What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

Away We Go (Sam Mendes, 2009) -- A couple who is expecting their first child travel around the U.S. in order to find a perfect place to start their family. Along the way, they have misadventures and find fresh connections with an assortment of relatives and old friends who just might help them discover "home" on their own terms for the first time. Think of it as a Little Miss Sunshine that is less funny and a lot cornier. I'll attribute my not liking it that much as me being not part of the target audience, since this is more of a parents-to-be type of flick and it's hard for it to reach to other people me thinks. Other than that, it has its funny moments, though nothing too memorable; then again that's how the whole movie seemed to me: nothing too memorable. 5.5/10

Spot on review although due to being part of the target audience I'd give it an extra 2 points - 7.5/10...wouldn't watch it twice though!
Thanks, but i already knew the title.

Ah, but it's not Rambo 1

Spot on review although due to being part of the target audience I'd give it an extra 2 points - 7.5/10...wouldn't watch it twice though!

I agree, though
The purposeful stupidness of the guy really irked me and the woman's views on marriage just had me wondering why they went ahead having the baby
Dude, admit you were wrong... is it so hard? Do you call the first movie of Alice in Wonderland, Alice in Wonderland 1?
Dude, admit you were wrong... is it so hard? Do you call the first movie of Alice in Wonderland, Alice in Wonderland 1?

Its not a point of beeing wrong or beeing right! If and when i dont remember a movie title that i dont see since... mid 90s, well i call it Rambo 1! That way people can understand wich Rambo im talking about.
I can think the same about you. Why would i google it? So you can feel better? Your sarcasm is pointless since the beggining and childish!

I'm sorry, I was merely correcting you on your mistake, if you can't take criticism or someone correcting you, you have three choices: don't post anymore, be always right (ha ha!), or learn to accept you are not always right. In any case, your post makes no sense. Welcome to the wonderful world of the Ignore List

Just saw:


Almost Famous (Cameron Crowe, 2000) -- A high-school boy is given the chance to write a story for Rolling Stone Magazine about an up-and-coming rock band as he accompanies it on their concert tour. This is a movie about music and about the characters; the music is as expected from any movie set in the late 60s-early 70s, which is great. The characters are by actors that IMO have given career-changing performances here, especially Kate Hudson, Frances McDormand and Patrick Fugit (nice surname). On the rest, it's a predictable but very fun movie. 7.5/10

It's a mad mad mad mad world
Directed by Stanley Kramer

Blockbuster comedy. Brilliantly simple, the plot concerns a caravan of motorists who witness a terrible accident on a dangerously winding California desert highway. The auto-crash victim, Smiler Grogan, reveals in his dying words that he has hidden a fortune of stolen cash, sending the drivers on a rambunctious race to see who can claim the loot first!

It may be old, but its amazing. I love it! I highly recommend it to everyone

-0,5 for some old style effects, but it doesn't distract from the movie.
Other than that it is a 10/10 in my book.
Almost Famous (Cameron Crowe, 2000) -- A high-school boy is given the chance to write a story for Rolling Stone Magazine about an up-and-coming rock band as he accompanies it on their concert tour. This is a movie about music and about the characters; the music is as expected from any movie set in the late 60s-early 70s, which is great. The characters are by actors that IMO have given career-changing performances here, especially Kate Hudson, Frances McDormand and Patrick Fugit (nice surname). On the rest, it's a predictable but very fun movie. 7.5/10

I quite licked Almost Famous I guess because I wasn't expecting much of it. It's a nice light easy to watch movie, part comming of age part music flick. The fictional band portrayed are a plausible mockery of many early 70's bands on the verge of selling out, which adds a little depth to it all - and Kate's a very likeable chick! ;)
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It's a mad mad mad mad world
Directed by Stanley Kramer

Blockbuster comedy. Brilliantly simple, the plot concerns a caravan of motorists who witness a terrible accident on a dangerously winding California desert highway. The auto-crash victim, Smiler Grogan, reveals in his dying words that he has hidden a fortune of stolen cash, sending the drivers on a rambunctious race to see who can claim the loot first!

It may be old, but its amazing. I love it! I highly recommend it to everyone

-0,5 for some old style effects, but it doesn't distract from the movie.
Other than that it is a 10/10 in my book.

Is this comparable to and an earlier version of Rat Race?
Care to elaborate on that? :)

Sorry, sorry.

Well basically, How To Train Your Dragon is about a Viking Village that is attacked from time to time by dragons. The son of the head of the village, Hiccup, aspired to kill dragons like the rest of the Vikings. Then becomes the "owner" of a dragon known as the Night Fury, a dragon that no one has laid an eye on. He, then, with the help of his friends and some dragons, go to the nest of the dragons. And to their surprise, they come up close with the "boss" dragon. I'm telling you that is a big one.

If I am to rate it, I'll give it 9/10.
Very enjoyable movie. Especially in 3D 👍
Sorry, sorry.

Well basically, How To Train Your Dragon is about a Viking Village that is attacked from time to time by dragons. The son of the head of the village, Hiccup, aspired to kill dragons like the rest of the Vikings. Then becomes the "owner" of a dragon known as the Night Fury, a dragon that no one has laid an eye on. He, then, with the help of his friends and some dragons, go to the nest of the dragons. And to their surprise, they come up close with the "boss" dragon. I'm telling you that is a big one.

If I am to rate it, I'll give it 9/10.
Very enjoyable movie. Especially in 3D 👍

:lol: Ok, thanks... but I was thinking more along the lines of a review. If you want to add aspects of the movie in then I suggest using the {spoiler} {/spoiler} tags (just replace the {} with [] and it'll work) so that people who havent seen it wont find out anything about the movie. Im not having a dig at you here, just explaining a bit how the thread is intended to work. Some people dont want to know any details of the movie only your opinion. That is why I am bringing this knowledge over to you ;) For the rest I can see youre a new member so Welcome to GTPlanet! I hope you enjoy your stay and the community here 👍

Rat Race was initially billed as the new It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World for our generation.

Thats what I figured, that movie popped into my head reading through your review... Which one would you consider the better movie? I would assume this one since you gave it a high score...

Never mind Foolkiller... :P Made a dumb mistake there...


SSSOOOOO have you seen Rat Race? Which one do you consider better? Rat Race or this one?
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FK didn't review It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. ;)

Oopsie... Sometimes I get into the habit of doing to many things at once and I get confused... :lol: I guess multi-tasking is really not one of "our" talents... :P
FK didn't review It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. ;)
I didn't but I would suggest it alongside Rat Race. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World is better in my opinion, but it is a 1960's style comedy so it may have a bit of a generational gap for some. It is good if you enjoyed the the kind of comedy you got from that era though.

As for me:


The Blind Side - (8/10)
I am not sure what the Oscar nomination for Sandra Bullock was for. She was good, but not Oscar quality. Now, the kid that plays her (biological) son is incredible. He sells that role perfectly. For those not into American football and don't know what this is about, it is the story of an inner city black kid in Memphis, Tennessee that is taken in by a white family and given the opportunity to excel in school and play sports. It is based on the true story of Michael Oher.

This is not a sports movie. Sports plays a large part in this young man's life, and that of the entire family, but that is not the subject of the film. It does give sports fans a lot to enjoy, including many famous college coaches playing themselves, which anyone that knows who the coaches are and what the outcome of this film meant for them in real life will understand just how much of an effect this story had on them in reality. But do not expect to see Rudy, expect to see something good, but not an uplifting sports tale.

I definitely recommend seeing it, but I don't think it is something worth buying.
SSSOOOOO have you seen Rat Race? Which one do you consider better? Rat Race or this one?

Sorry haven't seen it yet, but I will definately give it a go when I have some time.
I think I will like its a mad mad mad mad world better, because I tend to like older humor and the older styles of movies, but as I said I never watched rat race, so I may be pleasantly surprised.

Paceful Warrior (Victor Salva, 2006) -- A chance encounter with a stranger changes the life of a college gymnast. My issue is that the college gymnast is extremely cocky, so when he evtnually screws up, it's hard to feel any sort of sympathy for him. Also, the 'stranger' seems to have supernatural powers, but it's never clear what he does. He just convinces the gymnast that he can be 'so much more' if he just concentrates on not concentrating or some other philosophical crap. I'm thinking this is the type of movie which is based on a great, biographical book, but this one got raped into being something hard to relate to and even harder to like. 4/10


Das weisse Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte (a.k.a. The White Ribbon) (Michael Haneke, 2009) -- Nominated for the Oscar for best foreign firm this year, it's a multi-layered story about strange events happening in a small village in the north of Germany during the years just before World War I, which seem to be ritual punishment. The abused and suppressed children of the villagers seem to be at the heart of this mystery. The problem with it is that it's a movie you need to watch a few times to understand the whole meaning behind it, but it is essentially a movie about the roots of Nazism, though I can't say I'm 100% sure of that. Regardless, it's a very strong subject and a very good movie to understand. 8.5/10
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call: New Orleans

I expected this movie to be depressing, or tragic, or something like that. As it turns out, it's delightfully demented in the way it frustrates your moral compass with Nicholas Cage's performance as a highly corrupt-in-a-means-to-an-end-kind-of-way cop. Err, Lieutenant.

Pretty good popcorn muncher—Ebert loved this movie—but I found it a little lacking in groundwork. There's a personal tragedy to Cage's character that ultimately remains unresolved, but you're left with the sense that, somehow, good still comes from his actions, and isn't that what counts? Or is it a tragic irony that justice is never served to the man so often circumventing it? Or the justice to victims he wrongs along the way—what about their justice?

If you're into all the layers that Werner Herzog offers - but not too into them, in this case - you'll probably find this an enjoyable flick, if a bit overlong. There is a scene about 3/4 of the way through which is played to particularly good comedic effect, in a "no way did that just fall into his lap" kind of way; you'll either be enraged or highly amused by the events that transpire.

I'll give this a 7.8/10.

Since my What did you expect? rating is kind of muddled (I had no idea what this movie was going to be about), I can only give it a generalised one incorporating how much I enjoyed it with my Is this good cinema? rating, which, admittedly, is quite high but shouldn't hold 50/50 weight over the final score.

Boksuneun Naui Geot (a.k.a. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance) (Chan-wook Park, 2002) -- I recently found out that one of my favourite movies (Oldboy) is actually the 2nd part of a trilogy, and this one is the first one, so of course I had to give this one a watch! As Oldboy, this is a movie about revenge; it's about Ryu, a deaf man and his sister, who requires a kidney transplant. Ryu has just been laid off and he resolved to kidnap his boss' daughter and pay for his sister's transplant with the ransom. As you'd expect, things go horribly wrong at some point and the situation spirals into a cycle of violence and revenge. I think the majour flaw with this one is that Ryu's sister and his girlfriend look very much alike, so at times I wasn't sure if there was some incestuous thing going on and one of the two dies at some point and I was very confused. Still, it's a great part of the trilogy. 7.5/10

Boksuneun Naui Geot (a.k.a. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance) (Chan-wook Park, 2002) -- I recently found out that one of my favourite movies (Oldboy) is actually the 2nd part of a trilogy, and this one is the first one, so of course I had to give this one a watch! As Oldboy, this is a movie about revenge; it's about Ryu, a deaf man and his sister, who requires a kidney transplant. Ryu has just been laid off and he resolved to kidnap his boss' daughter and pay for his sister's transplant with the ransom. As you'd expect, things go horribly wrong at some point and the situation spirals into a cycle of violence and revenge. I think the majour flaw with this one is that Ryu's sister and his girlfriend look very much alike, so at times I wasn't sure if there was some incestuous thing going on and one of the two dies at some point and I was very confused. Still, it's a great part of the trilogy. 7.5/10

Quite Godardian then?

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