What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

127 Hours (Danny Boyle, 2010) -- An amazing movie with a truly amazing photography that I'm so very glad I got to watch in Blu-Ray with a 120hz LED TV. A lot of my friends are refusing to see it because of the crudeness of that scene, and while yes, it is very gruesome, I couldn't help feeling the same pain the characters was going through and even trying to push the rock with him. I've never been a fan of James Franco, to the point I only found out who he was after I saw this movie, but his acting here is very good and he portrays prefectly the reality of his predicament, making him eerily realistic. Truly an intense performance, coupled with some very well done editing work make this movie an excellent watch. 9/10

Peeping Tom (Michael Powell, 1960) -- A young man murders women, using a movie camera to film their dying expressions of terror. The movies starts out as some sort of psychological horror which frankly, works good enough, unfortunately, the long scenes don't help it much and just make the movie a bit sleep-inducing. There is little sense of the whole horror factor because the bad guy doesn't seem as looney as the film's plot would like to make him. In the end, it's quite probably Peeping Tom is what made Powell's career die, though his work only was made successful due to the nature of his work and the way it rose to the spotlight after Psycho appeared. Instead, the plug was pulled on Peeping Tom after five days and at least in Britain the film was buried and Powell's talents were dismissed from then on. 5/10
Never Let Me Go.
Awful sentimental dull sadness. With pretty cast.
Preposterous plot, with one idea for the whole film.
Disturbing/sinister music to make the mind plague even worse.

Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (a.k.a. Aguirre, the Wrath of God) (Werner Herzog, 1972) -- A few decades after the destruction of the Inca empire, a Spanish expedition leaves the mountains of Peru and goes down the Amazon river in search of gold and wealth. Soon, they come across great difficulties and Don Aguirres, a ruthless man who cares only about riches, becomes their leader. But will his quest lead them to "the golden city", or to certain destruction? I was reminded a lot of Apocalypse Now, and further reading of the whole odyssey that this movie meant to the makers seesm to support that theory, but actually much worth, since Herzog didn't have millions of dollars to produce this movie, but rather a bit less than 300 grand. This movie, if anything, is part of the great wave of moviemaking genius from Germany, part of which were also Fassbinder and Wenders. As of the film itself, well, a very odd and deep tale of greed being guilty of so many deaths. 7/10
Saw Battle: Los Angeles.


The movie takes place in Los Angeles only a few months from now. There are reports of meteors suddenly appearing just beyond earth. Soon, they are landing just off the coasts of major cities around the world. And the battle against the extra-terrestrial invaders begins. In short the movie was good. Pretty dumb, but good. With most movies of this type, there is a lot of terrifically intense action. And the movie seems authentic at times. But the movie does suffer from poor dialog at times. It seems like the producers really wanted to get to the action as quickly as possible, so the build up before the actual invasion is only like 15 minutes, if that. The movie trys to be "Black Alien Down" (borrowed that from Rotten Tomatoes), and in some ways it succeeds, but in other it fails. Overall if you like these kind of movies, go see it. But don't expect any Oscar worthiness.


I just saw The Expendables. The movie is about a team of mercenaries that is hired to take out a Latin American dictator. Movie starts out with a scene where The Expendables save hostages held by pirates on a ship in the Gulf of Aden. The Expendables then go on to take a mission to overthrow a dictator that keeps his population in fear and is controlled by an ex-CIA agent now turned rogue. The team fights through a ton of people and in the end, both the dictator and the rogue agent ends up dead. Film features cameo by Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I thought that the movie lacked depth and the plot was not very appealing, but I liked it. I don't really watch movies much, let alone blockbuster action films, so this one-in-a-while explosive, gun shooting, loud banging action film was fun and awesome.
Re-watched My Cousin Vinny the other day. I was in the mood for some easy laughs and this movie works every time.

Thinking of watching Grosse Point Blanke again. Joan Cusack is funny funny funny.
Total Recall - Guilty pleasure of mine, are 80's action films. Especially ones with Arnie in. Get your ass to mars.

Goal 2 - Was just on TV, managed to catch the last hour. Terrible film.

Pickup on South Street (Samuel Fuller, 1953) -- One of the better film noir movies, this one about a pickpocket unwittingly lifting a message destined for enemy agents and becomes a target for a Communist spy ring. Forty minutes into the movie I was rolling my eyes thinking this was too corny to be considered good film noir, but after a while it becomes a nice, interesting and thrilling mystery type, where even though the characters aren't perfect (thanks to the past branding) and it's not easy to see them behaving a bit worse than usual, though it works as a nice novelty, making them seem more recognizably human. 7.5/10
The Human Centipede (First Sequence). Not only is it an appalling film in general. It is also very disturbing. Not one I'm gonna be watching again any time soon.


Please don't remind me of that movie! That makes my stomach weaker than Gaddafi's mental stability!
Just watched A Serbian Film. Gripping, intense story. Well shot. Pretty good acting.

I liked it, despite it being totally messed up. Definitely not for the squeamish or those who are easily offended.

Five Easy Pieces (Bob Rafelson, 1970) -- A very young Jack Nicholson stars as a drop-out from upper-class America who picks up work along the way on oil-rigs when his life isn't spent in a squalid succession of bars, motels, and other points of interest. The result is a very slow-paced movie in which little happens in terms of action and scenery, but a lot goes on regarding feelings and personality types. Nicholson plays a self-hating mysogynist who is actually quite scary; not like in The Shining, but more of a unpredictable character. The cinematography is amazing, but the Tammy Wynette-filled soundtrack is not. If I were to compare it to something else, I'd say it's a less extreme version of Naked (Mike Leigh, 1993), which is a true classic from the 1970s. 7/10
Total Recall - Guilty pleasure of mine, are 80's action films. Especially ones with Arnie in. Get your ass to mars.

<--- 👍 ;)

The Human Centipede (First Sequence). Not only is it an appalling film in general. It is also very disturbing. Not one I'm gonna be watching again any time soon.

I saw that the other day and you're right, it is an appalling movie.. I wasn't grossed out or disturbed though. It was just the stupidity of the whole thing that got me.. Those cops.. Jeez, how stupid can you get? If you know the guy's obviously guilty, would you leave him alone for 20 minutes while you get a search warrant? Then of course, there's the 'wtf are you thinking?' aspect of the doctor... But hey, he's nuts, so whatever.

The final scene was hilarious though, but that's probably because I like it when films don't have a Hollywood ending.

I'd like to see what David Cronenberg would've done with the concept though...
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I just came back from watching Red Riding Hood with the missus and a friend, and we all agreed on the same thing...

It's a great looking movie, the scenery and costumes are absolutely marvelous and gorgeous, it's very well made on that level.

But the acting and dialogs are absolutely awful, which is surprising considering the fact I've seen a few other movies with the main characters and they weren't bad. Ever watched a foreign movie translated in english and thought to yourself it would be much better in its original language? This is pretty much how I felt, except english is the original language here. The whole plot is as basic as it gets, and holds very little to Perrault's tale... We're dealing with a werewolf here, not an actual wolf, and he's not actually trying to eat red riding hood. It's pretty much a love triangle all along, with a werewolf terrorizing a village... The whole thing has very little substance, it's all deja vu, almost an insult to the actual Red Riding Hood tale. But hey, same director as Twilight, and honestly, it shows, it has exaclty the same vibe.

4/10, if only for the visual appeal of the whole thing.
I watched "Gomorrah" the other day

From the beginning of the movie till the end you feel like you're trapped in a different world. Which, for me, makes this movie one of the better experiences I've had with film in the last year. There are a few main characters but no character is underwhelming or lost and I think this has to do with the great work in maintaining an interesting plot arc. I liked this movie but I also liked City of God and if you are familiar with that movie you will understand when I say Gomorrah is not for those who dislike violence. There is a lot of violence, but in saying that, I don't think it takes away from the emotion of the movie which is supposed to be tense.

My Suggestion: watch this movie if you liked City of God do not watch this movie if you don't like subtitles or violence.

Tales From Earthsea - From the son of acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki, Goro Miyazaki's directorial debut was....well, it wasn't a Hayao Miyazaki film, that's for sure. very loosely based off the Earthsea novels and staring the voices of Timothy Dalton (The Living Daylights and A License to Kill.), Wilem Defoe and Cheech Marin. The film itself wasn't all that bad, but it lacked the feeling of...imagination. With Spirited Away and other Hayao Miyazaki films, they always seemed to take you to another far off land or planet to teach you something important.

Tales From Earthsea just didn't do that. It felt like I was here on earth and the message was, "Everyone fears death, just don't fear life." WTF kind of worthless message is that? What kinda makes it worse is that there are some things that make seem like Goro was trying to emmulate his father. Which is always a big no no. Even when doing fan fic, it's important to have your own flavor.

While a good movie, it felt like a cheap imitation and...I don't know. It's just not as good as I had hope.

a 3/5
Just popped in my favorite movie. Natural Born Killers. I can't get enough of this movie!!!
a few move i've seen recently

Buried (2010) - in short, pile of rubbish imo! regret even bothering to watch it now. Large parts of it didn't seem 'realistic' at all i.e. some of the telephone calls he had with people he rang just sounded fake etc. The fact he never tried to dig out (esp with a knife) buried under a small amount of earth, thus being able to get any sort of mob signal and the coffin actually breaking apart was a joke! 4/10

Hereafter (2010) - a bit disappointed by this one, expected more i guess from Eastwood...the movie itself was something different for him anyway i think. Movie starts good with a good opening with special effects, movie was a bit slow at times also, maybe this was because the movie is also about 2 hours long so a bit more than your average movie...the ending was disappointing as i think a few things questions where left unanswered and would have a few people wondering want happens next so to speak. 6/10

honestly i've mixed feelings about this one its good but its also bad...or maybe i've missed something when watching the movie..i dunno lol, might watch it again soon and maybe that will help

F (2010)

british film (thriller/horror).....has David Schofield in it, not great really, could have been a lot better, lack of on screen violence is one problem, acting is average from most of the characters and movie has you asking yourself loads of questions as to things that happen in the movie etc - 5/10
I watched "Gomorrah" the other day

From the beginning of the movie till the end you feel like you're trapped in a different world. Which, for me, makes this movie one of the better experiences I've had with film in the last year. There are a few main characters but no character is underwhelming or lost and I think this has to do with the great work in maintaining an interesting plot arc. I liked this movie but I also liked City of God and if you are familiar with that movie you will understand when I say Gomorrah is not for those who dislike violence. There is a lot of violence, but in saying that, I don't think it takes away from the emotion of the movie which is supposed to be tense.

My Suggestion: watch this movie if you liked City of God do not watch this movie if you don't like subtitles or violence.


I watched that movie for a geography project. It is very good. It pretty well demonstrates life in ghetto Naples.

Sweet Smell of Success (Alexander Mackendrick, 1957) -- Burt Lancaster plays J.J. Hunsecker, the most powerful newspaper columnist in New York, is determined to prevent his sister from marrying Steve Dallas, a jazz musician. He therefore covertly employs Sidney Falco (played by Tony Curtis), a sleazy and unscrupulous press agent, to break up the affair by any means possible. What follows is a very good film about lies and deceit and the things people do to have their way vs. what the correct way should be. Ironically, when the movie came out it was a commercial flop; the public just didn't like seeing their favorite stars play bad guys, not having an apparent backbone and eventuall, not looking very repentant about doing bad deeds. Today the film is a deserved classic. 7.5/10

Cléo de 5 à 7 (a.k.a. Cleo from 5 to 7) (Agnès Varda, 1962) -- A semi-existential, semi-cinema vertié movie about Cléo, a French singer, who is afraid of getting the result of of a test from her doctor. She believes that she has cancer and will die of the disease. We follow her for two hours while she cruises through the streets of Paris, meeting people, though most of them are indifferent to her anguish and it's hard for her to communicate it with them. In short, it's a very art-house-ish movie which is thankfully short enough to be interesting and superficial enough to not be boring. Still, it's a movie that although having a ncie conclusion, pretty much ends in the same continuous way it started. 7/10

I just got back from watching this, I can't really do all that much to sum up how I feel about this movie, so I'll let this guy do it for me: