What games are you playing now?

  • Thread starter F1 fan
I almost want to quit FF7Rebirth. I am getting quite bored with the game. I am like almost 35-40 hours into it though so I guess in a way, I'd really like to finish it.
I had the same with FF7 remake. It is so slow. I can’t put myself to play it anymore. That’s why I haven’t bought Rebirth, cause I’m unable to finish Remake…
I'm about halfway in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Very chill (walk around, fly your ikran, bust a base, repeat) and beautiful game, but it really is squeezing my poor CPU.
I'm enjoying Snowrunner, though I'm rolling over a lot which can be somewhat annoying, all part of the game though. I played a bit in my lunch break, I tried to get a trailer with two containers on it out of the quarry, I managed to roll once collecting the trailer, then stuck near the exit to the quarry, then got overzealous in my effort to become unstuck and rolled one truck, then the other, then rolled the trailer so now I need to send one truck home to get a crane. I imagine I'll roll that too somehow.

But when you keep the tyres on the correct side of the truck it's good fun. It occurred to me that it's a bit like one of the games Jack Thompson tried to get banned back in the '90s or '00s except instead of glorifying murder, it glorifies a minor ecological disaster as I waste hundreds of litres of fuel, yank a ton of young trees out of the ground as I try to winch myself out of trouble, cause god knows what mess by accidentally driving enormous trucks into rivers and getting them stuck, etc. The loading screens all have pro-trucking facts too which I think is hilarious.
I've been playing an indie racer called New Star GP. I've been keeping my eyes on it ever since I played its demo on January, and immediately bought it as soon as I noticed that full version was out.

Has anybody else tried it? Sense of speed can be a bit iffy, but career mode is put together very well and I'm really enjoying it.
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I've been playing an indie racer called New Star GP. I've been keeping my eyes on it ever since I played its demo on January, and immediately bought it as soon as I noticed that full version was out.

Has anybody else tried it? Sense of speed can be a bit iffy, but career mode is put together very well and I'm really enjoying it.
Is it on PS5? I might consider getting it.
Is it on PS5? I might consider getting it.
Yeah it should be, I think it's available on all consoles (including Switch if you have one).

Even if worst comes to pass, it's pretty light on the hardware requirement so it shouldn't take too much to run if you have Steam account and a decent laptop.

Anyway do give it a try when you get an opportunity, for what it's worth I think it's really really great.
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So I said all this back in 2018:
Just dove back into Spyro Year of the Dragon last night and started a whole new save game for the first time in nearly 6 years I think. I considered going back to it recently and after seeing the trailer for the upcoming remaster, it's accelerated my decision to go back to it even sooner now.

Playing it first and then I am going to play the 1st and 2nd after. Sure I may be playing it a bit out of sequence, but Year of the Dragon is the one I grew up with and it's the one I know best whereas I have barely played the first and none of the 2nd. I am playing the 3rd first ultimately as a refresher to remind myself why I like Spyro so much and why I keep coming back to it after all these years, that way I can appreciate the previous two more since they're going to be new to me. All this in preparation for the remaster coming later this year.
...and I even made a few other posts about it afterward saying I had either started playing it or gonna play it eventually, but despite all that, I still haven't played through it yet. :lol: Not because I didn't want to, but I just never was in the right mood for it the times I tried to play it and couldn't enjoy it the way I wanted, so I quit playing in hopes I would be more up to it later on. It didn't help it was right around the time I was starting to fall out of video games as a whole and found other things to do instead, something I talked about in-depth in another thread.

However, as of now, that all changes! Lately, I've been in a Spyro mood a lot, more so than I have been in many years, and since I am also feeling pretty good in general, I am finally going to do everything I said earlier and play through all 3 games in the order I mentioned. Now's a great time to do it too because as of last year, I have physical copies of all 3 games now and an Xbox Series X with dev mode, so it should be fun to play through them all! I am hoping to have the best playthrough yet with this run and so far it's feeling pretty good! 😎
Dragons Dogma 2: interesting combat for all classes except mage, yet mage seems the one being the most beneficial to play with because of floating or healing magic whenever the vasals need it instead of when the AI decides to use it.

Helldivers 2: of course, I guess. But I feel like no standard issue weapon can rival the SG8-Punisher.

Endless Dungeon: still 5000 doors to open until Platinum

Returnal: finding that lore pieces is quite a random task. Is there any way to know in advance whether the biomes are in the current run? Or are they ALWAYS present but sometimes hidden VERY GOOD so I dont even see it on the map?
Dragons Dogma 2: interesting combat for all classes except mage, yet mage seems the one being the most beneficial to play with because of floating or healing magic whenever the vasals need it instead of when the AI decides to use it.

Helldivers 2: of course, I guess. But I feel like no standard issue weapon can rival the SG8-Punisher.

Endless Dungeon: still 5000 doors to open until Platinum

Returnal: finding that lore pieces is quite a random task. Is there any way to know in advance whether the biomes are in the current run? Or are they ALWAYS present but sometimes hidden VERY GOOD so I dont even see it on the map?
Endless Dungeon looks like a game I'd like to play. And look at that, it's on sale for $17.99 on PS5 right now.
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Well, I started anew with rFactor 1. I have been so frustrated trying to get rFactor 2 up and running. I kept running into the same "not enough Video RAM" and all of this. I felt like rF2 was a letdown as a fan of rF1. So now, FINALLY, I use the Steam-style rFactor 1. I'll be trying to port over my ISI-era rF1 content into Steam rF1; and in the process, I may try to dig deeper into trying to create content for rFactor 1.

I may keep playing Steam rF1 unless I find some quirky way to get legacy rF1 going. However, if it is impossible to run legacy rF1 through ISI's version, I guess that's how it has to be- use Steam rF1 instead.
As well as still making my way through FF7 Rebirth (amazing so far 64 hours in) I have been playing the original Need for Speed Most Wanted, arcade racing games really did peak in the PS2 era in my opinion, great fun, the police can get a bit annoying in later levels though.
finished Hogwarts Legacy lately and now I would like to start with The Evil Within 1 & 2.
Also have to finish Red Dead Redemption 2............
Backlog: The Game

The problem with that is it's so much easier to add games than to remove them, I've played something like 20 hours of Snowrunner (probably more actually) and I'm nowhere close to finished with it, yet in that time a friend bought me three games for my birthday, one of which is a Yakuza game which supposedly takes 45 hours to finish, and I added two free games that came out last week. I'm never gonna beat the backlog at that kind of pace.
The problem with that is it's so much easier to add games than to remove them, I've played something like 20 hours of Snowrunner (probably more actually) and I'm nowhere close to finished with it, yet in that time a friend bought me three games for my birthday, one of which is a Yakuza game which supposedly takes 45 hours to finish, and I added two free games that came out last week. I'm never gonna beat the backlog at that kind of pace.

20 hours of Snowrunner 😂 your just slightly scratching the surface, a very light scratch at that!
I miss Rebirth already. Unfortunately there is nothing left for me to do.

At least nothing that I want to do.
Continuing my diving trend into building management games.
Im starting so many at once ill keep on not finishing any games..🤣🤪

Surviving mars, another nice game, well made cutesy mars settling little gem.
The sense of scale is pretty cool, with your small colonists moving about in domes,,each going on with it's schedules. Liking it a lot.

And now, oh boy, anno 1800,,now im in some deep...😁
What a delightful gem..
Settlers in a romantic era, with sail boats, beautiful seas and islands.
Just had a small milestone of embellishing my 1st island and got a charming parade from my residents lol, with nice music, a real crowd with fanfare etc.
So well done game, handcrafted.

Such a shame all the 12 plus, major gameplay content dlcs from the pc version aren't ported over, lots of intriguing content in those.

It's published by Ubisoft, they surely have the means.., common.
Hopefully some day..
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Picked up Super Woden GP 2 and Ultimate Racing 2D 2 this weekend. UR is mainly for simulation, but Woden I'm more hands-on.
20 hours of Snowrunner 😂 your just slightly scratching the surface, a very light scratch at that!

Yeah tell me about it, it's actually 30 hours and I'm not even finished in Michigan yet, I legitimately spent 3, maybe 4 hours last night just trying to do the "threatening accident" mission where you have to collect fuel drums from by the reservoir by the dam (or maybe it's on the outlet side, I'm not sure). One was easy, the other two really weren't and I must've rolled and recalled ten trucks before I finally made it down to where the drums were... And then there was the extreme mud to contend with. Even more rollovers ensued and finally I found a flat enough route back to the road. Honestly I was pretty close to ragequitting because it took so long to get back to where I needed to go and every time I did it I found a new place that just wanted to flip the truck, even the heavy scout with its comparatively low centre of gravity and wide track managed to flip on basically nothing because I made the mistake of changing truck while it had its crane extended, when I changed back it just got this impulse to do a backflip that it didn't previously have. And then obviously I tried to roll it back over with a different truck and flipped that one too.
Yeah tell me about it, it's actually 30 hours and I'm not even finished in Michigan yet, I legitimately spent 3, maybe 4 hours last night just trying to do the "threatening accident" mission where you have to collect fuel drums from by the reservoir by the dam (or maybe it's on the outlet side, I'm not sure). One was easy, the other two really weren't and I must've rolled and recalled ten trucks before I finally made it down to where the drums were... And then there was the extreme mud to contend with. Even more rollovers ensued and finally I found a flat enough route back to the road. Honestly I was pretty close to ragequitting because it took so long to get back to where I needed to go and every time I did it I found a new place that just wanted to flip the truck, even the heavy scout with its comparatively low centre of gravity and wide track managed to flip on basically nothing because I made the mistake of changing truck while it had its crane extended, when I changed back it just got this impulse to do a backflip that it didn't previously have. And then obviously I tried to roll it back over with a different truck and flipped that one too.

I think I remember that one. I remember towing the truck with barrels with another truck I placed nearby, on stable/dryish ground. I can't quite remember, (somewhere in this thread maybe), but it took me something near 100 hours to 100% Michigan. I'm now approx. 80% though Alaska and itching to get to the next area. I'm currently stuck on a timed challenge where you have to reach 3 weather stations with a recovery trailer, just keep rolling it so frustrating! Having a break from it atm, sometimes this game drives me mad but then I always come back as it's so addictive and can be satisfying and calm!
I really want to get into Snowrunner properly, I’ve put in several hours but like others I’m still in the initial (Michigan?) map which I think I’m right in saying is pretty much a training map - meaning that although I’ve bought a couple of DLCs that took my fancy and everything is there waiting for me, I still haven’t even got so far as trying anything else out. And it’s not for the want of trying.
F1 Manager 23. Jumped back into the Alpine save I started a couple of months back to finally get the last couple of trophies I need for the Platinum. Also decided to get back on the Ace Attorney Trilogy. Put it down halfway thru the last case in the first game just before Christmas and never went back to it for whatever reason. Going to finish it off and then play the other two over a period of time.

Having a break from it atm, sometimes this game drives me mad but then I always come back as it's so addictive and can be satisfying and calm!
I need to get back on Snowrunner at some stage. Got the PS5 upgrade when it was free ages back but have barely touched it since. Think I was well over 200hrs on the PS4 and still haven't finished the first lot of DLC maps. :lol: (Amur is the only one I have yet to 100%.)
I just cleared Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition's "The HUNT Continues" campaign. This is the exclusive campaign for where you play the Ludicrous Edition of ROTT. I thought the "The HUNT Continues" campaign was well-created and offered a ROTT experience a lot different from "The HUNT Begins" and "Dark War." I might try to complete (if at all possible) "Extreme ROTT," but I will mostly try to focus on some of the accomplishments, such as finding the "D," "I," and "P" balls along with Scott's Mystical Head. I cleared 24 of the 33 accomplishments so far for ROTT:LE. Or if I am feeling daring, I may attempt to clear "The HUNT Continues" on Expert level (I completed this campaign on Medium).
I fired up Gravel and WRC 8 because I am trying to complete BackLog:The Game. But problem is I always see games that I want to buy but don't want to play right now. Unbound is on sale and I keep telling myself I don't need it, I have enough racing games 🤣 So far that has been working but we'll see what as it gets closer the sale being over