged: Bought the previous game on PS5 and rather enjoyed it, but it felt a little half baked with things to do. I quite enjoy the added mechanics of the jump and strafing (not sure what to call it) that makes it easier to avoid the traps. Not a fan of several cars I'd want to play with behind the DLC and the rather lackluster list of cars (in a way).
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Evil West is quite fun, and I dig the setting and gameplay, but in PC it was running well for at least the first 5 chapters and then it got pretty bad stuttering... so I had to put it down (Backlog: "He was weak... now feed me another!") I will continue to play on the Series X
Feel the backlog @Nacho Libre
Backlog: "These are not the backlog games you are looking for"

Personally, I'm back on Eiduyen Chronicle Rising, trying to complete it before it leaves Game Pass whenever. The dialog is VERY funny and make me want to play it, but the endless endless endless fetch quests make it a slog to get through. Anyway, I am a good way to the gold stamp completion now, although there's 2 more stamp sets after that!
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So I said all this back in 2018:

...and I even made a few other posts about it afterward saying I had either started playing it or gonna play it eventually, but despite all that, I still haven't played through it yet. :lol: Not because I didn't want to, but I just never was in the right mood for it the times I tried to play it and couldn't enjoy it the way I wanted, so I quit playing in hopes I would be more up to it later on. It didn't help it was right around the time I was starting to fall out of video games as a whole and found other things to do instead, something I talked about in-depth in another thread.

However, as of now, that all changes! Lately, I've been in a Spyro mood a lot, more so than I have been in many years, and since I am also feeling pretty good in general, I am finally going to do everything I said earlier and play through all 3 games in the order I mentioned. Now's a great time to do it too because as of last year, I have physical copies of all 3 games now and an Xbox Series X with dev mode, so it should be fun to play through them all! I am hoping to have the best playthrough yet with this run and so far it's feeling pretty good! 😎
Still playing Spyro 3 as I said here and so far things are going pretty well with it. However, as of recently, I have jumped back into Wreckfest since I've been missing it and Microsoft Rewards is giving out points for playing games on console. So I've been playing Wreckfest earlier in the day, doing various fun stuff in there, and then playing Spyro at night.

I don't usually play 2 different games every day, but lately, that's been what I have wanted to do and I'm having fun with both games right now.
Forza Horizon 5: Played FH5 for quite a bit, but after my previous gamepass trial expired, I hadn't touched it until recently. Feeling rather burnt out on the formula, especially the Festival Playlists. Honestly feels more like work than play when coming to this game...
Such a shame what happened with FH5, I played 4 almost exclusively for nearly 2 years and was super hyped for 5 but it was such a letdown, full of bugs and mistakes in the weekly live service content, I said at the time it felt like the development team had gone on holiday or quit and gave the social media team a rushed handover of how to do the seasonal content and they just didn't get how it was supposed to work. I haven't played it since 2021, I was thinking I might go back to it but you haven't sold the idea to me!

Speaking of tedious grinds that feel more like work than game, I've been playing Snowrunner. It was suggested that starting your game in Alaska is hard mode, so I must've found the Ultra Nightmare mode - playing while tired. I keep making mistakes that mean I have to make multiple trips for even the smallest thing - turning up with a trailer that's too small to carry cargo, taking concrete slabs with me when the job needs concrete blocks and vice versa, nodding off for a second and waking up with my truck on its side or wedged in some trees in the valley below the road I had been crawling along, etc.

But, I have to say, there's still immense satisfaction in conquering all that to help rebuild the, uh, oil mining industry in Michigan after whatever disaster occurred. In many ways it reminds me of Death Stranding, honestly, especially if you strap a scout truck to the trailer of a heavy truck. Except instead of crying when you fall over, your baby just rolls down a mountainside, never to be recovered.
@sesselpupser you stopped playing a game because it felt like a chore and now you're playing a game that simulate chores?
Toronto International Film Festival Gemini GIF by TIFF
Still playing New Star GP. I finally made it all the way to the 2020's championship, and driver names there gave me some good chuckle.

New Star GP-2024_04_06-03-23-23.png

Gotta say, it's one of the most enjoyable racing game I've played in recent years. Controls are simple, but AI racers race me very hard indeed and trying to pass them cleanly is really fun challenge - and you want to be as clean as possible, because once the on-track drama gets out of hand, it really gets out of hand. Each races are pretty short, but it still retains strategy aspect of it, and if anything I found that short races only adds to the "just one more race" feeling of the career mode.

Indie arcade racer with retro aesthetic is dime a dozen, but I think New Star GP really stands head and shoulders above the others. The more I play it, the more I adore it.
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Finished FF7 Rebirth, what an amazing game, best JRPG I have played since FFX.

Went back to Sleeping Dogs on the Steam Deck and it's clicked for me now, really enjoying the game, it's GTA but with much better combat, what's not to like.
I have never been a Diablo player, but I'm getting into Diablo IV. IMO the lore/gameplay is very accesible to new players like me.
If you want peak Diablo gameplay, get the remastered Diablo II. I've never played a game more than Diablo II.
After a long time of being unable to play it on my previous PC, I finally made my Re-Volt GL (RVGL) debut! Re-Volt is a very popular racing game with remote control vehicle combat. I was just unable to play this on my previous PC for whatever reason(s). Here, I couldn't be happier to use this more detailed and more expansive Re-Volt. I am going to play around with the basic stuff and then think about what tracks and vehicles to add to it.

Now if only I can get rFactor 2 to work and get around that pesky "insufficient video RAM" issue...
Finished FF7 Rebirth, what an amazing game, best JRPG I have played since FFX.

Went back to Sleeping Dogs on the Steam Deck and it's clicked for me now, really enjoying the game, it's GTA but with much better combat, what's not to like.
Sleeping Dogs is a really good game. I haven't gotten far as I usually have to play it late at night when the children are asleep due to some of the language but I have enjoyed it whenever I play
Sleeping Dogs is a really good game. I haven't gotten far as I usually have to play it late at night when the children are asleep due to some of the language but I have enjoyed it whenever I play

It's certainly a game not to play around your kids.

I found the more I play it the more I get into it, also didn't realise until last night that I have the definitive edition with a bunch of DLC so also looking forward to that.

Shame it will never get a sequel.
It's certainly a game not to play around your kids.

I found the more I play it the more I get into it, also didn't realise until last night that I have the definitive edition with a bunch of DLC so also looking forward to that.

Shame it will never get a sequel.
I agree. I think it was discounted as a GTA clone but it really isn't. To me it's like I'm playing a John Woo movie
I started playing Helldivers II more, still playing Suicide Squad, Motorfest, GT7. Single player game might be Like a Dragon for awhile until that is completed although I am wondering when I am going to burn out from that.
@TypeRDC5 @kjb I love Sleeping Dogs, I finished it, like, all of it in 2020 and it was such a great time. Later that year I went to Hong Kong for work, I checked out a few locations on Hong Kong Island specifically because I'd heard of them in the game, like Wan Chai (though that was also in Deus Ex) and North Point. Can't say it's a 1:1 recreation of the city but it captures the vibe so well! When I came back, the definitive edition or whatever it's called was on Steam for less than £3 so I bought a copy for a couple of the people I went with.
Endless Dungeon: only 1 trophy missing for platinum - open 10000 doors, my progress has now bugged out at 71% and it wont go any further.
Unfortunatly the game is basically dead by the playercount, so I wouldnt really expect any efforts of the developers to fix it.
Yet I opened up a support request - and should anyone here also suffer the same fate, feel free to join in onto my request to show "urgency".
Shame it will never get a sequel.
Definitely. I was a bit late getting to it, but absolutely love it. Fun to play and lot of great nods to classic HK cinema in there.

Not getting as much gaming time as I would like at the moment, but mainly playing Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. Never a game series I have paid much attention to, but a friend of mine recently recommended it as he knows I am big RTS fan and thought I might enjoy it... he was absolutely right. Really dig the presentation and finding the combat unusual but fun.

Keeping my eye out for a cheap copy of the latest Robocop game. Really want to give it a go but, as I already have a gaming backlog to work through, I won't spend loads for it!
Endless Dungeon: only 1 trophy missing for platinum - open 10000 doors, my progress has now bugged out at 71% and it wont go any further.
Unfortunatly the game is basically dead by the playercount, so I wouldnt really expect any efforts of the developers to fix it.
Yet I opened up a support request - and should anyone here also suffer the same fate, feel free to join in onto my request to show "urgency".
Is it not fun playing solo?
Is it not fun playing solo?
The solo playing mode is you + 1 or 2 bots, depends on how you start each "mission".
With that it is close, but not actually the same as playing multiplayer, especially considering the bots are only doing half of what players can do - and there is no hotswap, it either is soloplay or multiplayer.

If I would play it on my own for all the time, I wouldnt recommend it, it really shines with a friend or two.
I'm eleven hours into Diablo IV (series X and PC, I prefer the PC) and I'm digging it, sorcerer style. I've been hunting relics and machines in Horizon Zero Dawn, in route to a major mission. It is really one of the best open world environments I've ever seen, and I want to get everything this time, because I will have to uninstall to make room for Forbidden West.
I'm eleven hours into Diablo IV (series X and PC, I prefer the PC) and I'm digging it, sorcerer style. I've been hunting relics and machines in Horizon Zero Dawn, in route to a major mission. It is really one of the best open world environments I've ever seen, and I want to get everything this time, because I will have to uninstall to make room for Forbidden West.
I think I might go back to Sorcerer in the next season. That or Barb because those were my two favorite classes.
I borrowed my nephew's Xbox to have a little play on Sea Of Thieves as it's nearing the PS5 release (and there was a preorder beta this weekend).
Had good fun even just sailing solo so I'm pretty sure I'll be getting it in a couple of weeks. Not sure any of my PS buds will be feeling piratical but I can handle the sloop on my own.

One Piece Hello GIF by Pudgy Penguins
Do we have any resident Ridge Racer Type 4 experts present? I just picked it back up after a long break and for some reason some of the qualifying positions mentioned in all the GameFAQs guides don't apply to me; I placed 3, 3, 2, 1 as PRC/Lizard and got cars 2, 7 and 14 instead of 2, 8 and 15, same as I got for placing 3, 3, 1, 2. Any idea why or where I need to place to get those cars? That's on the EU version.

But yeah, been playing RRT4 since Snowrunner annoyed me a little too much. It's the same save I mentioned here a few years back, it's about four years old. I've been playing the game since day one and revisit it on a regular basis but have never managed to stick with a single platform or save long enough to make much progress but today I reached 100/321 cars unlocked for the first time in what, 25 years?
Do we have any resident Ridge Racer Type 4 experts present? I just picked it back up after a long break and for some reason some of the qualifying positions mentioned in all the GameFAQs guides don't apply to me; I placed 3, 3, 2, 1 as PRC/Lizard and got cars 2, 7 and 14 instead of 2, 8 and 15, same as I got for placing 3, 3, 1, 2. Any idea why or where I need to place to get those cars? That's on the EU version.

But yeah, been playing RRT4 since Snowrunner annoyed me a little too much. It's the same save I mentioned here a few years back, it's about four years old. I've been playing the game since day one and revisit it on a regular basis but have never managed to stick with a single platform or save long enough to make much progress but today I reached 100/321 cars unlocked for the first time in what, 25 years?
That’s quite the puzzle. I once mapped it out completely but couldn’t find my notes. Here you can find the information: