What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Just watched "Rio" with the family. Fairly good fun for the kids, and the story itself is decent enough to keep their parents' attention... Though I don't know if the message/moral that it's a good thing for a sexy but inhibited librarian to become a scantily clad carnaval dancer and shake her booty is very kid-friendly.

Actually, the freckled cleavage is distracting... The skin textures are so realistic that I feel like I'm looking down a real woman's blouse in some scenes. :lol:

Music is good, as you'd expect, pacing is quick and the action is frenetic. Some of the scenery is gorgeous and well realized. Probably not on anyone's list of best cartoons of all time, but it's worth watching.
^I've watched it in 3D last Sunday, was going to watch Fast Five but there were no seats available. It's the first 3D movie I've seen and I didn't like wearing those glasses much, the lenses were a little foggy at the bottom and that was distracting. Other than that I had some good laughs, it was nothing spectacular but worth the watch.

Easy A
To my surprise this was actually a great movie full of laughs too. 👍

Some laughs, yeah she's pretty cute, but I have to agree with the above poster, totally hollywood movie. 6/10. Watchable, but far from special. In fact you may get the urge to turn it off before the end, if you've got ANYTHING better to distract yourself with. Okay maybe I should give Inception 6/10 because they were both about as good.

Edit: probably better if you're high school aged and not mid 30's like me. And PS the "high school" actors are 20's, not teens...
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Easy A
To my surprise this was actually a great movie full of laughs too. 👍

I followed suit and watched Easy A last night. Pretty funny and enjoyable, but not absolutely hilarious. Like others have said though, it's not particularly memorable. Worth seeing if you're in the mood for a fun comedy, but it's not a great film by any stretch of the imagination.

I thought the funniest part of the movie was Olive's somewhat odd family. :P

Brazil (1985)

For those that enjoy SciFi, this is a must see. It was on my netflix queue for a while before I actually got around to it. Directed by Terry Gilliam, it is a very stylistic film along the lines of Time Bandits and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. It has the Monty Python flare to it as well, obviously. The story follows a day dreaming government clerk who, through a series of unfortunate events, has to take a closer look at the society he lives in. The threat of terrorists has forced the government to rely on technology and paperwork to identify potential insurgents and a simple typo could mean a death sentence for an innocent victim.

After seeing this film, I realize the influence it has on many other films. The original movie trailer for Wall-E used the theme song (which was written in the late 30's) and you can find other references to Brazil in Pixar's film making it obvious that they were inspired by Gilliam's bleak vision of the future where machines and paperwork replaced common sense. You may also recognize the voice of a different Pixar character if you listen closely. The only problem with the film is that the plot runs dry about mid way through and you really have to stay focused to make it to the end. I think a few cuts here and there for an abbreviated version may have gone over better with the general audience. I give it 3 out of 5 stars for SciFi fans. 1 out 5 for the average movie goer.

The Grifters (Stephen Frears, 1990) -- A lame attempt at making a film-noir-type with cons and sub-cons going on. Though the setting could've been entertaining, it never really takes off and it seems the first 90 minutes of the movie are pure characters-nature introduction and when the actual plot comes into the scenes, you realize the previous scenes had little or no relation to it, not to mention some of the scenes are just too damn long. Acting is okay, though Anjelic Huston seems to overdo it a bit at times. Being a movie about con jobs, I kept expecting a major con to be going on, where the viewer is duped, but that never happened. Also, despite being a crime/thriller type, it gets too dramatic at times. 5/10

La Historia Oficial (a.k.a. The Official Story) (Luis Puenzo, 1985) -- Winner of the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar in 1986. As it happened in Chile with Pinochet and in many other Latin American so-called democracies (or outright dictatorships), military police forces routinely try to consolidate their power by torturing and murdering students, radicals and free-thinkers who oppose the regime, and among these there are all kinds of people including expecting mothers. Many of these victims end up 'desaparecidos' (disappeared). La Historia Official is about one mother's search for the truth about her adopted daughter and how her discovery brings the harsh political reality of the country. In this mother's search for the truth, she discovers not only about her daughter but also the truth about her lifestyle and the high price others have paid for her comfort, and thus she becomes a heroine who must give up almost everything she has loved and felt identified who she is. Another great example of Latin American film. 8/10
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I just watched Gangs of New York


The movie stars Leonardo Dicaprio as Amsterdam Vallon, the son of a fallen gang leader and priest, as he becomes acquainted with and works for the Billy "the Butcher" Cutting (Daniel Day Lewis), a leader of an extreme nativist gang who murdered Amsterdam's father, all while planning his revenge for his father's death.

The movie was utterly fantastic. Easily one of the top three movies I've seen this year. Scorsese really out did himself. The portrayal of an 1860's New York City is spot on.

Just came back from watching Bridesmaids with my wife and it was hilarious!

Definitely an adult comedy that was full of great laughs and eww moments. Plus Kristen Wigg drives a hachi roku throughout the whole movie and even does a reverse 180 lol

Wife enjoyed it too. Great date movie if the girl is ok with some crude humor.

Thor - (7/10)
Saw it opening night. Not as good as Iron Man or Batman, but about the same as The Incredible Hulk. It has some slowness in the middle and the end fight is less dramatic than the beginning, but it is a good setup for The Avengers. I'll be more detailed in the dedicated thread
I agree with your review of Thor. It was good but not anything great. It did have quite a few funny parts for sure.

Session 9 (2001)

Typically I enjoy psychological thrillers. This movie had a great setting, especially for someone like me who grew up in Massachusetts. The backdrop is an old mental institution in Danvers. There were several hospitals build in Massachusetts around the turn of the century to house patients with a variety of disorders. Due to budget cutbacks in the 70's and 80's most of the patients were let go or relocated to half-way houses. The hospitals were closed down and left to rot. (This is all true, and is mentioned in the movie). For the movie, very little was changed inside the dilapidated hospital during filming and it adds to the eerie atmosphere. The building has since been torn down. So the setting for this movie was A+. The cinema photography was an A. The characters and acting were a solid B, which is to be expected for a movie classified as horror. However this movie falls short by lacking a solid finale. The plot twists are surprising but at the end of the movie you are left with a "that's it?" feeling. Its too bad because the build-up and intensity of the rest of the movie was great.

Those fascinated with old buildings will still get some enjoyment out of this movie. Those looking for a seat of your pants thriller/horror flick can skip it. Check out some photos of the hospital instead... http://www.opacity.us/site22_danvers_state_hospital.htm
I'll have to agree with most of it, though I wouldn't rate anything above a B-. Here's my take on it: Session 9
Yes, I think my review is skewed by nostalgia. I grew up in Foxboro where there was another hospital. In highschool we broke in numerous times to explore the buildings and hidden tunnel system. Session 9 had so much potential. You're right, they spent a lot of time on character development and getting the viewer to guess who might not be telling us their whole story. Then when it came down to getting to business, they barely used any of the story lines that were being developed. All this time studying an old case and you would expect some haunting to occur.
Well, I watched Evangelion 2.22 for the 8 bajillionth time.

Beside that, I watched The Chaser. A solid Korean thriller. A little bit shy of great, but it has some really wonderful acting.

Die Xue Jie Tou (a.k.a. Bullet in the Head) (John Woo, 1990) -- One of the classic John Woo action flicks, this one starts out interesting, haflway through gets stupid and absurd and in the last 30 minutes becomes fun and extremely violent, though still maintaining its action-packed image. The movie portrays the escapades of a group of three friends who through a random act of violence are forced to flee their country and fall into an endless maze of violence, betrayal, murder and blood. The importance of this movie is in how it, along with The Killer, redefined and reinvented the action genre, blending a somewhat important storyline with unbelievable action scenes. The problem was that this one tried to set forth too many parallel storylines, such as the Vietnam war and the Tiananmen Square massacre and in thus, managed to become too cheesy for it's own good. Still, it remains an action classic. 6.5/10

Faster - Althight, I'm thinking, "The Rock is gonna go out and kill a bunch of people, awesome...and better yet, one of them is Billy Bob Thorton." (yeah they kinda gave away the plot in the trailers). And I was HOPING that Dwaine would be going around and beating people up, but NOOOOOO, he uses a revolver to kill everyone but one guy. So, it ended up being boring and stupid and I hate it. A 2/10. Yeah it was that stupid.

The Mechanic - This one, I'm thinking "Jason Statham being his usual badass self. So it should be a good movie." And it was. True, there wasn't a ton of action, but I liked the ending. So...8/10

Le Dernier Combat (a.k.a. The Last Battle) (Luc Besson, 1983) -- In the post-apocalyptic future, only a few humans are left, but none is able to speak. A determined loner befriends a reclusive older mand and these two battle against vicious thugs for food, shelter and their own lives. Another great post-apocalyptic movie; a genre I really enjoy.

The movie keeps up the pace and interest despite not having a bit of dialogue (thanks to its well-done character development) and the use of medieval-like weaponry empasizes that desperate feel of the movie, though it contrasts a bit with the apparent abuse of other items. The characters are also very well done and completely life-like, , also this is Luc Besson's first movie and the overall ambience really set the stage for the excellence he would later produce. 7.5/10
Watched Unstoppable last night. Didn't think I would enjoy it but the pace of the movie is relentless and Denzel was his usual brilliant self.

Adventureland (2009)

We added this to our Netflix queue to mix things up a bit. We are still working on watching all the oscar nominated films and you can only watch so many heavy movies before you need something light. This movie was the perfect break. If you enjoyed Zombieland you'll like this movie as well. Jesse Eisenberg plays the same character he does in every movie so there will be no surprises there. Kristen Stewart actually smiles and does a decent job acting. However at about half-way through the movie she turns into her typical EMO self. Bill Hader is always good for a few laughs too. Comedy these days is often too raunchy for my tastes but this movie was upbeat and light hearted.
Watched Conan The Barbarian - terrible. Now I know why I never watched this movie.

And watched Assassins. Not to bad.

Did a search to see if anybody had reviewed 13 Assassins, this came up. Just had to say, Conan the Barbarian is one of the greatest movies ever. Basil Poledouris score is epic, costuming is superb. The story though is what really makes it great. Probably not a lot of people here have heard of Joseph Campbell, he's a mythology guy, but basically his big work is showing how all mythology comes down to the story of the hero's quest. George Lucas worked with him to get the Star Wars story down. And Conan the Barbarian is as good as Star Wars in that sense. I've seen Conan over 100 times, it was something of a ritual in my youth. Set up a tape recorder in front of the TV to get the music, used to play it for my buddies when we'd have DnD sessions, even better than the soundtrack since my way you get all the swords clashing, screaming, horses, etc.

But anyway, was just checking in to say 13 Assassins is a great Japanese samurai movie almost on par with Seven Samurai, I'd give it an 8.5/10. Great acting, great action, great buildup, very well done.
Watched Green Street Hooligans. Pretty solid movie with decent acting and a well-paced story. A little bit predictable, but fun to watch regardless.

Edit: Just got back from seeing the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Not really a fan of the series, but it was entertaining. If you liked the others, I'm sure you'll like this one too.
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I'm watching Jigoku on tcm. Probably the weirdest movie I've ever seen.

I also saw Thor finally. It's not really as epic as I thought it would be. Actually it was kind of mediocre. Worth watching, but not particularly great. It felt like an episode of what could've been The Avengers show because, let's face it, these movies were only made with a big Avengers flick in mind.
Just saw the new pirates of the caribbean movie last night. I dont want to give anything away so i'll be brief. Penelope sucks. She ruins every movie she is in. Putting that aside, i truely enjoyed the third movie more than this one...and that says a lot. I miss Comodor Lorrington. I miss the two sidekicks. They also made a bad actor choice for Blackbeard. It took me until the end to figure out he was the guy from that horrible TV show "Kings". The movie had some good moments though and there were plenty of little jokes and Johnny Depp was amazing as usual.
Wait, don't tell me they got rid of most of Sparrow's crew from the 3rd film. If so, that's a big fail. A lot of humor came from them, IMO.