''What if?''

Taken from the Dutch TV magazine Veronica:

'Create your own special events: Not part of the Special Events, but an important extra option is to create your own special events. Sony call this “What if” experiences, like the X1 prototype and concepts cars from the seventies. Players not only can recreate races from the past, but rewrite racing history!'

So we now know that we can create our own special events and races, and ''What if?'' situations, what sort of event do you plan on making?

I would love to recreate some DTM races, from the 190e 2.5-16 and E30 M3 era.
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What if you can give yourself 2 flat tires on snow-covered Nurburgring?



What if I had read the post properly? :P
I plan on making the scene from the movie 2012 were john cusack is driving the rv away from the exploding national park. Or that upcoming movie with denzel washington and the train full of explosives is heading for that town and denzel needs to stop it. If the editor lets me i will.
Will this allow us to create totally original events or just create events from the past? It would be awesome to choose your opponents and tracks and everything from scratch.
Well, I'm more worried now that like, it's towards the end of the year already, I've never seen a gaming company postpone something to release it a month or 2 later, thing is they have to give some sort of an advance if they want people to be picking up their preorders to make sure they're available to get it.

As for the What if, there's plenty of that already in GT. I'm sure I'll think of somethin' tho.
Hmmm... I'm not sure, but it'll probably have something to do with karts and the Nurburgring.

mmm 14 min lap times =D lol, I did that way back when with the bug, that was fun taking it around the ring, I couldn't do it with the Mercedes-Benz Benz Patent Motor Wagen 1886 tho, that woulda made me fall asleep lol
What if you could adjust gravity and airpressure settings and create a race environment like on the moon (1/6th Earth gravity and vacuum). What would the vehicles be like for achieving the best lap times in these conditions. :dopey:


^ I was going to suggest the X1 but with no air the fan isn't going to be much use so something heavy and 4wd...Veyron?

Another what if....group B rally cars on the 'ring with deep snow...the wrong way round!
^ I was going to suggest the X1 but with no air the fan isn't going to be much use so something heavy and 4wd...Veyron?

You drive your Veyron. With no air I'll be sticking to something electric-powered. See you at the finish! (provided it's not point-to-point)
You drive your Veyron. With no air I'll be sticking to something electric-powered. See you at the finish! (provided it's not point-to-point)

Doh....hang on a minute, my Veyron's starter motor will be more powerful than you Nissan Leaf so I still win :D
What if GT turned into one of those games where you couldn't choose your own path :( example- you MUST start off in kart racing and then you MUST complete the Sunday Cup etc. It would be a sad day.
isnt this just a "pick your track and cars" with a fancy name???
That was my first impression, but evidently this set up is different than the Event Generator. It sounds to me like you can pick not only specific classes of cars, but specific cars themselves. I doubt I'd ever play with it and stick with the Event Gen, but for the history and technical addicts, this is probly awesome news.