What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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I have a cold just like that, starts with a sore throat, moves on to ears feeling blocked, blocked nose, bad balance, phlegm, bad coughing, painful sneezing, etc, it grinds my gears also.

Ah. I got the sore throat. Very annoying.
People who over-hype everything grind my gears. Especially Americans, those who said Barack Obama was the change they could believe in, sure are pissed off right now. Everyone believed he would change everything, but he is just like every other President of the USA, a people-persuader who breaks promises, just like EVERY politician. Politicians also grind my gears

Uh-oh!:scared: I don't suppose it's a good thing that the profession I aspire to become an integral part of grinds your gears!:sly:

Politics, it breaks gears. 👍

Well played sir!👍 But only when done incorrectly!:)
No AMCNUT, as long as your a competant, responsible and well respected politician who follows through on your commitments, I'll have no problem with you.
My gear grinder number one, without any competition for that title whatsoever:

Been in a relationship for two and a half months, haven't got laid.
My gear grinder number one, without any competition for that title whatsoever:

Been in a relationship for two and a half months, haven't got laid.


You're going to need a Wheel barrow soon.....

You're going to need a Wheel barrow soon.....

Two, probably. And, more importantly, some adamant determination to not remedy this problem elsewere.
And here I thought that, at the age of 22, those were problems of the past (which I never expirienced before) :indiff:
Getting sick at the very start of the holidays, then getting better at the very end
What grinds my gears (I know im going to get flamed for this) Nascar.
If you want fast oval racing watch indy car if you want circuit racing watch F1 if you want normalish cars watch touring cars. Nascar for me fills none of the boxes that make motosport exciting.
Two, probably. And, more importantly, some adamant determination to not remedy this problem elsewere.
And here I thought that, at the age of 22, those were problems of the past (which I never expirienced before) :indiff:

Women are hard to handle sometimes.....I guess it will happen when shes ready, 2 months is a long time for guys, but for women its nothing really.

Hang in there if you love her, it will be worth the wait in the long run
Women are hard to handle sometimes.....I guess it will happen when shes ready, 2 months is a long time for guys, but for women its nothing really.

Hang in there if you love her, it will be worth the wait in the long run

It's not that I don't my way around women or anything... It's just annoying, really. Especially after being told she's "ready" quite some time ago.
Been in a relationship for two and a half months, haven't got laid.

Must be doing something wrong ol' chap.

Have you tried going out and partying together, getting intoxicated and letting nature take its course?
I'm not advocating taking advantage of a drunk girlfriend, let her take advantage of you. :)
All of my buddies have got laid, and that grinds my gears. Just kidding, I'm patient and just having fun at school, its inevitable that one day I will get laid. Anyway, talking about this is grinding my gears.
My gear grinder number one, without any competition for that title whatsoever:

Been in a relationship for two and a half months, haven't got laid.

When you do, it's going to be such a disappointment.
Must be doing something wrong ol' chap.

Have you tried going out and partying together, getting intoxicated and letting nature take its course?
I'm not advocating taking advantage of a drunk girlfriend, let her take advantage of you. :)
Meh, I've tried it all. From booze to all the funky, romantic stuff.

When you do, it's going to be such a disappointment.
Yeah... But it was going to be disappointing, either way. Actually, my first girlfriend was the best, by far and every girl since then has been disappointing when it comes to that...
I dont know what to suggest Luminis......

I guess if she's worth it, and you love her, it might not be that disappointing after all?
All of my buddies have got laid, and that grinds my gears. Just kidding, I'm patient and just having fun at school, its inevitable that one day I will get laid. Anyway, talking about this is grinding my gears.

You mean all your buddies Claim they got laid....

Seriously whats the rush? Everybody scurries around like if they dont have sex before there 16,17,18, ect; then they must be some kind of freak, or gay, ect.

I find it laughable, people seem to think you only become an adult after you have engaged in Coitus. If that truly was the case, we would have a world of immature 14 year olds defined as "adults" 👎

Rant over.
I dont know what to suggest Luminis......

I guess if she's worth it, and you love her, it might not be that disappointing after all?

Been there, done that and it's always been disappointing so far. Not that that means she's not worth it or anything, or that the relationship is bad or doesnn't work out.
It just means the sex is bad (in comparison). Luckily, there's more to a relaationship than that...

You mean all your buddies Claim they got laid....

Seriously whats the rush? Everybody scurries around like if they dont have sex before there 16,17,18, ect; then they must be some kind of freak, or gay, ect.

I find it laughable, people seem to think you only become an adult after you have engaged in Coitus. If that truly was the case, we would have a world of immature 14 year olds defined as "adults" 👎

Rant over.
True, partially, at least. I doesn't make you an adult, in my opinion. One's actions and way of thinking does that. But,I mean, let's be honest here, getting laid is awesome, no two ways about. I guess that's all there is to the rush.
But,I mean, let's be honest here, getting laid is awesome, no two ways about. I guess that's all there is to the rush.

Yeah it is, but not always. I'm sure everyone here has had at least one not so great time in bed.

There have been plenty of times when I've had my daily fill but my other half hasn't and I feel it's my duty to comply. It them becomes a chore.

For the most part though, getting laid does end in smiles for nearly everyone I can think of.
Yeah it is, but not always. I'm sure everyone here has had at least one not so great time in bed.

There have been plenty of times when I've had my daily fill but my other half hasn't and I feel it's my duty to comply. It them becomes a chore.

For the most part though, getting laid does end in smiles for nearly everyone I can think of.

- Pages with videos that autoplay themselves.
- The fact that there are thousands of pages about one subject, and only one of them is actually useful (Real Madrid vs Barcelona, watch online, page redirects you to another page, and so on and on...).
- Pages featuring a link that redirect you to the page you are actually looking at (why...?).
Yeah, those really annoy me, especially if I'm listening to music or something in the background and it interrupts at an annoying decibel level.... then everyone looks at me really funny!:ouch: But oh well...

On the other hand, people who are too scared of cops annoy me as well. I was driving to my sister's school to pick her up and a cop pulled out in between me and the car that was in front of me. It was a posted 40 km/h zone, and she must've been like "OMG COP!:scared:" because she dropped down to about 27... so here I am, following these two, positively crawling along this long stretch of road... SO annoying!:banghead:

And the cop didn't even bother to pull her over for going too slowly....
Dear Submerged, I need to inform you that in Canada, someone can be pulled over for driving to slowly. Because slow cars interfere with the flow of traffic. Thus the moving-chicanes create traffic jams, which grind EVERYBODY but the guy on the bicycle's gears.
this may cause a debate or what ever but....what ever

so what ginds my gears?

Well basically some of the stupidly of stuff i've seen on GTP, even so that it makes me laugh now when I think of it:


iShift_Faced - 3rd December 2010 - Inappropriate username.
Inappropriate, ok so it contains the words I, shift and faced. 3 perfectly normally words fresh out of the good old English dictionary....but then obviously mods/admins will come up with the same lame reason they said to me about it's just to get around an inappropriate word (shift without the f).

Then in my one week ban from GTP I was just browsing around and discovered the username CarBastard, which seems to be perfectly ok. It's another normal word in the dictionary but it's also known as a vulgar way to insult someone, more or less a bad word, but let it's aloud it seems...

But then I remembered......Oh yeah, that's right! American's being well the typical Americans that they are have there own version of the English language, so bastard to them may be perfectly ok......who cares about the rest of us.
When there's this 'creature' who destroys my school toilet... I feel ashamed that the 'creature' is actually part of us.
When sports bikers pull out to overtake over blind crests and around corners into oncoming traffic. Almost hit two this morning, a second later and the second guy would be in a right mess (or a black bag).
- Pages with videos that autoplay themselves.
- The fact that there are thousands of pages about one subject, and only one of them is actually useful (Real Madrid vs Barcelona, watch online, page redirects you to another page, and so on and on...).
- Pages featuring a link that redirect you to the page you are actually looking at (why...?).

What about links to the top of a webpage, that are at the TOP OF THE WEBPAGE???
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