What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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People who think your challenging them even though you know they'll win, and then they rub it in your face even though you didn't even challenge them in the first place


I hate that too. They know they are better than you at something, and you just play for fun. Then they act like you cared about trying to win.
LOL mine is, woke up this morning, found out my ex-fiancee moved on in less than 2 months of our break up.
When you get emails from scammers who want to send their laptops to get fixed. It's sad that people would go to such lengths to get things fixed for free.
Yeah scam e-mails are totally annoying - I don't get them as often as I used to but it's usually incredibl obvious - the wording and the emphasis on the whole 'enter your information EXACTLY as it appears' kind of gives it away...

I even had a few where mousing over the URL link showed a web address totally different then what they were trying to scam me out of!:rolleyes: Would-be scammers are definitely gear-grinders, although they are mildly amusing when they are stupidly obvious...
When you're at the store in an empty aisle, and you're looking for something on the counter and some idiot out of no where stands in front and blocks your view. Then you have to move to the side to see but you can't grab because him/her and his/her cart is in the way.
Or when you go in to the grocery store to get your chocolate bar, and that's it. Then you have to wait 2 hours in line behind people with 50 items each, and the express checkout isn't open. Sobeys can 🤬 my 🤬, because they grind my gears.
Having only read the last page of this topic....

  • People who use "to" when they should be using "too".
  • People using "your" for "you're".
  • People using "their" for "they're".
  • People using "should of" when it's supposed to be "should've". "Should of" makes no grammatical sense.
  • People saying "being have" when it's "behaving". You don't get to snap a word in twain and stick an "ing" in the middle of it.
  • "A whole nother". Again, you don't get to break "another" in two and stick another word in the middle of it.
  • Walls of text are terrible. I despise them.
Yeah scam e-mails are totally annoying - I don't get them as often as I used to but it's usually incredibl obvious - the wording and the emphasis on the whole 'enter your information EXACTLY as it appears' kind of gives it away...

I even had a few where mousing over the URL link showed a web address totally different then what they were trying to scam me out of!:rolleyes: Would-be scammers are definitely gear-grinders, although they are mildly amusing when they are stupidly obvious...

Check the Canadian government legislation about spam e-mails.

As posted previously, I glanced at the Australian Spam act, and this covers spam e-mails originating in Aus, and messages retreived from Aus. if you bring it up with the Canadian equivilent of Electronic media control (which would probably take 5 mins), you may be elegable for some money from a class action law suit if the gov decide to pursue it.
Having only read the last page of this topic....

  • People who use "to" when they should be using "too".
  • People using "your" for "you're".
  • People using "their" for "they're".
  • People using "should of" when it's supposed to be "should've". "Should of" makes no grammatical sense.
  • People saying "being have" when it's "behaving". You don't get to snap a word in twain and stick an "ing" in the middle of it.
  • "A whole nother". Again, you don't get to break "another" in two and stick another word in the middle of it.
  • Walls of text are terrible. I despise them.

👍 Grammar Nazis of the world unite!

What grinds my gears.....

Glossy paper. Not the kind in magazines but the thicker, more card like stuff that has a plastic type sheen to it that feels to the touch what nails on a chalk board feels to the ears. Oh, how I hate that stuff!
Check the Canadian government legislation about spam e-mails.

As posted previously, I glanced at the Australian Spam act, and this covers spam e-mails originating in Aus, and messages retreived from Aus. if you bring it up with the Canadian equivilent of Electronic media control (which would probably take 5 mins), you may be elegable for some money from a class action law suit if the gov decide to pursue it.

Does that also cover the US? If so then I might be hunting through my spam emails. Gotta make those emails worth some money if possible, since I'm trying to make money with my computer service.:lol:
The royal british wedding has been grinding my gears all day long. It's cool that the Britains enjoy it that much, but why are people over here getting so darn excitited about it?

Honestly, Kate and William have probably been the names I've been hearing the most today. And I'm at work, FFS!
What grinds my close-ratio gears?

The price us Britons have to pay for car insurance :grumpy:

Im very nearly 21 and have been driving for nearly 3 years now, and am still paying ridiculous amounts of money to get insured on a tiny, crappy Fiesta...how come other countries get off so easily :grumpy:
Does that also cover the US? If so then I might be hunting through my spam emails. Gotta make those emails worth some money if possible, since I'm trying to make money with my computer service.:lol:

I've no idea what your country's legislation states. You'll need to read the small print of your equivilant act. But, it can be easy for a company to weasel out of it, because you can buy infered consent from a company who has your address.

The Australian act makes bots that gather email illeagal, but not manual work (ie, getting someone elses list harvested from a legit site). So one person can harvest your e-mail address and sell lists to companies who can than legally spam you. Thats why you get tons of spam from one mis-placed address. If the input area looks suspect, read the terms and conditions, and look for a part about not onselling your address. If it's not there, it's probably going to spam you

oh, and, I'm the preist God never paid.... WOOO!! </the Small Print>

What grinds my close-ratio gears?

The price us Britons have to pay for car insurance

Im very nearly 21 and have been driving for nearly 3 years now, and am still paying ridiculous amounts of money to get insured on a tiny, crappy Fiesta...how come other countries get off so easily

You lot really have the raw end. Some news bullitin down here told of some 18/19 yr old who was quoted nearly 100,000 pounds to insure an old-ish hatchback. ?!?!?
What grinds my close-ratio gears?

The price us Britons have to pay for car insurance :grumpy:

Im very nearly 21 and have been driving for nearly 3 years now, and am still paying ridiculous amounts of money to get insured on a tiny, crappy Fiesta...how come other countries get off so easily :grumpy:

Well, first of all we drive on the RIGHT side of the road. Therefore we don't do the wrong things, and pay LESS on insurance. But we do pay a lot here as well.
The royal british wedding has been grinding my gears all day long. It's cool that the Britains enjoy it that much, but why are people over here getting so darn excitited about it?

Honestly, Kate and William have probably been the names I've been hearing the most today. And I'm at work, FFS!

OMG yes! You would be hard pressed to find any current event less relevant to the U.S.(yes we got the fever, too!) going on now.

I hate it when people underestimate what I'm thinking.

also, when people say "I can promise you X" or "I can guarantee you X" that just makes me want to shoot them, right between the eyes. especially if they're talking about something that I've already done, AND THEY HAVEN'T. to put a name to people like this, this one guy I know who does this a lot(could just be the fact that he's a fat version of The Situation.)

also, people who have rapidly changing moods. if you're getting butt-mad at absolutely nothing, go vent away from me.
Spending limits.

It's pretty normal in France that you can't pay more than you earn per month using your credit / debit card. Yet, you can still bypass the limit if you use cheques. It's like a third world country, the rest of the world stopped using cheques like 30 years ago. Well, except France and maybe the US.
My modem constantly letting up on me, thus forcing me to waste another 5 min of my life trying to get it reconnected:mad:
You know what grinds my gears?

People who get uncomfortable with any topics dealing with race and try to ignore it in an attempt to make it go away.

Yes, I'm upset. Not pissed, just upset...better yet, disappointed.
You know what grinds my gears?

People who get uncomfortable with any topics dealing with race and try to ignore it in an attempt to make it go away.

Yes, I'm upset. Not pissed, just upset...better yet, disappointed.

If that's a reference to me closing your thread and you sending me a PM about it, then please, atleast do me the courtesy of waiting for my reply to your message before criticising me publicly about it.

While I am perfectly within my rights to ignore you, I have never purposefully ignored a PM regarding a moderating issue in the entire time I have been at GTPlanet, so, if this post was indeed refering to me, then I think you owe me an apology - or, at the very least, you ought to have a little bit of patience and know that the moderating team are not always on hand to respond immediately to any messages you might care to send.
If that's a reference to me closing your thread and you sending me a PM about it, then please, atleast do me the courtesy of waiting for my reply to your message before criticising me publicly about it.

While I am perfectly within my rights to ignore you, I have never purposefully ignored a PM regarding a moderating issue in the entire time I have been at GTPlanet, so, if this post was indeed refering to me, then I think you owe me an apology - or, at the very least, you ought to have a little bit of patience and know that the moderating team are not always on hand to respond immediately to any messages you might care to send.

I never accused of ignoring my message, my comment was a general statement about people who like to ignore issues of race. If that was confusing, for that, I will apologize.

I agree with this if a person is trying to push religion on you. If they just keep their religion to them selves I don't really mind (though I bet the feel the same about atheists who do that). Though I also don't like the ignorance of religion. So I can better explain that without being an ass, just watch this.

What grinds my gears....

Meeting a smoking hot girl in a bar, having it put on a plate and having a good time but not being able to do anything with it because I'm married! I love my wife but I think I should have used up my mojo before settling down, it's especially hard because where I'm living is over crowded with hot chicks, this city's famous for them.
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