I guess if I am going to comment that I should post the movies I recently watched.
Since we got a DVR and have HBO and Showtime free for 3 months I've been recording tons of stuff. Guess who got to pick nearly every movie over the weekend.
Date Night - (4/10)
I will say it now, I am not a Tina Fey fan. But even without her most of this movie would have still fallen pretty flat. The story, while unoriginal, was fun but the writing was pretty unfunny. The only good bits I liked were Steve Carrell's reactions to the shirtless Mark Wahlberg.
Couples Retreat - (5/10)
Something wasn't clicking for me. Some of the stuff with Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau was good but it lacked that greatness I have come to expect when these two work together. It's like they have fallen back on that fast-talking a-hole role that Vince Vaughn has taken on in the last five or so years. That works when it is in the right place, but here it came out randomly while at other times he was the confused, out-of-his-element family man. Part of me feels like it might be because the characters played by Jason Bateman and Kristen Bell were fall flat dry humor or because the black couple (Don't even recognize the girl from anywhere) were supposed to be the outlandish comedy that really turned out just to be your stereotypical token black people in the film. Heck, sometimes they were just forgotten and practically not even in a scene.
Four Chritsmases - (6/10)
What's that? "More Vince Vaughn?" Yes, yes it is. Here he gets to pull off the fast-talking, uncaring jerk role. Here it works, because it is a couple lying to their families so they can take a tropical vacation at Christmas for the third year in a row. Reese Witherspoon gets to do her big-city blond who just doesn't care routine. But the airport gets closed due to weather and they are on the news report about it, so they get busted and their families know they are free for the holiday. So, now they have to visit both sets of divorced parents all in one day. And that's when things fall apart. Apparently there are rednecks just outside San Francisco that look like Robert Duvall and Jon Favreau (yep, him again too). Throw in a couple of country singers, Jon Voight mailing in another performance (when did this guy quit trying?) , Mary Steenbergen, and Sissy Spacek and you have too many big names making cameos and putting in half-attempted performances.
The Wolfman - (5/10)
Finally, I got to pick the movie. No one else was there to watch so it didn't really mean much, but hey. Unfortunately, I chose this one. Just watch Brotherhood of the Wolf. Benicio del Toro is a famous actor who receives word that his brother is missing. When he arrives to find him he finds that his brother was found murdered, along with two others. So, he spends time living with his abusive father whom he had not come home to see in years while investigating his brother's murder. Hugo Weaving shows up as the investigator from London, recognizes the famous actor and, despite him having been on tour in another city when the murders were committed, makes him his number one suspect. Benicio del Toro gets bitten by a werewolf while trying to find his brother's killer and becomes one himself. Throw in bad story telling, plot holes, and a moping around Anthony Hopkins and you get it. And the wide open door intended for a sequel, which creates its own plot hole.