What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

Boyz N The Hood - 4K - HDR10 - Dolby Vision
Film - 10/10

When this film reached home viewing I’d have been about 10 or 11 years old. I picked up the VHS from HMV on the recommendation of a friend and boy did this film hit hard. John Singleton created a masterpiece of prophetic cinema which has stood the test of time and it’s main themes still resonate with today’s race politics in America and to quite an extent the rest of the world.

Centring on the gang violence in South Central LA it’s a gut wrenching viewing of a film. Being a white man living in the UK I couldn’t be more far removed from young black people living in the US, but even if a small portion of reality has crept though on to the screen then it makes for an even sadder story. It really beggars belief why things still haven’t changed all that much in the passing years.

As for the acting, everyone here does a stellar job and even Ice Cube brings his A game here. Direction and script all top draw and I don’t think could have been bettered.

Image - 8/10

This is probably the best this film will look. Shot on a budget and on location controlling shots will have been difficult and it shows. Some shots reveal much more depth and detail compared to the Blu-ray but there a just as many soft shots along with what I can only presume rushed or poorly set up shoots.

HDR does a nice job of rendering the colours which on the Blu-ray just looked a little washed by comparison and contrast has a nice boost too. Day vs Night shots are all pretty well balanced which isn’t always the case with HDR10 so I don’t think a Dolby Vision version would make for any huge benefits here.

If you have the Blu-ray the. I can say if your player or TV does a good job upscaling from 1080p to 4K you’re not going to see huge leaps. If you have a Panasonic Player then the HDR tone mapping will probably bring 90% of the benefits here too.

Sound - 9/10

Sound is much better here. While the Atmos really isn’t going to set your world on fire with above sounds etc. it just sounds much richer compared to the 5.1 soundtrack. Everything has a sweetness and I really enjoyed it. The gun shots at the Crenshaw car meet scene actually burst out of the soundbar and made me and the dog jump, despite me having seen this film multiple times and knowing what what about to happen.

Is it worth the upgrade here… not really as it’s not a demo worthy disc, but if you’re a big fan of the film, I’m sure you’ll appreciate it.


Bad Boys II - HDR10 - Dolby Atmos
Film - 8/10

The second film was a long time coming and the paring of Laurence and Smith continue to be a charming and funny match.

This time around you know what you’re in for, over the top action with some comedy. However Michael Bay seemed to have hung out with Seth Rogan and some crudeness crept into this film along with some CGI to push the action beyond believable realms.

It’s truly has some excellent scenes (Boy Friend at the door scene being of a particular funny) but for me those few scenes can’t really sell the film enough to make this a must watch.

Image - 9/10

Out of the gates this film is sharp and lovely, however contrast and colour are ramped up to 11 and this can be just a little cartoony at times. I suppose with some of the crude humour and insane action sequences it’s a fitting aesthetic. The HDR10 really helps in this manner and possibly a Dolby Vision may help nuance and finess it but I can’t say if it would be a benefit on the whole.

Filmed across no less than 6 different camera types with their respective lenses scene to scene varies it’s look a little and the DI is only at 2K so this tells you the film relies heavily on CGI due to time & cost rendering at 4K isn’t worth it to films of this nature of to the studios. Even big block buster Marvel movies are a 2K DI.

It’s a quite a departure from the Blu-ray on my system so is it better? I’d say it is but if you have the Blu-ray then you can stick at this point, if you’re a huge fan of the film then the 4K disc is a nice upgrade for sure.

Sound - 10/10

Loud, bombastic and well balanced. The Atmos here is off the scale and I’m sure if you have a system which can dig much deeper than mine it will shake the whole house. Everything here is insane but when it comes to vocals and small sounds they’re not compromised at all.

Sorry for the long post. I have Bad Boys for life, Labyrinth, Ghostbusters 1 & 2 plus Ghostbusters Afterlife to watch and review and they will come shortly. I also still have to get around to watching 12 Monkeys. If anyone has a film they want to know about, if I’ve got it I’ll let you know, if I don’t I’ll put it on my list and see if I can pick it up at some point.
The Northman


I have to admit that after all the hype and praise for this movie, it was a letdown.

Had I watched it with no expectations I'd simply say it was a decent movie, but not great. Well, I'm still saying that, but I'd rather have been pleasantly surprised than mildly disappointed.

It reminded me of the video game Senua's Sacrifice, it uses similar themes, and psychological elements. Strangely to me the worst part of the movie was Alexander Skasgard and the production quality.

Let's start with the latter. I don't know how but this movie despite being shot on location seemed like it was a cheap greenscreen composition most of the time. I don't know if the lighting was off, or they ruined the color grading in post production, or most of it wasn't on location after all. Either way the end result is mediocre TV quality.

As for Skasgard his acting was way off. I don't know WTF was he trying to do, or if the direction was this bad, but it looked cheesy. In most scenes he barely moves, and seems like he's expending 99% of his effort flexing his muscles instead of focusing on acting. It was really weird. As if someone injected him with a drug causing him to cramp constantly. The rest of the cast was good though.

The story wasn't bad, it wasn't great, it was just decent, this movie is more about the imagery and the fantastic set pieces. I liked that aspect, how they managed to fit in the fantasy scenes while the movie itself isn't a fantasy movie.

But the supposed twist in the story that everybody was raving about how great and unexpected it is, was not unexpected at all. It was kind of obvious from very early on. With the hype I was waiting for something that is truly a mind**** and not something this straightforward and obvious.

The ending first teases you by pretending to choose an unexpected route, but then it just reverses course barely a minute later, for no reason whatsoever. Which literally meant the main character changing his mind between two scenes, with no setup and no real trigger event for it. It was just a terrible writing moment. And thus we get the most bog standard ending imaginable. The original teased choice would at least have been unexpected, and would've left the door for open for a sequel even.

6/10. It's decent, but not something that I would ever watch again.
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Bad Boys for Life
4K - HDR10 - DTS X
Film 8/10

This is just another day with another Bad Boys movie. It's more of the same hijinks from the duo and company. Rehashing the same themes and jokes, however unlike BB2 this actually tones down the crude humour and tries to get back to the routes of the original. Form me this film was much better than the second but still not a great movie and not a film I go back to time and time again, however the missus loves them so "what you gonna do."

Image 10/10

I was shocked at how good this film looked. Its like someone at Sony decided to make a film and grade it for OLED TV's, lots of deep inky blacks and super off the charts highlights and neon colours popping all over. Sparks from grinders and fires etc. all sear with heat and intensity and shadows sink deep back into the image giving huge contrast boosts. All this without making it look cartoony or unrealistic. The 4K details are also lovely here and this disc is now up there with my top picks for showing off HDR and OLED benefits.

Sound 10/10

Like BB2 this soundtrack is loud and in your face, but in a good way. It's so loud we had to turn it down twice, way below normal listening levels. DTS X and Dolby Atmos sound just lovely and even on my Soundbar are head and shoulders above previous formats. Heaven knows how good these sound on a full set up. I really need a Sub now :D


Bad Boys Trilogy

Over all these films are not ones which I adore, however for a watch while eating or doing something else for me they are ok. All three look great in their own way. BB1 and BB3 certainly look great but for different reasons. BB1 looks excellent for what is now a catalogue title with some age behind it and BB3 is OLED Demo material. BB2 looked ok and certainly wasn't a dog, but the stylistic choices just were not my taste.
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I just watched Cuatro Lunas [Four Moons] (2014). From Mexico, and in Spanish, but well worth reading the English subtitles. It was an anthology of four stories, but instead of telling them one at a time, they were kind of interwoven. But each story was very different, so it wasn't hard to keep up. On the poster, are the main characters of each story.

I loved it. It wasn't a masterpiece, but I'll give it four out of five stars. ****

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Edit: I dug the film up after watching this. This is parts of one of the stories. These guys were best friends when they were eight. But then a family moved, and now they just randomly bump into one another years later.

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Just saw Top Gun: Maverick. I'd give it at least an 8.5/10, as it's very much a no-frills summer movie that's entertaining at every moment.
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I watched Ambulance, that Jake Gyllenhaal and Abdul-Manteen II flick.

As bland as the title sounds, it's actually a pretty good watch. If you're looking for an action flick that's always got something going on, I'd recommend it.

Ending's a downer, especially with what Gyllenhaal and Abdul-Mateen II had to go through and why they go through with the heist.
I just watched a really good movie. And I am going to give you the link, where to watch, at the end.

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I loved this movie. It was very slow, but I don't mind that. One of my favorite films ever is Call Me by Your Name (*****), and it is also very slow. This film is a little slower than that

It is about two friends that grew up together from young childhood, and became gay lovers.

They grew up in a small town in the American south. One is a gifted genius, and the other is a future blue collar type. They have been a pair since they were children.

Now the gifted kid is about to leave for college, after this "Last Summer".

There is no nudity, or sex in this movie. The story is painted with dialogue. And it is a lovely story.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars ****

The trailer:

The movie is here, hope it is not restricted in your area.
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I watched Dr. Strange 2 last night, almost as soon as it became available to stream. I ain't gonna type the full title (too much hassle).

A tale of two tales, this movie: I really loved Sam Raimi's direction, the score, and performances of its leads. But I never bought into the motivation of one of the main characters. Like, not at all. Which is problematic as I didn't care for the characters and as a result, didn't get invested in the story. Good thing that the movie felt breezy, its pacing never letting up. Otherwise I'd felt bogged down and bored out of my mind.

This film suffers from the same "problem" I noticed in WandaVision - trying to paint Wanda as a sympathetic anti-hero in spite of the grave nature of her crimes. At least in WandaVision, she genuinely didn't mean to harm anyone nor did she murder others. But in this movie... Just how many has she murdered in Kamar-Taj alone? And in Illuminati's base? All in the name of stealing her children from her alternate reality self when there was a much simpler solution to her problem? Yeah, no. I'm not quite sure that's how you portray an anti-hero and make us root for them, folks.

All in all... 6/10.
I watched Dr. Strange 2 last night, almost as soon as it became available to stream. I ain't gonna type the full title (too much hassle).

A tale of two tales, this movie: I really loved Sam Raimi's direction, the score, and performances of its leads. But I never bought into the motivation of one of the main characters. Like, not at all. Which is problematic as I didn't care for the characters and as a result, didn't get invested in the story. Good thing that the movie felt breezy, its pacing never letting up. Otherwise I'd felt bogged down and bored out of my mind.

This film suffers from the same "problem" I noticed in WandaVision - trying to paint Wanda as a sympathetic anti-hero in spite of the grave nature of her crimes. At least in WandaVision, she genuinely didn't mean to harm anyone nor did she murder others. But in this movie... Just how many has she murdered in Kamar-Taj alone? And in Illuminati's base? All in the name of stealing her children from her alternate reality self when there was a much simpler solution to her problem? Yeah, no. I'm not quite sure that's how you portray an anti-hero and make us root for them, folks.

All in all... 6/10.
All I'll say is, one: we know in the comics, she's Magneto's daughter.
The Darkhold, as Dr. Strange said, exacts a toll on the user. Now, she had the runes on the "octopus" and dream walked, but, who may be using her? As it is, Chthon supposedly gave her her powers in comics. We'll see if she snaps out of it after burying herself.

I, obviously, don't know, but we'll see if she sides with the brotherhood of mutants or remains an Avenger.
All I'll say is, one: we know in the comics, she's Magneto's daughter.
The Darkhold, as Dr. Strange said, exacts a toll on the user. Now, she had the runes on the "octopus" and dream walked, but, who may be using her? As it is, Chthon supposedly gave her her powers in comics. We'll see if she snaps out of it after burying herself.

I, obviously, don't know, but we'll see if she sides with the brotherhood of mutants or remains an Avenger.
Who might be using her? I'm guessing no one. Chthon was mentioned only once in the movie, after all. And the whole Magneto's daughter thing isn't applicable to this version of Wanda, since we already know who her parents are. We don't even know how the mutants will be introduced to this universe, since the version of Prof X we got is from the alternative reality and swiftly killed off. There's the "stinger" of the looming incursion, but I'm guessing that's gonna get wrapped up in the next big team-up movie, like the Avengers 5 or something.

At the end of the day, none of it solves the problem with Wanda' motivation, and that's what's been bugging me about this movie. The writers should've thought about how to explain away such a simple solution to her reason for losing her mind, I feel.
I watched Dr. Strange 2 last night, almost as soon as it became available to stream. I ain't gonna type the full title (too much hassle).

A tale of two tales, this movie: I really loved Sam Raimi's direction, the score, and performances of its leads. But I never bought into the motivation of one of the main characters. Like, not at all. Which is problematic as I didn't care for the characters and as a result, didn't get invested in the story. Good thing that the movie felt breezy, its pacing never letting up. Otherwise I'd felt bogged down and bored out of my mind.

This film suffers from the same "problem" I noticed in WandaVision - trying to paint Wanda as a sympathetic anti-hero in spite of the grave nature of her crimes. At least in WandaVision, she genuinely didn't mean to harm anyone nor did she murder others. But in this movie... Just how many has she murdered in Kamar-Taj alone? And in Illuminati's base? All in the name of stealing her children from her alternate reality self when there was a much simpler solution to her problem? Yeah, no. I'm not quite sure that's how you portray an anti-hero and make us root for them, folks.

All in all... 6/10.
Agree with your Statement.
Otherwise multiverse make me sick it nullified all important decisions and makes anything possible.
In the End it is totally boring.
I just finished watching Heartstone (2017), from Iceland. I loved it and gave it 4 out of 5 stars.

Iceland one of the happiest countries on Earth, but man this is one of the saddest movies I have ever seen. I didn't just tear up...

It is subtitled, but it is not one of those movies where you have to constantly pause, or go back because they didn't stay on the screen long enough. I went back once in the over two hour movie, and that was only because I was distracted. I did pause it a few times though because of eye leakage, and sniffles.

From IMDB: In a fishing village in Iceland, a boy develops feelings for his best friend as his best friend pursues his affections for a girl.

Here is the trailer:
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Here is the full movie. #ChrunchDelivers
I am sticking it in a spoiler because of bad language, spelled out in the subtitles, and some naked boy butt.
rainbow flaf small.jpg

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Now I'm going to be completely biased in this review because I absolutely LOVE Wes Anderson movies. It usually takes me two or three times to watch one to know what's happening and to understand the story and this one is no different.

The full name of the film, I think, is "The French Dispatch Of The Liberty Evening Sun". It's built around the fictional French town of Ennui. A lot of the usual Wes Anderson cast is in this movie. Bill Murray plays the editor of "The French Dispatch" which is a magazine. Ironically in the opening scene he has died of a heart attack and the story starts on how The French Dispatch came to be and how he ran the magazine.

The film is broken down into four separate mini stories that revolve around the contributors to the magazine. First is Owen Wilson who plays Herbsaint Sazerac who is a cycling journalist that paints the picture of the town of Ennui. Telling the story of each of it's landmarks, etc.

Next is Tilda Swinton who plays J.K.L. Berensen and she's giving a lecture describing the art work of a prisoner played by Benicio Del Toro. He falls in love with one of the guards played by Lea Seydoux. He paints her in the nude although you can't tell it and replicates it on a concrete slab. Adrian Brody plays a gallery owner that thinks Del Toro is a genius and commissions him to make art for him and his two uncles played by Wes Anderson alum Bob Balaban and newcomer Henry Winkler. Lea Seydoux assures Brody that he will make the art even though she's constantly putting Del Toro in a straight jacket.

Frances McDormand is a correspondent that tells the story of a young Ennui revolutionary played by Timothee Chalamet that leads a movement called the "Chessboard Revolution". He's also trying to write his manifesto that McDormand helps him with while she's in bed with him. She basically writes it for him.

The final chapter is Jeffrey Wright who plays Roebuck Wright and he's appearing on a talk show hosted by Liev Schreiber. Wright recalls the story of a dinner party he was invited to by the Commissaire of the Ennui police force. The Commissaire's son is kidnapped by the local criminal gang. While tied up he's able to get a message out by tapping morse code on a pipe that says "send the cook". The cook is Lt. Nescaffier who is well known for cooking food the police like. He's able to get into the gang's hideout by offering to cook them and the boy a meal. But he's laced the food with poison. The crooks are wise and get him to sample the food which he does and shows no effect. But apparently he survives, barely due to his strong stomach and the criminals all die from the poison. Gunfights and a chase ensues.

The film ends just as Bill Murray's character lies in his office on his desk and the doctor has declared him dead. All of the correspondents and office staff start to write his obituary.

I'm not going to give it a rating because as I said at the top I'm a unabashed Wes Anderson fan and if you like Wes Anderson films this one has all of the hallmarks, the big cast, kind of skipping all over the place while at the same time piecing together the overall story of the film, the sideways camera pans, black and white scenes, the quirky dialog. It's classic Wes Anderson and I loved it.
Just last week I watched the movie Air Force One on TV with my family. Okay, I have an intense hatred for hostage situations and you'd think this movie centering around it for so long would be the bane of my existence, but it honestly wasn't! While I still dislike these sorts of things, I honestly thoroughly enjoyed this movie despite this. Although I didn't start watching until around the time they left Russia, the plot was very engaging, had a lot of interesting twists, and once I got started watching, I didn't want to stop until it was over. In fact, I stayed up till 1 AM just for the sake of finishing it and I can honestly say it was worth it! I liked just about everything about it and being a Star Wars fanatic, it was nice to see Harrison Ford in a movie outside of the saga.
Perhaps my favorite part in the movie was when General Radek was being released, only to be shot down later. I found that scene very satisfying to watch, so much so, I think I have watched it on Youtube at least 4 times now. :lol: Whatever those prisoners kept chanting during his release, I found it interesting to listen to and it added so much to the scene, I thought it was the best part of it actually.

Seeing Korshunov get thrown off the plane and then choked to death was also very satisfying and I just love how Harrison told him to get off his plane. It's a simple, yet funny line that makes me laugh just typing it here. :lol:

I don't remember the guy's name, but the scene when that dude turns against the president was an interesting plot twist. Although I was slightly suspicious of him given the expression he made not long before, it still surprised me somewhat. Kind of gives me White House Down vibes thinking about it now, another movie I really like.

The only thing I really wasn't too impressed with was probably the special effects, notably at the end when the plane crashes. I know it's a late 90's movie, but even then, it seems a little lackluster even for its time and looks unfinished to the point I can't really take it seriously. The rest of the movie makes up for it though, so it's not a huge deal, but that could have been a lot better.
Not one of my more comprehensive posts, but that's my thoughts on it. I am actually considering buying this movie sometime because it's one I absolutely want to watch again! 👍
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You had to bring up that scene, that was another highlight in the movie and now I feel stupid for not mentioning it in my post. :lol: Time to edit then! :)
Watched Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers and Turning Red on the weekend.

Turning Red:

I can respect the point of the movie and it has nice moments when it's focused on the characters personal relationships with each other but aside from that, to reach its point it takes very weird turns. It definitely feels like you need to be a kid or at least innocent to properly enjoy this because it becomes ironically enjoyable (for me) or cringe (for the friend I was watching with) if you understand the point the movie not-so-subtly alludes too.

6.5/10, not as bad as people calling it the worse movie ever made and not as great as people calling it the best movie ever made.

Chip n Dale:

This from the perspective of someone who never watched the original show so any call backs were completely missed on me.

They went for the approach that Looney Tunes: Back in Action had mixing Cartoon and Live Action where the Cartoon characters were just actors from the cartoon they came from (so if you never watched the original show, dont worry you wont be lost). Though it's a completely different story that I think still hits very home to original while having more nods to franchises outside of those that relate to it (You see Ugly Sonic a lot)

I enjoyed the 2 main characters in your typical buddy cop adventure though this time they're former friends, they were probably the best thing about the movie and honestly the quick narration line of how both their shows flopped tossed in there was somehow really funny.

The twist I think is rather weak, it tried to go for the cliche but not really but actually is the cliche but I felt it was the opposite, the main Live Action character cliche is that they are never evil, don't get me wrong, the twist had me fooled but I don't think my expectation being subverted is not what they were going for.

I'll give it a 8/10, if you like buddy cop adventures, you'll probably like this.
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The only thing I really wasn't too impressed with was probably the special effects, notably at the end

I saw this film at the cinema when it was released and even at the time this particular effect stood out as being terrible. That and Gary Oldman's accent cracking at various points through the film.

Scream 2022

I have to say, I wasn't expecting this to be as good as it was, and it was actually good. Whether you grew up with the original, trick-or-treated as Ghostface after the fact, or saw it later down the line (yes, the first two are things I did :lol: ), you know Scream — the original Scream — gave slashers a much needed jolt. It was very in-universe meta reference-y and this keeps that in-tact, to the point where there's a scene that is a meta reference, upon another, upon another.

There's the beginning scene which is 100% formulaic to Scream, but there's a point where the killer asks who was the first person killed, and I'm yelling at my TV "Drew Barrymore!" because I couldn't remember her character's name. The killer says something else, which admittedly I may have misheard, but I don't think it was Drew's character. Someone clarify that/correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, this kinda-sorta follows the Halloween 2017 reboot formula of ignoring the sequels, even going out of its way to condemn them. I mean, for good reason too, because other than Scream 2...I've literally never seen any of the other movies. Don't plan on changing that either. Back to the point, it brings back some familiar faces but they never take command of the movie; they're only there to serve as nostalgia and bring the rest of the story together.

I'm rambling a bit as I don't want to spoil anything specific, but Jack Quaid (The Boys) is in this, and he's great. Also, Mikey Madison looks a little too much like Sweet Anita. It's actually disturbing. :lol:

If you haven't seen this, please, do so. It's actually good. I think Wes would have been more than proud to see his second baby done right after so long. RIP, Wes.

If one has never watched Scream, should one watch One first then 2022, can one skip One and only watch 2022 or does one need to watch the entire series?

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

If one has never watched Scream, should one watch One first then 2022, can one skip One and only watch 2022 or does one need to watch the entire series?

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Hm. You can watch 2022 first, however, there are going to be multiple points throughout the movie where something from the original is being referenced directly, or you'll wonder why this person is so important, or who this guy is that keeps showing up, etc, etc.

You won't be completely lost as the movie accounts for that on its own as it goes on, but you'll have a greater appreciation for that stuff if you watch it before or after. Is it absolutely necessary? Honestly? No. Will you benefit from it? Absolutely.
The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019). For some reason I didn't clue into this movie being about racing despite seeing it pop up. :dunce:

Based on a novel by an ex-racer who left racing after crashing in the rain. Probably in the Family Drama genre. Narrated from the POV of a dog. Car scenes are limited but features some cool cars. Above average movie.
You know, after reading your response the other day, I decided to watch the ending again and I kept laughing at random times afterward. :lol: Heck, I can hear Harrison's voice in that gif even though it has no sound. :P
I saw this film at the cinema when it was released and even at the time this particular effect stood out as being terrible.
I don't doubt it. I was reading the comments on a video showing the ending and someone said they couldn't stop laughing back when they saw it in the theaters. :lol: I feel like it might be acceptable if it was an 80's film, but late 90's? Not so much. It looks like a scene from a ripoff of a popular movie rather than something like this.

Something Star Wars likes to do is to go back and change some scenes in their movies at a later date and some were desirable, some not so much. I honestly think Air Force One would benefit from having something like this by giving it better CGI in some places because the CGI quality is a nasty stain on an otherwise great movie in my opinion.
That and Gary Oldman's accent cracking at various points through the film.
I don't think I noticed that when I watched it, but I am sure I will the next time I do because of you. :P

Fortunately, it came on again recently and we have it recorded, so I can watch it all over again! :dopey: I really want to get the Blu-Ray to see what all was cut for TV.
The Gray Man (2022)

the gray man.jpg

I watched this alongside the first episode of the Sandman and oh boy...

I've never read the source material, but on the strength of this film, I'd say I haven't missed much. The Gray Man checks off the every-espionage-action-thriller-cliche-imaginable list so well that it even recycles the "old/dying ally blows themselves up to take out the bad guys with them" trope twice! Even the list of locations read like your bog-standard espionage thriller go-to locales - Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Bangkok...

Admittedly, the set pieces at the end of the first and the second acts were pretty good, and Chris Evans' turn as the delightfully sleazy bad guy was quite fun as well. However, what were the Russo brothers thinking when copying Michael Bay? The FPV drone shots were so overused that I got sick of them by the middle of the movie. That's not the only problem, though.

As good an actor Ryan Gosling is, why does his action choreography look so stiff and amateurish most of the time? At least I got some brief chuckles out of his deadpan delivery. And Ana de Armas was wasted in her one-note role, the handsome dude from Bridgerton wasn't even remotely threatening, Billy Bob Thornton sleepwalked through most of his scenes, and Colleen Wing from Iron Fist was... just there.

The best thing I can say about this film is that it's... got some good points.

A middling 5/10.

As for the Sandman, I've only watched the first episode and will reserve judgement for now. However, David S Goyer's involvement is still making me worried somewhat if I'm being totally honest.


This was great. I'll keep this short and sweet as the movie released only 3 days ago and I don't want to say much as it's still brand new. If you like Predator and have been pining for a good installment — this is it. The Predator looks amazing and its helmet/face mask is badass. There's a point, early in the movie, where a certain thing happens, and if you've seen the original you'll immediately think "Oh, that's a nice callback", however, it's not utilized the way you think it's going to be, and I love the movie for that.

That's not the only callback either. Though, one particular one raises an important question: how do they get it back? I can assume but it's never really answered.

Whatever. See this. Yesterday. Eat food and/or snacks. You won't regret anything.


This was great. I'll keep this short and sweet as the movie released only 3 days ago and I don't want to say much as it's still brand new. If you like Predator and have been pining for a good installment — this is it. The Predator looks amazing and its helmet/face mask is badass. There's a point, early in the movie, where a certain thing happens, and if you've seen the original you'll immediately think "Oh, that's a nice callback", however, it's not utilized the way you think it's going to be, and I love the movie for that.

That's not the only callback either. Though, one particular one raises an important question: how do they get it back? I can assume but it's never really answered.

Whatever. See this. Yesterday. Eat food and/or snacks. You won't regret anything.
The end credits cave painting style animation implies that more Predators arrived at some point after the movie finished and presumably that's when they get that pistol before handing it to Danny Glover at the end of Predator 2. That's probably what you are already assuming though.
The end credits cave painting style animation implies that more Predators arrived at some point after the movie finished and presumably that's when they get that pistol before handing it to Danny Glover at the end of Predator 2. That's probably what you are already assuming though.

@JKgo I completely agree regarding The Grey Man, I was very dissapointed with this fil. Most of the acting was good enough, Gosling, De Armas and Evans were good but as you said, it prety mush just ticked off a list of action spy movie cliches one by one.

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