What missing features are you most concerned about?

  • Thread starter Gerath
I miss a 360° spinable cam in chase view. Every Racing Game features this these days... I want see the car in its all beauty :drool:
Reverse Lights - I've been waiting on these on every GT game after i played GT1

It gets annoying.

PD employee dude who's job it is to check forums of GT fans. Shouts "Boss! Boss!" as he runs into Kaz's office. Kaz looks up "What is it now? Let me guess they want a release date. Tell them it's ready and we launch next week." he says.

Breathless PD Forum Dude pants a few times to get his breath back and the says "Boss, the GT Planet fans want working reverse lights."

"No problem", says Kaz. "Contact the manufacturers and get them to send us complete reverse light units so we can accurately Polygon model them. It should only add two years to the development time."

"Okay boss" says PD forum dude and starts sending e-mails....
  • possibility te create your own license plate
  • Full anti-aliasing (and the cars will look even better, no more jaggies)
  • better off track (grass and sand) physics
  • true wide view (like amar mentioned). The left and right view in GT4, if playing with a multi monitor setup, are stretched, creating a terrible, unrealistic view. So no more stretched view on the left and right monitor
  • more realistic driving and tire physics. I'm still not 100% convinced that the physics are truely realistic (which is impossible for a game though)
  • full realistic real time damage => visual as mechanical and electronical, with 6 DoF's => (plain English: flip over the car)
  • deformable environment (visible tire marks in the sand and grass). If you hit a tire wall, all the tires have to move on inpact.
  • no more invisible walls
  • better sounds (cars and tires)
  • 7.1 surround sound
  • cars getting dirty
  • tire pressure, tire temperature, tire blow outs
  • implement DLL-files for the creators of moving platforms, so that moving platforms work with GT5.
  • online replays, and private rooms
  • like in GTR (and real life) tire marbles left on the track
  • more grip as more rubber of the tires gets deposite on track during racing
  • implement the effects of wind (e.g. if you pass a car and there is a side wind, you will feel the effects of the side wind, like IRL)
  • if a car goes off track and leaves sand on track, the sand must influence the grip
  • FFB for pedals and shifter
  • being able to start/cut off the engine
  • realistic engine braking (if you are in H-pattern and you miss down shift and you revv the engine too high, the wheels should lock up
  • tire tracks if a car skids
  • if a driver suddenly lifts off the gas pedal at full throttle and full speed when shifting down, the car should oversteer left or right and the driver has to countersteer to keep control of the car
  • realistic over and understeering
  • hood/bonnet view (my favourite view)
  • possibility to choose between left and right hand drive
  • less cars and more real world TRACKS
  • perfect AI instead of AS (Artificiel Stupidity) we have now
  • make it possible to use the PSP as a rear view mirror
  • better replay system (possbility to choose between different camera poditions, FF, REW, slow motion, pauze)
  • realistic illumination of the environment by the headlights during night
  • an anti skid track where we can learn car control (defensive and offensive)
  • ingame chat
  • PS Eye as a tracking device
  • real time gasoline consumption
  • no more penalty system (replace it by damage)
  • pay for the damages we caused (e.g. on our and other cars), so we don't need a penalty damage anymore because people will think twice before wrecking their car.
  • like mentioned before, the possibility to turn off the HUD
  • Make it possible (implement files) to use a real dashboard (analog or digital) instead of having the information (HUD) on screen.
  • Like has been said by many other people: working reverse lights.
  • Full 3D graphics.
  • Model the entire car, not only the visible parts e.g. the engine (I don't mean cars like the F430, GT, R8 etc..), the suspenison, chassis panel behind the bodywork, etc... . I think that this is the reason that PD wants cosmetic damage only and gets away with 60fps at 1080p.
  • PiP feature during replay. (possibility to watch 2 different views at the same time during a replay).
  • A game generator, which chooses a track and a car in the free racing part of the game.
  • Laser scanned tracks
  • Accurate wheel to wheel lock for every car and accurate steering wheel rotation.

  • Telemetry data so Fanatec can calculate when the wheels of the car are locking up, when the ABS is activate. Fanatec's new wheel has pedals with:

    * State-of-the-art pedal set made of aluminum with pressure sensitive brake sensor, indestructible magnetic precision sensors and ABS vibration.

    This means that we could have FFB (pedals) when playing GT5
This is my list of missing features that I'm most concerned about.

:dopey: :crazy: :nervous: :ill: :cool: :drool: :scared: 💡 :D :P :eek: :odd: :bowdown:

What can I say, I'm a hardcore race simmer! ;)

I could write a really long list like kikie because I am very specific about what sort of things I want.

...but barring good online support, I really think GT5 is missing dynamically changing weather and day/night cycles on long races.

24 hours of day would be a real let down. Fortunately I doubt we will be put through that again.
I wonder if in 5 Prologue how they have the weather of various tracks around the world at the top right is an indication of real weather? hmmm

*gets excited*

Current real life weather at that location would be reflected in the game..
I will miss and will be pissed if there is not:

Saving option in endurance races
Seattle Circuit
Night/day and weather variations.

I do not care about damage, I have always thought that with damage the car wouldn`t look as good as with no damage.

I`d rather have mechanical damage.

Oops, I forgot, the possibility of manipulate the hud like we want.
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This is my list of missing features that I'm most concerned about.

:dopey: :crazy: :nervous: :ill: :cool: :drool: :scared: 💡 :D :P :eek: :odd: :bowdown:

What can I say, I'm a hardcore race simmer! ;)

Basically you want the best aspects of all PC sims combined, but on the PS3 with a big car list and awesome graphics? :P

EDIT: I think to implement all the stuff you suggest at a smooth framerate you'd need the power and flexibility of a modern PC.
PD employee dude who's job it is to check forums of GT fans. Shouts "Boss! Boss!" as he runs into Kaz's office. Kaz looks up "What is it now? Let me guess they want a release date. Tell them it's ready and we launch next week." he says.

Breathless PD Forum Dude pants a few times to get his breath back and the says "Boss, the GT Planet fans want working reverse lights."

"No problem", says Kaz. "Contact the manufacturers and get them to send us complete reverse light units so we can accurately Polygon model them. It should only add two years to the development time."

"Okay boss" says PD forum dude and starts sending e-mails....

People have been waiting for this since GT2, as i said it annoys me, maybe doesnt annoy anyone else but it does me.

People want realism, its what people think of when they hear the words Gran Turismo, they even gave us a cockpit view and still no reverse lights? Obviously being a racing game you tend to go in the forward direction but there is occasionally a time where you will find yourself reversing.

Anyway thanks for the story - the part about the dev time for reverse lights seems quite accurate for PD

Right!!! It´s annoying because it is so easy to program it, like the brakes.

I have absolutely no idea ! and not sure if it was sarcasm either :dunce:

Edit: on futher thinking while playing forza online with my friends we occasionally had fun by trying to ram each other and trying to destroy each others cars, knowing when someone is reversing would be helpfull as i intend to play similar games with GT5.
Anyway thanks for the story - the part about the dev time for reverse lights seems quite accurate for PD

I have absolutely no idea ! and not sure if it was sarcasm either :dunce:

No sarcasm at all, I am serious.
- I hope the tuning is still as detailed as in GT4.
- Of course (I didn't even think about it) the invisible walls at some tracks. In GT4, you weren't able to drive of the track, that was a bit vague... So I hope the tracks are more open.
- I also hope the endurance events are too easy. In GT4, it was too easy to become first at endurance events. There was no tactical factor in the pit stops anymore.
- I hope they add some F1 cars again.
- What about cars like Bentley continentals, Lamborghini's, the KTM X-Bow and Bugatti's?

I think there are many more wishes, but I think we just have to wait and see what they give us. ;)
I do not care about damage, I have always thought that with damage the car wouldn`t look as good as with no damage.

I`d rather have mechanical damage.

I agree that mechanical damage is the main thing I miss in GT4, as unless you're on the chase cam, you don't see a lot of your car anyway.

I'd rather have excellent mechanical damage but with only scuff marks and smashed windows for visible damage, than no mechanical damage but bumpers falling off everywhere and roofs being horribly twisted.

However I still think terminal mechanical damage is a must when you have a proper smash.

The penalty system also needs changing. Contact will be penalised anyway by damage, but I think that PD should try to implement some sort of corner cutting penalty system, especially as we get our hands on more track with chicanes to cut, and more with tarmac runoff. Either a 3 strikes and you're out system where you get 2 warnings then a drive through, or a 5 sec add-on to your finish time every time you go off.

In hotlap mode, the lap time should be cancelled when you have a little excursion, though this feature needs to be able to be turned off by players as it could get frustrating. The online leaderboards should only comprise of clean laps though.
i liked the fact that on GT5P weather reports for world tracks were displayed..

i want this to be tied in.. if its raining at silverstone today then it should be raining when i play the game :D
- Rollover (for all cars) is an absolute must now that FM3 has it.
- Penalty system needs to be fixed bad. I like chrisbroughton's idea however I would add that you should be allowed to concede a position if you overtook through a chicane. Makes more sense than the five-second speed limiter from GT5P 👎
- Realistic drivetrain swaps (Sorry, can't put an LS7 in a Suzuki Alto) and racing modifications
- More NASCAR drivers (only spotted six, using alternate schemes to fill the field, and no Ford or Dodge cars)
- More historic racing series - Group B & C, Turbo F1 cars if possible
- All SuperGT teams and cars represented
- Fantasy "LM Edition" cars
20 variants of Nissan Skylines at least ;)

But seriously, i think the game is looking great.

As long as there is in-depth tuning, choosable/changeable weather and many tracks to try all of this out on, i'm happy!
i liked the fact that on GT5P weather reports for world tracks were displayed..

i want this to be tied in.. if its raining at silverstone today then it should be raining when i play the game :D

No reason this can't be done. Microsoft does it with Flight Simulator.

But it's got to be an option, though. You should have the choice from predetermined conditions (i.e overcast, sunny, foggy) and the option to load the real world conditions. Same thing for time of day too.
I forgot that reverse lights, the rollover with cars, and friendlist inviting online. These three wishes are also important to me. Okay, the reverselights aren't very important, but for example in the prologue, there was the Suzuki Cervo. This car will only be cool to drive in when you can roll it over when steering to fast. :P
I would worry if GT5 game does not support SINGLE PLAYER CUSTOM EVENTS setup that you win money for (depending how many laps) You can hand pick any car to race against as well.

Also I would love rFactor style PRACTICE session, with other AI drivers.. start form pits.

One more thing, custom camera angles when viewing car in your garage or when buying, same with cockpit view.
I hope they check again the physics when you jump on eiger Nordwand, the landing should feel more difficult and not that static. Maybe when we get damage we also get this fixed. :)

And also the sliding when you stop your car is a little bit weird. As long as you drive it´s ok but when you stop and the track is not 100% flat the car start sliding oval for example or eiger nordwand you can see that.

Well I also wonder how the multiplayerpaprt of gt5 will be, I hope it won´t stay like how it is now with them choosing the Races for us, I still think this is only for now because they use gt5 Prologue to gather informations on the multiplayerpart, its still the first GT with onlineplay. :)
Yeah that jump is too easy, it only messes you up when you turn a bit.. but yeah we need that FACTOR when you feel your shocks reach their limit and when bottom of your car kisses the pavement.

Yeah Sliding at slow or no speeds.. they need to model physics more realistically
  • Season and Career Modes
  • Racing modification, body kits and livery editor
  • Livery painting of purpose built race cars
  • All classic Gran Turismo tracks, real and fantasy
  • A good universal damage implementation for all cars, as well as trackside
  • Invisible walls on rally courses - NOOOO!!!1
  • Adjustable driver views
  • Improved tire physics
  • A Special Anniversary Edition
  • A Japanese girlfriend
Well.... okay, maybe not the Japanese girlfriend. Maybe. ;)
...the lap time should be cancelled when you have a little excursion...the online leaderboards should only comprise of clean laps...

That is almost a necessity, to maintain the integrity of the competition, I would consider the game lacking if it did not use some form of this regulation. Relating to that, the 5 second rev penalty should be abandoned in favor of a final time penalty, thereby keeping the race alive and still weeding out bumpers. :)

Mechanical damage is more important than visual damage.

Wanting to paint my car any factory color at any time is something I feel I am entitled to as the virtual owner of these indulgence machines. :irked:

Minor annoyance if there were not enough driving views, specifically hood-top view.

The failure to implement accurate weight transfer/inertial moment physics with rollovers would be a very grievous shortcoming. :grumpy:

I hope the price money is about the same as in GT4 again. In the Prologue, it was too easy to buy a R8, F2007 etc. In GT4 a LeMans car cost 4.500.000 Cr. (European version) So you had to race a lot to be able to buy them. I bought the Audi R10 first, and then the Pescarolo Sport. Great cars.:)