what if u could design ure own car

  • Thread starter Mr_Singh
You would have to fund the projects with the money u win for racing and if your car is good u may have the option to mass produce it and and make a profit on it

just an idea u could design a nova with 2 M5 engines in it 1 in the front and 1 in the back and make it 4wd drive.
You would have to fund the projects with the money u win for racing and if your car is good u may have the option to mass produce it and and make a profit on it

just an idea u could design a nova with 2 M5 engines in it 1 in the front and 1 in the back and make it 4wd drive.
Stick with the "you" please.

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You would have to fund the projects with the money u win for racing and if your car is good u may have the option to mass produce it and and make a profit on it

just an idea u could design a nova with 2 M5 engines in it 1 in the front and 1 in the back and make it 4wd drive.

That's not design - that's mechanical engineering. And why would you bother anyway?
That's not design - that's mechanical engineering. And why would you bother anyway?
If the physics could be represented accurately for each user-designed car, it would show that the common gamer should not be designing cars.

Though it would be fun to watch a Chevy Nova chassis be torqued beyond repair by two M5 engines...
Though it would be fun to watch a Chevy Nova chassis be torqued beyond repair by two M5 engines...
The sad thing is, he's not talking about a Chevy Nova. He's going on about a much worse car....

Ya gotta love the General for using the same nameplate in different markets to confuse the hell out of people (Nova, Monza, Cavalier, Chevette, Kingswood, etc.). ;)
Back on topic though, it would be kinda neat to make your own car, maybe similar to the setup they had in the original Sega GT (never managed to get very far in that game; I have the PC version, where the controls were super twitchy and it kept crashing).
Mmmm...How 'bout a mid-engine, cost no object supercar with a hopped up VW V10 TDI? :drool: :D 👍
Probably not going to happen, though. PD has enough of a challenge digitizing all those real cars, nevermind making it possible for players to build their own, equally realistic rides.
Well, mines already made (note avatar).

Though I wouldn't mind doin' a little modification to it.

4wd, 6-speed tranny, equip the original v12 the 220 was supposed to have...or something similiar to it.

Good idea. Won't ever happen.
transmission/engine swaps that are realistically possible though.. you're talking about an entirely different thing. Actually designing your own car from the ground up is pretty much technically impossible unless it were incredibly dumbed down and even then it would be beyond stupid.

but i stil want 2 see my w16 miata lolz its liek a convertable veyron!!!1@1one

I see your point laorin, but the whole miata thing........


that actually might be cool if the front end was doable...
outside of completely destroying the car's balance, sure! we'll just add counterweights and be all set then :D
^Haha! Herb thought he was ruined when he found out it stickered for $82,000, but I've seen people driving $80,000 vehicles that are almost as ugly.

I'd pay big bucks just for a horn that plays "La Cucaracha" ;)
It's a cool idea.

Maybe some random unlocks, sorta like those other racing games....

Like the Oscar Meyer weiner truck, or bigfoot, or something from the novelty prizecar thread, or whatever it's called.

And then equip that body onto a drivetrain of your choice.....