What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

La Haine (1995)

Not what I was expecting, but was pleasantly surprised by a thoroughly engaging film. There is an undercurrent of menace and foreboding throughout the film, while at the same time, you grow to understand and sympathise with the characters to the point that you want them to succeed or, perhaps more accurately, step back from the brink of disaster and to do the right thing. I wouldn't say it was predictable, but somehow it is not hard to figure out what is going to happen... excellent film. 9/10
Conviction - 7/10


A big "meh".

I think the story had a lot of potential, but the result is only average.

Can't say that I hated it, but I'll forget about in no time.

Reign of Fire - The sole reason I started watching this is because in passing it on Netflix, I saw that Gerard Butler was in it. I kind of remember watching this, likely in 2003, but really didn't remember Butler.

As soon as I saw him I should have turned it off.

As horrible as the movie is I love the scene when Matthew McConaughey shows up in the tank convoy and pops out with a cigar sticking out of his mouth and then identifies the group as "Kentucky Regulars" in a thick southern accent. It just makes me feel good to picture some locals showing up to be the last organized fighting unit left during the apocalypse.

Of course, the cavalry unit is being moved out of Fort Knox so there is no such group now.
As horrible as the movie is I love the scene when Matthew McConaughey shows up in the tank convoy and pops out with a cigar sticking out of his mouth and then identifies the group as "Kentucky Regulars" in a thick southern accent. It just makes me feel good to picture some locals showing up to be the last organized fighting unit left during the apocalypse.

Of course, the cavalry unit is being moved out of Fort Knox so there is no such group now.

I think Matthew McConaughey had watched Kelly's Heros a few too many times when he came to play that part.
C'était un Rendezvous - 1976, Claude Lelouch

Put bluntly, anyone on this forum who hasn't seen it yet should do it as soon as they can.
C'était un Rendezvous - 1976, Claude Lelouch

Put bluntly, anyone on this forum who hasn't seen it yet should do it as soon as they can.

Is this the Porsche (or is it a Ferrari?) video going around Paris at 6am or so?

If it is, anyone who hasn't seen it should be banned.
The Fighter
I never used to be a Wahlberg fan. But after The Departed, The Other Guys and now this I'm starting to come round and see he was just in some bad films that probably sounded good on paper (Planet of the Apes, Italian Job & Max Payne to name a few) but failed badly on screen. Christian Bale is as dynamic as ever, though I'm sure real Massachusettians will cringe at the accent, it's convincing enough for me to forget he's a Brit doing an accent while watching. Certain parts of the film have been given artistic license but it's a solid underdog film with a strong family element. 8/10

Due Date
The odd couple. A much used device in many a comedy. The principles of which are two people who would under any normal circumstance maintain a level of disdain, thrust together and eventually coming to realise a comradery. It only really works if there is a believable element to their liking one another, and I'm afraid this film doesn't have it. I like Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis and they do actually portray their characters quite well. But the fundamental story is flawed and it suddenly goes from a believable level of contempt to 'hey bestest bud' without any real natural evolution. Some funny moments stop it being a total failure but don't expect The Hangover quality humour 6/10
I always though that there was only one Supergirl. But there are many Batwomen/girls in the DC universe. ( To my knowledge )

Yes. Kara Kent/Kara Zor-El is and always will be Supergirl. In Apocolypse, though, they mentioned right off the bat that she was Superman's cousin, but then went into this between batman and superman that kinda made you doubt that she was actually who she said she was, but then, of course, quickly disproved any doubts making you go, "well, the why question it in the first place." It was, however, nice to see Kripto make a brief appearance.

As to batwoman, batgirl: Batgirl has pretty much always been the commissioner's daughter. In the Arkum Asylum game they mention Joker shot her through the spine, restricting her to a wheel chair and she ended up taking the name of "The Oracle".

Batwoman was created in the 50's to be Batman's love interest to dispel homosexual rumour surrounding batman and robin. The original character was named Kathy Kane. Ironically, Batwoman was recently resurrected as a Kate Kane and a lesbian.

The movie was done in the style of the old animated series from the 90s and, like I said, Kate Kane made no appearance, whatsoever. In fact, the costume made her look more like catwoman than anything else. It was stupid.

Mystery of the Batwoman gets a 4/10 - a pathetic attempt to reuse a character and I'm impressed that DC even let this movie be made.

Batman/Superman: Apocolypse gets a 7/10 - title doesn't really go with the story and there was a LOT of disjointedness to the story, but scantily clad women kicking ass, and the fact that they all but directly said that Wonder Woman essentially ran a fighting camp for lesbian superheros....yeah. But, the creepy incestuous relationship between Superman and Supergirl was kinda wrong...but in the end, Supergirl chose to be around a bunch of scantily clad women than Superman and Batman.
I have. That was actually one of the better Superhero animated movies. I mean, coming right off the comic book death of Robin, they toss in The Red Hood, to add a bit of twist. Despite it being overly predictable, it was still quite good. I give it a 8/10. Points of for being able to tell who the Red Hood was before Batman (who's the world's greatest detective), and for not enough action...but that's forgiveable. It's Batman.

But...yeah, Apocolypse was definitely a mind trip. I mean, Superman took his COUSIN clothes shopping. Like he couldn't get Wonder Woman to do it? It all started out well, and then it just started to go in multiple weird directions that really didn't seem all that thought out. And what you end up with is a couple really awesome action sequences, mixed in with incestuous feelings from Superman towards his obviously homosexual cousin. In fact, that whole movie would have been quite a bit better if Batman and Superman weren't even in it. Since Batman didn't really do anything and Superman just made things weird.
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Reminds me of a game of charades I once had with my girlfriend.. I had to describe a film (two words, first word with four syllables) and so I proceeded to describe them as "A", then something that sounds like "pop", then "A" again, and finally "lips"... my girlfriend put them together to get "A-pop-a-lips...". With these excellent clues, she immediately realised what the film title was... "Apopalypse Now!"
Just back from seeing Paul.
Really enjoyed the film, just like most of the other Pegg/Frost combo films.
Absolutely hilarious in parts, funny for the rest of it :D
I watched Paul at the cinema last week enjoyed it, I was pissed when I got a nose bleed halfway through and missed like 15 minutes.
The Social Network- watched it again I find it so intresting for some reason
American Pie Beta House(with a bunch of girls, trying to explain why american pies are epic.)
This was rather confusing for me and took me a good 3 days to figure out what happened and why it happened.


The comedy duo, Nick Frost and Simon Pegg, are back again with their take on the E.T. genre.

And to me, "E.T." does describe this film vaguely. I like to think of it as E.T. after an ounce of weed and a few shots of Jack Daniels.

The story revolves around 2 English comic book geeks named Graeme Willy and Clive Gollings (Pegg and Frost) who, after visiting Comic-Con in San Diego, decide to go on a road trip to America's most famous UFO sites. Along the way, they pick up an unexpected visitor.

Enter Paul (Seth Rogen), a 4-foot-tall, huge-eyed, green alien. It is up to Graeme and Clive to bring him back to the mothership, while at the same time evading federal agents who want to use Paul's supernatural abilities and the crazy Bible-bashing father of a girl the duo pick up. It is a movie which frequently resorts to crude humour, with the most prominent example being Clive's sci-fi book which features a 3-breasted alien on the cover. I expect that the reaction to it will become an Internet meme like "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

Overall, I found the movie to be extremely funny and entertaining. There are interesting plot twists which fit with the story that unfolds. If you like comedy, and enjoyed "Hot Fuzz" and "Shaun Of The Dead", I would definitely recommend this film. Steer clear if you are a Bible-bashing Christian.

Rating: 10/10

Les Quatre Cents Coups (a.k.a. The 400 Blows) (François Truffaut, 1959) -- Wow, what an amazing story of a misunderstood young adolescent who left without attention, delves into a life of petty crime. Sprouting from the Italian neo-realism of the 40s, French cinema verité doesn't get much better than this, showing the consequences an unattended childhood can have on French society as a whole. The vewer feels all the injustices the world does to this child and thanks to Truffaut's mastery and Henri Decaë's photography and tracking shots, we run away with the child whenever he gets the chance. The emotional power of this movie is something almost unheard of in European film at the time, especially when you take into account it's so based on reality, rather than anything else. 9/10
Harry Brown - If you've seen and enjoyed 'Gran Turino' with Clint Eastwood you may like this movie. A similar story but set in London, plenty of suspense and sad bits here and there. I won't say too much to give away the story other than what I've already said about it being like the previously mentioned. My rating 8 1/2 out of 10.

What total crap. I knew I was going to watch crap when within two minutes they incorrectly displayed Indians in India eating fish curry. Indians in India don't eat anything curry. That's only an English dish. Like Italians in Italy with spaghetti and meatballs. They never touch the stuff.

Neutrinos going to 'melt' our Earth's core? Like a microwave? Not effecting us on the surface at all? Huh? Wha?
Saving Private Ryan

Great movie, a classic too, I always enjoy watching it (Along with Band of Brothers), I can watch it over and over again and not get bored by it, that's just me though, I find that it gives me chills all the time watching the soldiers go through what they have to, especially when they're landing on D-Day.
Saving Private Ryan is a fantastic movie. The beach landing is incredible. The movie always makes me rerealize the sacrifices made during World War II were enormous.

Band of Brothers is also fantastic and at some point, I need to pick up the series and watch all of it in one sitting.
GI Joe: Rise of Cobra.

This movie is terrible on so many levels, I'm fairly certain Asylum has better CGI, story lines and understanding of basic physics than this movie does. On what earth does ice sink? I understand this isn't a real movie, but come on!!!!! Not to mention every conversation in the film has at least 1 super cheesy catch phrase.

I personally have a rule that once a movie enters my Netflix queue it stays there until I've seen it. This movie is really making me rethink that.

Much better movie than I expected and Hit Girl was quite amazing.

Just don't do what I did and when your 9 year old nephew asks you to get it for him, presume because of the adverts that it's a kid friendly film and leave him to watch it. When I watched it the night after I realised the gravity of my actions :)

I was looking on a list on IMDB a month or so ago, it was a top 100 hot actress list. I get to the last one and I think I don't recognise her, so I whap her name in to IMDB to see what films she's been in, and I spot right there, near the top Kick-Ass and realise it's the girl who plays Hit Girl. Now that's sick.

Salt 👎👎

I think the movie poster about sums it up - this movie is riding on Angelina Jolie's celebrity to make money. The plot was quite poor, and often transparent. For example at one point someone in the movie says the line "I just want everything to be perfect tonight" at which point my wife and I simultaneously rolled our eyes an said "I can name one character who's gonna die tonight".

This movie had lazy writing throughout. Characters, especially Jolie, would constantly respond to situations with too much knowledge of the rest of the script. What this does is remove tension - you no longer have any sense that what you're watching is real, and that one wrong move could spell disaster. Suddenly you're confident that every action the character takes must be right, because she has intimate knowledge of the rest of the movie.

I could go on about the subtleties of lazy writing and how it ruins the movie, but I'll stop. Not recommended. Not even to see Angelina Jolie - who is almost never allowed to be attractive during this film.