What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
After seeing all the adverts on TV i caved in and had to watch Airplane! again. Man that is such a funny film. I wish i could erase my memory and re-watch it. Easily some of the funniest line's in cinema history.
Doctor - "how long till we land?"
Captain - "i don't know"
Doctor - "cant youl take a guess"
Captain - "not for at least 2 hours"
Doctor - "you cant take a guess for 2 hours"

I completely forgot that one & i cracked up. The Shirly lines are classic & the Grease mock is seriously funny, especially when his jacket gets thrown at him.

And picked up The OC season 1 on dvd for £7! so have started that, seems pretty good so far. I also have Spooks season 3 to start.

Out of sight is the only film i have ever noticed the true meaning of "chemistry" Clooney & Lopez truelly do sizzle! And the way that fat bloke gets shot is hilarious.

RE:Apocalypse, is utterly terrible, but i love it. Pure popcorn film making. Milla is lovely. That gattlin gun is excellent, i can't beleive they had to slow it down! its suppost to be 6000 rpm (rounds per min) but they had to slow it to 3000 rpm. Still utterly mental!
"Can anyone here fly this plane?"
Seriousely! You;ve got to be kidding?"
No I'm not and don't call me seriousely"
I watched two movies last 2 days. Jurassic Park (first one) and Master and Commander.

I have the special edition of Master and Commander and the DTS 5.1 surround was just great. I also enjoyed the movie itself a lot even though I had seen it previously on cable one or two times (and saw it in theater as well).

"After all, surprise is on our side".

The Jurassic Park I have is from the trilogy collection, and it's not the special DTS version. The movie quality was absolutely great, felt like I was in theater and I really enjoyed watching the movie again. I've seen it many times, but it never gets old.
I saw "Zathura". I fell asleep for good chunk of it, but I don't think I missed much.

Out of Sight. Wasn't too bad!
I loved that movie. Cast was just loaded, but surprise apperance by one notable actor at the end was especially cool.

Solid Lifters
Mulholland Falls Nick Nolte, Melanie Griffith, Chazz Palminteri, Michael Madsen, Chris Penn, Treat Williams, Jennifer Connelly. Of course, in HD.

I love this movie. I think it's a "guy" flick that women wont like as much. Everybody in it is fantastic, except Melanie Griffith. She was horrible. Jennifer Connelly stole the movie from her, which wasn't so hard to do, actually. But, the little time Jennifer got, and sadly, it was only a little, she blew everyone else away.

The story is about the murder of an expensive hooker (Jennifer). She made films of her customers with the help from her gay best friend and room mate. She sees and films somebody and something she shouldn't have and is murdered for it.

Nick Nolte plays head detective of the "Hat Squad," a LA detective squad from the earl '50s, who tries to solve the murder. After a while, he realizes he's been captured on film, too, having sex with this hooker, and the hunt for the film and the person responsible for her death ensues.

Like I said, a great film. It's close to LA Confidential, but no where near the quality, but still a good movie. Watch it at least once if you get a chance. Oh, and Jennifer is topless in this one, which is quite a lovely sight. 👍 :sly:
I don't remember much about it, but I do remember liking it. "L.A. Confidential", now there's a classic. For most Americans, I think this was the film we first got to see Russell Crowe and Guy Pierce.
The Jurassic Park I have is from the trilogy collection, and it's not the special DTS version. The movie quality was absolutely great, felt like I was in theater and I really enjoyed watching the movie again. I've seen it many times, but it never gets old.
I think I bought mine separately, and only the Part III has DTS(though the surround on that one is the best anyway IMO). Great trilogy. I love it.

Now, I'm going to have to see if I can get my hands on "Airplane!". :D
'Dust To Glory', a Documentary of sorts about the Baja 1000. Awesome movie! Simply blew my mind. I really learned alot. Now I want to build my own Baja Truck!

*looks around* AH HA! Come here you little Hi-Lux!
"Lady in the Water". I liked it. We tend to over criticize M. Night Shyamalan's work, and there are good reasons to. Like in this film, he doesn't sneak himself in the movie like he usually does(which is very annoying, because he can't act), he gave himself a pretty substantial role. He's gotten much better than I've seen him before, but he still is Ben Affleck bad. Stay behind the lens, dude!

He's also depended too heavily on big surprise ending in his films. It was really cool in his first blockbuster "Sixth Sense", but by "The Village", it's become more like a gimmick. In "Lady in the Water" however, I thought it could have used little more surprise factor.

Bottomline: This movie didn't upset me like the time I spent 8 bucks on "The Village". If you can buy into this made up, fairytale story, you should enjoy this movie. I'd give it a "B-" for its' unique cast(otherwise, C+). If you don't like M Night's films, you should probably rent this one though(Anderton, that's you!).
Well techniclay I havent see it yet, but I borrowed a dvd of a friend last night called "Class of '84" with Michael J Fox in, never seen it but its sounds ok, will probably watch it tonight.
I watched "Bright nights, big city" the other day, an old film, I've seen it before mind.
I think I bought mine separately, and only the Part III has DTS(though the surround on that one is the best anyway IMO). Great trilogy. I love it.
Well in the trilogy collection, #3 has DTS. However, I am pretty sure that there have been DTS versions of #1 and #2.



They're from that special DTS collection that includes Gladiator and Saving Private Ryan and some others. I wish the trilogy package came with those 2, but oh well, no biggie.
War of the Worlds. I liked it. It was the perfect time to watch that movie. It was a creepy day, and a creepy night that was filled with strange weather, strange dreams and strange stories about flashing lights in fields. With the awesome storm that occurs in the beginning, it was a perfect compliment to the weird going ons.
Boogieman! That was a pretty scarey movie! The Boogieman was freaky! I was wandering, did that boy make the Boogieman real?

War of the Worlds! I like that movie! Tom Cruise is cool in it! I had no idea that this movie was about Aliens :D It is funny on that part when Tom started to sing the American anthem, then all of a sudden thunder strikes and he takes off :D No offence, I just though it was funny :lol: It is freaky when they jump on that boat and they take off and then all of a sudden the alien comes up from under the water, that freaked me out :D And the sounds they make, yikes! I was a bit disappointed about the ending though, how the aliens got killed off so easily!
Finally got round to watching 'War Of The Worlds' last night.... was exactly what I was told to expect... great start, genuinely tense action through the middle, and then a royally crap ending.

The fact that everything conveniently just dies is just about acceptable - merely from a theoretical point of view, however - but the hideously schmaltzy part when the family are reunited is simply ridiculous... did the invaders just miss that street out while they were marauding? And how come the family themselves look like nothing has happened at all? I was waiting for the (ex) wife to turn round to Ray (Cruise) and say something like "Jeez, I leave you with the kids for the weekend, and look what happens...:grumpy: "

Anyway, still enjoyed it, but just a few too many rubbishy bits...
Touring Mars
Finally got round to watching 'War Of The Worlds' last night.... was exactly what I was told to expect... great start, genuinely tense action through the middle, and then a royally crap ending.

The fact that everything conveniently just dies is just about acceptable - merely from a theoretical point of view, however - but the hideously schmaltzy part when the family are reunited is simply ridiculous... did the invaders just miss that street out while they were marauding? And how come the family themselves look like nothing has happened at all? I was waiting for the (ex) wife to turn round to Ray (Cruise) and say something like "Jeez, I leave you with the kids for the weekend, and look what happens...:grumpy: "

Anyway, still enjoyed it, but just a few too many rubbishy bits...
What really annoyed me was how nobody every found these machines (tripods) under the ground before, yet there were so many activated by the aliens who rode bolts of lightning to enter them? Nah... much too silly...

I saw the original and knew the aliens died from the bacteria that we've built an immune system to. I don't at all have a problem with that. But, I hate how they portrayed that part of the movie. A bit cheesy and quick.
The Chronicles Of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe: Really good movie. I had no idea what it was about (except it would feature a lion, a witch and a wardrobe :P) and I enjoyed a lot. Beautiful scenario and good acting. 👍

Click: I laughed my ass off watching this one, I just love these kind of movies. One of the best Sandler's films I've watched. 👍

Edit: A-ha! I just checked IMDB, I knew Prince Habeeboo was Rob Schneider. My girlfriend kept telling me it wasn't, I guess the make up fooled her.
...Last movie I saw... Hmmm...

Well I will admit it, I finially saw "Harold and Khumar Go to White Castle."

To tell you the truth, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, and quite frankly, it is one of the funnier movies I've seen in a while. Yes, most of the humor is pretty low-brow, but I enjoyed it. Best thing about it is that it got me into White Castle again, but the bad thing is, the closest White Castles are atleast 2-3 hours away from me, and that totally sucks.


Other than that?

The Producers, argueably one of the best movies of 2005. Once again, I'll admit that I enjoy a musical every once in a while, and the Producers didn't dissapoint. The best bits were those that included Will Farrel. Sie Guten Tag Hop Glop, Hast du Gehort das Deutscher Band, and Springtime For Hitler are all the best songs from the movie, and I still sing them quite often to this day.
Harold and Kumar go to White Castle is hilarious. I'm surprised you think "it's not that bad". Even my dad fell off the chair laughing (a metaphor of course, but you get the point). Must have different taste i guess.
Well I watched "Infernal Affairs" last night, I taped it from "Film 4" on Sunday Night, Its a very good film and I enjoyed watching it again.
I just finished watching the DVD of "The Benchwarmers". Starring Napoleon Dynamite, Rob Schneider, David Spade and Jon Lovitz. Bunch of Cameos too.

The viewing experience of this movie was a really strange and dissapointing one. During the first half of the movie, I thought this was the funniest movie. Even made me laugh out loud several times, which I rarely do during a movie. But in the second half, it was as good as "Hardball" with Keanu Reeves(this was a baaaad movie).

I am not sure if I ever saw a movie that had this kind of transition before. Went from one of the best to the worst in no time. Did they change the director in the middle of the production or something? I'm guessing they played around with the script too much. Bummer.
Pink Flamingos. A movie about a 300lbs. transvestite that vows to be the world's most disgusting human.

It's the most disgusting, horrible, shocking movie of all time. Most people say you either hate this movie or love this movie, yet I'm neither. I didn't care for it, but didn't really hate it either.

It did feature interesting (kinky) use of chickens, though. The use of chicken eggs were not, so that equals itself out. The scenes with that one character flashing his "modified" penis in parks were hilarious. It was worth watching this movie for those. Too bad the acting is really horrible, but that is part of its charm.

Oh, word of warning; the NC-17 ratting and my simple description should be warning enough. But, I still feel the need to warn you NOT to eat snack foods during this movie. Especially during the ending. I made the mistake of munching on some BBQ Lay's at the ending. :yuck:
Watched Spiderman 1 last night, did this due to re-watching the trailer for #3 and decided to watch 1 & 2 but was too tired to watch the second one.
Underworld Evolution (2nd time), this is a really entertaining action flick. The plot is daft, but it does have a good twist & Kate Beckinsale is lovely!

TF&TF: Tokyo Drift (2nd time), same as above really, good fun film. I dont think the action is as good as the 1st film, but probably better than 2fast.

Oh and i liked Harold & Kumar, but i cant remember how much.
I just watched Cars. It was rubbish! Two of my favourite things; cars and Pixar movies - the perfect combination... How badly could it have gone wrong?! The CG was exquisite, yes. The plot and the characters were, for me, pathetic. I don't think I've ever cared less about the protagonists in a story less than in this movie. Disappointed in the extreme!

So yes, the long awaited Miami Vice staring Colin Farrel and Jamie Foxx. If you are a fan of the show, well, lets just say the movie is different. There isn't much backstory, were down a Testarossa (or 365, depends on the season), and the lack of pastel colors was very different as well.

The key to the move was the cinnematography, added to that a pretty good soundtrack (as Miami Vice has always been known for) to bring everything together. Although Sonny (Farrel) is the main character, Rico (Foxx) had a much more interesting role overall, but for the most part seemed ignored.

Without giving too much away, the movie is very dark, very modern, and full of shoot-outs and a bit of graphic content as well. This isn't the Miami Vice you grew up watching.

On a sale of 1-10, I give it an 8.75. There are scenes that drag on too long, and for the hardcore fan like me, it was missing a lot of stuff. Other than that, it was really good, and I highly recomend seeing it.