What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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When people play songs that make them want to either:
-Catch a Grenade for me.
-Pretend that an airplane in the night sky is a shooting star.
-hold something against me.
People turning right that refuse to stop for me on my bike when I have the right of way(AKA, the little green guy is on). If it wasn't for the pain that would ensue I would totally get hit by one of those idiots. Instead I'll just be showing my displeasure with one of my fingers.
I've got 2,

  • When one of your friends promise it will be a clean race, then you do really well, they get mad and take you out
  • When people get in your face and stare at you with a blank look on their face (Like today, a kid got in my face and said, "Your hair is weird, why is your hair in your eyes?", then they just stare at you annoyingly
What Grinds My Gears (Part 10 I think, I lost count): -Only having 4 friends -Having to ask someone to open a jar for you -Getting on your PS2, and getting photos of a Fiat Coupe on GT4, then your mom walks in and thinks you've been playing for hours. And has the nerve to TAKE YOUR CONTROLLER BECAUSE YOUR 'LYING' WHEN YOU SAY YOU JUST GOT ON! WHEN YOUR TELLING THE TRUTH! :mad:
-When I'm playing basketball, and I catch the ball amazingly quick off of a haywire bounce. Everything slows, I shoot. It's going in! *BAM* Ricochets off the base of the thing that keeps the hoop on the ground into the street.

AND even worse when this girl who always rides her bike up and down my street, I have to stop her path to retrieve said ball.
DELL grinds the hell out of my gearz. Ordered a phone on the 21st of march with a delivery date of apr 8th. On the 5th they sent me a delay notice saying new delivery date of the 22nd. Now, there are people who have been delayed til the 25th who have received their phones. Many have emailed Mike Dell and got their orders expedited. Really really pissed.
What Grinds my Gear's:

Getting Pwned

Company CEO pulls up today in a brand spanking new E63 AMG, get's out wearing his Brioni suit & says to me "U Mad"

This is a true story.
Getting on your PS2, and getting photos of a Fiat Coupe on GT4, then your mom walks in and thinks you've been playing for hours. And has the nerve to TAKE YOUR CONTROLLER BECAUSE YOUR 'LYING' WHEN YOU SAY YOU JUST GOT ON! WHEN YOUR TELLING THE TRUTH! :mad:

You are not the only one:grumpy:

When ever I'm seen talking to a girl, my family members automatically make her my GF:ouch: It doesn't matter how long I've been chatting with her.
When momma always tell you to go to sleep at 10.pm every, single, day as if she's never reminded me before... what's worse is that she gets upset when I don't respond....

Annoying Momma is Annoying.
What Grinds My Gears (Part 10 I think, I lost count): -Only having 4 friends

Dude, I've less than that and no complaints. If you're not family, you're an acquaintance, I don't do friends (bar my wife).
So that is what has been grinding your gears... rightt okay.

too much information

Lol, perhaps it is.... I logged it as a Gear Grinder 2 pages back, so thought I would keep everyone updated ;)

In the end, this is my thread, and I welcome Gear Grinders of all colours, smells, tastes, and origins lol
Stupid drivers. Kinda need to vent on my story.

Yesterday I was leaving the post office. the street is a 4 lane street, 2 in each direction. I pull up to the street, and I can't see oncoming traffic because a large SUV is parked on the side. So I lean over my steering wheel and inch forward slowly til I can see. After getting a clear view of traffic I stop where I'm at. I'm not on the street or anything. I sit there for about a few seconds. I see a car in the left hand lane, and I think 'Okay perfect, I can just pull into the right lane'. As I think that, car is still stopped mind you, a large blue dodge pickup comes flying from behind the car in the left lane and cuts into the right lane. I see this and I think, oh ****. Then the dude slams his brakes, stares me down, throws his hands up in the air like he wants to fight. I'm still stopped. WTF! seriously. As he continues on his merry way I give him the one finger salute and pull into the street.

Over here, it almost ALWAYS guys in large trucks driving like idiots. I seen a guy HAUL ASS through a school zone on a school day. He must have easily been doing 4X what he is supposed to be doing.
This grinds my gears :

Out of rollin' papers and the coffeeshop just closed.
A 22 year old retard in a E55 AMG who thinks that the street is SSR7.

And the worst of all : Going to the doctor to find out why I had a panic attack out of nowhere. 👎
This grinds my gears :

Out of rollin' papers and the coffeeshop just closed.
A 22 year old retard in a E55 AMG who thinks that the street is SSR7.

And the worst of all : Going to the doctor to find out why I had a panic attack out of nowhere. 👎

Thats harsh dude, been there before, you eventually learn to use objects around you to get the job done, Soft drink can works well in these situations.
Thats harsh dude, been there before, you eventually learn to use objects around you to get the job done, Soft drink can works well in these situations.

Drinking a can of softdrink can indeed take someones mind off of smoking tobacco. You've been told a few times now to read the AUP. Discussion of illegal activities are not tolerated on GTP.
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People who compare video games.

It's bad because I can't watch a single gameplay video on YouTube without having to read all the nasty comments on a game.
When people play songs that make them want to either:
-Catch a Grenade for me.
-Pretend that an airplane in the night sky is a shooting star.
-hold something against me.

Soon it will be that time again fooooooor:
You know what grinds my gears? Kids. On M rated games.
Okay, that doesn't really grind my gears as much as the moms, WHO BUY THE GAME, start complaining "the game is too violent" or "this shouldn't be out there for our kids".

Prime example: Grand Theft Auto.

If I was a public relations representative for Rockstar Games, I would've said something along the lines of "If you don't like that our game is violent, why buy it for your kid? You do realize the M doesn't stand for Muppet, but Mature right? Don't blame us for your stupidity" or something along those lines.

Then there's the kids who play racing games. People try to have a fun, fair race, then a kid shows up into the room, yelling on his/her mic, asking to trade, or "where did you get that car!!???" and when the race starts, they'll ram everyone off the road. I want to race, kid. Doing organized events with the same people eventually get boring.

Well, that's what grinds my gears.

By the way: It's friday.
Do you know what grinds my gears? Satellite internet, its goes out when its raining, and its raining right now, gone out twice already:mad:.
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You know what grinds my gears? Kids. On M rated games.
Okay, that doesn't really grind my gears as much as the moms, WHO BUY THE GAME, start complaining "the game is too violent" or "this shouldn't be out there for our kids".

Prime example: Grand Theft Auto.

If I was a public relations representative for Rockstar Games, I would've said something along the lines of "If you don't like that our game is violent, why buy it for your kid? You do realize the M doesn't stand for Muppet, but Mature right? Don't blame us for your stupidity" or something along those lines.

Then there's the kids who play racing games. People try to have a fun, fair race, then a kid shows up into the room, yelling on his/her mic, asking to trade, or "where did you get that car!!???" and when the race starts, they'll ram everyone off the road. I want to race, kid. Doing organized events with the same people eventually get boring.

Well, that's what grinds my gears.

By the way: It's friday.

Well, the controversy helps the company. Why do you think EA made yourmomhatesdeadspace2.com?

Grinds my gears too, but the companies that make the games love it.
I would type up a lost of more stuff that grinds my gears but my breakers ends I'm 1 minute.

Edit: Also, did you know tommorow is Saturday, and yesterday was Thursday?
Well, Friday is the start for our weekend.

What grinds my gears is that I have to do all the cleaning on Fridays, which means that I have a 99% chance of having my Saturday ruined by a cold:mad:
You know what grinds my gears? Kids. On M rated games.
Okay, that doesn't really grind my gears as much as the moms, WHO BUY THE GAME, start complaining "the game is too violent" or "this shouldn't be out there for our kids".

Prime example: Grand Theft Auto.

If I was a public relations representative for Rockstar Games, I would've said something along the lines of "If you don't like that our game is violent, why buy it for your kid? You do realize the M doesn't stand for Muppet, but Mature right? Don't blame us for your stupidity" or something along those lines.

Then there's the kids who play racing games. People try to have a fun, fair race, then a kid shows up into the room, yelling on his/her mic, asking to trade, or "where did you get that car!!???" and when the race starts, they'll ram everyone off the road. I want to race, kid. Doing organized events with the same people eventually get boring.

The majority of reasons I get when I sell that game is that " he wants this game" or the sorts of reasons. Though there have been offers that were turned down because they didn't know why they had to show ID.
you know what grinds my gears? terrible singers who like to sing loudly while unknowingly are singing the wrong words of a song they love.
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