What Have You Done Today - (Computer Version)

  • Thread starter tlowr4
Install Windows 10, activate it so it becomes free.
Then install a windows 7 image with drivers and programs installed that I made

Back on 7 and just have to get a few small things the way I like them.
Try to get my SSD work correctly

I cant write data, but according to Corsair toolbox, life used is still 0%.
Installed a Coolermaster HYPER 103 CPU cooler in my new rig, max temps dropped from around 75 to 60 degrees.

I use a Hyper 103 in my own rig and it keeps my FX-8350 nice and cool (25C idle and 50C load).
I use a Hyper 103 in my own rig and it keeps my FX-8350 nice and cool (25C idle and 50C load).

Is that while heavy gaming? I was surprised to see how hot my i5 4690 was getting with the stock heat sink, my old FX-6300 would never go higher than 70 with the stock heatsink while the i5 was getting close to 80 when playing Battlefield 4 multiplayer.
Is that while heavy gaming? I was surprised to see how hot my i5 4690 was getting with the stock heat sink, my old FX-6300 would never go higher than 70 with the stock heatsink while the i5 was getting close to 80 when playing Battlefield 4 multiplayer.

Yeah, GTA V at 1080p with everything on Very High. I used a Hyper 103 on a build I did for someone with an i5 4690 and was getting similar temps to what I get with my 8350. Its really quite a good cooler considering how dirt cheap they are.
Yeah, GTA V at 1080p with everything on Very High. I used a Hyper 103 on a build I did for someone with an i5 4690 and was getting similar temps to what I get with my 8350. Its really quite a good cooler considering how dirt cheap they are.

True, my case is designed to be silent so air flow probably isn't as good as the old one which won't be helping but I think Bf4 is a bit more cpu intensive than GTA 5. Yeah similar price to the bigger 212 model but that one would not fit in my case.
I am not formally teaching myself this, but I am now trying to get an idea of another programming language. Here's my journey: Visual Basic (long ago), Java, HaxeFlixel, Lua and Löve2D, and now... Python. I'm told Python is fairly simple to understand. I am still mostly inexperienced with Python. I am basically just exploring my options in regards to programming. Only that I have yet to stick to one programming language and make something somewhat decent with.
Haven't done it yet, but I'm gonna go out to Akihabara today to search for this case (or something similar):


I'm downgrading from a NZXT Phantom 530, because full towers be too damn big. :lol:

Actually, most mid towers also be too damn big for where I'm wanting to squeeze this thing, but alas... ATX motherboard. This case is one of the few that I can stuff with all my awesomely awesome components while also being as small as I need it to be.

I'll likely be needing to replace my CPU cooler with something a bit more compact, though.
Upgraded from MK270 to the MK520 mouse and keyboard combo.


Add 50gb to my gaming partition on my laptop extending from 150 to 200gb. Why Windows 8 does not allow extension of volumes but allows shrinking is beyond me.

Also reserved windows 10 but not upgrading yet.
Made the plan to install a hardwire line from the router all the way up to my bedroom for gaming livestreams. Need to purchase two junction boxes, a switch and a whole load of shielded Cat6A cable
Made the plan to install a hardwire line from the router all the way up to my bedroom for gaming livestreams. Need to purchase two junction boxes, a switch and a whole load of shielded Cat6A cable
What about using a Gigabit powerline adapter?
Today I've been building a user interface for a shuffle race application, that generates a random grid based on a number of filters.

Clicking the buttons to the left adds filters in the center frame. When everything is complete, the grid will be printed in the frame to the right.

After taking some advice from some other sites, I uninstalled AVAST and went with a combination of Windows Defender and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Free. This is my first time really using both programs since using them on my former PC. I took these measures in response to times when the Start Menu and Windows 10 apps would fail to work properly. Only concern at this point is if I really will be secure with this setup or if I will have to reconsider installing AVAST again.
Got the user interface connected to the filtering script. A lot of work connecting all the loose ends, but very rewarding when it actually works in the end :)

Added a car count for each filter so you can see in real time the output of your filter settings.


Next step: Adding the shuffle component!

Update: Shuffle component added. Getting close to being complete now!

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Not today but I overhauled my build with a new gpu, a R9 280 that runs below 50C at full load due to two power case fans pointing right at it and is overclocked, some more case fans, I have a total of 8 in my build now and two of them put out over 150CFM, its a wind tunnel, I plan on adding more, a Fractal Design Define S, so much for the sound dampening foam in it, a new motherboard that was a steal, a Gigabyte A85X UP4, I have my A8 6600K running at 4.6ghz with it, a SSD, a Samsung Evo 850 and a new psu, a lovely Evga G2
Since uninstalling AVAST, the Start Menu and its other options have worked much better and have yet to notice the Start Menu not working. I am using Windows Defender and MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit as my protection combo, as suggested by some online sources. Other than that... nothing I've really done today to my PC.
Not so much today, but with the Google Nexus Player I bought this past weekend, I've been getting used to Android "Lollipop" and being accustomed to the Android TV interface. This is only adding to any sort of possibility to think of what to maybe develop should I create an app for Android TV. I also thought about how it could be possible to have some method of external storage options for using this device. I had using my micro USB flash drive, but it doesn't fit in the slot with the HDMI cable plugged in. So I have to think of some other method to possibly have some other method to use external storage.
Wrote a script that plays the piano by randomizing key and tones. Every 15th frame the script generates a random number between 0 and 5. If the number is 0 it will proceed to generate a random number for a key, for a tone and for wether it will play a single tone or two tones at the same time.

The result may sound something like this:

(Although since it's randomized it will be different every time it plays)
I finally sat down to get Plex up and running on my home network. Being able to stream any of my movies to (almost) any device for free is fantastic. Now I just need to decide if I need the paid option or if the free one is "good enough".
I successfully rooted my OnePlus Two and installed Xposed Framework. It took awhile, but I finally got it. It was my first time doing something this technical.
I successfully rooted my OnePlus Two and installed Xposed Framework. It took awhile, but I finally got it. It was my first time doing something this technical.
You shouldn't have done that, now you're going to spend hours tweaking your phone :P.
In trying to learn how to make an eBook, I learned how to make one using HTML. HTML seems more effective as far as having something worthy to show on various devices. I am more like trying to learn basic design elements rather than actually creating something. I do have projects I've worked on, but haven't yet created any eBook yet. I do feel a bit more confident with HTML than with converting from text or Word or something.