What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
I didn't know Miami Vice was already out. I want to see that and also Talladega Nights.
What does Sonny Farrel drive in it?

He has the midnight blue Ferrari F430 convertable, among other things an M6 and Charger SRT-8 as well. But the Ferrari is really only used in the begining of the movie, which sucks really, as I was expecting a full-out car chase like the show had almost every episode...

BTW: "Ricky Bobby" is going to kick-ass. I love NASCAR (as many of you know), and I've been waiting for that movie for quite some time...
Jeepers Creepers II! Never seen this movie before, far that thing is freaky :D

I liked the first one(I have it). Second one, I didn't think was too good.
Pirates Of The Caribean 2 - We watched it on monday night. Not as good as the first film but still entertaining. They tried to make it too funny and it just didn't work I guess, but I still want to watch the third one.
Finally saw Crouchin tiger Hidden dragon again. The 1st time i saw it i hated it. This was when it 1st came out, abotu 2000ish.

Now, well the bits i remember hating, i still hated. The floaty/flying stuff i just hate. Its Ok in Hero or Flying Daggers, but in this it looks so stupid i just couldn't stand it.
The actual fights themselves (well 2 of them) were very good, both the one's between Michelle Yeoh & Ziyi Zhang. Plus the film itself was better. I just really hate they floating/flying stuff.
yeah i wanna see talledega nights. anyone seen it yet? is it out yet?
It is in theaters today. But recently I saw Grandma's Boy. I know most film nerd snobs wouldn't have liked it. But it's a stoner comedy.. What can you expect? It had moments that made me laugh pretty hard as well.
BTW: "Ricky Bobby" is going to kick-ass. I love NASCAR (as many of you know), and I've been waiting for that movie for quite some time...

yeah i wanna see talledega nights. anyone seen it yet? is it out yet?

Don't worry I have you all covered. I'm gona go see it in like an hour.

So yes, the long awaited Miami Vice staring Colin Farrel and Jamie Foxx. If you are a fan of the show, well, lets just say the movie is different. There isn't much backstory, were down a Testarossa (or 365, depends on the season), and the lack of pastel colors was very different as well.

The key to the move was the cinnematography, added to that a pretty good soundtrack (as Miami Vice has always been known for) to bring everything together. Although Sonny (Farrel) is the main character, Rico (Foxx) had a much more interesting role overall, but for the most part seemed ignored.

Without giving too much away, the movie is very dark, very modern, and full of shoot-outs and a bit of graphic content as well. This isn't the Miami Vice you grew up watching.

On a sale of 1-10, I give it an 8.75. There are scenes that drag on too long, and for the hardcore fan like me, it was missing a lot of stuff. Other than that, it was really good, and I highly recomend seeing it.
I haven't quite had the chance to see it, but most who have told me to stick to watching the original which doesn't surprise me. I think Colin F. is just a bit too hardcore to fit the shoes of Don Johnson. The same goes for Jamie. I heard most of the movie takes place in Cuba more than Miami anyways.
Watched The Chronicles of Narnia last night! I think I was expecting better though but it was pretty cool! The animals were cool too and that lady who plays the Ice Queen, I think that she was the perfect actor for that part, in my opinion! I liked the battle at the end! Reminded me of LOTR!

Will be watching The Amityville Horror tonight! I have read the book, so am looking forward to seeing it on screen!

Will be watching The Amityville Horror tonight! I have read the book, so am looking forward to seeing it on screen!

Is that the one with the Van Wilder guy in it? If so, I'm so sorry.
It has Ryan Reynolds and Melissa George starring in it! Is that the same one?

That would be the one. I found it horrific in a wrong way, but I hope you like it better than I did! :D
Amityville was pretty freaky! Especially because it is based on a true story! I don't think that I would watch it again though! It definitely is horrific!

I saw 7 years in Tibet-- 9/10 cause its a great movie but I got bored of it. :(
And The Day After Tommorrow--10/10 great movie
Napoleon Dynamite--7/10 meh.
I watched "Human Traffic" today, this film is great, especially if your into clubbing. I purched it about a year ago for 50p brand new from MVC all I can say whooo hoo.
Amityville wasn't scary i nthe slightest. Not very good at all really. Ryan Reynolds is always entertaining, even when he's serious (why he couldnt do that in Blade Trinity i don't know).
The bit on the roof was good though.

Watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for the 1st time after seeing it at the cinema last year.
It wasn't as funny as i remembered, it was still funny, just not as hilarious. I did nearly cry with laughter at one bit, but i forgot what that bit was! lol.
The film was much better & less confusing than before though.
Downey JR & Kilmer are great & Michelle Mognahan (spelling?) is just stunning!
I watched "Code 46" last night on TV. I saw the trailer a few years ago and liked the look of it, but I never got around to watching it. The TV guide gave it 2 stars out of five which by their recogning its a pretty shabby movie, but I loved it, its bland and barron, but I can see thats the whole point, and the lack of diologue and story makes it even more of a strange watch, but this only added to the charm of the film for me anyway, It reminded me a little of "Lost in Translation" and not just because of the Asian theme, but also because of the love story (although a little more explicit in this film), I also saw what I recognised as similarities to a book I like called "Silver Screen" by Justina Robson, and also I saw a little of quite a few other movies.

Im a fan of Michael Winterbottom so I was pleased I liked this, im also a fan of Tim Robbins and I liked his dull and lackluster preformance, purly because it made him a little creepy and almost like a person taking advantage of his job just for sex, although this isnt the case. I liked Samantha Mortons perfomance in this film, and have liked most of the TV stuff she has done, the SiFi parts of the film were very well done and didnt interupt the film or make it unplausable as allot of these types of films do.

Overall I would give this film 👍👍👍👍/👍👍👍👍👍 and I may even consider purchasing this on DVD.
Code 46 was a weird but good film, i got it on DVD about a year ago. The trailer is kind of mis-leading as to what the film is actually like.

Watched The Cave. This got absolutely slorted in its reviews, mainly cause it came out around the same time as The (superior) Decent (In England). And its not that bad really. It's a stupid 12 rated horror, but its entertaining. The cast is pretty good in a B movie way.
The ending makes zero sense though.

So yes, the long awaited Miami Vice staring Colin Farrel and Jamie Foxx. If you are a fan of the show, well, lets just say the movie is different. There isn't much backstory, were down a Testarossa (or 365, depends on the season), and the lack of pastel colors was very different as well.

The key to the move was the cinnematography, added to that a pretty good soundtrack (as Miami Vice has always been known for) to bring everything together. Although Sonny (Farrel) is the main character, Rico (Foxx) had a much more interesting role overall, but for the most part seemed ignored.

Without giving too much away, the movie is very dark, very modern, and full of shoot-outs and a bit of graphic content as well. This isn't the Miami Vice you grew up watching.

On a sale of 1-10, I give it an 8.75. There are scenes that drag on too long, and for the hardcore fan like me, it was missing a lot of stuff. Other than that, it was really good, and I highly recomend seeing it.

Thank you. Someone who finally agrees that this is a really good movie. 👍
The Benchwarmers - I loved it. I laughed so hard the entire movie. I guess its just for cheap humor and lots of people getting hit. I laughed for about five minutes over the Guy that said "I want a Little Man!" ahh, I guess you'd have to see it to laugh. But I give it a 7/10.
I saw The Producers last night. The movie was alright, with the "Springtime for Hitler" play segment being really good and really funny. That made it all up for the otherwise alright movie though.
Finally watched Ultraviolet last night. The main reason i wanted to see this was for the HOT Milla Jovovich & she didn't dissapoint. You can tell its from the same director of Equilibrium, & thats not a good thing in my book. Both films have a good premise, but completely fail in execution. Plus he really cant direct action sequences.
The CGi in Ultraviolet as well is utterly terrible, there's no other word for it. How can they make effects this bad nowadays?? The bits were her clothes change colour & the guns reload themselves are cool though. The kid in it is good. He's in so many films! Only child (male) actor than can act? probably.
Entertaining if bad film

Has the Benchwarmers come out in England yet?? I cant remember at all.
I've jsut watched Tombstone, I;ve seen it a couple of times before but I go it on DVD, it arrived this morning. Cracking film, great performances from Kurt Russel and Val Kilmer.