What is the rarest car in the game?

  • Thread starter foxypa
I guess you could add the 2012 GTA cars to the list of rare cars. At least the Leaf so far as it is untradeable. I'm guessing, if the remaining cars are also untradeable, the rarity onthem cars will be up there, especially the round 8 car as fewer people golded that round as opposed to round 1.

Since there is over 1mil done academy?

And can you imagine peoples own that car and doesn't own GT5 :lol:
Since there is over 1mil done academy?

And can you imagine peoples own that car and doesn't own GT5 :lol:

PMSL, I wonder how many people downloaded the academy and golded it all and dont have the full game.
Since there is over 1mil done academy?

And can you imagine peoples own that car and doesn't own GT5 :lol:

Like I said, rarity might go up the farther up the Academy you go as I know alot of people lost interest along the way or simply couldn't gold the last event in challenge 8. So, if untradeable, that car could be considered rare as there is no other way to get it, or any of the other cars for that fact.
Carbon X2010 is not rare, it has been duped to death prior 1.07.

Yes, correct, too many people have it...! It was rare, but hasnt been rare for a long time.

But it is now to all and sundry that aint got. :sly::sly:

I bet there are a few million guys who have not got it and not capable of golding the challenge.

It's not time that makes this car rare or not, its quantity, and is has been duped over and over, so it's not rare. too bad for the people who cannot get it now anymore (with golding it!), but remains un-rare.
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really? i never see people online driving in it
mostley they drive the S. Vettel or 2011 prototype

That is my reasoning as well. I dont race them often but rarely see the X2010 carbon, plenty of redbulls and X2011. When I go out in my X2010 carbon every one is shocked when they see it. Tis a nice feeling.

Also its well over a year since the trade embargo and lots more new people to the game. Becouse they where traded a lot then doesnt make them easy to get now.
There are NO RARE cars other than stated. I can get any car I want without trading any time I want. Specific colours of cars may take a little longer but i still get them any time I want them. Its not hard and I repeat I dont trade no more. Its called seasonalls and ticket management.

It's the ticket management part that you conveniently ignored (wonder why) from my first post. Some people do not want to "manage their tickets" for the reasons I already stated. And no, you can't have any car you want when you want it unless you have come up with a way to cheat probability. As Soul chicken has already pointed out, the probabilities on the tickets are not even. That is, if a Level ticket has 13 cars on it, you will not get each car 7.6% of the time. This test has also been done by a few other members. Some cars on those tickets have a higher probability of coming on a rip. At one point Soul Chicken was getting 80% Calsonic Skylines. You can have the cars you want, but by what some people would call cheating, in a more reasonable, but still uncontrollable, amount of time.

You also conveniently ignored the part about people who only want to buy from the OCD and UCD and not bother with tickets at all. In which case, "ticket management" is completely irrelevant.
actually the formula gran turismo is actually the rarest car in the ucd because that car always appear at the ocd except the ucd which is very rarely
actually the formula gran turismo is actually the rarest car in the ucd because that car always appear at the ocd except the ucd which is very rarely

This thread is about the rarest car. Not the rarest UCD car. The fgt is in every OCD
It's the ticket management part that you conveniently ignored (wonder why) from my first post. Some people do not want to "manage their tickets" for the reasons I already stated. And no, you can't have any car you want when you want it unless you have come up with a way to cheat probability. As Soul chicken has already pointed out, the probabilities on the tickets are not even. That is, if a Level ticket has 13 cars on it, you will not get each car 7.6% of the time. This test has also been done by a few other members. Some cars on those tickets have a higher probability of coming on a rip. At one point Soul Chicken was getting 80% Calsonic Skylines. You can have the cars you want, but by what some people would call cheating, in a more reasonable, but still uncontrollable, amount of time.

You also conveniently ignored the part about people who only want to buy from the OCD and UCD and not bother with tickets at all. In which case, "ticket management" is completely irrelevant.

You obviously dont know how to cycle a ticket. I can quarentee I can have any car I want at anytime I want with this method, except for cars that dont come on level or birthday tickets (stealths/chromeline X2010 carbon, these i have anyway). As you state for example there may be 13 cars on one ticket, I will get my required car from that 1 ticket. i wont print it here but will pm you the method.

I think you will find the parts you say ive ignored are well covered in post 331 of the following link, made earlier today.


Ticket management isnt irrelevant to me, I paid for my game and I will play it how i want, The same applies to every one out there. You cannot tell me how i play my game is wrong unless you paid for my game. If you dont want to dupe tickets thats fine by me and i dont or wont try to influence you. I post my methods for all to see its then up to the individual wether they want to do this or not. We have differing views on this subject so we must respect each other views.
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You obviously dont know how to cycle a ticket. I can quarentee I can have any car I want at anytime I want with this method, except for cars that dont come on level or birthday tickets (stealths/chromeline X2010 carbon, these i have anyway). As you state for example there may be 13 cars on one ticket, I will get my required car from that 1 ticket. i wont print it here but will pm you the method.

I think you will find the parts you say ive ignored are well covered in post 331 of the following link, made earlier today.


Ticket management isnt irrelevant to me, I paid for my game and I will play it how i want, The same applies to every one out there. You cannot tell me how i play my game is wrong unless you paid for my game. If you dont want to dupe tickets thats fine by me and i dont or wont try to influence you. I post my methods for all to see its then up to the individual wether they want to do this or not. We have differing views on this subject so we must respect each other views.

And I told you on more than one occasion that I do not judge you for how you play the game. In fact, I couldn't care less how YOU play the game, but how your statements may influence how other play the game. I DO judge you for portraying your way as THE way to get a car and as a result the only way to judge the rarity of a car, which is exactly what a statement like "There are NO RARE cars other than stated" does.

Since you took this PM, we'll take care of the rest there.

And Rob, your method is actually one step too many for Mark as well. He disapproves of acquiring your tickets this way since you can rip from one ticket endlessly.
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And I told you on more than one occasion that I do not judge you for how you play the game. In fact, I couldn't care less how YOU play the game, but how your statements may influence how other play the game. I DO judge you for portraying your way as THE way to get a car and as a result the only way to judge the rarity of a car, which is exactly what a statement like "There are NO RARE cars other than stated" does.

Since you took this PM, we'll take care of the rest there.

And Rob, your method is actually one step too many for Mark as well. He disapproves of acquiring your tickets this way since you can rip from one ticket endlessly.

That was totally uncalled for you are now showing your true colours. I pm you, and you accuse me of staing i disaprove of othe peplaes method. I will now cut and paste the pm I sent you to prove you are lieing.

( Send youself the required ticket from another account. Load game, receive ticket into delivery lorry, save, close game and scroll up 3 clicks in XMB menu to PS3 save data put memory stick into USB slot, save game data, load game open ticket if you dont get the car you want exit game restore save date from USB, load game open ticket ans so on.
This way you can open the ticket as many times as you want till you get the car you want.

If you dont aprove thats fine ive no problem with that at all, but please dont tell me Its wrong for me to do it. We must have respect for how each one of us wants to play our game.


As everyone can see I have posted the full pm and highlighted the last paragraph wich pretty clearly states I dont have a problem how you play your game, How does that back up your comment that I would disaprove how someone plays there game.

All I have posted is a way to get any car you require from a ticket If people dont want to do it this way I have no problem with this whatsoever

Ajbs73 I pointed you to a thread I posted on yesterday post 331 well here is another cut and paste clearly showing I do not disaprove of anyones methods.


(This is why i state there are no rare cars ingame other than DLC.
Ticket management is all you need with 2 accounts. main account does the receiving, second account does the seasonalls and save all tickets so I havent even traded for them.
Some purists wont trade thats fine its up to them some wont even cycle a ticket, thats fine again its their game and they are entiltled to play it there way. But when they come here saying this is rare and that is rare, That really means for them only not everyone. As i proved to you by pm if you need a car its easy to get.
I claim I can get any available car any day I want it on any account.)

@ ajns73 please remmember its against the AUP to blatently lie and make accusations you clearly cannot backup.

I think you really do need to appologize.
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To to truthful I really don't care if people don't approve of how I play the game or see any reason why I should...as it's my game and such but I did complete the game and win every ticket fairly(apart from the birthday tickets which I traded for).
When I go out in my X2010 carbon every one is shocked when they see it.

this does not happen to me. when i drive it everyone calls me a noob
because they don't see the difference between the x2010 prototype and the x2011 :banghead:
this does not happen to me. when i drive it everyone calls me a noob
because they don't see the difference between the x2010 prototype and the x2011 :banghead:

Sad really, I think generally its youngsters that go around calling folks "noobs" but when youve earnt your X2010 carbon you couldnt be further away from being a noob.
Sad really, I think generally its youngsters that go around calling folks "noobs" but when youve earnt your X2010 carbon you couldnt be further away from being a noob.

I don't have mine. Am I a noob? With duping pre-1.07, carbons were available easily.

Should grabbed one then, I know.
That was totally uncalled for you are now showing your true colours. I pm you, and you accuse me of staing i disaprove of othe peplaes method. I will now cut and paste the pm I sent you to prove you are lieing.

( Send youself the required ticket from another account. Load game, receive ticket into delivery lorry, save, close game and scroll up 3 clicks in XMB menu to PS3 save data put memory stick into USB slot, save game data, load game open ticket if you dont get the car you want exit game restore save date from USB, load game open ticket ans so on.
This way you can open the ticket as many times as you want till you get the car you want.

If you dont aprove thats fine ive no problem with that at all, but please dont tell me Its wrong for me to do it. We must have respect for how each one of us wants to play our game.


As everyone can see I have posted the full pm and highlighted the last paragraph wich pretty clearly states I dont have a problem how you play your game, How does that back up your comment that I would disaprove how someone plays there game.

All I have posted is a way to get any car you require from a ticket If people dont want to do it this way I have no problem with this whatsoever

Ajbs73 I pointed you to a thread I posted on yesterday post 331 well here is another cut and paste clearly showing I do not disaprove of anyones methods.


(This is why i state there are no rare cars ingame other than DLC.
Ticket management is all you need with 2 accounts. main account does the receiving, second account does the seasonalls and save all tickets so I havent even traded for them.
Some purists wont trade thats fine its up to them some wont even cycle a ticket, thats fine again its their game and they are entiltled to play it there way. But when they come here saying this is rare and that is rare, That really means for them only not everyone. As i proved to you by pm if you need a car its easy to get.
I claim I can get any available car any day I want it on any account.)

@ ajns73 please remmember its against the AUP to blatently lie and make accusations you clearly cannot backup.

I think you really do need to appologize.

This is actually hilarious to me and there will be no apology. I didn't lie. You do disapprove of trading for tickets when you can rip from one endlessly, otherwise you wouldn't do it yourself nor make an issue of saying that you don't trade anymore. I should not have put it as I did "disapproves of YOUR." I should have said, "disapproves in general." Other than that, nothing else needed.

Just as you claim that "purists" not doing as you do shouldn't claim rarity this or rarity that, the exact applies to you. If you want to play the game your way, go right ahead. But don't deny the rarity of a car based on the UCD cycles because you don't play the way I do or someone else does.

Also, I notice, as is pretty much par for the course with you, you didn't bother quoting my portion of the PM, only your own. And what exactly are my true colors? What have I portrayed myself to be that I am not?
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This is actually hilarious to me and there will be no apology. I didn't lie. You do disapprove of trading for tickets when you can rip from one endlessly, otherwise you wouldn't do it yourself nor make an issue of saying that you don't trade anymore. I should not have put it as I did "disapproves of YOUR." I should have said, "disapproves in general." Other than that, nothing else needed.

Just as you claim that "purists" not doing as you do shouldn't claim rarity this or rarity that, the exact applies to you. If you want to play the game your way, go right ahead. But don't deny the rarity of a car based on the UCD cycles because you don't play the way I do or someone else does.

Also, I notice, as is pretty much par for the course with you, you didn't bother quoting my portion of the PM, only your own. And what exactly are my true colors? What have I portrayed myself to be that I am not?

If you read my words correctly and I will say it again I do not have a problem with anyone who doesnt want to get car via trading or ticket cycling, as I have said now on numorous occasions everyone plays there game how they see fit and I respect that. I even pm you stating that.

And if you were to check the marketplace you will see I have done my fair share of trading mainly last year so I could finnish my collection. So you cannot say I disaprove.

Do you not dont trade or swap tickets with friends then, Or do you only buy your cars from NCD,UCD,OCD and any tickets you win yourself. Personelly I would find it hard to believe you dont or haven't done.
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If you read my words correctly and I will say it again I do not have a problem with anyone who doesnt want to get car via trading or ticket cycling, as I have said now on numorous occasions every plays there game how they see fit and I respect that. I even pm you stating that.

Do you not dont trade or swap tickets with friends then, Or do you only buy your cars from NCD,UCD,OCD and any tickets you win yourself.

Ok, maybe I should just start from scratch.

The issues I am discussing here, I feel, are larger than you or me or how we play the game. The original question was about the UCD and how "rare" a car is from the UCD. Let's forget about using "rare" to mean what it conventionally does about things like baseball cards or limited production vehicles. Let's define "rarity" as the likelihood that a car will show up in the UCD. We know from Duck's research and others that there is definitely a difference in the amount of times a car shows up in the UCD. Some (actually, I think we are down to 2) have never shown up at all. So, when referring to the UCD there definitely is a hierarchy of "rarity" among those cars. On this I think we can agree.

The original question came from someone with less than 100 posts and specifically about the UCD. I will assume from his posting status and the fact he didn't know about the UCD thread or Duck's "rarity" thread that he is what we would call a "newbie" (and I mean that in the best possible way, not pejoratively). For him to be told, "There are no rare cars in game except chromelins,stealths,carbon X2010, Edge Camaro and the Joey Logano naxcar." AND "There are NO RARE cars other than stated. I can get any car I want without trading any time I want," is misleading bordering on fallacy because it is stated as unqualified fact.

Let's deal with the first part about there being no "rare" cars. If someone does NOT want to bother with tickets (there are those out there that do not), then your method is irrelevant to them. Let's call these the people that don't have 2 PS3s, won't be bothered with memory sticks, don't want to quit and restart their game 1000 times, and are not particularly good with figuring probability. For them, the OCD, UCD, prize cars, and trading are their only ways of getting a car (We'll leave the NCD out since it is the exact same in car and color for everyone). If one of those people are told that there are "no rare cars" and then wait 4000 game days to see a GT-R LM or a 2J or, believe it or not, a Tarmac, then they would most decidedly disagree with your statement.

Further, there may be some, we'll call them "purists," who feel that using your method is tantamount to cheating. They don't want to cheat, so again the OCD, UCD, prize cars, and trading are their only resources. This goes for anyone that does not want to bother with tickets for one reason or another or has a moral objection to "recycling" tickets. These folks will most certainly not agree with your statement.

Moving on to the second part of your assertion, "I can get any car I want without trading any time I want," we find this to also be misleading if not fallacy. I believe I already covered this, but here's the quickest version. Each ticket has a certain number of cars associated with it. Most originally assumed that simple probability guided the cars that came from a ticket. That is to say, if there are 10 cars on a ticket, you will get each car 10% of the time. However, a couple of different members have done tests that seem to blow this theory up (Still searching for the threads associated with these tests, as they were done neigh on a year ago.). In those tests, the member ripped tickets repeatedly to see what would come. In most cases, cars did not pop out at the expected rate, in our example 10% for each car. Some cars seemed to be weighted more heavily. Now, you might say that you can't say that because the next XXX many cars may have tipped the scales. While that is essentially correct, these tests did not feature 10 pulls. These were HUNDREDS of pulls that did not yield an even split. So, even if you narrow the car you want down to a particular ticket, you are still constrained by probability in the number of times you need to pull. Could you get lucky and hit it the first time? Sure. Is it likely? It depends on the weight given to that car on that ticket. This is definitely not the description of "I can get any car I want without trading any time I want." It is more accurately described as (quoting myself), "You can have the cars you want, but by what some people would call cheating, in a more reasonable, but still uncontrollable, amount of time."

What bothers me about the two things in concert is that it gives a false sense of what is possible while encouraging what some might call cheating. In addition, to someone new to the game or this aspect of it, an unqualified, "I can get any car I want without trading any time I want," sounds pretty damned good. What you leave out is that it is not as simple as you claim, it requires time, memory stick, and relaunching the game repeatedly until you get your car, requires you use a trading slot to move the car to another account to keep it, and may cause the person doing it to feel like they cheated.

I do not care how you play the game. As you pointed out, you paid for it. However, broadcasting your method of getting a car and making blanket statements about "rarity" in a thread that was started regarding the UCD as unqualified fact effects all who read the thread. At that point, it stops being about how YOU play the game, and how you are encouraging others to play the game. I would have been much less bothered had you said something like, "The UCD has a pattern that has been tracked. Some cars show up more frequently than others. You can see which cars will show up when in the UCD by visiting one of a couple of threads that deal with that topic. There are other methods of getting the cars you want, including one I use myself that I feel is effective. PM me and I will share that with you." And really, I don't even care that you "teach" your method in open forum. I just wish you were completely honest about all of the steps and the possible consequences of using that method.

Lastly, and as a side note, there is your posting in Duck's thread on UCD "rarity." I don't know how Duck feels about it, and I am definitely not speaking for him. However, *I* was extremely bothered by what you did there. That is a thread very clearly and most specifically about UCD "rarity" that Duck has worked very hard to compile with help from many others. Seeing you post 3 times repeating the claim that "There are NO RARE cars other than stated," to me, was tantamount to giving Duck the middle finger, essentially branding his work as a waste of time. If you had said it once, maybe it wouldn't have bothered me so much. But three times in THAT thread, to me, is the exact definition of trolling.

I am sure you are not going out of your way to be harmful. In fact, I truly believe that you are only trying to help people. And, I do have a peculiar sense of right and wrong. That said, I think there are more constructive ways to disseminate your "method" without being as abrasive.

And to answer your questions:

I trade everything. Tickets, cars, gear, MCs, everything. I buy cars from the OCD and UCD. I occasionally open tickets when I have multiples. To answer the real question I think you are asking, yes, I do do things that others would consider cheating. I own 4 memory sticks that get a work out. I am aware of other "methods" that are even more clearly cheating than yours that I do not employ. What I do not do is oversimplify, sugarcoat, or just assume that the gray areas I am comfortable with aren't black areas for others. When I do share what I know, I make sure that I disclaim my statements in context so that folks know all the implications of their actions BEFORE they start doing anything.
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