Today, I lunched the transmission in the Talon. It now sounds like a rock crusher (Though it did make it home!).
I knew it was on its' way out, but I was honestly expecting a few more months out of it. And the kicker: I spent almost $60 yesterday putting some fresh Redline MTL into it. The old fluid came out silver, telling me that there were aluminum filings in it - From the case, probably. I think a bearing ceased, and the gearshaft was turning the whole bearing inside the transmission case.
But, there is an upside to the story, I suppose.
-I got to drive a really fast Talon at autocross today when mine lunched on the way back from an hour break, and
-I get to drive my roommate's G35 for a few days 'till I get my transportation sorted.
I'm going to get a second car.... I've got a few leads. Hoping to have something in my hands before the end of the week.