What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Shawshank Redemption
Now that was a great movie!!! Hard to believe I never watched this. 👍

Also watched recently
King Of Kong
Decent movie.

Death At a Funeral

Beer League

Grandmas Boy
I went to the cinema four times in January, and I saw:

127 Hours (awesome)
The Next Three Days (kinda dull up until the end)
The King's Speech (amazing)
The Green Hornet (cringe-worthy acting)

Repo Man (Alex Cox, 1984) -- A young Emilio estevez plays Otto, a punk kid who gets a job as a repo man, as he does so, he finds himself entangled in a web of intrigue concerning a huge repossession bounty on a 1964 Chevy Malabu driven by a lunatic government scientist, with Top Secret cargo in the trunk, which takes the movie straight into WTF-land that becomes a mix between Men in Black and Buckaroo Banzai that never stops to try and make sense, but just jumps from one pointless moment to the next, making it a punk rock, science fiction b-movie comedy of the highest order. It is original, funny and weird, but at no time is it good and that's probably the main reason why it became one of the key cult movies from the 80s. It also features a soundtrack with the likes of punk rock icons Iggy Pop, The Ramones and The Circle Jerks. 5/10
Oh, I thought you were talking about Repo Men.
I saw:

127 Hours (awesome)

Don't you mean "sawsome"?

I want to see this, although I might wait until it comes out on DVD. On the one hand, it's Danny Boyle and I should therefore probably quite enjoy it. On the other hand... no wait, he doesn't have the other hand any more, does he?
Apparently the best SNL film since Wayne's World, doesn't really mean it's any good just that everything else is so awful. 3/10

The Heartbreak Kid
I'm not a Ben Stiller fan, I just don't think as hard as he tries he has a naturally funny delivery but there are some saving graces in it. Oh and some boobs. 5/10

The Other Guys
Even Mark Wahlberg manages to be hilarious in this, proof of great writing and direction. I've watched this 4 times now and it was probably the funniest film of last year. The only negative I can think was that Steve Coogan manages to not be at all funny in it, in fact his was the only character that wasn't funny in it. 9/10
Apparently the best SNL film since Wayne's World, doesn't really mean it's any good just that everything else is so awful. 3/10
Even better than Blues Brothers 2000 and Wayne's World 2?
Don't you mean "sawsome"?

I want to see this, although I might wait until it comes out on DVD. On the one hand, it's Danny Boyle and I should therefore probably quite enjoy it. On the other hand... no wait, he doesn't have the other hand any more, does he?

I loved it. I think people made a bit too much of a fuss about the Amputation scene, its not nearly as gruesome as it's made out to be. And the films also quite funny, as he hallucinates and makes up imaginary talk shows to retain his sanity, and has to resist satisfying certain urges...
In Bruges - 9/10

This is a bit of a comedy, crime drama thing. Two hitmen are sent to Bruges. Let's say one of them doesn't like Bruges so much. I liked the mix of comedy and drama.


Buried - 6/10

Terrorists bury man in coffin where pretty much all action takes place. It was too boring for my tastes. I know it's a bit of a commentary on the way businesses and governments work in these kinds of situations, but I wasn't really entertained.
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Gutterballs (Ryan Nicholson, 2008) -- A brutally sadistic rape leads to a series of bizarre gory murders during a midnight disco bowl-a-rama at a popular bowling alley. One by one, players of two teams meet blood-drenched gruesome deaths at the hand of a black bowling-gloved masked killer. Supposed to be a tribute to the great slasher films of the 80s and 90s, it really looks like such, especially in the sub-par acting, crappy special effects and desperate attempts at being memmorable and falling short. Too much sex, too much blood and very little suspense are pretty much the best words to describe this flick. The script is truly awful for a large portion of the film, none of the characters are worth caring about and it's only when the killing starts that the movie starts to feel like a movie, but by then it's too late to be worth much. 3.5/10

Downfall (2004)

Finally got round to watching this, having had it on rental for over a month. Really good film, and Bruno Ganz's performance as Hitler was devastatingly convincing. Based on authoratitive historical and personal accounts of Adolf Hitler, his last days are recreated here in great detail. The viewer is not spared the horror that faced the people of Berlin as the Third Reich faced its final defeat, but the film concentrates on the claustrophobic and at times surreal atmosphere of Hitler's bunker as the Russians advance. Brilliant performances all round, and a thoroughly gripping film. #93 on IMDB's Top 250 aswell... 9/10
American Pie presents the Book of Love

7th Part of this Movie. But as always one great movie to lmao.
But it's the badest Stifler.
i watched a few movies yesterday

Kick Ass

didn't really know what to expect but it was actually pretty good

Johnny Mad Dog

never heard of this movie before yesterday, it's about a group of child soldiers taking over an African village
there's some pretty strong footage in there

Frozen - 2010

Three friends talk the ski lift operator into letting them take the lift up for one last run. Through a series of events, they get stranded there, 30 feet above the ground. They soon realize that the employees are gone, it's Sunday, the resort won't be open again until the next Friday and a storm is coming in. So one of them decides to jump. The thirty feet. In ski boots. To get help. Obviously this will not end well, and just goes downhill from there.

As usually happens with movies that you mentally check out on, you start looking for flaws or things you can MST3K. The most obvious of which is that one of the friends that is Frozen is Shawn Ashmore, better known as Iceman. Iceman frozen? That's unpossible.

Easy A
Wasn't at all what I expected. I thought it was going to be a camp, school drama but it tried to be a bit more gritty than that. Imagine Youth in Revolt but more formulaic. 6/10

I Love You, Man
It's not an all out comedy like 40 year old virgin and the like but it's a fairly cool film. I found the characters really well thought out and relatable plus it's got the hulk in it so win! 7/10

Hot Rod
Any one who's watched the Lonely Island video's should watch this. It's brilliantly quirky in it's humour though not as laugh out loud as their best music video's. 7/10

The Rocker
I was hoping for a cross between Spinal Tap and Anchorman and even though that seems to be the premiss it never quite delivers their quality. 5/10

Love And Other Drugs
Ok this is a must watch for all guys unless you are a freak who doesn't rate Anne Hathaway. The whole self involved tool meeting his match and coming to find some basic human decency is a predictable as it is unbelievable but seriously, guys watch it. 9/10 - for the first 45 minutes, 7/10 overall

Time Bandits (Terry Gilliam, 1981) -- Kevin, an imaginative child, goes on a time-travelling adventure with a bunch of treasure-hunting dwarves, who have "borrowed" a map to the Universe's time holes from The Supreme Being. My biggest qualm with the movie is that being a Terry Gilliam flick, I expected lots of sarcasm, dystopia and odd scenes, and for a while I got exactly that, but after a bit it all got too "family adventure" for me. There's a bunch of in and out characters that I expected to see more of or at least see what they all came to be, but in the end I just got a second glimpse at one of them. Still, the movie is fun and whimsy enough and a far cry from Brazil. 6/10
Saw two movies for the first time this weekend.

The first:

The Social Network

Easily the best film I've seen in the past year! The writing was fantastic, the acting was fantastic, the soundtrack was fantastic! Everything about this movie was phenomenal! If this doesn't get at least a few Oscars, I'll be surprised.

The second:

Grand Prix

Very good motorsport film. I actually took a risk by buying it without seeing it beforehand. But it was well worth it. Very good story line, and the cinematography is absolutely beautiful.

Let Me In.
Just watched it at the local cinema.
Thrilling and moving.
A dark love story.

Have you seen the original version, and if so, how does it compare?

I still can't get my head around the idea of remaking a film that was only two years old, however.
Have you seen the original version, and if so, how does it compare?

I still can't get my head around the idea of remaking a film that was only two years old, however.

I'll be watching the original later today, so will let you know what I think.

I love this critic interview.
I feel so guilty for not watching the original now, especially as I like films in their own language with subtitles, I just happened to miss it. Oh well will make amends.

What I actually got from Let Me In was a story about children and the need for love, I wasn't too distracted by the vampire theme, which might mean I get overdosed on pure childhood symbolism in Let The Right One In.

Chloe Moretz is an interesting girl, and she is definitely not in the original, so something will need to make up for her not being in it. Let's Find Out!
Let The Right One In was awesome and although I will eventually watch Let Me In I'm not expecting it to be a patch on the original, I understand why studios remake foreign language films in English but when the original is so good it's just wrong. I'm not a terrible film snob but is it really so hard to read sub titles?!

The Mark Kermode Podcast blaaah has quoted is brilliant and should be listened to by everyone IMO :P His condensed review of these two films is that the original is about two outcast children that happens to have vampires in it and the remake is about vampires that happens to have children in it!
Ok pretty much watched them back to back. They are basically the exact same film, I would recommend both. Slight differences in a couple of the non central characters. The cats attacking scene is not in Let Me In. The remake is a bit more dramatic with it's incidental music.
Overall I have to say the original is best because of what it had which the remake cut out, the original shows the sense of intimacy/sexuality between the two children the scene in the original when they are in bed shows her running her hand down the boys bare arm and slowly touching hands then rubs with her fingers. We also see what he sees when he watches her nude after she showers, the young girls body focused directly on her pubescent genitals (sorry no other way of saying it). In the remake it's just implied and not very well either. Also near the end when she says she is leaving in the remake they have a 3-4 second kiss, in the original its about a 20 second snog.
I guess this is down to American/English cultural morality censoring this aspect.
The other main thing the original has which the remake doesn't is the scene when after she bleeds from not being "allowed in". She asks the boy to just imagine what life is like for her, about how she must kill, and it shows her briefly as an old woman looking into his face. Great moment and lost in the remake.
But that aside both brilliant films.
I can't stress how similar they are though, almost scene for scene copies. I think it's important to see both though.
I think Vanilla Sky was also made just a few years after Abra Los Ojos. I liked the original better, but maybe it was because I've seen it before Vanilla Sky.