I heard that Michael Schumacher was mentioned in the movie Cars, but didn't realise that he was actually taking part in the movie, cool!
Oh yeah, he played a big part at the end of the movie... It surprised me really. When he first showed up the first thing I said was "Hey, thats Schuey!" and my friends had no idea what I was talking about...
...Then again, I was laughing at a lot of the NASCAR jokes nobody got, and I noticed many more of the cameo appearances. Made me feel awkward in the theatre...
Anyway, I've now watched
V for Vendetta twice in the past two days, and I've noticed a lot more each time I've watched it. It is definately one of the best movies from the past year, maybe not in the acting department, but speaking on a level of writing and attention to detail, it is quite good.
...Of course a mention of the movie must accompany a political discussion, but I shal keep it short: All I have to say is bollocks when it comes to people saying it was in attack of the Bush and Blair administrations, as the GN was written in the 1980s, the screenplay in the middle-'90s. Sure, there are coincidences, but as the film points out, there are no such things as coincidences.
Either way, awesome movie, no matter how you feel about the political climate of our world today...