What is the scariest horror movie?

The Ring? Scary?

I liked that movie a lot. It was spooky, the scenery and character development were superb as well, and while it did scare me because I'm a wuss (seriously, not joking), I would not mention it in a thread talking about the scariest horror movie out there.

As for scariest movie... I woulnd't know. I honestly can't stand horror movies, they won't let me sleep at night, so the few I've seen are quite tame.
I need some clarification. Are we looking for the scariest movie? Or the scariest horror movie? Because horror movies are their own genre, some are scary, some are not. Scary movies cross genres.

The scariest movie I ever remember seeing was Communion (sci fi) with Christopher Walken. I'm not sure it would still be scary if I rewatched it given that I was a lot younger at the time. Fire in the Sky usually gets mentioned along with Communion, and I saw that one too but I think I remember Communion being scarier.
:lol: - fair enough dude!

Thank you :lol:

But now I'v seen some parts of saw and aliens vs cowboys (jk , aliens vs predators) and I don't get scared with it because of the amising efects (except with saw :scared: , aye caramba !)
The first time I saw ghostbusters I thought it was pretty scary. Especially that librarian ghost. I was 4 when ghostbusters came out.
Thank you :lol:

But now I'v seen some parts of saw and aliens vs cowboys (jk , aliens vs predators) and I don't get scared with it because of the amising efects (except with saw :scared: , aye caramba !)

I'd class Saw as a slasher film more than a straight horror. Gore doesn't equal 'horror' in the traditional sense of the genre.

The first time I saw ghostbusters I thought it was pretty scary. Especially that librarian ghost. I was 4 when ghostbusters came out.

I was a bit older, but still jumped at that point in the film. Same with the scene in Jaws when the severed head floats past the porthole in the sunken boat.
Has anyone else seen Communion? I would love to know if anyone else thought it was super scary or if I was just being a pansy.
It may not make sense to some people, but from me, the scariest/weirdest movie I've seen is Donnie Darko.....that rabbit gave me nightmares :indiff:
Anyone seen Poltergeist? That's pretty scary!

'They're Here." I never found that movie scary. lol.

Thing Ring was pretty scary, same with The Grudge, Paranormal Activity, & White Noise - They where kinda too. I don't think one can pinpoint exactly which is the scariest, but those come to mind.

Now, goriest on the other hand.
It may not make sense to some people, but from me, the scariest/weirdest movie I've seen is Donnie Darko.....that rabbit gave me nightmares :indiff:

Dude, i saw that movie during my experimental drug phase, (clean and sober now!) but that movie did something to me. it changed my nightmares. now and for the last 6 years anytime i have a nightmare its usually one where the rabbit tells me the sky is going to open up and everyone tries to run for shelter even though we all know its completely pointless. kids... Dont do drugs and watch scary movies or you wil only have yourself to blame later. well how about, just dont do drugs at all.
That rabbit didn't scare me.. I rather enjoyed the bits where he had the encounters with it though... especially how he was stabbing the barrier.
Has anyone else seen Communion? I would love to know if anyone else thought it was super scary or if I was just being a pansy.

Is this the one with Christopher Walken? I think I saw it when it first came out on VHS. I found it boring, but I understood very little English at the time. I might rent it again.
I'd as soon as class Alien as a horror film as i would it a scf-fi.
ALIEN is perhaps the most genuinely-terrifying film I have ever seen. And it's terrifying because of the way the film is made - it's not just in the script or the visual effects, but in everything from the set design to the casting and the cinematography. But most importantly, it's in Ridley Scott's understanding that the audience is more afraid of what they do not know. The alien is never clearly shown because Scott knew that if he showed flashes of it and let the audience's imagination fill in the blanks, whatever they came up with to explain it would be more frightening than anything Scott could show them.
ALIEN is perhaps the most genuinely-terrifying film I have ever seen. And it's terrifying because of the way the film is made - it's not just in the script or the visual effects, but in everything from the set design to the casting and the cinematography. But most importantly, it's in Ridley Scott's understanding that the audience is more afraid of what they do not know. The alien is never clearly shown because Scott knew that if he showed flashes of it and let the audience's imagination fill in the blanks, whatever they came up with to explain it would be more frightening than anything Scott could show them.

Totally agree. ALIEN is iconic in so many ways and still to this day my favourite film. I still remember my uncle, having just seen it in the theatre, describing the face-huggers to me. I was enthralled and a little shocked at seeing an adult genuinely shaken by a film. He used no words - just put his hand over my face and said "remember this" (I was still a boy and had to wait 'till I was older to see it). I still get chills.

Unlike JAWS, of the same era, which worked beautifully because the production's mechanical shark broke down, forcing them to use subtler methods of portraying the horror of being stalked by a man-eating great white (that no-one could see!), the horror of ALIEN was premeditated. Everything from the amazing art direction - incorporating two of the coolest and creepiest artists of it's day (HR Giger and Jean "Moebius" Giraud) - to the special effects which still hold up for the most part today. Add to that the incredible ensemble cast and one of the first ever big screen female action heroes - Ripley! - and you have a film that still puts most modern horrors to shame.

PS - Now let's hope some of that brilliance is transferred to PROMETHEUS - I am practicing (somewhat) cautious optimism. ;)
Alien is a solid contender for sure, but it didn't freak me out the way other movies did. Maybe that's because I didn't feel like it could happen to me. I get freaked with movies that might just as well have been set in my house as wherever they are.

Psycho, for example, can happen in anyone's shower.

I actually found ALIENS better (the second one). I saw that when I was young and I was genuinely terrified.

Has anyone saw 1408? I thought that it needs a mention. It's my favourite horror because it doesn't rely on gore to scare you - it truly messes with your mind.
The horror movie that sets with me the longest after a viewing is Shutter(2004). I found the ending to be most unsettling.

I actually found ALIENS better (the second one). I saw that when I was young and I was genuinely terrified.

Has anyone saw 1408? I thought that it needs a mention. It's my favourite horror because it doesn't rely on gore to scare you - it truly messes with your mind.

I agree with the fact that the best horror is the one that messes with your head (ie: confuses, dramatic twists, lets you imagine rather than shows monster) but even still i went to see 1408 in the theater because i really like John Cusak and i really wanted to be scared and like this movie. it was pretty good, but i feel like it lost it halfway in. It had a great buildup and massive scarry potential but then...meh i dunno, didnt quite launch me out of my seat like a scarry movie needs to. overall not bad, just wasted potential. still well acted though.
The latest horror movie that actually gave me the chills was "Drag me Hell" - ending was unexpecting...... for me personally it was more frightening to watch it in Spanish than English (don't know why it just was) - the other two I also enjoyed watching was "Gravedancers" and one called "Wicked Little Things"... aside from that I have not seen much in scary movies.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

In the film, Emily is woken at same time every night(2 am?). After I watched it, it happened to me twice, and I swear I heard something creeping up my blanket. I don't believe in ghost or demon bothering people, especially me, but I know I didn't dream that. :crazy:

For pure horror film value, The Ring(Hollywood version) is pretty scary. I have yet to watch it alone, so..... yeah.

Oh Shintaro, as much as I hate to disagree with you. Ever.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose is pretty scary for a courtroom drama.
Paranormal Activity and Rec are the first two movies that come to my mind. Other movies aren't as scary as they are disgusting.