What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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PiRacingChamp- you won't like me too much then... Just kidding. Stupid advertisements grind my gears. For example, the slapchop, shamwow and the magic bullet.
Nah it's not the products themselves so much that bother me - it's mostly the creepy as all 🤬 sales pitch guys. THEY REALLY grind my gears! They all scare me... especially the Shamwow guy!:scared:
You don't like Vince the Shamwow guy either? I thought I was the only one who didn't. The Australian guy who does the Cash4gold.com commercial is very annoying and grinds my gears. I liked it when Billy Mays advertised every product- remember Mighty Putty? Its sad that he died.
I forgot to mention, I hate ads that play sounds. I used to wear headphones (nowadays I just keep the sound off), so I'd be browsing and suddenly, CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE WON A FREE IPOD NANO! CLICK HERE TO CLAIM YOUR FREE IPOD NANO! Those startled me a fair few times.
You don't like Vince the Shamwow guy either? I thought I was the only one who didn't. The Australian guy who does the Cash4gold.com commercial is very annoying and grinds my gears. I liked it when Billy Mays advertised every product- remember Mighty Putty? Its sad that he died.

Yeah, that Vince guy actually got locked up for an altercation with a hooker a while back I read... just goes to show our intuitions are correct!:sly: But yeah, the cash4gold guy would be Okay if he wasn't trying to be Billy Mays. I didn't actually mind Billy Mays - I was sad to hear he passed as well. But that other guys just sounds too much like an impersonator... he needs a more distinct personality (in a good way: e.g. NOT Shamwow!)
What grinds my gears.....

Electricity cuts.
Waking up and realising my building has no power and having to shower with cold water because the gas won't work with out the electricity!
Speaking of that, this was the windiest and power-outageiest winter we've had here in a long time. We had at least two big outages, one of which ruined most of a weekend (they didn't get power back on until 10PM Saturday).
The site won't let me type a whole message in capitals, that is a bit annoying. I just typed that in capitals and it didn't come up in capitals
The site won't let me type a whole message in capitals, that is a bit annoying. I just typed that in capitals and it didn't come up in capitals

There is no reason to type a whole message in all capitals.
Unless shouting MORRIS MARINA like I did at one point because it was completely relevent
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You could add something extra:


*oh cock*

Hahahaa :lol: Love it how it says Oh cock at the bottom, it's funny how when scrolling down a page on What annoys people, it says Morris Marina in massive bold letters 👍
You want to know what is really grinding my gears? Do you? Do you really? Its the d:censored:m thunderstorm right next to my window. Shakes the whole room, to the point I can't sleep.
You know what grinds my gears??

Weak ass hackers!(just hear me out on this one)

These so called hackers like to consider themselves anarchist, creating chaos and what not, but they never hack anything relevant! You really wanna create chaos? Hack the pentagon and see what they really got going on, hack the banks of the world to see what they're really doing with our money. No, you don't wanna do that, you might go to jail, instead they wanna hack peoples PCs, PSN(you know it was coming) and COD ect.

YOU ARE NOT AN ANARCHIST! Your just an upset little kid ripping the heads off of other kids toys!
Running out of battery when I'm doing something on any electronic device. :mad:


You know what grinds my gears??

Weak ass hackers!(just hear me out on this one)

These so called hackers like to consider themselves anarchist, creating chaos and what not, but they never hack anything relevant! You really wanna create chaos? Hack the pentagon and see what they really got going on, hack the banks of the world to see what they're really doing with our money. No, you don't wanna do that, you might go to jail, instead they wanna hack peoples PCs, PSN(you know it was coming) and COD ect.

YOU ARE NOT AN ANARCHIST! Your just an upset little kid ripping the heads off of other kids toys!

These both grind my gears. I had my facebook hacked by some guy in India, left a message saying choose a stronger password. Grrr........................
Delivery people, they refuse to come and deliver things into the valley simply because it takes quite awhile, so instead they come out on little motor scooters and give us a slip telling us to go and pick it up from the post office, so agitating.
Delivery people, they refuse to come and deliver things into the valley simply because it takes quite awhile, so instead they come out on little motor scooters and give us a slip telling us to go and pick it up from the post office, so agitating.

Yeah, we have to drive into town to get our stuff, a 15 minute drive :grumpy:. Grinds my almost non-existent gears, because they've almost been grinded into the oblivion.
Yeah, we have to drive into town to get our stuff, a 15 minute drive :grumpy:. Grinds my almost non-existent gears, because they've almost been grinded into the oblivion.

About the same distance for the drive for me, it's more like 8 minutes. But I'm used to having a retarded bus driver who takes 17 minutes to do a trip which takes a normal bus driver 10 minutes to do :rolleyes:
I started an exercise routine to build or gain muscular endurance. It involves jogging, walking or biking over 1 km each day. So I chose to go biking. So the wind is blowing strong but its going perpendicular to the road. So I'm in 18th gear and just hauling a:censored: down the road when I realized I just went 2 km one way. (There is a 1km distance between each house on our road). So the wind changes directions. I had 40+km speed winds to battle on the way back. When I got home I flipped out and threw a lawn chair a considerable distance. Wind grinds my gears and brakes them. :mad:
Delivery people taking needlessly long to deliver something.

Come on, there isn't a place on this island which isn't more than a 1 hour walk away:rolleyes:
I see what you mean, takes an hour or 2 to get to the post office or whatever to pick up something, it's very agitating
Inspector Gadget.

Penny does all the work and he always gets out of sticky situations through dumb luck.

He can be interpreted as a Troll.
People who think your challenging them even though you know they'll win, and then they rub it in your face even though you didn't even challenge them in the first place
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