What is the rarest car in the game?

  • Thread starter foxypa
I think very one has their "own rare car" I know I thought I had all the cars in the game, besides the stealth line, (1216 total cars) and then today just randomly checking the UCD for either a black Camaro SS '69, or 1 of 5 two-tone veyrons I am missing I found a subura station wagon 3.0R, it didn't hav a check mark next to it, so besides the other two cars with they're color combo I guess this would have been my rarest car!?
Ok, maybe I should just start from scratch.

The issues I am discussing here, I feel, are larger than you or me or how we play the game. The original question was about the UCD and how "rare" a car is from the UCD. Let's forget about using "rare" to mean what it conventionally does about things like baseball cards or limited production vehicles. Let's define "rarity" as the likelihood that a car will show up in the UCD. We know from Duck's research and others that there is definitely a difference in the amount of times a car shows up in the UCD. Some (actually, I think we are down to 2) have never shown up at all. So, when referring to the UCD there definitely is a hierarchy of "rarity" among those cars. On this I think we can agree.

The original question came from someone with less than 100 posts and specifically about the UCD. I will assume from his posting status and the fact he didn't know about the UCD thread or Duck's "rarity" thread that he is what we would call a "newbie" (and I mean that in the best possible way, not pejoratively). For him to be told, "There are no rare cars in game except chromelins,stealths,carbon X2010, Edge Camaro and the Joey Logano naxcar." AND "There are NO RARE cars other than stated. I can get any car I want without trading any time I want," is misleading bordering on fallacy because it is stated as unqualified fact.

Let's deal with the first part about there being no "rare" cars. If someone does NOT want to bother with tickets (there are those out there that do not), then your method is irrelevant to them. Let's call these the people that don't have 2 PS3s, won't be bothered with memory sticks, don't want to quit and restart their game 1000 times, and are not particularly good with figuring probability. For them, the OCD, UCD, prize cars, and trading are their only ways of getting a car (We'll leave the NCD out since it is the exact same in car and color for everyone). If one of those people are told that there are "no rare cars" and then wait 4000 game days to see a GT-R LM or a 2J or, believe it or not, a Tarmac, then they would most decidedly disagree with your statement.

Further, there may be some, we'll call them "purists," who feel that using your method is tantamount to cheating. They don't want to cheat, so again the OCD, UCD, prize cars, and trading are their only resources. This goes for anyone that does not want to bother with tickets for one reason or another or has a moral objection to "recycling" tickets. These folks will most certainly not agree with your statement.

Moving on to the second part of your assertion, "I can get any car I want without trading any time I want," we find this to also be misleading if not fallacy. I believe I already covered this, but here's the quickest version. Each ticket has a certain number of cars associated with it. Most originally assumed that simple probability guided the cars that came from a ticket. That is to say, if there are 10 cars on a ticket, you will get each car 10% of the time. However, a couple of different members have done tests that seem to blow this theory up (Still searching for the threads associated with these tests, as they were done neigh on a year ago.). In those tests, the member ripped tickets repeatedly to see what would come. In most cases, cars did not pop out at the expected rate, in our example 10% for each car. Some cars seemed to be weighted more heavily. Now, you might say that you can't say that because the next XXX many cars may have tipped the scales. While that is essentially correct, these tests did not feature 10 pulls. These were HUNDREDS of pulls that did not yield an even split. So, even if you narrow the car you want down to a particular ticket, you are still constrained by probability in the number of times you need to pull. Could you get lucky and hit it the first time? Sure. Is it likely? It depends on the weight given to that car on that ticket. This is definitely not the description of "I can get any car I want without trading any time I want." It is more accurately described as (quoting myself), "You can have the cars you want, but by what some people would call cheating, in a more reasonable, but still uncontrollable, amount of time."

What bothers me about the two things in concert is that it gives a false sense of what is possible while encouraging what some might call cheating. In addition, to someone new to the game or this aspect of it, an unqualified, "I can get any car I want without trading any time I want," sounds pretty damned good. What you leave out is that it is not as simple as you claim, it requires time, memory stick, and relaunching the game repeatedly until you get your car, requires you use a trading slot to move the car to another account to keep it, and may cause the person doing it to feel like they cheated.

I do not care how you play the game. As you pointed out, you paid for it. However, broadcasting your method of getting a car and making blanket statements about "rarity" in a thread that was started regarding the UCD as unqualified fact effects all who read the thread. At that point, it stops being about how YOU play the game, and how you are encouraging others to play the game. I would have been much less bothered had you said something like, "The UCD has a pattern that has been tracked. Some cars show up more frequently than others. You can see which cars will show up when in the UCD by visiting one of a couple of threads that deal with that topic. There are other methods of getting the cars you want, including one I use myself that I feel is effective. PM me and I will share that with you." And really, I don't even care that you "teach" your method in open forum. I just wish you were completely honest about all of the steps and the possible consequences of using that method.

Lastly, and as a side note, there is your posting in Duck's thread on UCD "rarity." I don't know how Duck feels about it, and I am definitely not speaking for him. However, *I* was extremely bothered by what you did there. That is a thread very clearly and most specifically about UCD "rarity" that Duck has worked very hard to compile with help from many others. Seeing you post 3 times repeating the claim that "There are NO RARE cars other than stated," to me, was tantamount to giving Duck the middle finger, essentially branding his work as a waste of time. If you had said it once, maybe it wouldn't have bothered me so much. But three times in THAT thread, to me, is the exact definition of trolling.

I am sure you are not going out of your way to be harmful. In fact, I truly believe that you are only trying to help people. And, I do have a peculiar sense of right and wrong. That said, I think there are more constructive ways to disseminate your "method" without being as abrasive.

And to answer your questions:

I trade everything. Tickets, cars, gear, MCs, everything. I buy cars from the OCD and UCD. I occasionally open tickets when I have multiples. To answer the real question I think you are asking, yes, I do do things that others would consider cheating. I own 4 memory sticks that get a work out. I am aware of other "methods" that are even more clearly cheating than yours that I do not employ. What I do not do is oversimplify, sugarcoat, or just assume that the gray areas I am comfortable with aren't black areas for others. When I do share what I know, I make sure that I disclaim my statements in context so that folks know all the implications of their actions BEFORE they start doing anything.

1st I dont call it cheating. Its just my way Of getting cars I require.
What I didnt like was being told I disaprove of sending tickets when Ive made it clear I do this and trade myself not much nowadays as I have 4 accounts with all tickets on them. Even in my signature I offer tickets and only yesterday a guy on here Ive never spoken with pm me for a level 17 ticket.

As for cycling them it really doesnt take long to get the cars I require, Only once did it take a longish time and even then I posted the results, post 245


Yes I only do/say there not rare and tell people this method to help, believe it or not thats the type of person I am, I really do take pleasure from helping people. I send on average 10 tickets a week to friends and others I dont know, Yes i do have 2 PS3 machines. The second mainly for remote B-speccing.
Now I also know im poor at putting words into text ( was never at school, not a good upbringing) and im very aware that I come accross quite forcefull at times but this really is not how i am just how I put thoughts into words.

I would hazard at a quess that through what I have stated i have had hundreads of pm asking me to explain how to cycle and also If I would trade or give them a ticket, Hence why I do quote it.

So we should agree to disagree i thinks.

And if you need any level tickts you know where to come.
I also have a fair amount of birthday tickets as well.

But at the end of the day I still can and do get any car I want except the DLC and X2010 carbon as I do alllready have them.

I would just like to add on my main account I have all cars in the game so If i need one of there thats tradable I send it, I only cycle tickets for the ones that cannot be sent and generally those type do tend to have less cars per ticket, Mainly level 17 upwards. I do understand and accept that on some tickets there are a huge amount od cars and cycling those will take a lot longer as you will see if you read my post in the link above but at the end of the day if you have time the method works.

last I want to say again for the lastime I really do not have a problem whatsoever in the purists and even the money glitchers, I believe everyone has the right to play there game as they want to all ive done is put my views amd methods forward hoping to help folk get what they want.
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Mark I usually disagree with you quite a bit on here but I want to say that last post was worth reading and well put! Great job! :)
Mark I usually disagree with you quite a bit on here but I want to say that last post was worth reading and well put! Great job! :)

Thanks. As ive said im terrible at putting my thoughts into words but looks like I got it right for once.
A faster way to recycle the UCD is to go into B-Spec Beginner. Select Sunday Cup. Wait until the race loads and the exit. Not from the race itself. Do this 4 more times and then exit all the way until you see the cursor at B-Spec. Then just go down to the UCD. The whole thing takes less than 2 minutes depending on your reflexes. This is much faster than the License Tests. I do it all the time which is how I got past 6,000 days. I was looking for a certain car. I finally found it but still never saw the black AC Cobra.

want it?? i have it, i can send it to you
i think im going of topic
I think this question is unique to everyone.. I have almost 1300 cars and just 4 days ago I stumbled across a standard car I didn't have.. So with that being said the rarest car for me was:

Mitsubishi I-Concept..

Which by the way is a really great handling car and descent power!! :D
Mark Webber X2010


Seriously If you don't watch the used car list like a Green Bay Packer's Linebacker ( Hawk ) - then I guess the Gillet Vertigo would have been pretty hard to get. Took me 16 months to get 1 - and promptly got 2 more in the next 2 days.
👍Si tu veux une Focus av-av tu n'as qu'a demander j'ai tout ce qu'il faut sur mes neufs comptes au total je dois posséder plus de trois mille voitures toutes rares aussi bien des Bentley que des R8 en veux tu en voila et le pire c'est que je peu aussi les envoyer.Race
^I don't want to curb your enthusiasm bro, but posts have to be in English.

You know what's strange about the ucd? I wanted a Chapparall 2D, I finally saw it after a long time, bought it paying 12'000'000 credits...now I see one pretty much every week!
You know what's strange about the ucd? I wanted a Chapparall 2D, I finally saw it after a long time, bought it paying 12'000'000 credits...now I see one pretty much every week!

I guess that might be deliberate, gives the illusion the car is rare by not including it in the loop for a long while and then offer it repeatedly so people have a chance to earn the Credits to buy it and aren't frustrated by missing this opportunity (or at least not frustrated for a long while but they have to be aware it indeed pops up again soon otherwise they might be repeatedly frustrated leading up to anger :lol:).
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In my opinion, the only true "rare" car in GT5 is the Nissan 370Z GT Academy since the only way to get one is by a Level 12 (random) ticket. Any other car can be won or bought.

Really? Wow I did know that, time to use my Level 12 ticket compulsively :):)
Didnt read through all the pages I think the Honda Life Step Van is r pretty rare only seen it a few times. Also waiting for 4 rare cars the yellow audi R8 race car, the V12 BMW race car, the Lister Storm, and the Renualt 5 Turbo rally car.
I've been waiting for the Lister Storm for almost a year now. I only rember seeing it once when I first got the game, that was almost two years ago and I play 3 days a week on average.
The Lister Storm is quite rare. I check the used car dealership quite a bit, and I've only bought it maybe a month ago. I had actually forgotten it was in the game until it popped up. Another rarity is that standard 300SL; I figured they'd done away with it with the inclusion of the premium 300SL. :dunce:
Didnt read through all the pages I think the Honda Life Step Van is r pretty rare only seen it a few times. Also waiting for 4 rare cars the yellow audi R8 race car, the V12 BMW race car, the Lister Storm, and the Renualt 5 Turbo rally car.

The life step van is in the OCD right now, I have the Renault rally available for trade, if your interested pm me
Isn't there a list out there of the "rarest" (read: infrequently occurring in the UCD) cars?

Something like this?

I'm going to say the Red Bull x2010 Prototype is close to the rarest. It can't be bought, it can't be traded, it can't be gained in any special edition. It has to be won.
White fto super touring car has never shown up in my ucd and I've only seen one once online, I've played everyday since release too