What Have You Done Today - (Computer Version)

  • Thread starter tlowr4
You monitor your temps? How high are they when you see the speed drop? Likely what's happening is thermal throttling. liquid cooling will definitely help there. Blocks for the 10 series have started popping up too.

In the overclocking utility there will be a monitoring section what your looking for is "Voltage Limit", "Power Limit" and "Voltage Limit"

The voltage limit is the flag that the drivers report when you hit the voltage limit on the card, it is either a 1 or a 0 meaning yes or no
The power limit is the flag that the drivers report when you hit the set power limit of the card, it is either a 1 or a 0 meaning yes or no
The OV limit is the over voltage limit, this should always be 0 as it is when you unlock the standard max voltage to the GPU and go over it which means you are frying your card.

If all these values are 0 and your card is not increasing in speed, you are thermal throttling.

Getting 2Ghz on the 10 series is not all that hard. 10-25% OC.

I have gotten 43% OC on the GT710

An easy way to get more clock speed is going into the overclocking utility and setting a more aggressive fan curve.

nvidia want a silent high end card so the fans on the founders wont go over 50%, but you can set the fan curve higher.

Just by making a more aggressive fan curve you can get a higher overclock since the card is running cooler which means GPU boost can keep increasing the clock speed till it hits the Power Limit or it gets too hot.

After some testing in Unigine Heaven, I think I'm hitting the power limit. I can only go as high as 112%, and my card has an 8-pin. Guess I should have gotten an 8+8 pin GPU with more power phases. But it's not thermal throttling, as the highest I've seen is 73 c.

I could set an aggressive fan curve, but the card gets pretty noisy. Can't really focus when it's that noisy..
After some testing in Unigine Heaven, I think I'm hitting the power limit. I can only go as high as 112%, and my card has an 8-pin. Guess I should have gotten an 8+8 pin GPU with more power phases. But it's not thermal throttling, as the highest I've seen is 73 c.

I could set an aggressive fan curve, but the card gets pretty noisy. Can't really focus when it's that noisy..

So in EVGA Precision X OC 112% is the max and not 132%

Well... pleasantly surprised that worked.

Used a Windows 8 Pro key I had lying around to upgrade Windows 10 Home to Pro.
I know we have some UNIX/Linux experts around here... HELP PLEASE!

I've been aware of cron for a while but I've not used it until today. Well, tried to use it. I'm on OS X and I wrote a script (using nano), saved in ~/Documents/Scripts, that works if I run it by entering "./demo_script.sh", so I typed "env EDITOR=nano crontab -e" and entered "1 (assume tabs here) * * * * cd ~/Documents/Scripts && ./demo_script.sh", but it doesn't do what it should. The script basically makes a file, duplicates the file and appends the filename with a time stamp and deletes the original file, so I was hoping that I'd end up with a new file every minute, but I didn't. If I do "crontab -l" it shows the job I added, so I don't get what's wrong because I've looked up a few tutorials and followed them to the letter.

I tried making a job to just echo "Hello" but that doesn't work either. I'm experimenting with this now because I've been asked to set up a Mac (at work) to delete temp files every morning, I figured I'd write a simple bash script and make a cron job to run every day at 8am... But the fact that I can't get it working isn't inspiring much confidence.

Any ideas please? Do I have to reboot or something?
I know we have some UNIX/Linux experts around here... HELP PLEASE!

I've been aware of cron for a while but I've not used it until today. Well, tried to use it. I'm on OS X and I wrote a script (using nano), saved in ~/Documents/Scripts, that works if I run it by entering "./demo_script.sh", so I typed "env EDITOR=nano crontab -e" and entered "1 (assume tabs here) * * * * cd ~/Documents/Scripts && ./demo_script.sh", but it doesn't do what it should. The script basically makes a file, duplicates the file and appends the filename with a time stamp and deletes the original file, so I was hoping that I'd end up with a new file every minute, but I didn't. If I do "crontab -l" it shows the job I added, so I don't get what's wrong because I've looked up a few tutorials and followed them to the letter.

I tried making a job to just echo "Hello" but that doesn't work either. I'm experimenting with this now because I've been asked to set up a Mac (at work) to delete temp files every morning, I figured I'd write a simple bash script and make a cron job to run every day at 8am... But the fact that I can't get it working isn't inspiring much confidence.

Any ideas please? Do I have to reboot or something?

Could be the tilde in "cd ~/Documents/Scripts && ./demo_script.sh", it gets expanded to the users home directory, but i guess the cron jobs are run as another user with another home directory. Try to give the command as fully qualified path, i.e. /home/<your user name>/demo_script.sh, and make sure it's executable by the cron user, i.e. chmod a+x demo_script.sh. And then check if your home directory is accessable by other users, i.e. chmod a+x ~. Hope this helps.
@tarnheld Thanks, but I think I found the problem... I wanted the job to run every minute, so I set the first column to "1", but that means 1 minute past the hour! I think "*/1" should make it occur every minute. I'm testing it with a much simpler task right now, which is just to make a file on the desktop; I hadn't thought to check if the file was actually there before I posted here (because it wasn't when I first wrote the job about half an hour before), it was, I deleted it and checked again at about 9pm and it was back, so it must be working.

Oh well! Thanks anyway.
I've been slowly working on improving the convenience of plugging my PC into my TV, so far this has included:
- adding a HDMI switch so that one of the two ports on my TV can be switched between PC and laptop input
- getting a USB hub because I only have two rear USB ports (at the moment, I'm going to order a PCI plate to add four more from my motherboard headers)
- running a USB extender from said hub to under the sofa for a controller
- I also bought a wireless Logitech keyboard/trackpad combo, it's a terrible typing experience but it works and I'm sure I'll get over it - I'm typing this on it!

Today I was given a nice amp and a pair of speakers, though, so in addition to physical convenience I decided to add a software convenience to switch between my headphones and the HDMI output with a single click. I used this guide to add a batch file to toggle them via a toolbar. It's pretty awesome!

Now I'm installing WO Mic to see if it's usable for gaming. Next I'd like a new TV (this one has awful ghosting, response time and image quality) and the ability to adjust the image on my TV independently to the image on my monitor, right now if I adjust one they both change. But first, a record player! I probably shouldn't, but I'm going to buy this tomorrow: http://www.richersounds.com/product/turntables/marantz/tt5005/mara-tt5005
I recently have decided to try to give programming another go as well as trying to do some 2D game asset designing apart from my recent fondness of skinning cars. I have looked at trying to use my OUYA and my Nexus Player for testing of making Android games. It took me a long while to proudly make a 3D model. The next sort of accomplishment I want to accomplish is to finally make some kind of game- even if it's a very minimalist one-level game. Maybe my biggest challenges is to find a proper programming framework and try to utilize it. I just want to proudly be able to say I made a game of some kind, and I also want to make something to build and test certain game assets with. My concentration there mostly is with 2D stuff and pixel art. I have no interest at this point to try the 3D gaming asset market yet.
Today I was given a nice amp and a pair of speakers, though, so in addition to physical convenience I decided to add a software convenience to switch between my headphones and the HDMI output with a single click. I used this guide to add a batch file to toggle them via a toolbar. It's pretty awesome!

That sounds awfully similar to a program I use called Audio Switcher. Though I guess this approach sounds a bit better since you don't have to download anything.
Though I guess this approach sounds a bit better since you don't have to download anything.

You do, actually, but it's just a tiny command line thing that does other stuff too, I'm not sure exactly what though. I remember looking for something like this ages ago and I never found anything called Audio Switcher but I'm going to check it out, thanks!
My Noctua NH-U14S came in today. But before I swap out the 212 Evo I'm going to do more OC testing and save the data so I can compare with the Noctua cooler. However I'm fairly certain that the Noctua cooler will outright beat the 212 Evo.
My Noctua NH-U14S came in today. But before I swap out the 212 Evo I'm going to do more OC testing and save the data so I can compare with the Noctua cooler. However I'm fairly certain that the Noctua cooler will outright beat the 212 Evo.

Brief update: Noctua are magicians.
I didn't do anything to my PC, but I did some reading on multi-booting. Namely, I was looking up Ubuntu and wondered what could be possible if I were to dual-boot between Windows 10 and Ubuntu. In no way am I considering doing dual-booting in this case. I even read a few websites discussing the advantages and disadvantages of multi-booting. All I can really think of is maybe being able to better use certain programs or something. But again... I am just reading on this and not considering trying the dual boot procedure on any systems I have.
I didn't do anything to my PC, but I did some reading on multi-booting. Namely, I was looking up Ubuntu and wondered what could be possible if I were to dual-boot between Windows 10 and Ubuntu. In no way am I considering doing dual-booting in this case. I even read a few websites discussing the advantages and disadvantages of multi-booting. All I can really think of is maybe being able to better use certain programs or something. But again... I am just reading on this and not considering trying the dual boot procedure on any systems I have.

If you want to use dual booting you will need a program called easybcd
So you can add it to the windows BCD list, unless you will add it in grub.
If you want to use dual booting you will need a program called easybcd
So you can add it to the windows BCD list, unless you will add it in grub.
Why would he need EasyBCD? Something specific to Windows 10? I have a laptop that multiboots Win7 and several variants of linux, and I'd never heard of this EasyBCD thing until just now.
Why would he need EasyBCD? Something specific to Windows 10? I have a laptop that multiboots Win7 and several variants of linux, and I'd never heard of this EasyBCD thing until just now.

EasyBCD allows you to easily edit the BCD boot menu in windows vista and newer.
otherwise it is a CLI job and it can get tricky if you do not know what to do exactly.
EasyBCD allows you to easily edit the BCD boot menu in windows vista and newer.
otherwise it is a CLI job and it can get tricky if you do not know what to do exactly.
But there's no need to edit any boot menus. The installers do that for you. Oh, it's nice to tinker with them if you're so inclined (and know in advance how to fix things if you bugger something up and find the machine no longer boots) in which case I'm sure it can be a useful tool. But it's by no means absolutely necessary.
But there's no need to edit any boot menus. The installers do that for you. Oh, it's nice to tinker with them if you're so inclined (and know in advance how to fix things if you bugger something up and find the machine no longer boots) in which case I'm sure it can be a useful tool. But it's by no means absolutely necessary.

I know GRUB will add windows to the grub boot list, but with windows 10 being updated in who knows what ways the hard drive boot records could be rewritten which will remove grub.
After a long time of "avoiding" Unreal Engine to try to make games, I finally pulled the trigger and decided to download the Unreal Engine. I felt mostly daunted trying to learn Unity, so I am trying my luck with UE. I "avoided" UE because I normally think of using this engine to edit Unreal games. I am a fan of Unreal Tournament, but I usually forget that the Unreal Engine could be used for more than just Unreal games. I made the switch mostly to test out making assets. Primarily, I wanted to focus on 2D gaming and Android gaming. So today, I added the Unreal Engine to my arsenal of media material.

Now from my last post, I mentioned multi-booting. I didn't have any plans or visions of having multiple operating systems on my PC. I basically was trying to learn more about multi-booting.
Started pricing out parts for a computer I'm intending to build for my workbro as his wedding present next year. Current working budget is $1000 excluding peripherals.
I sometimes entertained the thought of building my own PC, but I was never serious about actually doing it. Also, I don't have the skills to build one. So I wish you luck in trying to put together that PC.
Started pricing out parts for a computer I'm intending to build for my workbro as his wedding present next year. Current working budget is $1000 excluding peripherals.

I exceed that amount even though I'm only operating off an i5 and a 750Ti video card.
I exceed that amount even though I'm only operating off an i5 and a 750Ti video card.

Have wiggle room penciled in, plus won't actually begin assembling it until around the time the GTX 11xx cards are announced. Only part for sure going in is an RX 480 graphics card.
Right now I am thinking of a Dual-Boot of Windows 10 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate with my upcoming build for next year. I have altered my HDDs and SSDs to hold to OSs at the same time to switch between.

The total price is expensive and I am on a limited budget at this point and can't afford much because of a low income job, and will take a good 5 months before I can start building it.
I finally got around to using that Win7 .iso I made three months ago to install Win7 on a virtual machine.

Eventually I'll get around to ripping my Win7Pro disk to an .iso and setting up another VM...
Just installed a new CPU cooler. Its a Sycthe Fuma which has god tier performance, its just behind a EK Predator 240, for a mid range price of $46. It was hard to install and I may or may not have read directions which made it take long and I installed inside of my case so the total install time was around a hour and a half. However it was worth it. My i5 6600K at 4.8Ghz at 1.42V stays around 70C under full load.
In considering a game idea, I recently returned to voxel modeling in prototyping my idea. It was something that came to mind as I was envisioning making 2D pixel art to design the tiles of a Pac-Man style game I had in mind. This would normally be inefficient in trying to go from basic to advanced. However, it is something I thought about in making a more advanced model than what I had initially planned. I have looked at a tutorial on how to make a game in Flash. Eventually, I want to try to test out making 2D and 3D versions of my game concept. If successful, I will try to see how I can make my vision cross-platform to eventually port to Android (and perhaps eventually meet my long-term OUYA goal).

Speaking of the OUYA, I have considered maybe getting the OUYA's successor- the Razer Forge TV. My goal of creating some kind of game was why I bought an OUYA in the first place. I have an OUYA to make an Android game and the Nexus Player for which to make an Android TV compatible game. If I had a decent iOS device, I would even consider porting games to iOS. But back to the Razer Forge TV. Since people developing for it nowadays are using the Cortex Store, that means any game I could make would have to fit in with the Razer Forge TV and its interface. One trailer for a game I saw noted "Available on Cortex and OUYA." So that means if I could make something for the OUYA, it could also be compatible with the Cortex Store and the Razer Forge TV.

All I am doing at this point is looking at my options and then trying to see how exactly I can finally fulfill my dream of making some kind of decent game. If it took me almost 20 years to make a true 3D model from start to finish, I can still make a decent game to be proud of from start to finish. It's called determination, people.