What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Speaking of Jolie, I watched this last night...


Changeling (Clint Eastwood, 2008)

Really enjoyed this, despite putting off watching it for over a week... Jolie is very good, and the film itself is gripping and rewarding. At times, you need to remind yourself that this is a true story, since at times it's borderline unbelievable... very watchable, but not on my shopping list. 7.5/10
I guess if I am going to comment that I should post the movies I recently watched.

Since we got a DVR and have HBO and Showtime free for 3 months I've been recording tons of stuff. Guess who got to pick nearly every movie over the weekend.


Date Night - (4/10)
I will say it now, I am not a Tina Fey fan. But even without her most of this movie would have still fallen pretty flat. The story, while unoriginal, was fun but the writing was pretty unfunny. The only good bits I liked were Steve Carrell's reactions to the shirtless Mark Wahlberg.


Couples Retreat - (5/10)
Something wasn't clicking for me. Some of the stuff with Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau was good but it lacked that greatness I have come to expect when these two work together. It's like they have fallen back on that fast-talking a-hole role that Vince Vaughn has taken on in the last five or so years. That works when it is in the right place, but here it came out randomly while at other times he was the confused, out-of-his-element family man. Part of me feels like it might be because the characters played by Jason Bateman and Kristen Bell were fall flat dry humor or because the black couple (Don't even recognize the girl from anywhere) were supposed to be the outlandish comedy that really turned out just to be your stereotypical token black people in the film. Heck, sometimes they were just forgotten and practically not even in a scene.


Four Chritsmases - (6/10)
What's that? "More Vince Vaughn?" Yes, yes it is. Here he gets to pull off the fast-talking, uncaring jerk role. Here it works, because it is a couple lying to their families so they can take a tropical vacation at Christmas for the third year in a row. Reese Witherspoon gets to do her big-city blond who just doesn't care routine. But the airport gets closed due to weather and they are on the news report about it, so they get busted and their families know they are free for the holiday. So, now they have to visit both sets of divorced parents all in one day. And that's when things fall apart. Apparently there are rednecks just outside San Francisco that look like Robert Duvall and Jon Favreau (yep, him again too). Throw in a couple of country singers, Jon Voight mailing in another performance (when did this guy quit trying?) , Mary Steenbergen, and Sissy Spacek and you have too many big names making cameos and putting in half-attempted performances.


The Wolfman - (5/10)
Finally, I got to pick the movie. No one else was there to watch so it didn't really mean much, but hey. Unfortunately, I chose this one. Just watch Brotherhood of the Wolf. Benicio del Toro is a famous actor who receives word that his brother is missing. When he arrives to find him he finds that his brother was found murdered, along with two others. So, he spends time living with his abusive father whom he had not come home to see in years while investigating his brother's murder. Hugo Weaving shows up as the investigator from London, recognizes the famous actor and, despite him having been on tour in another city when the murders were committed, makes him his number one suspect. Benicio del Toro gets bitten by a werewolf while trying to find his brother's killer and becomes one himself. Throw in bad story telling, plot holes, and a moping around Anthony Hopkins and you get it. And the wide open door intended for a sequel, which creates its own plot hole.
wow... :bowdown: for watching all those movies in one weekend. Just one of them did it for me and I never watched movies with my wife again.
wow... :bowdown: for watching all those movies in one weekend. Just one of them did it for me and I never watched movies with my wife again.
She sits through enough episodes of Battlestar Galactica that I figure I can let her pick movies every now and then.
^ Precisely the reason I'm glad I can watch Netflix on the either the TV or the laptop. If she wants to watch yet another British period flick, I can fire up the laptop, race some Bobs and watch Reign of Fire. :P
^ Precisely the reason I'm glad I can watch Netflix on the either the TV or the laptop. If she wants to watch yet another British period flick, I can fire up the laptop, race some Bobs and watch Reign of Fire. :P
Well, these were "the baby's asleep, dinner is ready, let's spend time together" movies. On typical, "free time, do what we want" days it turns into her watching Lifetime in the bedroom while I play games. She gets stuck watching whatever I want when the baby is up and I already started watching something.
Just don't do what I did and when your 9 year old nephew asks you to get it for him, presume because of the adverts that it's a kid friendly film and leave him to watch it. When I watched it the night after I realised the gravity of my actions :)

I also thought it was a kids movie before I started watching it, then quickly changed my mind. :lol:
Drive Angry

Nobody in the film can act, the lines are cheesy as hell, the story is absolutely insane but......it was a LOT of fun, and there are some nice cars in it too. Little things like this made me giggle:

'The Accountant' has stabbed a guy through the shoulder with his own baseball bat, pinning him against the wall. "What car does your girlfriend drive?" *Knocks the bat further in with each word*

"....a '69 Dodge Charger!"

*Screams in pain*

".......440 or Hemi?"

If you can switch off your brain for a while, it's well worth a watch just for a laugh. 7/10

Madame de... (a.k.a. The Earrings of Madame de...) (Max Ophüls, 1953) -- In late 19th century Paris, Louise, the wife of a general, sells the earrings her husband gave her as a wedding gift because she needs money to cover her debts. The general secretly buys the earrings again and gives them to his mistress, Lola, leaving to go to Constantinople, where an Italian diplomat, Baron Donati (played by none other than Vittorio de Sica), buys them. Back to Paris, Donati meets Louise... So now Louise discovers love and becomes much less frivolous. The movie is a neverending flow of emotions, first of unloving, then intense romance, followed by hate andin the end, death and/or depression. Acting is great and situations are believable, despite beign such a melodramatic romance story, but most importantly is that the movie exudes such animosity to match the overall feelings of the characters. Works out nicely as well. 8/10
I find it hard to pan any movie that stars Angelina Jolie, but I'm afraid that I have to concur with what Danoff has said:


Salt 👎👎

....This movie had lazy writing throughout. Characters, especially Jolie, would constantly respond to situations with too much knowledge of the rest of the script. What this does is remove tension - you no longer have any sense that what you're watching is real, and that one wrong move could spell disaster. Suddenly you're confident that every action the character takes must be right, because she has intimate knowledge of the rest of the movie.

My take on the movie was that they started with an interesting premise: ie. that Salt was just an innocent agent who found herself in way over her head and would have to struggle to overcome the odds/villians that were pitted against her character.

Instead they essentially made her a female James Bond, and nothing that was thrown at her posed any sort of significant challenge.

While I enjoyed the movie's action scenes, I left the theatre thinking that the movie would have been far more interesting if Angelina's character had not morfed into a "superspy", which eliminated any suspense that she would ultimately overcome all obstacles.

District 9

There isn't anything particularly awful about this movie, it has all the makings for a decent film, decent storyline, passable acting and solid special effects. However, there are more twists than all of M. Night Shyamalan's films combined. While none of these are particularly bad and tie into the storyline well they don't go very deep into those parts of the story. They try to tie up some loose ends at the end but it leaves you wondering about other parts of the film. It did get kind of weird that they kept bouncing back and forth between documentary style film and a traditional one. It is worth a watch though.

I always give Blomkamp props for bouncing back from the ashes of the Halo movie with a pretty decent film. And the setting of South America was very unique. Always a plus to get away from the usual cities of New York, Chicago and LA.
District 9

Good story. If aliens came to planet Earth, this is how it would be handled. I don't like how it starts as a film short and switches to 'reality' and then back again, but that's the only major problem I had with this movie. I do wish the camera would sit still, though. I've been sick and tired of the 'shake the camera' trick since The Rock.

I did have a problem with the main character's character flaws. He wouldn't shoot an alien for scientific research one minute yet had no problem vaporizing humans the next. You think a man like that would be more traumatized killing humans. I hope the sequel doesn't suck. 8/10
TRON (1982)
It's been about 20 years since I've seen it so I thought I would refresh my memory ready for Legacy. It's hard to appreciate it watching it close to 30 years after it came out. I mean since then we've had Lawnmower Man and The Matrix. Also the geek in side of you has a hard time rationalising sentient computer programs back in the 80's, but with a little suspended disbelief you can appreciate the message of totalitarianism order, class systems, faith and perception of reality (or am I just looking to deep into a disney family film?). I also prefer how this was shot to Legacy. 7/10

TRON: Legacy (2010)
I'd heard so much about the CGI technology used to portray Jeff Bridges younger self I'd been looking forward to seeing how it looked on screen. Unfortunately I wasn't impressed. In still form it would be easy to pass as real, but as soon as he moves it has that unmistakable rendered image motion that doesn't seem to have improved since Terminator 2. I often found it distracting as the film merged and flicked between a rendered character or back drop to real actors and sets.
That being said, Legacy is the better production. Gone is the complete fantastical premiss of normal computer programs being sentient and in comes a more Matrix like interpretation of the computer world. It still takes a giant leap from reality in artistic license but this time doesn't attempt to take the normal computer world and add fantasy, but instead create it's own fantasy computer world. The core message doesn't run as deep as the original, and at times it feels like gaping holes are left in the story telling. Also devout right wing creationist believers should probably steer well clear of a film about a man playing god, and at 2 hours it's a tad long for a family film. 6/10
a few reviews on movies i've seen recently:

The Mechanic
not the best movie, nothing special in it....also a re-make - 5/10

The Next Three Days
decent movie and enjoyable to watch....worth seeing 7/10

Jackass 3D
funny as hell, as you'd expect if you've seen any of the previous movies, tv shows

The Sunset Limited
9/10, another great piece of work and a great movie, when i seen Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones being the two main characters and the only two characters in the entire movie, i thought this will be an interesting one, the movie (90 mins) is just about them in the same room for the entire time debating their views/beliefs on life, it seems quite a few movies that a filmed form the one single location are getting more popular recently, Buried, 127 hours, Exam etc and this one has pulled it off big time! The best acting by these two big movie stars i've seen in a while. The dialogue was brilliant and the discussions they have is fast paced at times a sthe conversion topics switches in the movie so was a bit hard tho keep up with it, but you still can manage to ok.

This movie is basically good vs evil in the one room, and defo worth watching...just shows you you don't need millions of dollars to make a epic movie, hats ofd to the 3 guys who made this...Cormac McCarthy (the writer), Tommy Lee Jones (director) and Samuel L. Jackson, as its a unreal drama. I've be trying to think on a reason why I haven't have this 10/10, but can't really think of anything...so 10/10 it is then!

I Saw the Devil
going to try and keep this one short as a review as i don't wanna spoil it and give away too much on it for anyone who whats to see it...but
prob one of the best movies i've seen the past year and one of the best of 2010 imo, Ji-woon Kim did a great job with this one! the movie is approx 140 minutes long so its a full hour longer than your average movie, but not once was i bored during this. The movie is a triller based on a serial killer and revenge, it contains plenty of violence, action, fighting and blood through the entire movie. The acting of the 2 main characters is top notch and does a lot for the movie..I think its prob one of the main elements as to what makes it so good! also the storyline is good and has its twists in it and nice bits of tension are generated through the movie, the only thing i can think of atm is the movie could be a bit shorter, yes i did say i wasn't bored during the movie but 140 mins is a long time for a film and it could be cut by 20-30 mins still to make it even better. I spent a bit of time thinking about the title on this one 'I saw The Devil' and how it relates to the movie it's and actual in the end after it was over, i could see why..but i'll wait to others watch it and see if they think the same on this one...

if you're a triller movie fan then this is defo something which is a must see.... 9/10

i hope to god hollywood does decide to remake this one (they prob will ) as its a really good movie that shouldn't be touched and ruined by america!
I always give Blomkamp props for bouncing back from the ashes of the Halo movie with a pretty decent film. And the setting of South America was very unique. Always a plus to get away from the usual cities of New York, Chicago and LA.
South Africa.

House of Games (David Mamet, 1987) -- I have to say I really liked the subject and the setting of this movie, but the problem is that it was ruined by very bad acting. It's about a psychiatrist who comes to the aid of a compulsive gambler and is led my a smooth-talking grifter into the shadowy but compelling world of stings, scams, and con men... though the ultimate con seems predictable enough about halfway through the movie, the fact is that I determined it thanks to, again, crappy acting. And if an actor isn't good, you could always cast him/her in a secondary role and hope it pans out, but when your main actress, who has roughly 80% of the screen time, does a very mediocre job, the movie just falls apart. Lindsay Crouse was David Mamet's wife at the time, which could also answer the question as to why she was cast in a movie with so much potential, but in the end, she's the main culprit of the movie scoring so low. 5/10
Karate Kid - The remake with Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith...I was actually surprised at the quality of this movie. I had some karate kid memories while watching it. Jackie Chan really channelled the spirit of Pat Morita well. He definitely fits the role. Jaden Smith channels more of his father than Ralph Maccihio. But it strangely works. It ended up being more like Karate Kid in China than anything else.

However, at times, Jaden Smith's role seemed a little over the top. But, he's really turning into his father, and I can see that he'll be a great actor when he grows up. A 4/5 'cause it's long and Jaden Smith's role is a little over the top.

The King's Speech (Tom Hooper, 2010) -- A very good movie about the story of King George VI of Britain, his impromptu ascension to the throne and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch become worthy of it. Positive and solid acting throughout the board and some very nice moments brought out; I'm not sure about it being the best movie of the year (according to the Oscars), but I haven't seen all of them either. It's also a good movie set in a time in Biritish history when ambivalences were the ordr of the day and, as such, the movie is like that as well. Colin Firth's acting is superb, also thanks to Geoffrey Rush's downplaying as teh speech therapist, which really lets Firth look so much better. My issue with the movie is that despite all the pluses, it's very forgettable. Despite being recreated in the past and that it may even sustain the passage of time, it's not a movie I will probably be remember for its overall quality and excellence. 7/10
The Human Centipede (First Sequence). Not only is it an appalling film in general. It is also very disturbing. Not one I'm gonna be watching again any time soon.
The Human Centipede (First Sequence). Not only is it an appalling film in general. It is also very disturbing. Not one I'm gonna be watching again any time soon.

I won't be watching it at all. :crazy:

Shutter Island (8/10) - Watched this for the first time last night. Didn't really get good for me until the lighthouse sequence. Then it really picked up. I got suckered into believing him until they showed the flash-back to what happened to his kids/wife, then I was like....whoa.
The Human Centipede (First Sequence). Not only is it an appalling film in general. It is also very disturbing. Not one I'm gonna be watching again any time soon.

My girlfriend got given this to borrow by a friend. She's refusing to watch it but I might give it a go after reading this :lol:
Stardust (2007)
I picked this one up on the strength of it being a Matthew Vaughn flic (plus it had Sienna Miller in it). I'm not normally a fan of the fantasy genre, too often they rely on being so surreal they hope no one will question if it's actually a good film or not for fear of looking stupid. But this film was entertaining, kind of like a cross between a Discworld film and Kick-Ass (though not a dark humoured as Kick-Ass). De Niro was also a highlight. 8/10
Master of Disguise (2002)


Yeah, it's awful, but it still makes me laugh like crazy. Maybe it's just nostalgia (it was my favourite movie when I was 8), but there's just something about it that makes me laugh every time I see it. Dana Carvey is great in his role, and his Tony Montana (Scarface) and Quint (Jaws) impersonations are comic gold.

Sure, there's a fart joke (or 5) too many, but it's just a good movie to laugh at and not take seriously. If you try to take any semblance of thought into it, you won't enjoy it at all. I get that sometimes it's a little too ridiculous to enjoy, but to laugh more try inviting your most immature friend to watch it with you.