The Mutant Chronicles - (3/10)
What can I say, this was a mistake. Movies should not be made off of table-top and collectible card RPGs. It leaves little real story to use as a basis. Basically, an ancient machine from space designed to turn men into mutants was stopped thousands of years ago. And then in the future, which looks suspiciously like World War II (just look at the picture), war releases the machine. Earth is believed lost and humanity is evacuating to the planetary colonies. Hey, but we quit killing each other, bonus right? So, then Ron Perleman, as the head of a secret brotherhood to defend against this menace (where were you guys when the battle was on top of the thing?), gathers together a dozen of the best soldiers in the world to stop the machine. Thomas Jane is the American hero type who doesn't blink an eye at battle and speaks mostly in grunts. I swear he thinks he is the next Christopher Lambert. So you know, from there it is bloodshed and death with plotholes. I had to read the synopsis for the RPG to know why the future looked like the past (the race that built the machine found a way to prevent computer technology from working) and that the whole machine concept was done all weird and out of place.
Anyway, I thought Ron Perleman and Thomas Jane would at least equal popcorn fun, but it was incredibly boring.
Wanted - (6/10)
Way behind here, but I finally saw this. Why was this popular again? It's coherent and for some reason people Angelina Jolie is hot, but it's stupid. I spent half the movie watching a guy get trained to kill in various different ways, and even have to endure a drawn out speech about how knives are more versatile than guns, only to have everything else be purely about gun play after the training is over. Heck, it basically becomes a writer's challenge to see how many cool things we can do with curving bullets.
It is good for a cheap, fun movie, but there are far better assassin movies out there. Or, just play Assassin's Creed if the concept of bloodline assassins sounds cool to you.
(500) Days of Summer - 8/10
Joseph Gordon Levitt can act...too bad he was also Cobra Commander in GI Joe. I am not much on romance, but this is a good one. I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Watching a man deal with losing the girl he was in love with and then having her toy with him a bit afterward sounds depressing, but it was done in an interesting way and his reactions were done in a way to still entertain. Definitely worth checking out.