What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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When people just can't admit they're ignorant and constantly try to brush it off with a joke.

I would never admit to being ignorant because .......................... (insert funny joke here).

What grinds my gears?....

The marketing department in my office who steal my pens. Every ****ing day!

The stationery girl thinks I have some kind of pen fetish because I'm constantly requesting replacements.
What grinds my gears every second?

When my mom forces me to do homework. I want to do homework if I'm in the mood to, you can't tell me when to do it.

If you're using Google Chrome or Firefox, download ad-block plus. I haven't seen an ad at the beginning of a video in months.

Also, what grinds my gears is that the traffic light at the end of my street stays red for a good 2 minutes. I'm not exaggerating, I've timed it.
It goes faster when it senses someone is there, it has pressure plates right PAST the white line, and I've already stated my feelings on people who refuse to go even a little bit over the white line. So when I'm stuck behind one of those people and the light just turned red, I just get really pissed off.

Yeah, I got Adblock today, stops the noisy ads that continually pop up on imageshack
^^ I completely agree 100% with 2 things
Misquotes are a pain in the : censored:


There is a Traffic light by me, that stays red for 8 yes EIGHT minutes. because its a 4 way stop and everyone EVEN THE LEFT TURN LANES have their own cycle. btw, no turn on red

i should mention that turn lanes across from each other also go separately and its an intersection that does NOT require that AT ALL!
My personality would make you nuts then AOS-.

^:lol:! I'm sorry I'm so ignorant.
But hey:
If well endowed girls work at Hooters, where do amputees with one leg work?

Anyway, McDonalds and the fast food companies grind my gears.
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^:lol:! I'm sorry I'm so ignorant, but hey: If well endowed girls work at Hooters, where do amputees with one leg work? I-hop. Anyway, McDonalds and the fast food companies grind my gears.

Yo dawg, I herd you liek haet Maccas...
What grinds my gears every second?

When my mom forces me to do homework. I want to do homework if I'm in the mood to, you can't tell me when to do it.

Seeing as she's your mother i'm pretty sure she can lol
If all school kids only did homework when they 'wanted too', then I doubt any would get done....:crazy:

You know what really Grinds my gears?

Nose Bleeds,
I used to suffer from these all the time as a kid, i've had my nose cauterised 6 times (each time hurting like hell) and today I sneeze alot (hayfever) and then my nose erupts, blood everywhere and it took 25 minutes to stop!
I lost like an egg cup off Blood which is alot from just your nose!

Its crazy! 👎
^You reminded me of the fact that I haven't had a nosebleed in a month. Last few times I've had one I only bled out of the right nostril. And it didn't stop for an hour. I was scared because I thought I was going to die due to the blood loss.
Whenever I have a nosebleed, I pinch my nose, tilt my head back til the blood flows the other direction and hold still for like 1 minute. Yes you'll be consuming your own blood, so what? It's worked all the time, wanna fight about it? :lol:
What grinds my gears? Summer heat. I have to stay in the house all day, with a fan blowing on me 24/7.
What grinds my gears? Summer heat. I have to stay in the house all day, with a fan blowing on me 24/7.

This and the fact that because we have people working on our house with the front and garage doors always open, we can't turn on the A/C.
This and the fact that because we have people working on our house with the front and garage doors always open, we can't turn on the A/C.

Wow, I feel so sorry for you. This is one of the hottest summers.
Whenever I have a nosebleed, I pinch my nose, tilt my head back til the blood flows the other direction and hold still for like 1 minute. Yes you'll be consuming your own blood, so what? It's worked all the time, wanna fight about it? :lol:

I think tilting one's head forward is the correct way to deal with a nose bleed.
It must suck for you guys without A/C. We have ours running on max, and its comfortable. And for nosebleeds, the proper way is to tilt your head forward. What grinds my gears? The school dress code. Jeez its summertime, let guys wear muscleshirts and girls wear their really short-shorts.
Summertime grinds my gears as well. Luckily, school ends just right before summer. I particularly hate the mosquitos that start to appear by December, not to mention not being able to sleep well because of the heat.
Where I live there are SO MANY Indians that drive Toyota's and they have cause 3 wrecks in the past months with my family, all of which was their fault. One of the toilet paper heads didn't even have a drivers license..


Edit: No racism intended! :D
"The owner has blocked this content for copyright" Isn't copyright valid worldwide? How in hell do this things happen? FFFFUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!

Seriously. Stupid Digital Millennium Copyright Act, it makes almost impossible to do some things legally on the Internet, even if they could be on real life.
No copyrights in China.^

What grinds my gears?....

Making a purchase and getting seriously stressed about it.
I went to a shop yesterday to order a new notebook for my wife as her current laptop is outdated by the SNES.
I chose the model she wanted and then explained that I want the XP, not Vista, and I want it in English, not Chinese. "OK" they said.
My wife waited at the shop for it to be done and got bored after 5 HOURS of sitting around and told them I'd come by today to collect it.

I went to the shop at lunch time and got a load of crap about how they've not finished preparing it yet. A whole 24 hours to install XP? I've done it myself before and it hasn't taken more than a few!
The point of spending loads of cash on tech that isn't really needed is to make myself feel good. I'm not getting that feeling right now and if it isn't ready in an hour I'm taking my business else where. The B*STARDS!

Rant over.
They were either really busy with poor time management, or they were making promises they couldn't hold from the start. Hate it when that happens.
People who aren't creative enough to understand what I mean :rolleyes: Or understand how I see an object as looking like something
The fact that I am really smart at school but when it comes to applying what I learned to real-life scenarios I fail miserably.
People who aren't creative enough to understand what I mean :rolleyes: Or understand how I see an object as looking like something

I don't get it....:dopey:

Anyway. The idiots I work with grind my gears.
I work as a part time grocery bagger at Giant, and I appear to be one of the only 3 of us with any common sense. Bagging groceries shouldn't be that difficult, but for some people it is.
I've seen people put bottles of bleach directly on top of someones bread. I've seen people who don't understand why you should put lightbulbs in the same bag as a gallon of milk.
Just...stupid people just piss me off.
People that thing everything is racist, or derogatory in some manner. Also people that go claiming that everything has "sex" written on it, just hidden. (Subliminal messages) I mean, really? Cant people accept life is normal and that there are going to be some random spoofs on soda cans, or that words' value and meaning depends of context?
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