What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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Being a teenage male = insane car insurance payments

Now, math isn't my best subject by surly this has to be wrong??:crazy:

The fact that we're forced to buy insurance at all, from private, for profit companies who will go to the ends of the earth to not pay a cent of what we might be owed.

But yeah, especially the fact that because what's in our pants hangs low and wobbles to and fro, we are suddenly worse drivers than some bimbo talking on her cell phone and doing her makeup.

I mean, none of my friends who are guys have ever had an accident, but EVERY and I mean every girl I know has. One put her truck into a lake with me in it, and she still pays less than me, with my 100% clean driving record.

Oh and hillbillies in lifted trucks who shouldn't be using the carpool lane but do anyways (3 pigs and a hound dog don't count).
The fact that we're forced to buy insurance at all, from private, for profit companies who will go to the ends of the earth to not pay a cent of what we might be owed.

But yeah, especially the fact that because what's in our pants hangs low and wobbles to and fro, we are suddenly worse drivers than some bimbo talking on her cell phone and doing her makeup.

I mean, none of my friends who are guys have ever had an accident, but EVERY and I mean every girl I know has. One put her truck into a lake with me in it, and she still pays less than me, with my 100% clean driving record.

Oh and hillbillies in lifted trucks who shouldn't be using the carpool lane but do anyways (3 pigs and a hound dog don't count).

Yeah I second most of what you said! Only SOME of the females I know are bad drivers!:sly: But most of my males friends scare me... I coudl probably fill a thread with horror stories!:scared: However what you said about insurance with their cruel generalizations is absolutely true! When I was on my parents insurance I was automatically placed as the primary driver on our most expensive vehicle... so they could charge more! I had no choice in the matter... things like that REALLY annoy me.:grumpy:
You know what really grinds my gears?

Constipation, these last few days i've been clogged big time!
You know what really grinds my gears?

Constipation, these last few days i've been clogged big time!

On the flip side, it's better than food poisoning. I've been suffering all morning!
Food poisoning is terrible! I had to suffer through it once (After I ate a not fully cooked burger). That's the worst I ever felt in my life. Hope you feel better soon Shem!
Ditto, but it was some badly cooked chicken. I was out of school for a few weeks :ill: Almost needed to go to the hospital
-People with bright blue/pink/green/red headlights.
-Stupid songs that come on the radio every five seconds.
-Smug environmentalists
-Magazines that give good reviews to expensive electric cars, even though they cost more than twice what a better car costs.
You know what grinds my gears? The Subaru Impreza. Or in fact any Subaru. Except the 22B. That's rare and awesome.
What Grinds My Gears (Part 7. I think): -People who deliberately cause awkward moments between you and someone else. -Annoying people from grade 9 who follow you constantly, and don't get the hint you want nothing to do with them. If you're a fine looking girl I don't mind. But when you're so big that even Ray Charles can see you, or you can jump in the air and have objects orbit around you. No, please don't bother me.

Reminds me of high school. I always had at least 1 crazy weird chick always trying to get with me.

To make things worse, in grade 10, my mother worked in our cafeteria and there was a freaky ass girl who always talked with her about me and stuff, when I never actually met this girl. My mom was telling me how she was a sweet girl, and I had to tell her I don't **** with ogres. :crazy:
What grinds my gears......continued

1. People in the GT5 forum asking questions that they could find the answers to very easily if they only explored/played their own game.
Example - 'How does i do one them pit stop things?' (Bad grammar included)

2. People calling me a 'foreigner' very openly to their family member/friend/person next to them because I'm a westerner in a city where westerners are few and far between.
I don't walk around London (when I'm there) and point out every person from an ethnic group and say "Look, there, a foreigner!".
I was wrong when I thought the world had become a small place, clearly.
I've a good mind to point at every person I see on the way home and very obviously shout 'Ha! Chinese dude!" in their general direction.

3. People who fart and then deny it was them. I've nothing against farts, in fact, I think they are wonderfully funny but I'm not going to let on rip in my office/classroom and then look around like it wasn't me. I want the glory!
People who do this should revel in the excellent humour farts provide.

4. The eczema on my fingers which makes me look like a lepper. It's only minor but God is it itchy. Plus the doc recons it's caused by too much.....everything. Let me tell you, I'm not giving up my unhealthy life style for a bit of dry skin!

5. Having 6 or 7 pens on my desk but not one that works.

Rant over............. for now.

When you got to work with super tiny things that are hard to grip.

Microscopic splinters
When that stupid ATC on Microsoft Flight Sim decides to put my aircraft directly in line with an AI aircraft, forcing me to go around and waste 20min:mad:
You know what grinds my gears? The Subaru Impreza. Or in fact any Subaru. Except the 22B. That's rare and awesome.




With all the modern technology and scientific knowledge could they not some how create a full days worth of food in pill form?
I'm probably in the minority here as most people love food. I Like food but hate the act of eating, it's a chore for me not a pleasure.
If there was a pill that could replace my lunch I'd happily take it.
You know what grinds my gears? The Subaru Impreza. Or in fact any Subaru. Except the 22B. That's rare and awesome.

Mad? :)

What's annoying? When my router refuses to connect to the interwebz after trying for an hour. Resetting it doesn't help either.
My Next Door Neighbors
My Homeland - USA - Stupid government...
Movies about U.S. troops getting eaten by giant monsters
Jeff Gordon finishing 23rd at Texas last race (4/9/11)
Inappropriate content in whatever you search for on Google
2. People calling me a 'foreigner' very openly to their family member/friend/person next to them because I'm a westerner in a city where westerners are few and far between.
I don't walk around London (when I'm there) and point out every person from an ethnic group and say "Look, there, a foreigner!".
I was wrong when I thought the world had become a small place, clearly.
I've a good mind to point at every person I see on the way home and very obviously shout 'Ha! Chinese dude!" in their general direction.

Why not just pointedly ask them: "Is your friend/family member/whatever is blind?! Of course I'm a foreigner, even a child could see that!".

It might make it obvious to them that they aren't being very subtle at all.

Generally, people aren't subtle at all.
  • Waiting four years for Fatmouse, only to see him usurped.
  • Meat nappies
I really, really hate losing. I'm an absolutely terrible bad loser at times.
But I've got nothing on my sister.
Getting issued new work cellphones THAT HAVE LESS OPTIONS THAN THE PREVIOUSLY WORKING FINE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!000111010101001

ninja edit: One plus........................no one knows my new number yet! That is a hidden blessing. Which won't last long. But as Depeche Mode used to say ' enjoy to silence '.
What grinds my gears......continued

1. People in the GT5 forum asking questions that they could find the answers to very easily if they only explored/played their own game.
Example - 'How does i do one them pit stop things?' (Bad grammar included)

2. People calling me a 'foreigner' very openly to their family member/friend/person next to them because I'm a westerner in a city where westerners are few and far between.
I don't walk around London (when I'm there) and point out every person from an ethnic group and say "Look, there, a foreigner!".
I was wrong when I thought the world had become a small place, clearly.
I've a good mind to point at every person I see on the way home and very obviously shout 'Ha! Chinese dude!" in their general direction.

3. People who fart and then deny it was them. I've nothing against farts, in fact, I think they are wonderfully funny but I'm not going to let on rip in my office/classroom and then look around like it wasn't me. I want the glory!
People who do this should revel in the excellent humour farts provide.

4. The eczema on my fingers which makes me look like a lepper. It's only minor but God is it itchy. Plus the doc recons it's caused by too much.....everything. Let me tell you, I'm not giving up my unhealthy life style for a bit of dry skin!

5. Having 6 or 7 pens on my desk but not one that works.

Rant over............. for now.

I agree with the GT5 forum people, a lot of them are just idiots.

I also agree with the farting, I don't deny it, for example, today I did the meeeeaaanest fart in graphics, and pissed everyone off, and I TOOK GLORY
The stupid "48/2(9+3)" thread.... GTP is the 3rd forum I go on to have this dumb thread.
The stupid "48/2(9+3)" thread.... GTP is the 3rd forum I go on to have this dumb thread.

This. LOL. I just wanted to post the same. Fact is it's bad written and would not be accepted in this form
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