What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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Old people driving and women driving! They always think their right even after trying to bump you out a road :lol:!

Oh my god, that pisses me off so much I wanna stab them! *rage*
People that say Justin Beiber is way better than Queens of the Stone Age. The only thing Beiber would beet QOTSA at would be a sucking contest...
This strange guy on eBay who sold a filthy Lowepro bag w/o shoulder strap as "brand-new with strap in original packaging" who's now accusing me of scamming him and threatening to file a police report. Sigh...just glad I'll merely have to print out all the messages and transactions in order to make him look like a clown.

I hate it when I SHOULD live life like a nerd. It ain't cool at all. I'm smart but I DON'T WANT TO BE 🤬 GEEKY.

I hear ya, I'm just lucky only 1 out of my 6 teachers/classes ever gives homework :D

And it's my English Teacher who gives homework, she's one of those teachers who are cool as a person, but suck when it comes to teaching.
You know what grinds my gears? These overprotective parent types who go around on YouTube with the sole purpose of flagging videos with a single sexual reference in them, and yet they don't flag Hannah Montana videos which are filmed off of a TV screen with a camera phone, despite it violating copyright laws left, right and centre.
Who I think might still be my friends. One went out with a girl, who turned him into a complete 🤬, and now he's been dumped, and won't stop being a little girl about it. I mean he like two girls at once, and went out with one, even though he still liked the other one. Then he get's dumped and hates both of them, when technically one hasn't done anything wrong, and the other one made him a little sissy who think's comedy is physical abuse, and that smoking is okay, and that getting drunk at the age 15 at a party and doing something stupid is good. If this is what every teenager's like then this world is doomed. Then my other mate is still alright, except when the first one's there, when they're both there the both act all like what I described before, swearing so much even I TELL THEM TO STOP. They need to get their bloody acts together before I knock them into the next 🤬 century.

Rant over
Ridiculous advertising. And I mean Subway. Guess how many people really care about avocados? They don't even look that tasty, more like creamy green poop. Besides, that's the best thing the people who came up with the semi-funny "$5 footlong" could imagine? Avocados? Seriously? If I were to walk into Subway, and while preparing my sub the guy behind the counter goes "Would you like some avocado on that?" I would walk straight out.


*Friend's problem*
Maybe you could try talking to them, er, nicely. They've got emotions too that should be respected.
Ridiculous advertising. And I mean Subway. Guess how many people really care about avocados? They don't even look that tasty, more like creamy green poop. Besides, that's the best thing the people who came up with the semi-funny "$5 footlong" could imagine? Avocados? Seriously? If I were to walk into Subway, and while preparing my sub the guy behind the counter goes "Would you like some avocado on that?" I would walk straight out.


Maybe you could try talking to them, er, nicely. They've got emotions too that should be respected.

But they refuse to accept the help

I agree with the advertising thing
We have a perfectly good, empty dishwasher, but my grandmother insists that the dishes get done by hand, which means I have to dry 'em, which takes way more time than just loading the dishwasher...
Try telling him the whole thing about how kids in Africa have it way worse. It won't work immediately, but it'll make him think.
Noticing I have the 999th post and the 1001st post in this thread, but not the 1000th. naa jokes, I just laugh at it
A girl who works in my office has an alarm on her phone which seems to go off every hour. The part that grinds my gears is that it's the same alarm tone that wakes me up in the morning so I hate it with a passion and the girl is never around to turn it off. I have to leave my comfortable chair and go to turn it off otherwise we all get driven insane!
My ADHD pills. So many side effects. I take Strattera, its chemical name is atomoxetine I think. Anyway this thing was marketed originally as a anti-depressant, however it didn't help out at all with deppression in a study. However it was found to help with people who have ADHD. However this pill causes loss-of-appetite, and many other things. It also affects the function certain part of the male body, not good at all in my case. I got to talk to my doctor about that, and it grinds my gears that I have to choose between being a sane, composed individual or an insane individual who can... well, you get it. I feel I don't need to take ADHD pills and could manage without them, but my family and my doctor think that I can't. I want to prove them wrong. End of rant for now.
^ Refuse to take them. (Or just don't take them, hide them, act normally -that means sanely- and at the end of the week show them the pills and tell them that you didn't need them.) Simple.

Also, war games that have enemies coming out of nowhere (just appearing behind you as you advance) grinds my gears.
The Reasonless ban. "By the way, you're banned." "Why?" "That's classified information." "But...if you tell me WHY I was banned I might not repeat my offense."
All of this rant

I wake up at 6.50 AM, to get dressed into a cold uniform, get ready and leave at 7.32 AM, it takes 5 minutes to walk down the driveway, and it's really cold because I don't have anything like gloves, a scarf or anything. Bus arrives anywhere between 7.36 and 7.45, takes 16 minutes to get to school, I arrive at 8.00 AM, and have to wait for half an hour in the cold, since the school doesn't give us anywhere to go to keep warm in the morning, they just tell us to come to school later, even though some of us, like me don't have a choice. I have 6 ours and 40 minutes of torture, having to put up with people who alone grind my gears. School finishes at 3.15 PM, and the bus arrives anywhere between 3.42 and 4.10, and it is still cold. It takes 22 minutes of bus ride on a good day (I timed it by listening to Dream Theater's A Change of Seasons) Another 5 minute walk down the driveway. Then I have to do boring work our English teacher gives us. So I only ever get 2 hours to myself on a weekday.

Then on most Saturdays, my dad makes me help him build his garage, which is hard work, he makes me lift somethings that I shouldn't be lifting, I am almost literally dead tired at the end of the day, and I spend a lot of Sunday recovering. So I only get about a day a half to myself a week :mad:
You know what grinds my gears? These overprotective parent types who go around on YouTube with the sole purpose of flagging videos with a single sexual reference in them, and yet they don't flag Hannah Montana videos which are filmed off of a TV screen with a camera phone, despite it violating copyright laws left, right and centre.

Yeah, because nothing says "overprotective parent" like flagging videos that violate copyright laws.

EDIT: My current gear grinder. My local football association club is going to play two relegation play-off matches to determine if it stays on the Argentine First División. Not a big deal, if it wasn't because of the amount of trash we are going to get if we are relegated.
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jaywalkers - The thing that REALLY grinds my gears about jaywalkers is that 99% of the time there's a perfectly good crosswalk a few feet away. Also, why to jaywalkers always feel the need to cross the busiest streets during the busiest part of the day?
jaywalkers - The thing that REALLY grinds my gears about jaywalkers is that 99% of the time there's a perfectly good crosswalk a few feet away. Also, why to jaywalkers always feel the need to cross the busiest streets during the busiest part of the day?

Come here to the Philippines and you could burn the whole country out of your anger. Lots of people don't follow the line here... Or so it seems.
You know what really Grinds my Gears?

1) Yougurt pots...why oh why, must they 'spit' there contents at you every time you pull off the lid?!

2) My Alfa, replaced the steering wheel only to kill the Clock spring and activate the Airbag light....grrr!

3) Having to wait millions of years for Dexter Season 5 to start, FINALLY got to watch it last night.


Ned Stark getting executed in Game of Thrones...don't get me wrong, it's brilliantly written and the story line needed it, it's just I really like Sean Bean as an Actor lol
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