what is one thing that you don't like about GT3?

  • Thread starter morganhead
My biggest complaint was the lack of track diversity; it felt like you were using the same 7 or 8 tracks for every 10-race series, even though there were about 20 usable road courses.

Very true. Some of those Amateur level races get boring cause it's like "man, THIS track AGAIN??" In the pros, you're still doing the same tracks, but at least the pace picks up a lot. :ill:
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Just thought it was odd to see a cone in front of me, then once I passed it it wouldn't be in my rear-view mirror.
You must have really enjoyed the game if not seeing a cone in your rear-view mirror is the one thing you really don't like about it. ;)
doesnt GT3 have a option to change the way everything feels/handles,i forget but it was on the lines of steering,from Beginner To Simulation,how much change is there in that,i had it on sim since 2002 so i never noticed

on topic

hm,GT3 is still alota fun,mostly because of its fast load times compared to GT4, got 5 minutes to kill, Gt3 will do,but just the lack of range in the cars,no used cars aswell,and the power chart.
doesnt GT3 have a option to change the way everything feels/handles,i forget but it was on the lines of steering,from Beginner To Simulation,how much change is there in that,i had it on sim since 2002 so i never noticed

It has such a feature for steering if you have a steering wheel hooked up, but no such feature for dual-shocks.
Not to be a jerk, or anything, but you just need to learn to drive. That's what the license tests are for - to teach you how the game expects you to drive. So instead of complaining about how hard it is, practice, and watch the demos.

If this is giving you such fits, don't even think about the Time Trials.

Use the analog sticks for throttle and steering, rather than the buttons and d-pad. Or get a wheel and pedals. I bronzed or silvered all my licenses without a huge amount of trouble relatively early in the game, and then went back for gold after I'd completed 100%.

Since the thread has already been resurrected I'll chime in.

I'll side with Morganhead on this one. I tried to pass the IA-8 test and failed literally hundreds of times. Yes, I watched the demos. Yes, I watched the replays (not like the game gives you a choice). Yes, I figured out early on that the trick was throttle control. I finally abandoned the game at somewhere around 15% completion, and almost didn't get GT4 when I heard it now had 80(!) license tests. The frustration factor was just too high.

I did go ahead and get GT4 though, and shortly thereafter a DFP. About a month ago I went back and finally passed that damned test, because the DFP gave me much finer throttle control than the sticks. I have no intention of ever trying to finish the game, though.

Biggest gripe about GT3? I don't know, I have a pretty long list. The game is my least favorite of the four, by a wide margin. I think I'll go with the "enter your initials for your failing time" thing.
I think I'll go with the "enter your initials for your failing time" thing.

Yeah....I hate that too. I pretty much go on auto-pilot and press whatever button works...just so I can get out of the "enter your name" page and back to the test!
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We have two topics going at the same time here. I'm afraid you've mixed them up.

Topic 1: GT3 is programmed to always second-guess your steering input. If it didn't, driving with the DS2 would be nearly impossible. However, it has one flaw -- it seems like it doesn't always let you use your car's full steering lock. Here's a crude illustration:

The reason why it does this is most likely to avoid excessive understeer, because there are few instances where you would be using a car's full steering lock, and most of them are at low speed. However, when you're in the middle of a massive sideways slide, you want as much countersteer as you can get. GT3 doesn't give it to you, so you spin out.

Topic 2: In real life, it isn't very hard to throw a RWD car so hard into a spin that even full-lock countersteering won't save you. In my opinion, GT3 simulates this pretty well, and GT4 fails miserably at it.

Yeah I'll buy that about the adaptive steering. How many times have I gone through a fast kink with the wheel at 70 degrees or more when realistically it should be a max of 15-20 degrees off center.

The tire wear thing gets me. 10-12 laps out of a set of hard compound tires IF you're set up well. 4-6 laps out of mediums. The soft tires seem pretty much useless in the Pro parts of the game unless you want a quick qualifying lap to assure good track position for the start.

Then there's the exposed rock faces at Trial Mountain. I rate that as the most unlikeley to occur in real life feature on any of the tracks. Now if that was on a rally course that would be a different story.
Yeah....i hate that too. I pretty much go on auto-pilot and press whatever button works...just so i can get out of the "enter your name" page and back to the test!

I'll have to correct myself on this one. It's GT2 not GT3 that automatically dumps you in the "enter your initials" thing even if your time fails the test. Or always automatically dumps you into a replay whether you wanted it or not, then compounds the inconvenience by making you explicitly select "exit" after you hit the start button.
I'll have to correct myself on this one. It's GT2 not GT3 that automatically dumps you in the "enter your initials" thing even if your time fails the test. Or always automatically dumps you into a replay whether you wanted it or not, then compounds the inconvenience by making you explicitly select "exit" after you hit the start button.

Either way it sucks to have to run thru all those buttons just to get something done that you don't care about! But yeah...GT2 with that dang auto-replay made me miserable at A4 and the Camaro "blind walls" test. UgH. At least in GT3 you can just hit "restart" right in the middle of your test if you know it's not going well. Thank you Kazunori for that!
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Either way it sucks to have to run thru all those buttons just to get something done that you don't care about! But yeah...GT2 with that dang auto-replay made me miserable at A4 and the CAmaro "blind walls" test. UgH. At least in gT3 you can just hit "restart" right in the middle of your test if you know it's not going well. Thank you Kazunori for that!

The technique I evolved for that was to simply run off the road when it became obvious that my time would be greater than the time I was shooting for, often right before the finish line. I still had to wade through the replay but at least I avoided the "enter your initials" thing.
What's wrong with Drifting? GT3 made for some great drifting, Some of the best are here on this fourm! I have much respect for drifters and there video's...
I think it's good to be fluent in drifting and grip-racing. Even if you get your fastest lap times thru grip on an empty track, there are times during actual races when you'll need to get sideways or go on a skewed angle thru a turn. Sometimes you'll need to avoid AI stupidity, or get that perfect angle out of a corner but another car is blocking your way, a well-timed drift might be the answer. Drifting looks cool, but is also a good skill to have when you need to recover from a turn that's gone bad.

What do you think?
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I've always been of the opinion that drifting, aside from being really fun, is a useful skill that can enhance a racer's driving, no matter whether they do rally, GT racing, or whatever.

Despite the fact that racing announcers crap their pants and go into an adrenaline-soaked frenzy every time a racecar's tail-end steps out a tiny bit at the end of a corner, oversteer is simply a fact of life when racing. It's something to be avoided for the sake of laptimes, but that doesn't mean it's nonexistent. I don't care how fast a driver is, if they don't know how to properly control their car if and when it does enter an oversteer situation, they're no better than the slowest rookie who can correct a slide.
Ain't it the truth? Every time a car gets just a little skewed in a turn in F1 or full-body racing, the announcers go nuts as if a 5-car pileup just occurred. Of course, in real life where real sponsorship money (not GT play money) is a factor, it makes a lot of sense that announcers go nuts when really nothing has happened! Hell, I would go nuts under the same circumstances.
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Aint it the truth? Every time a car gets just a little skewed in a turn in F1 or full-body racing, the announcers go nuts as if a 5-car pileup just occured. Of course, in real life where real sponsorship money (not GT play money) is a factor, it makes alot of sense that announcers go nuts when really nothing has happened! Hell, I would go nuts under the same circumstances.

When Millions of dollars in F1 machinery is at stake it is a big deal. It wasn't that long ago that a big "off" on a fast part of many road courses could cause massive injury or worse.
Years of hanging around Races and Rallies, I've seen some real masters of car control.
Keke Rossberg gave me the wildest show qualifying a Can-Am Lola. A slight drift through every corner using the whole track plus five inches and kicking up a little dirt at every exit. Awesome.
Watching Stig Blomquist in an Escort Cosworth rip through esses in the woods of Maine will absolutely blow you away. Sure he's drifting, but only as much as necessary. It's a big difference seeing somebody sliding wide at 50 mph and seeing sombody nail the same corner at 80 mph only pointed the direction he needs to go.
Drifting isn't the fastest way to corner but it's the coolest way to corner :D
And what's cooler ovet taking stupid ai sideways or just out brake 'em.
Well drifting and over taking doesn't really go together unless you drive agianst slow cars :P

Oversteer I Love
Understeer I Hate

It's all about control of the car, you can control the oversteer with the throttle :D

but isn't this topic going way OFF-topic
PS:Drifters get great respect especially the really good one I there for suck compered to them but I do It for fun and simetimes make great slides :D
In most of my racing, I'm driving cars that are slightly slower than the AI, and if they're not slower, my cars always have some sort of handicap(s). So I know it's totally possible to overtake cars in the corners with my drifting skills..and not just slower cars. In fact, I'd say a good percentage of these corner passes (maybe 20% of them) have a dose of luck along with skill. Can't tell you how many times I've gotten sideways in a corner but I didn't mean to get sideways! But then as luck would have it...the mistake winds up being beneficial because I'll pass an AI car! :)
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I useally go sideways when I exit I sharp corner :D but nothing a little coutersteering can't fix :D

I always liked it al little bit easy :D

lazy me :D
I thought of another one: cars rarely fly in GT3--especially compared to GT1 & 2. Also you can follow other cars in GT3 into corners and hardly ever lose your downforce like you can in the earlier games...not very realistic.👎
I thought of another one: cars rarely fly in GT3--especially compared to GT1 & 2. Also you can follow other cars in GT3 into corners and hardly ever lose your downforce like you can in the earlier games...not very realistic.👎

aaa you're talking about drafting yep very handy on the straiths not so handy on the corners :D , I actually didn't notist it in GT3

ps I hate the Yaris/Vitz; slow, to much understeer, ugly.
Okay I got one. A BIG one!

I HATE the fact that I've done most of the sim races, most of the Arcade races, and so far have not RACED ON A WET TRACK!!!

I really think this sucks. I'm pretty slow at GT3 because I like enjoying almost every race for all they're worth, but tonite it hit me: I HAVE YET TO RACE ON RAIN-SLICKED STREETS! :mad:

I realize there are some "rally" races on R5 wet and R11 wet. I checked them out tonite and was disappointed in the AI selection (just one other car, as usual) :rolleyes:

I totally thought there would be a Route 5 enduro or something in the rain but NOOOOO. I'm assuming the only decent wet-track race will be in the Arcade section, but why aren't there more sim-mode races in good ol' H²O???

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Okay i got one. a BIG one!

I HATE the fact that i've done most of the sim races, most of the Arcade races, and so far have not RACED ON A WET TRACK!!!

I really think this sucks. I'm pretty slow at GT3 because i like enjoying almost every race for all they're worth, but tonite it hit me: I HAVE YET TO RACE ON RAIN-SLICKED STREETS! :mad:

I realize there are some "rally" races on R5 wet and R11 wet. I checked them out tonite and was disappointed in the AI selection (just one other car, as usual) :rolleyes:

I totally thought there would be a Route 5 enduro or something in the rain but NOOOOO. I'm assuming the only decent wet-track race will be in the ARcade section, but why aren't there more sim-mode races in good ol' H²O???


If I recall correctly, the wet courses are near/at the end of the circuit list in arcade mode (if you haven't finished unlocking all of the tracks yet, then just be patient).

Also, the reason why you won't see a wet-track enduro is because the action wouldn't be too exciting with only one (or was it three?) opponent(s).
I would agree with most of the points raised above (except perhaps the cone one). One thing (maybe not unique to GT3) I would add is the test course. I wouldn't mind it being in the game as an optoional course, but to have to race on it so many times is just tortureously monotonous:yuck:
Also, it would be nice to have more manufacturer/model specific races so I can use my mini more often.

However, I have to admit, that when I first experienced GT3 it looked so much better than anything else (imo) that I didn't care about any of these issues. It's only after owning it and playing it for a little while that now I'm begining to nit-pick:irked: