What is the worst song ever?Music 

  • Thread starter Curveball
Please, would a moderator ban Scaff right this minute. :mad:

Curses, he has diplomatic immunity :ouch:
I did say sorry (a lot) :)

It's not. I made it through all 3:20 seconds. It was far easier than listening to even 30 seconds of "My Humps".

I do admit, however, that Old Skull would be spinning in their graves, if they all weren't still under 30.
Braver man than me, "My Humps" I can handle, but these lads are just suck.

In regard to 'Old Skull' I just loved this bit....

After two years of playing drums with the band, Lindsey was given a one month punishment by his parents which ultimately led to the band breaking up.

....damn they just don't make bands like that these days.

Anything by these REMOVED BY MOD

Look at their 'main man', Dappy;


To be fair, he was quite funny when he appeared on Never Mind The Buzzcocks but my god, what a tosser. Is it just me or is that the most punchable face in the world?
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You will have noticed that I managed to post a truly terrible assault on music without swearing (I will admit it was hard), so no reason existed for you to use that word and try to get around the swear filter.

I'm making this a quick in thread warning as it is quite out of character for you.

Please don't ever do that again.



You will have noticed that I managed to post a truly terrible assault on music without swearing (I will admit it was hard), so no reason existed for you to use that word and try to get around the swear filter.

I'm making this a quick in thread warning as it is quite out of character for you.

Please don't ever do that again.



Sorry about that Scaff, I didn't realise we couldn't post words if we censored them ourselves.

They're 'silly biscuits' then. ;)
Sorry about that Scaff, I didn't realise we couldn't post words if we censored them ourselves.

They're 'silly biscuits' then. ;)

If it had been four '*'s it would not have been a problem, but lets be honest it was rather obvious what the word in question was.

Anyway 'silly biscuits' is a much better insult (make promise to self to use that at least once over the weekend).


N-Dubz Chris Moyles quiz night question! Yeah they are pretty naff.

Was so hilarious when he pulled out an abacus :lol:
To be fair, they seem to have a good sense of humour, but the lyrics in that song were actually better than most of their real ones.
Yeah I think they do know they are slightly taking the mickey out of R&B :sly:

That maths question was classic!
"El Chiki-Chiki" - Rodolfo Chikilicuatre :scared:

Youtube video

From Wikipedia (Here):

Rodolfo Chikilicuatre (born 1972 in Buenos Aires, Argentina); is a Spanish comedic character played by David Fernández Ortiz (24 June 1970 in Igualada, Barcelona, Spain) and first introduced in the Spanish late night show Buenafuente as an improvisational act. Rodolfo was interviewed as the inventor of the vibrator-guitar. The character rose to fame after he was later presented by the show's host, Andreu Buenafuente, with a song called "Baila el Chiki-chiki" (Dance the Chiki-chiki), a parody of reggaeton music filled with jokes and political references, and the show's host decided to enter the song into the Spanish selection process for the Eurovision Song Contest 2008, Rodolfo landed Spains best placement (16th place) since Eurovision Song Contest 2004.

Resume: An actor played a character, made that ****** song, people voted him, he went to Eurovision and finished 16th. Anterior results of Spain in Eurovision:

2005: 21th
2006: 21th
2007: 20th

We did it for the lulz. :dopey:
"El Chiki-Chiki" - Rodolfo Chikilicuatre :scared:
We did it for the lulz. :dopey:

I disagree. The song was originally written for its stupid factor. It was meant to be stupid.

And while you claim you did it for the "lulz", that is actually not true. You did it because that year all the votes for Eurovision were counted through sms messages (i.e. there was no formal judge) and on the TV show of Andreu Buenafuente, they started making bets to see how many people would vote for Chikilicuatre.

Once they realized Chikilicuatre was the winner, there wasn't really much that could be done, though it was thought for a long time to disqualify Chikilicuatre on the grounds that it was just a gag. In the end they decided to go with him and see how good (or not) he'd be.

Hence why this year, although they still have the sms voting method, a panel of judges choose the representative among the highest voted.
The worst song ever has to be "flo rida"'s butchering or You Spin Me Round. So he basically took a great song, and put lyrics about hookers in it. The first time i heard it, he's like "when you go down down" and i just went :banghead:
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...now I will 100% confess that anything past the 60 second mark could be filled with porn and swearing, I will never know and I seriously doubt anyone her ever will.
I made it to 62 seconds, largely so that I could refute your claim. I'm not masochistic, it's just better than doing my 3500-word assignment.
Jonas brothers And Miley cyrus can burn in Heck. It's so annoying yet so many fans. I will buy many copies of their albums and burn them and post on youtube.
Jonas brothers And Miley cyrus can burn in Heck. It's so annoying yet so many fans. I will buy many copies of their albums and burn them and post on youtube.

You realize all you'll be doing is giving them even more money that will just make them go back into the studio.
Anything by the Argos Annie Lennox here:


There is absolutely nothing positive to say about her or her ridiculous hairstyles, and yet (for some reason) seemingly everyone adores the warbling mess. "Oh! I love her, she's so talented!" No she's not - you're just hopelessly trying to blend in by agreeing with whatever NME say.

Here's the 'most popular' song of La Roux's - the stupidly titled 'In for the kill':

It's clearly supposed to sound all '80s and 'retro chic'. But it doesn't. It sounds like a 12 year old trying to sing over the arpeggio function of an early 90s Casio keyboard. It's just trash.

Here's the first 4 lines:

We can fight our desires
But when we start making fires
We get ever so hot
Whether we like it or not

Wow, that's like... inspired.

And it only gets worse from there really. We never do find out what it is she's going into or who she's aiming to kill, but by the time the chorus repeats you find yourself wishing it was you.

Urgh, I feel sick.
I agree with you on that one Jondot, everytime I hear that 'In For The Kill' on the radio it just makes me want to point the Cressida to the nearest telegraph pole and floor the throttle so I can be killed or KO'ed so I don't have to listen to that garbage song!! :yuck:

What makes it worse, they are thrashing it like no tomorrow on our radios!! ARRRRRRGH! :banghead:

I reckon the WORST song of all time would have to be DOOP!!

Doop, doop doop doop do dee doop........

This is musical torture at it worst!! I'm so glad we don't hear this on the radio anymore!! Well I hope I never do again. :nervous:

*added bit* Scaff, I want that 3:20 of my life back for your song, that was musical torture!! :banghead:
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*added bit* Scaff, I want that 3:20 of my life back for your song, that was musical torture!! :banghead:

Not getting it back - I did give fair warning.

It is however torture, I honestly think it will be more effective than waterboarding.

Anything by the Jonas Brothers should burn....

One night, I had this dream where I jumped out of a plane (no parachute) with a electric guitar, played *insert epic song here, like Freebird, Play with Me, Arpeggios From Hell, etc.* while falling, then I screamed "ROCK 'N' ROLL (bleep) YEAH!" and landed on a bus with all the Disney "singers" (HSM crew, Camp Rock crew, Jonas, Hannan Montana, etc), killing them in a big explosion. And then, I jump out of the flames a play an ever more epic guitar solo.
I can't post it here cause of the content, but If your curious go to youtube and look up anything by brokencyde. It will be the worst thing you ever heard. for full badness listen to "freaxxx".
There is absolutely nothing positive to say about her or her ridiculous hairstyles, and yet (for some reason) seemingly everyone adores the warbling mess. "Oh! I love her, she's so talented!" No she's not - you're just hopelessly trying to blend in by agreeing with whatever NME say.

I love La Roux (They're a 'them' not a 'her' ;) ) and i've never once read NME :irked:
Time to indulge in a little bit of grave-digging and bring this thread back to life.

Simply because I have to share this....

Once again sorry.



My browser didn't want to play it, but I just had to push it didn't I.

That video is the cause as to why people hate video games, and if they really do make people do that than we must unfortunatly ban them.

Now to go to a corner and sit in the fetal position.:nervous:
I love La Roux (They're a 'them' not a 'her' ;) ) and i've never once read NME :irked:

Then I stand corrected. Most La Roux fans blindly accept whatever NME tells them (although most of the time indirectly).

But why?! They/she/it/whatever just gives me a headache.

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