What games are you playing now?

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Bought Cyberpunk 2077 plus the Phantom Liberty DLC. Thought it was the right time to give it a whirl now they've ironed out the bugs and glitches.

First impressions are that its quite overwelming to begin with. Being a CD Projekt RED title i was expecting it to feel a lot like Witcher 3 but it doesn't really. For better or worse. I've got as far as the Relic heist and the following Johnny Silverhand attack, which feels to me like a long prologue to the main story. I've only skimmed the hacking aspect so far, but that and it's perk-tree seem pretty indepth.

It's going to be a while before i feel like anything other than a complete noob as its learning curve at this stage is pretty steep!
I'm currently doing Phantom Liberty and it's one of the best video game expansion for me personally. Next to Bloodborne's Old Hunters.

Also currently playing Spider-Man remastered. Smooth gameplay so far.
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I've not been playing much but I've had some great runs in Streets of Rogue recently, but there are some characters I absolutely don't know how to use. The cop might be my favourite character because it's pretty fun infiltrating buildings and arresting people (even if it's annoying how people in other rooms will be alerted by the arrest), meanwhile the ninja might be the most disappointing so far because I can't work out how you're supposed to assassinate the target of your big quest without alerting their escorts, I'm sure it can be done but I have yet to work it out.

I also started Guacamelee again but I think I need to start it again and not fall asleep within minutes of the beginning of the game this time. That's not an indictment of the game itself, I was just really tired.
Elden Ring. Never finishes it and as the DLC is announced I thought it would be nice to dive into the game again.

There is something about it that’s so cohesive about the world. It just draws you in.
Elden Ring. Never finishes it and as the DLC is announced I thought it would be nice to dive into the game again.

There is something about it that’s so cohesive about the world. It just draws you in.
The one game I really wish I could get into, but I just can't get to grips with it.
Bought it at launch, never got past the opening area.
For reference I've beaten Demon's Souls twice, Dark Souls, most of Bloodborne.
The one game I really wish I could get into, but I just can't get to grips with it.
Bought it at launch, never got past the opening area.
For reference I've beaten Demon's Souls twice, Dark Souls, most of Bloodborne.
It does take some persistence it get into it. If you are more used to open worlds that mollycoddle you with constant story prompts and map location icons, then the scarcity of them in Elden Ring can feel a bit weird at first (not having played any of their other titles i wasn't really familiar with the concept), but i've found that to be quite liberating in a way. Means you spend more time exploring and less time just fast travelling from one quest to another. To be frank, and i know i've said it here before, but the story line is weird and convoluted in that maybe slightlty lost-in-translation Japanese way. I've stopped playing for now but was about 3/4 the way through it when i gave up and still couldn't tell you what the story for it is. I'll probably pick it up again before the DLC drops just to familiarise with it.
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I have mostly just been playing Season 3 of Diablo 4. I have played a bit of Mario Kart, but have found it hard to play much of anything.
I'm playing Dead Island 2 via Game Pass. I'm still on the fence with this one, because zombified L.A. is a fun concept and I like humour with my zombies, and this has that, but the gameplay is becoming a bit repetitive. Graphics/performance are quite good in Series X.
It does take some persistence it get into it. If you are more used to open worlds that mollycoddle you with constant story prompts and map location icons, then the scarcity of them in Elden Ring can feel a bit weird at first (not having played any of their other titles i wasn't really familiar with the concept), but i've found that to be quite liberating in a way. Means you spend more time exploring and less time just fast travelling from one quest to another. To be frank, and i know i've said it here before, but the story line is weird and convoluted in that maybe slightlty lost-in-translation Japanese way. I've stopped playing for now but was about 3/4 the way through it when i gave up and still couldn't tell you what the story for it is. I'll probably pick it up again before the DLC drops just to familiarise with it.
I never got far enough to be confused by the story. It was the combat - for some reason it has just never clicked. Tried different classes, different builds. Sad but it clearly is just not for me.

Have been waiting for a PS5 version of Bloodborne to finish that one off, but it doesn't look like it's coming so I'll probably just reinstall the PS4 game and use that for my From fix.
Got to the final boss in metroid dread but I just don't have the patience to die 10000 times to get past a boss these days so doubt I will ever actually complete it.

Moved onto Silent Hill 2, never actually played this before (i owned it at the time but it was stolen), took a while to get used to tank controls after so many years but now 5 hours in and loving it, how can a PS2 game have so much atmosphere! Such a simple yet effective setting that creates tension, sure you can tell the combat mechanics are 20 years old but apart from that it has aged very well.
Playing MotoGP 23 Career on PS5.
Also FM23 and FH5 careers on XSX.

Not sure which "real" single player game to start with after I finished with GoW Ragnarok.
I have installed Shadow of the Tomb Raider on PS5 and Persona 3 Reloaded & Starfield on Xbox.
I'm trying to play Dead Island 2, but this game just don't clicks at me...
While I still like Streets of Rogue I have reached the point I reach with all roguelites now where my inability to make good enough progress means I feel like I'm wasting my limited gaming time, so I am once again looking for something to hook me. I tried Revita, knowing nothing about it, but that's another roguelite so I stopped pretty quickly.

Went back to Snowrunner for a bit to get into the groove from Expeditions.
This, though, sounds like a great idea so I'll probably install this when I get home later.
Having a good time with planet coaster still, i wonder if you can attach an effect to a moving ride or scenery..
I was trying to add a steam stream to a teapot on top of a swirling cups ride, but it doesnt stick to it, only will stay where i set it in 3d space.

I think because it's part of the ride, i can't even stick it to the tea pot on top of it.

I added effects to a scenery, but how do i save it as a blueprint? I added flame and smoke to a dragon on a base, which is a set of objects already, but i dont see how to save it as a new set with the effects included, so i dont have to place the effects again.

I was thinking to get the dlc bundle for jurassic world evolution 1 at just 8 cad$ on pstore, but it seems lame a little, even though i loved the 1st movie back then.
Only Goldblum is pretty cool in it, it seems too.

Taking my time with the game, i only now released my 1st carnivorous dino, the ceratosaurus.
It looks pretty damn good lol, and bad ass, some good animations, good sound too, Frontier devs always good with sounds it seems.
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I'm addicted to jurassic world evolution 1 career in the last few days, a relaxed fun loop of unlocking dinos etc.
Discovering new animations, behaviors, situations, setting up your parks, trying mixes, and learning what each species likes etc, its fun.

Some are really so well made, i think some newly added dinos have better look and animations, they should retouch older ones to make equal quality for all it seems. Still all nice though.

Hopefully in the 2nd game, the worse ones are of the quality of the best in game 1.

Anyhow, i tried put a tanky herbivorous ankylosaurus with a ceratosaurus predator.

After a while the cerato attacked it hehe, and it was really well done, with counter attack, hits with physics reaction, damage.

When it finished the ankylo, i felt to wince a little lol, and felt bad for it, haha, as it was well made enough to feel like watching a nature doc.

Psa: pstore has a smaller sale now, with full edition of control at a few bucks only, if anyone is interested, same for metro exodus.
I've been enjoying The Hong Kong Massacre recently, it's basically what would happen if John Woo had made Hotline Miami. I've only done two boss fights so far and they were basically the same thing but that thing is entertaining enough that I didn't mind. Actually that describes the whole game - one trick, but it's a good one. Unfortunately though I can't bring myself to use any of the guns that aren't the dual wielded pistols because rule of cool and because you can have infinite ammo as an upgrade... You can definitely tell the devs are true Woo heads, I love it.
Finally finished Return to Moria.
The game could have been much, much better, but it wasted lots of potential on being the biggest technicaly flawed product I have played. Also it earns a minus for its map being very bad to read.
Ran around 2 days in the search for the finale, simply because the game decided to not light up the area when I was passing and I was progressing ever deeper into some caverns.

Now playing Tribes of Midgard.
Been playing a lot of Pacific Drive as of late. Normally I'm not too crazy for roguelike games, but there's something about banging around the backwoods of a scientifically demolished Washington state in an old and possibly possessed station wagon, scavenging to build it up into a rolling fortress while encountering (and running away from) all manner of bizarre anomalous things and learning about what the heck happened that's really quite fun.

Or maybe it's just because the car reminds me of the '78 Ford LTD wagon I learned how to drive in. That too.

Playing FF7 Rebirth, and given how huge this game is I won't be playing anything else on my PS5 anytime soon, great game so far.

On the steam deck I'm working on the original Silent Hill but only playing it in 20/30 minute sessions days apart so not making a lot of progress. I finished SH2 before this and will then move onto SH3. Loved the series 20 years ago and they still hold up well in my opinion.
Currently playing: Dragons Dogma 2 Character Editor - already investing the crucial first 20 hours before the game even is released.
Why dont other games do similar? 😅
Finished Tomb Raider I-III Remastered, but starting over from the start again as there was a patch released the day after I completed it which fixed/updated a few things here and there. Also, I am just having too much fun to stop playing it.

Took me a total of 71 hours to complete all 3 games and the 3 expansions. That is really good play time for the money considering it's essentially just 90s games. Think Cyberpunk took me less time to complete (the main story).
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I returned to Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition. After taking up a certain tip on how to clear one stage, I am now on what I am guessing is the final chapter of "The HUNT Continues" campaign. I recently completed a stage that reminded me of the final stage of the first mission of Wolfenstein 3D. It was just one big stage that was a boss fight. The level kind of ends like the first episode of Wolfenstein 3D also once that boss is beaten. I am now kind of stuck in this big level.
I just finished Tomb Raider 2013 so I started on the Rise of the Tomb Raider. Also finished the main story in DBZ Kakarot so I have been clearing the villainous threats in various areas. They are much harder than before I finished the game which surprised me. I played Gravel some as well. I plan to start WRC 8 as one of my friends is holding a tournament at his home using that and some other racing games
I'm continuing on my streak of building/management/sim type games.

On city skylines ps5 remaster, i had only barely started a street a long time ago on ps4, liking it but didn't get into it more that time.

I'm absolutely loving it.
Makes me giggle in delight each i see a detail the devs added in this.
Lots of simulated stuff, effects, systems affecting each other etc.
I love all the overlays they put, makes it so easy clear to see what's up in your game.

This game takes your time like crazy lol, you dont see time go by.
Landscaping, building up your city, etc.

So much dynamic detail, trees that look dying up if close to pollution, burned up in a fire, growing back slowly, helping block sound pollution, helping value of nature centric areas, etc.

The spread of fire depending on proximity of houses, trees etc.
Its endless it seems.

Anyhow, i rarely splurge on dlcs etc, but i got just about all major dev content dlcs for it, albeit at a good discount.
The ps4 version had good dlc bundles deals, plus the ps5 version has other good dlc sales.
They add some depth, detail, and assets, options.

Only thing is, the ps5 remaster could do with a better cleaner image quality, and textures, especially trees.
Only thing is, the ps5 remaster could do with a better cleaner image quality, and textures, especially trees.
I put fair few hours on the PS4 version (on a PS4 Pro) and then started again with the Remastered version on PS5 and i honestly struggle to find any graphical difference between the two. The ability to run more than 9 tiles is the game changer IMO.
Having a great time with FC24. Can there be any other sports games with this much virtual simulation inputs(best way I can describe it).
I almost want to quit FF7Rebirth. I am getting quite bored with the game. I am like almost 35-40 hours into it though so I guess in a way, I'd really like to finish it.