What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
In fact, I couldn't give a rat's ass about the movie until I saw said infographic. I also saw the trailer of Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus., which would lead me to believe Mega Shark won the first fight... but that's not really the case. :odd:
Dinocroc and Supergator have their own movies after having to fight each other. And keep an eye out for Dinoshark on SyFy. http://www.tvsquad.com/2011/03/24/dinoshark-trailer-still-hilarious/

I have been watching SyFy and been DVRing the heck out of these things. I grew up liking Godzilla type stuff and then MST3K riffs on the low quality stuff in high school, but these combine the monsters and hilarity without the need for a riff.
I saw Rio tonight, and overall, thought it was a nice film. It didn't best Toy Story 3 quite like the commercials said, but I will say that I would watch it twice.

Part of me feels Jesse Eisenberg wasn't quite right for the role of Blu, mainly because he sometimes talked like he did in The Social Network (I can't explain it, but it's evident when he started making sarcastic remarks in TSN). But, I think he pulled through at the end.

The supporting cast wasn't bad either. Clement was perfect as far as I was concerned. He made a great villain.

My biggest gripe? Well, I think the dancing scene were Blu was reminded of his childhood could have made more of a connection between the 2, but the end...it was too short! It's like they had to fit the movie within' 90 minutes. The girl is saved, heeled off screen, and they fly together. The End. Literally, that's it. Maybe it's just me, but I think a more...heart-warming ending could have been put together?

Regardless, as they say, it's the journey, not the destination. If that applies. But, as said, I did enjoy it for something that was targeted towards children. I think it definitely will remain as an animated favorite.
Tron: Legacy - It was good for the most part. A lot of action, good acting, good visual effects. The only issue I REALLY had was the CGI Jeff Bridges. It just looked fake, and really didn't fit with the rest of the movie. Even when he was on in a CGI light-cycle it seemed fake...which is just bad. It looked like something from Polar Express or Final Fantasy Spirits Within. And if the rest of the movie had been like that, it would have been fine, but...someone at Disney sucks. It probably would have been faster, cheaper and easier on everyone just to do the makeup on Jeff to make him look younger. But, then again, why did Clu have to be a young Jeff Bridges? What, computer programs don't age?

I also noticed that they seemed to pull a LOT from the Matrix. Bullet time moves, the grids of the computer programs...it was a bit more obvious in Tron, which just made it feel...cheesy and borrowed. I don't know. It's a cool effect, but...I don't know. Especially when you have a world of cubes and grids and then everyone carries around a circle. It was like being trapped in the 80s but someone jerk has snuck in some 21st century tech in there.

But, really, it wasn't that bad of a movie. I give it a 4/5.
Just rewatched Cronenberg's The Fly. It's been a long while since I first saw it as a kid. Damn good movie, albeit a little gross. :lol:
Paranormal Activity 2

Nowhere near as good as the first one. At least the first had some really good scary parts. Actually I found the 2nd movie way too cheesy.
I also noticed that they seemed to pull a LOT from the Matrix. Bullet time moves, the grids of the computer programs...it was a bit more obvious in Tron, which just made it feel...cheesy and borrowed.
Not seen the original Tron? With the exception of bullet-time stuff all the rest was done in the first Tron movie before The Matrix.

Quick reminder to the youth out there: The Matrix was not as original as you think. Say it with me now:

But wait. Not even that intriguing bit of dialogue is original.

As for what I saw:


Atlas Shrugged Part 1 - (6/10)

Seriously, if you didn't think I would see this opening day you don't hang out in the same GTP places I do.

Anyway, I went in with very little expectation. The film was rushed and made for $10 million. It was better than I feared but not what it could have been with the time and money to add an extra 20 minutes to make it a full two hours. For an independent film on the budget this was made the effects were passable. Better than made-for-TV movies but not great. On a few occasions the CGI stood out quite a bit. The story lacks some fleshing out to the point that some references to people will make no sense without all three parts shown together, unless you have read the book of course. A few other scenes just felt wrong compared to how I imagine them in the book. But I doubt that is a subjective POV because the personality of the character in the film doesn't mesh with everything else they do. All back story covered in the novel is removed, which leaves a lot of questions for a viewer about what this past that Francisco and Dagney had is supposed to be. Or why they call each other Slug and Frisco.

As for casting, I have heard both good and bad for Taylor Schiling as Dagney. I am ambivalent. She gets the character across, but doesn't nail it dead on. The way some lines are delivered to her brother seem more conceited than confident and matter of fact, almost like "I told you so." I felt Hank Rearden was played near perfectly. A confident attitude with a bemused and humorous look at those around him that don't get it and he doesn't understand why. But his reactions to Dagney at some points don't quite fit with the descriptions in the book. Ellis Wyatt was nailed perfectly. A businessman who fights for what is his and will stand up to anyone that attempts to stop him, but a man who will also celebrate his own successes with great joy. Everything he does is in extreme, including his own disappearance.

Overall it was decently done, but it could have used some more time and money to make it be perfect. My wife has never read the book and enjoyed it and there was an applause at the end. And if the email I received is correct it came in third over the weekend. Not bad for being on only 300 screens.


Inglourious Basterds - (9/10)

This was a straight up good film. I enjoyed it from beginning to end, but there did seem to be a jump in the middle where the Basterds go from their regular guerrilla tactics to teaming up with the British. Otherwise though it was a great film and it will stay on my DVR until I get a chance to buy it on Blu-Ray.
Saw "How To Train Your Dragon" the other day. I really wasn't looking forward to it because from the trailers it looked absolutely awful, but it turned out to be a real gem. The story was pretty generic, but a couple of new approaches helped make it seem a little bit more original. The CGI was very good-looking, and all the different (and pretty imaginitive) species of dragon were really well thought out in terms of how they look. What's really clever is that once you find out the dragons aren't as vicious as everyone thinks, even the most fierce-looking types actually begin to look pretty cute and cuddly. That was a really nice touch. Anyway, despite appearances, this is a really imaginitive and fairly original film, and I really didn't think I'd end up recommending it to anyone. So yeah, go see it.
As for what I saw:


Atlas Shrugged Part 1 - (6/10)

Seriously, if you didn't think I would see this opening day you don't hang out in the same GTP places I do.

Anyway, I went in with very little expectation. The film was rushed and made for $10 million. It was better than I feared but not what it could have been with the time and money to add an extra 20 minutes to make it a full two hours. For an independent film on the budget this was made the effects were passable. Better than made-for-TV movies but not great. On a few occasions the CGI stood out quite a bit. The story lacks some fleshing out to the point that some references to people will make no sense without all three parts shown together, unless you have read the book of course. A few other scenes just felt wrong compared to how I imagine them in the book. But I doubt that is a subjective POV because the personality of the character in the film doesn't mesh with everything else they do. All back story covered in the novel is removed, which leaves a lot of questions for a viewer about what this past that Francisco and Dagney had is supposed to be. Or why they call each other Slug and Frisco.

As for casting, I have heard both good and bad for Taylor Schiling as Dagney. I am ambivalent. She gets the character across, but doesn't nail it dead on. The way some lines are delivered to her brother seem more conceited than confident and matter of fact, almost like "I told you so." I felt Hank Rearden was played near perfectly. A confident attitude with a bemused and humorous look at those around him that don't get it and he doesn't understand why. But his reactions to Dagney at some points don't quite fit with the descriptions in the book. Ellis Wyatt was nailed perfectly. A businessman who fights for what is his and will stand up to anyone that attempts to stop him, but a man who will also celebrate his own successes with great joy. Everything he does is in extreme, including his own disappearance.

Overall it was decently done, but it could have used some more time and money to make it be perfect. My wife has never read the book and enjoyed it and there was an applause at the end. And if the email I received is correct it came in third over the weekend. Not bad for being on only 300 screens.


Inglourious Basterds - (9/10)

This was a straight up good film. I enjoyed it from beginning to end, but there did seem to be a jump in the middle where the Basterds go from their regular guerrilla tactics to teaming up with the British. Otherwise though it was a great film and it will stay on my DVR until I get a chance to buy it on Blu-Ray.
I've been waiting for your opinion on Atlas Shrugged, almost PM'ed you about it. :lol:

Thanks for sharing, I hope I can somehow get to watch it over here.

And I really liked Inglorious Basterds too, guess it's my favorite Tarantino film.

Watched Enter The Void just now. It's too damn long and the ending blows (:sly:), but it was amazing nonetheless. Stunning psychedelic visuals interwoven with powerfully bleak story.

TT3D Closer To The Edge

I went to see this last night at the cinema and was absolutely blow away. It follows Guy Martin and other legends in the run up to and during last years Isle Of Man TT. Obviously the USP is that it's filmed in 3D and whilst I'm not an advocate of 3D in general this is the perfect application for it and because it has been done well it really adds to the experience. Although the film is a documentary it is far from boring, in fact due to Guy Martin being absolutely hilarious every time he opens his mouth it got more laughs from the audience than most of the comedies I've seen for a while. It's getting a lot of good press and not just from the motorcycle fraternity which is wholeheartedly deserved. It really is exhilarating and gives the best insight I have seen into what drives these mad men to turn up each year and try and beat the course, it also shows quite starkly what can happen when it goes wrong. You don't need to be into motorbikes to appreciate this film, in fact you'd have to be pretty soulless not to like it. Go and find out where it's showing and watch it on the big screen in 3D, you won't regret it 10/10
Fast Five

I don't usually go in for FAST AND FURIOUS films; the first was okay, even if it was POINT BREAK in cars while the second sucked and I gave up halfway through the third. But the trailers and the initial buzz suggested it could actually be a decent film. And decent it is. Not good, but not particularly bad, either. At two hours and ten minutes, it's badly in need of trimming off some of the fat, and yet I can't see where you could reasonably shave anything off despite the fact that there are long periods where it doesn't feel like anything is happening. The dialogue - particularly The Rock's - could really be tightened up, too. It often tries too hard to be badass and feels forced.

Perhaps the biggest thing I took from the film is that it's a real paradox. It works best when you treat it as a simple heist film and not a FAST AND THE FURIOUS installment. There are references to the previous films, but not so heavily enmeshed that you need to have seen them to understand it. At the same time, though, it needs to be a FAST AND THE FURIOUS film to fall back on its core premise: that this is a cross between OCEAN'S ELEVEN and POINT BREAK with cars. There's a decent heist film in here somewhere - I could see a film called FAST FIVE about five career criminals who perform a heist in Rio to send a message to a villain who agreed to let them go their own way before going back on the deal.

Overall, the film is okay. It suffers a little from dialogue that seems forced, and there are too many new characters who don't really get an introduction and are all dropped in the film together; there was once or twice when I wasn't sure who I was supposed to be looking at. But I will give full credit to Justin Lin when and where it's due: the man knows how to direct action. The set pieces are all very well-shot, and the only time he forgets himself is in a low-key sequence, a fist fight where things are cut a little too quickly.




French cinema with an Asian twist..... as a fan of both I had big hopes for this movie, but was left a little unfulfilled by the end. A revenge story, its visually very graphic, a little bizzare but strangely alluring..... only to be let down by a fairly weak ending. Its a dark tale, the missus hated it.... I watched on to the end, but wasnt bowled over.

Recommended to fans of the genre only.

not my word for the review, but my thoughts are exactly the same on this after watching it tonight

I had some doubts about seeing this movie, but when it started I just kept watching it.
Pretty weird at some times, but a very intense movie.
TRON: Legacy (2010)
I'd heard so much about the CGI technology used to portray Jeff Bridges younger self I'd been looking forward to seeing how it looked on screen. Unfortunately I wasn't impressed. In still form it would be easy to pass as real, but as soon as he moves it has that unmistakable rendered image motion that doesn't seem to have improved since Terminator 2. I often found it distracting as the film merged and flicked between a rendered character or back drop to real actors and sets.
When I first saw this I thought you were on crack. This description does not mesh with what I saw in IMAX 3D. But, I now own the blu-ray and it looks like someone switched out my near perfect CGI characters with something like what we saw in Polar Express and A Christmas Carole. I don't know what happened in transfer or if the film just hides the CGI better, but it was distracting.

If we see more of this CGI from Hollywood I hope they give it a quick once over in an editing studio on a BD format before shipping it as is from the transfer.

All that said, I do love the BD's bonus features, the multiple easter eggs, and seeing the conclusion of the Flynn Lives movement. And now I am hunting for a shirt.
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Today, while I was doing my rubber band grind, I've watched "Harry Brown", "Resident Evil 1-3", "Tropic Thunder" <---- FUNNIEST MOVIE EVER, in my honest opinion!

The King's Speech 👍👍

Very well done and interesting. I was really not expecting to like this one given that it did well with awards and seemed like it would be a period piece. But it comes through with some thought provoking concepts and strong characters. Excellent.

Also watched these piles of crap:

The Hereafter 👎👎
Resident Evil: The Afterlife👎👎
Machete👎👎 (killed it after 5 min)


The Book of Eli 👎👍

I can't give away an important piece of information without giving too much away for this movie. You'll probably be able to guess this after a short period into this movie anyway, though, but I'll let you continue to read at your own risk.

I love a good post-apocalyptic movie. Denzel and Gary Oldman held a great deal of promise for a strong "after the bomb" performance. And I think this movie really would have been good if it weren't about...
...the Bible.

If this movie had invented a different reality and were about some other random...
...I probably could have gotten into it. But it had to be about....
...and that killed it for me.

I can only recommend this to people who aren't put off by what's in the spoiler tag.
I watched Despicable Me when I was recovering from my surgery in the hospital. Not as bad as I thought it would be. I watched Grown Ups, too, but it was my 3rd or 4th time watching it.
Tron: Legacy (2010)

No surprises with the first one lol. Still enjoying the music and the design/artwork in the film. Excellent if you liked it the first time and just want something to keep you awake when trying to read pages and pages of university related work *sigh*

These on the other hand...

...I found The Men Who Stare At Goats (2009) quite entertaining; despite it's average IMDB score. Nice light-hearted fun to put things in perspective IMO. Likewise for Bee Movie (2007) - I know it's a cartoon but cartoons are great. Plus family friends were over and it was on free to air TV at Easter Sunday so no ads - couldn't resist!

Fast Five:

I kept telling myself NOT to see another Fast and the Furious movie after the 4th one, which I felt was lacklustre. I'm so glad I disobeyed myself, though.

The plot is actually decent. It ties up a lot of loose ends from previous movies, and explains bits of others (e.g. how did Han know Dom). It starts off with Brian (Paul Walker) and his girlfriend/Dom's sister Mia (Jordana Brewster) arriving in Rio in (car geeks, take note) a Skyline GT-R KPGC10. After a job with Dom (Vin Diesel) goes wrong, he ends up on the bad side of local crime boss Hernan Reyes, and if that's not bad enough, they've got federal agent Luke Hobbs (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) on their tail too. Brian and Dom decide to hit Reyes where it hurts, in his wallet, by stealing US$100 million from him.

The movie is full of heart-pounding action, and the chase scenes (whether on foot or on 4 wheels) leave your hairs standing on end. It is brawny, turbocharged action at its finest. For this, I give it 8/10.