Woman of Water (水の女) - 2002
Don't. Stay away. I am being serious.
I would like to think I am not one of the masses who only can appreciate dumbed down film, but after viewing this film I will take the dumb stuff any day. The thing is, I really like art films, and the idea of film as art, however there comes a point when attempting to make an art film for the sake of it being an art film is too much.
The opening scene: A bloody pulled tooth being dropped into a glass of water sinks slowly. Cut to the same tooth (presumably) now clean being placed in a woman's hand. Cut to that woman walking in the rain. People look out the window and say, "It never fails"
Finally dialogue is brought into the film in the form of a young police officer and his coworker driving down a road in a downpour. This man happens to be the young woman's fiance and it's through his conversation with his partner that you discover that the young woman has, since childhood, always been followed by rain wherever she went. And because she was having her tooth pulled that day, it poured.
Next scene: Young woman's father, who runs a bath house, steps out side collapses.
Next scene: The truck the police officers are driving collides with a lorry (you don't see the collision, just the aftermath, which shows a hand on the ground next to a necklace. Remember this part...
Next scene: Hearses drive down the road. Cut to the young woman dressed in black sitting in her house. The rain starts falling in her house, apparently, to comfort her and when she thanks it, it falls (?) in reverse.
(I must state again that the only dialogue in the film so far has been the fiance.)
Young woman is a car with friend. Friend says, "Hey you're really free".
Next scene: Young woman walking along the road at the base of mount fuji. Sees something in the woods, walks in (and walks and walks all artsy shots like). Sees another woman.
Cut to: Both woman riding on motorcycle with voiceover of a conversation that must have happened only 5 minutes before. "Don't ask strangers lots of questions if you want them to be your friends." or something.
Cut to: Both woman walking in a field eating an ice cream, woman relating a story involving an indian couple (maybe it was a joke she was telling). Young woman sees a tree. Wait! It's the same tree she has been seeing constantly in her dreams, but you don't know this until she says it because the only time you have seen that tree before was as a reflection in a drop of water near the start of the movie. Young woman cries.
Young woman returns home to find a strange man has been living there while she is gone. Young man leaves, she follows him in her truck (this sequence of shots takes forever). Follows him into a cave which apparently is his home.
Cut to: "Don't. Stop." Burning candle falls from cave wall rolls down and catches something on fire, turns out to be the man's pants as they were around his ankles because he was trying to rape the woman (although both parties seemed not too involved in what was happening.)
Man gives speech about how he likes fire. Woman invites man to come live with her and run the furnace for the bath house.
They hook up. She likes young man's necklace. Turns out it is the same one that belonged to young woman's fiance that the man took off the dead body. The man was in the back of the police van because he is a criminal. (What's ridiculous about this sequence is that through terrible short edits done during a voice over where man explains necklace was his mother's they show him climbing out of the van and taking it off the ground next to the corpse of the fiance... because I, the viewer, am too stupid to have figured this out back during the accident sequence. Flashback also includes shot of young woman and fiance picking out the very same necklace) Young woman also too stupid to figure this out.
Policeman turns up with newest fugitive poster, turns out young man is an arsonist. Young woman doesn't care. Covers poster.
Do I have to continue?
That's the question my wife and I asked as we watched this film. We kept looking at the clocks wondering how much longer this film would go on. 1 hour and 53 minutes. That's how long.
The dialogue was almost non-existent and where it did exist it wasn't particularly necessary or memorable. As I watched this and how painstakingly the shots were composed it made me think of Kurosawa. Kurosawa could compose a shot and make it last far longer than you thought it did because it took you in. This movie's shots actually push you away. The long shots could be more effective if they were shorter. The short shots would do well to be longer.
Oh.. the woman of water part. See, other than the beginning when she was having her tooth pulled and it rained, this particularity of hers isn't really used in the film. Well, once when they try to do it outside in the bush it starts raining.
And at the end when young man is found out by crazy bag lady and says he must leave but instead starts climbing the large furnace chimney only to be struck by lightning and plummet (with a pause of about 30 seconds where the woman sees him through a window) to the ground below. Young woman calls for the rain to come.. and it does (of course it came, dumbass, the thunder and lighting happened only a few (drawn out) seconds ago!
Avoid at all costs!
edit: this is actually what i wanted to say.