I've been having a whale of a time at work assembling our CAD workstation PC, I was handed a GTX 1060 and two 27" 4k monitors (well, a trolley was left by my bench with those items on it) and asked to put it all together. The PC the card was due to go in... Well.
1. The hard drive bays meant the graphics card was about three inches too long to fit in the case, so we cut them out using a pair of shears.
2. The card sits over the SATA ports, so I was only just able to plug one right angle connector in.
3. The card also sits over the front panel USB 3.0 header, and the only front panel USB ports are those. So no front USB. Inconvenient when the method of transferring files from the PC to the CNC router is via a USB stick.
4. The PSU was rated for 145W, so I took a 550W one from our stock, but the old one had a mini SATA power connector for the DVD drive, so that couldn't be plugged in (not that the data cable would fit, of course).
5. The PCI slots in the case had a rolled lip which made it too thick for the DisplayPort connectors to lock in, so I took a Dremel to it.
6. Because of 1, there was nowhere to mount the hard drive, so I taped it to a piece of cardboard and left it on the floor of the case (with a note on top saying not to move the PC, obviously, I'm not a complete savage). It's only temporary until I can get a SSD going.
Fun build! The screens are great too.