Away We Go (Sam Mendes, 2009) -- A couple who is expecting their first child travel around the U.S. in order to find a perfect place to start their family. Along the way, they have misadventures and find fresh connections with an assortment of relatives and old friends who just might help them discover "home" on their own terms for the first time. Think of it as a Little Miss Sunshine that is less funny and a lot cornier. I'll attribute my not liking it that much as me being not part of the target audience, since this is more of a parents-to-be type of flick and it's hard for it to reach to other people me thinks. Other than that, it has its funny moments, though nothing too memorable; then again that's how the whole movie seemed to me: nothing too memorable. 5.5/10
Spot on review although due to being part of the target audience I'd give it an extra 2 points - 7.5/10...wouldn't watch it twice though!