What Have You Done Today - (Computer Version)

  • Thread starter tlowr4
I have installed Android 6.0 on my nexus 5

I meant to ask the other day.
Now that you've had it for a while how do you find it and is it usable as a daily driver?

Much improvement over 5.1.1?
It is fine, no real issues apart from the same old stupid ones.

Have to swipe up to unlock
When using power toggles and you tap the GPS/Location it takes you to the location toggle setting page to turn it on(fixed by rooting)

But I haven't been pushing it hard.
Finally got round to making my final upgrade to my 2011 13" Macbook Pro. I thought the hard drive had died so replaced it with a 500 GB SSD only to find out that it was only the hard drive connection cable that had died. The starting specs were a 320 GB HDD with 4 GB RAM and a disk drive, it's now got a 120 GB SSD (in place of the disk drive) and a 500 GB SSD onboard with 8GB of RAM. It's amazing how these have transformed the performance in all situations.
Ordered a 60mm fan to install on the side of my case, mainly to cool my GT 720, which gets extremely hot for a low-profile card with a TDP of just 18W. Wish EVGA would've supplied an active cooler by default.
Yesterday I reluctantly installed my old PC's WiFi card in my current PC, I'd tried hooking it up to the router with a wire but it was still too slow for Steam streaming so I figured I might as well go with WiFi... After accidentally installing the V3 drivers for a V1 card, reseating the card three times, researching that my motherboard had the right kind of PCI slot and generally wondering why it wasn't working, I finally realised and got the V1 driver instead. I'm going to try it out on Payday 2 tonight, hopefully it'll hold the connection well enough.
Haven't done anything yet today, but bought some stuff and soon I will. :D

My son is using an older PC that I refurbished/salvaged from my inlaws. Right now it's got a Core2Duo E4300 and a slow PATA HD. Looked up the motherboard (custom P5B-VM from Asus) and noticed the fastest CPU you can stick in there is a Core2Extreme QX6700. It's the first quad core from Intel, and it's not really a quad core, but two Core2Extreme (Conroe) stuck together. :lol: Managed to pick one up from ebay, with warranty, for 78,- EUR including shipping. Not too bad for a CPU that was 1000 USD at launch. :P

Also bought a Crucial BX100 250GB to stick in there too and, a CPU cooler (Arctic Freezer 13) and a few casefans (I think the QX6700 will need it, since it has a TDP of 130W :lol:).

Power-wise I'm good, since I replaced the old PSU with a Be Quiet non-modular 550W that I had as a spare after upgrading my main PC to a modular PSU.
Been trying to work out why I have had "low memory" issues on my laptop the past couple of days. Wondering if I have a memory leak. Going to have to open it up and check if the modules are attached properly. If not, anyone got suggestions on that if it turns out not to be the sticks not in properly? Just for reference I have two 8gb sticks, and a 4gb pagefile. The errors came up with 11gb usage yesterday and 5.6gb usage today.
Been trying to work out why I have had "low memory" issues on my laptop the past couple of days. Wondering if I have a memory leak. Going to have to open it up and check if the modules are attached properly. If not, anyone got suggestions on that if it turns out not to be the sticks not in properly? Just for reference I have two 8gb sticks, and a 4gb pagefile. The errors came up with 11gb usage yesterday and 5.6gb usage today.
Did you check on Task Manager what apps are using the most memory? Then it will be easy to know if there is a memory leak and which program is causing it.
Did you check on Task Manager what apps are using the most memory? Then it will be easy to know if there is a memory leak and which program is causing it.

Been through it. Yesterday it was Cities:Skylines taking up 8GB+ and today it is Vegas with 1.7Gb. Either way though, it is WELL below my Physical RAM limit, and doesn't even touch my swap file. I am going to keep a close eye on it and get things logging I think, may give me a better idea ^^
Been through it. Yesterday it was Cities:Skylines taking up 8GB+ and today it is Vegas with 1.7Gb. Either way though, it is WELL below my Physical RAM limit, and doesn't even touch my swap file. I am going to keep a close eye on it and get things logging I think, may give me a better idea ^^
I think it is probably due to your paging file being so small given the amount of ram you have. See if you get the low memory issue if you set it to "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives".
I think it is probably due to your paging file being so small given the amount of ram you have. See if you get the low memory issue if you set it to "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives".

Considered that too, but I have had my pagefile set like that (specifically to manage sleep issues) for quite a while. I am going to play around with it a bit though, never know if it may sort it out! Probably will up it to 12gb to see. Definitely not putting it at auto though, hate auto systems xD
Considered that too, but I have had my pagefile set like that (specifically to manage sleep issues) for quite a while. I am going to play around with it a bit though, never know if it may sort it out! Probably will up it to 12gb to see. Definitely not putting it at auto though, hate auto systems xD
I think 16GB would be better so it is at least 1:1. I personally leave it on automatic as I think that is the best setting.
I think 16GB would be better so it is at least 1:1. I personally leave it on automatic as I think that is the best setting.

Did some calculating, and the largest possible RAM combo I could possibly have is 20gb (that is in extreme circumstances. With the pagefile at 4gb right now, that is pretty borderline so I will probably up it, but not to 16gb as I do not need that (yet xD). Having the swap low still does not explain the strange Low on Memory error though with only 35% Physical memory usage. Thanks for the tips though!
Did some calculating, and the largest possible RAM combo I could possibly have is 20gb (that is in extreme circumstances. With the pagefile at 4gb right now, that is pretty borderline so I will probably up it, but not to 16gb as I do not need that (yet xD). Having the swap low still does not explain the strange Low on Memory error though with only 35% Physical memory usage. Thanks for the tips though!
You might even be better off with it disabled if you plan on setting the paging file to a low size. Think Windows uses most of your physical RAM as standby memory and if it turns to your virtual memory as help to free it then may cause low memory issues.

You can check in Resource Monitor your standby memory and also amount you have free.
Did a check of my RAM sticks, seems like one may have possibly been loose. Let's see how that affects it ^^

If I remember my looks into the swap a few years back, 1.5x or 2x is just the default thing that is said for the size. But really you should be having it just above peak commit rates, to avoid using unnecessary usage of your HDD/SSD
Migrated to a new antivirus after....*does maths*...roughly "eight" years. Also, phone wouldn't install the update that AT&T has lined up for it, three attempts so far.
Got a new TP-Link Wireless USB adapter to replace the integrated wifi adapter on my 5+ year old HP dv6 which has been slowly dying over the last few months (no Ethernet ports in my apartment...). The old one started dropping connections, becoming noticeably weaker overall, and lately has been inexplicably dropping DNS almost every 5-10 minutes. After a quick installation, I've got a $15 repair that should let me use my laptop long enough to find a new one :D
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Turns out my memory errors had nothing to do with a dodgy RAM stick or swap file issues. Shadowplay has a memory leak. Switch that off, end the process and everything is fine and dandy!
On the topic of what will happen when we run out of available email addresses, I first wrote a Python script to calculate how many possible email addresses there are for a single domain, given that the available characters are uppercase, lowercase and numbers 0 to 9, and that the address must be 64 characters or less in length:

import string as s
import itertools

characters = s.ascii_letters + s.digits

def count_addresses(characters, limit = 64):
    l = len(characters)
    addresses = 0
    for i in range(1, limit+1):
        addresses += l**i

And then, when @The Bman asked if I could type all the addresses down, I wrote a script that (in theory) will print all the possible addresses, although it's a task that will most likely never be finished due to the huge amount of possible combinations (5.25x10^114).

import string as s
import itertools

characters = s.ascii_letters + s.digits

for i in range(1, 65):
    for p in itertools.product(my_list, repeat = i):
            P = ''
            for item in p:
                P += item
            print('%s@domain.com' %P)
Just taking advantage of the big fall sale on GOG. My GOG library now outnumbers my Steam library. Woo, 🤬 you Gabe Newell! :D
And then, when @The Bman asked if I could type all the addresses down, I wrote a script that (in theory) will print all the possible addresses, although it's a task that will most likely never be finished due to the huge amount of possible combinations (5.25x10^114).

Also it's against the AUP as it will print all (known and yet unknown) vulgar words not longer than 64 characters. ;)
So, built in the new CPU in my sons PC today, along with the SSD. The Arctic Freezer 13 is excellent for this CPU, it's not getting hotter than 43 degrees C under load in Aida64. :cheers:

Unfortunately, the old motherboard blew a capacitator when I hooked up the CPU fan, rendering the fan controller on the motherboard broken. :( Fortunately I have plenty of connectors available on the PSU, so all the fans (including the CPU fan) are now hooked straight up the PSU. A bit noisy, since they're all running full force, but doable. Guess I'm going to look for a replacement motherboard next. :lol:

The QX6700 is a great CPU BTW, at the time (2006/2007) it must have been absolutely mental in terms of performance. 👍

Well, it'll also return all the dialogue from every film that has ever been made and will ever be made... This reminds me of an idea I once had to calculate Pi to as many decimal places as there are small squares on an A0 sheet of graph paper. Naturally I never actually tried it, but I wonder how long it would take if you did a line a day?
This week I have managed to recover/copy (very slowly since Monday) 1.8TB of files from a corrupted (0 Health) 3TB Seagate Barracuda onto a brand new 6TB Western Digital Blue. :D

It's hammer time for the Seagate. :mischievous: