What Have You Done Today - (Computer Version)

  • Thread starter tlowr4
I'm waiting for the backup which has bween running for several hours to finish on my windoze machine so I can replace the 250GB SSD with the 750GB that amazon just delivered today.
Reverted back to Linux Mint from Windows 10. I tried to get into my network settings on W10 and for some reason it just didn't want to open the window - even after I restarted twice. Too many issues. I still have a W7 key lying around so maybe I'll just make a VM or use Crossover for that rare Windows program I need.
Reverted back to Linux Mint from Windows 10. I tried to get into my network settings on W10 and for some reason it just didn't want to open the window - even after I restarted twice. Too many issues. I still have a W7 key lying around so maybe I'll just make a VM or use Crossover for that rare Windows program I need.
Some time in the next day or three I'm going to try to install the W7 Home Premium DVD I've had tucked away for a while into a VM (VirtualBox) on my Linux Mint system. Unfortunately the machine doesn't have an optical drive, so I have to figure out how to create a bootable .iso from the DVD on another system.
Some time in the next day or three I'm going to try to install the W7 Home Premium DVD I've had tucked away for a while into a VM (VirtualBox) on my Linux Mint system. Unfortunately the machine doesn't have an optical drive, so I have to figure out how to create a bootable .iso from the DVD on another system.

Download the .iso from PC River - http://pcriver.com/operating-systems/windows-7-home-premium-iso-download/ and create a bootable USB with unetbootin.
Thanks for the reply but I'd prefer not to download an iso for a number of reasons, one of which is questionable legality. I'm going to try booting up ubuntu or Linux Mate on my laptop (which does have an optical drive) then use brasero to copy the DVD to an iso.

It is not cracked or anything. It's the same .iso that you would find hosted on Microsoft's servers.

What OS is on your laptop? If you have Windows, you can just use ImgBurn to make an .iso as well.
It is not cracked or anything. It's the same .iso that you would find hosted on Microsoft's servers.

What OS is on your laptop? If you have Windows, you can just use ImgBurn to make an .iso as well.
I wasn't aware you could download isos from Microsoft, other than Win10.

The laptop has Win7 Professional and several variants of Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Right now I'm copying the DVD to an image file with Mint and brasero, we'll see how that goes.
My long serving GTX 570 finally gave up last night. She served me so well, I might have to bury it in the garden with a little ritual.

Telling my colleagues of my pain this morning, on of them said "I've got a GTX 770 lying around somewhere, you can have it if you want"!

Tonight, I've been trying to find some newer settings to try to record game videos with in Open Broadcaster Software. All of this time, I have used Quick Sync because it delivered better video performance but at the expense of my audio going off-sync. I went back to trying to use x264 for recording. What I did was find a few settings allowing for better performance while not using too much CPU in my recording. So I set some advanced settings from "veryfast" to "ultrafast." Because I am seeking 720p video production for online, I set my base resolution at 1920x1080 and downscaled it to 1280x720. The end result was video that was a little grainy but didn't have a lot of frame skipping. If and when I post game videos, don't look for videos to be as crisp as (for example) with the GTPlanet Fantasy Series or any of the GTR2 videos posted by GTPlanet members. That is, for those of you who have seen these videos.

While I don't have the most incredible PC or most incredible technology, I am not overly ashamed I don't have a powerful PC. I just make the most of what I have.
Working on my videogame.

Long shot, but does anyone know if you can fit basically any SATA slot loading DVD drive in a 13" MacBook Pro (pre-retina), or do they have a proprietary shape/mounting hole arrangement for them? I ask because my girlfriend's laptop is still finding new and hilarious ways in which to break so I told her I'd put one of my now-spare 256GB SSDs in it and then make or buy a HDD mount to replace her useless DVD drive so she can still have some storage space. The hard drive was replaced about a year ago but the guy cloned her old, probably corrupt OS onto it, and while I don't think that's the root of all her problems (which include intermittent bouts of it refusing to power on at all), I do think it doesn't help. Today it booted up with a fortune cookie icon and just stayed like that, she had to turn it off for half an hour before it'd work again.
The shape appears to be the same but I can't vouch for mounting hole arrangement. I'd imagine it should be fine though.

But uh... boots to a fortune cookie icon? What? :lol:

Anyway, continuing work on my game. Here's a video of me testing out some things:
@Lain I think her account picture must be the fortune cookie and the rest of the login screen failed to materialise before it crashed, at least that's what I'm assuming. I found an old CD drive at work but it's a tray loader so it's much thicker, I wonder if I can just cut the lid off of the case and use that because again, the shape is the same. Failing that I'll just buy one since I've seen one for £6. Maybe I'll just buy one anyway!
Showing how to take Simvibe understanding further by using a USB multi-channel digital interface combined with a DAW and using suitable plugins. This can showcase all the frequency information being output by all supported racing sims in realtime. :)

Some vids on my crappy little YT channel, more in future...

Started a thread on the official Simvibe forums but few will likely bother, the forums are usually rather quiet unfortunately with little discussion happening.
Does anyone know about RAID arrays please? I have two 512GB 850 Evos now and I want to do the thing that makes them go fast, is that RAID 0? Would it go faster if I had four? If I did do it with four, would they need to be the same size or can you mix sizes? Hopefully at the end of the month I'll be able to afford an upgrade comfortably enough to, well, do that.
Does anyone know about RAID arrays please? I have two 512GB 850 Evos now and I want to do the thing that makes them go fast, is that RAID 0? Would it go faster if I had four? If I did do it with four, would they need to be the same size or can you mix sizes? Hopefully at the end of the month I'll be able to afford an upgrade comfortably enough to, well, do that.
I wouldn't use raid 0 unless you are streaming something data heavy like raw video. In normal use, having one of the 4 drives fail will corrupt the whole of the drives. Further, raid 0 adds performance to sequential read and writes, but not random iops, so you won't see any real world gains loading/playing a video game or using applications. With any form of raid, you will want all drives to be the same. In some cases you can use different sized drives, but all drives will only use the amount of the smallest drive on the array. Meaning a 250gig in a raid array with a 125 gig will only use 125gigs, leaving 125 gigs unusable.
Raid is best for spun disc, or specific situations with SSDs. I personally would either pool them, it just make separate drives. Keep the iops lower and the drives healthier longer.
Yesterday, I made my first-ever game video, let alone my first-ever GTR2 video. I did so using a combination of Sony Vegas Movie Studio and VSDC Video Editor. The video was finally created through VSDC. I took the VSDC option from some of the GTR2 videos posted on the Race Heads YouTube channel. I used VSDC to better perform certain effects I couldn't quite do properly through Vegas.

The video of mine can be seen in the "GTR2 Official!" thread or from my YouTube channel (search "JohnMarineTube").

Besides all of this, I am somewhat considering getting a newer external drive with about one terrabyte of capacity. There's nothing wrong with the 320GB external drive I've been using with my Windows XP, but I am just thinking of maybe getting a 1TB external drive in the future for my somewhat modern PC.
unloaded a PE 2950 from my "data center" back to the friends house it belonged at. Also did some network work. Tomorrow I'll be picking up a couple more SAS drives for my 2950 and moving from using it as a NAS (had a few T in movies backups for the Plex server that will be going back to the other 2950) to using it for a VM hosting. Going to do some web and game server hosting as well as some development.

@Grayfox What are you using to host VM's?
Well, pickup and installed a Evga GTX1080 FTW. Keeping it on air so had to adjust my water loop. This lead to another problem, I have too much power for a meek 1080p 144hz monitor, so I have a 1440p 165hz monitor on the truck headed my way. This lead to another problem, since my computer is behind a joining wall, and this new card and monitor requirements are all display port, I had to make a new wall plate. It will have 3 DPorts, 4 3.0 USB ports, and 2 2.0 USB ports. Only other thing I might do is Vesa mount all three monitors, but that remains to be decided.
Finally took out my trusty, top-tier, console-smashing EVGA GT 720. It was able to play games like Dirt 3/Tropico 4 surprisingly well at 720p, and even offered a slight rendering boost in Sony Vegas, but it just ran so unbelievably hot.

Temps would hover around 60C when idling, and would climb up to 90C (give or take a few degrees depending on room temperature) if I dared to play for longer than an hour - at which point clock speeds would drop to 400MHz for both the memory (down from 900MHz) and GPU (down from 797MHz).

I blame the passive cooler.
Finally got around and "Band-Aid" patching my HDD issues with a new 2TB drive. Bought and installed the drive yesterday, but I didn't know how to get Windows to recognize it until today. I have 2TB to play around with. YEAH!
Installed No Mans Sky to play at 1440p and also got Spore going for my kiddo. He couldn't believe I had that game. He's seen all the TDM videos on it. Amazing, the game is one year older than he is and is totally captivated by it.