What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

Total Recall (Italian Release) - Dolby Vision - DTS-HD MA

Film - 9/10

What can we say, it’s pure Arnie fun. Great one liners, great action, old school special effects & nudity. All the stuff a kid needs growing up.

It’s not until I got older and matured and looked passed all the above that I realised Paul Vernhoven was a genius director and that the above is also all the stuff an aging man needs too.

Verhoeven's other epic action masterpiece Starship Troopers shares quite a bit with this film from cast to new broadcasts. It’s just wonderful and fun.

Image - 9/10

So why did I buy the Italian release vs the American or UK one? Well it’s a better encode according to pixel peepers on the interweb. Higher bit rates didn’t squash the fine detail and make the grain murky etc.

I have no first hand experience with the other versions so I don’t know if all the hullabaloo is correct or just wishful thinking. I can say this is a looker and it’s never looked better to me, even against the already good looking Blu-ray it’s replaced.

Fine detail, fine grain (with some exceptions) all look great. The HDR here really helps with the darker scenes and adds so much more contrast and colour pop. It almost makes the Blu-ray look pale and flat by comparison.

What also sticks out like a sore thumb is the green screen shots. They’re bad… really bad. Thankfully they don’t ruin the film but they’re very jarring and do pull you out of the film when they show up. However the gore seemed much more visceral so you win some and loose some.

Sound - 9/10

The films soundtrack is pretty good and really sounds fantastic for the most of the film. I did find that the surround was not used much and makes me feel like that I’d like to experience the Atmos soundtrack at some point. Maybe if I can pick up a copy cheap at some point.

One thing which jumped out at me which it never has before is the Jonny Cab voice actor being Robert Picardo. It just never struck me until watching it today.


I do love this film and it has a permanent place in my heart from my childhood. This 4K disc just showcases it so well and I can highly recommend it, whichever version you can get.
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Road House
Film - 9/10

Strap yourself in for an 80s cheese fest movie of greatness. Gratuitous nudity, action, violence and a Ford Monster Truck!

Staring the always great Swayze and a raft of excellent supporting cast members this film is a feel good action romp. It’s probably not everyone’s want to watch list and if you haven’t seen it then please do at least once.

I have a huge soft spot for this movie as it’s another I grew up watching from being a young kid, it’s not going to win Oscar’s for acting, direction or script etc. hence not a 10 out of 10.

Image - 10/10

Yep, you read that score correctly. This import from the states is a sure fire winner. It’s just lovely to look at. The only poor shorts are down to lenses or soft shots due to actors missing marks etc.

When it’s clear, it’s sharp and lush to look at. The grain is in tact but never aggressive and in some shots you be forgiven thinking this was recently filmed.

Vinegar Syndrome have done an outstanding job on this one, that is for sure.

Sound - 10/10

This film doesn’t have a soundtrack that is demo worthy, however it sounds so nice and even and nothing sounds aggressive or wrong.

Everything has its place and sounds spot on. It’s not going to give your sound system a good workout but it will satisfy for the type of film it is. There were some good use of surround channels too, to the point the wife jumped thinking someone was in the kitchen till I explained it was coming from the soundbar. :D


If you’re a fan of this film then grab a copy. It’s currently off sale on their site and unless you really want the box and booklet, hold tight as they should have a standard edition some time in the new year and don’t feed the scalpers.

I’m not sure if the UK is going to get a release and if it does who will release it. Either way I’m not fussed as I’m super pleased to have this in the collection.
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Total Recall (Italian Release) - Dolby Vision - DTS-HD MA

Film - 9/10

What can we say, it’s pure Arnie fun. Great one liners, great action, old school special effects & nudity. All the stuff a kid needs growing up.

It’s not until I got older and matured and looked passed all the above that I realised Paul Vernhoven was a genius director and that the above is also all the stuff an aging man needs too.

Verhoeven's other epic action masterpiece Starship Troopers shares quite a bit with this film from cast to new broadcasts. It’s just wonderful and fun.

Image - 9/10

So why did I buy the Italian release vs the American or UK one? Well it’s a better encode according to pixel peepers on the interweb. Higher bit rates didn’t squash the fine detail and make the grain murky etc.

I have no first hand experience with the other versions so I don’t know if all the hullabaloo is correct or just wishful thinking. I can say this is a looker and it’s never looked better to me, even against the already good looking Blu-ray it’s replaced.

Fine detail, fine grain (with some exceptions) all look great. The HDR here really helps with the darker scenes and adds so much more contrast and colour pop. It almost makes the Blu-ray look pale and flat by comparison.

What also sticks out like a sore thumb is the green screen shots. They’re bad… really bad. Thankfully they don’t ruin the film but they’re very jarring and do pull you out of the film when they show up. However the gore seemed much more visceral so you win some and loose some.

Sound - 9/10

The films soundtrack is pretty good and really sounds fantastic for the most of the film. I did find that the surround was not used much and makes me feel like that I’d like to experience the Atmos soundtrack at some point. Maybe if I can pick up a copy cheap at some point.

One thing which jumped out at me which it never has before is the Jonny Cab voice actor being Robert Picardo. It just never struck me until watching it today.


I do love this film and it has a permanent place in my heart from my childhood. This 4K disc just showcases it so well and I can highly recommend it, whichever version you can get.
I watch it about three times a week. One of my all time favourite movies(and yes, Starship Troopers is one as well ;0. Training day is another ). It's not just about Arnold, but how the whole cast play their part. It's easy to watch, moves fast enough, good story and the environments are so crude, they still hold up after 32 years. Good stuff.
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Film - 9/10

Strap yourself in for an 80s cheese fest movie of greatness. Gratuitous nudity, action, violence and a Ford Monster Truck!

Staring the always great Swayze and a raft of excellent supporting cast members this film is a feel good action romp. It’s probably not everyone’s want to watch list and if you haven’t seen it then please do at least once.

I have a huge soft spot for this movie as it’s another I grew up watching from being a young kid, it’s not going to win Oscar’s for acting, direction or script etc. hence not a 10 out of 10.

Image - 10/10

Yep, you read that score correctly. This import from the states is a sure fire winner. It’s just lovely to look at. The only poor shorts are down to lenses or soft shots due to actors missing marks etc.

When it’s clear, it’s sharp and lush to look at. The grain is in tact but never aggressive and in some shots you be forgiven thinking this was recently filmed.

Vinegar Syndrome have done an outstanding job on this one, that is for sure.

Sound - 10/10

This film doesn’t have a soundtrack that is demo worthy, however it sounds so nice and even and nothing sounds aggressive or wrong.

Everything has its place and sounds spot on. It’s not going to give your sound system a good workout but it will satisfy for the type of film it is. There were some good use of surround channels too, to the point the wife jumped thinking someone was in the kitchen till I explained it was coming from the soundbar. :D


If you’re a fan of this film then grab a copy. It’s currently off sale on their site and unless you really want the box and booklet, hold tight as they should have a standard edition some time in the new year and don’t feed the scalpers.

I’m not sure if the UK is going to get a release and if it does who will release it. Either way I’m not fussed as I’m super pleased to have this in the collection.
Road House, a film so bad it's good. About as 80's as it gets.
This was unexpected.

I'm watching Emily the Criminal on Netflix. This guy shows up and I think "that shirt looks pretty similar to one of mine."


Looks "pretty similar" because it's exactly the same.


What's really funny to me is that shirt is around 8 years old and from Walmart. :lol:

Beverly Hills Cop - Dolby Vision - DTS-HD MA
Film - 7/10

It’s been quite a long time since I’ve seen this film… in fact maybe over 20! and I can honestly say I know why it’s been so long but it won’t be next time.

You see, the film is good, it’s a simple story, some nice acting and some great script parts, but beyond that it falls a little flat. It’s just too simple of a story, and the rest is only ok and nothing great.

I love Eddie Murphy but this film isn’t wild and off the hook like it could have been. The action is basic, bad guys just plain Janes and not very scary or menacing.

For all its flaws it has its charms but it’s not the best buddy cop movie out there, and it’s not the best Murphy film either.

Image - 5/10

This image on offer is not bad by any stretch but it’s certainly not great. It’s passable and if it wasn’t for the HDR grade, I’d even go as far as saying the Blu-ray which uses the same master files as this its (included in the set) is on par just about and it’s not a huge leap in resolution.

The HDR is what makes this 4K stand above the Blu-ray. It intensifies the colours and deepens the shadows but keeps detail in check. Film grain isn’t an issue on this disc but it’s packed full of optical issues (old lenses not up to modern stuff) and soft shots or actors missing marks.

Sound - 8/10

The sound offered here is pretty good. The iconic music sounds fantastic and voices remain the focus and never waver.

It’s not bombastic or a foundation smasher but it’s serviceable and the better part of this disc.


If you have a recent Blu-ray copy of this film, I’d say stick with it, unless you find the disc cheap or plan on projecting the image past 100”.

My wife wanted this as it was part of an offer at HMV and she really wanted “Blade” so she picked this up too.

I’m glad I got to rewatch it again and I will watch it again at some point without such a long break between viewings, however it’s not one I’ll be whipping off the shelf to use as a demo disc.


Side note

With this, Blade and Apollo 13 we picked up today, this takes the 4K collection to 108 films. If anyone has a request for details of anything specific and I have it then let me know.
Just watched Elf tonight for the first time... never got around to watching it, but will say it's a great movie, and a great movie to become a Christmas tradition. Honestly, not a huge Will Ferrell fan, but this was definitely one of his better performances (as for me, they seem to be really good, or dreadful...) and I've always been a James Caan fan. Really loved it and wished I would have taken the time to see it sooner. 👍

Blade - Dolby Vision - Dolby True HD 7.1

Film - 8/10

This film is a classic, I don’t use that term lightly but I whole heartedly believe it. A vision of what could come from the Marvel Franchise, it’s camp in parts it’s got over the top action and plenty of gore… err well the last one isn’t so much Marvels current modus operandi (discounting the excellent Netflix series's).

It’s also fun and one of the first DVDs I ever picked up.

Image - 9/10

So I had high hopes for this films image and it didn’t disappoint. The aforementioned DVD was one of the highest rated for its image at the time of release. This UHD shines also. It’s glossy, detailed and grain is not obtrusive, in fact it parts it looks to have had some DNR applied. It’s very slight but some faces at medium range can look a little waxy at points.

That being said, I enjoyed the image offered and it’s certainly a step above the DVD & Blu-ray.

HDR looks excellent here, everything is on point and contrast is turned up to 11, making the film seem even more comic book like.

Sound - 9/10

So sound here is fantastic and again a step up compared to previous releases. It’s also a really well balanced sound mix and some good use of surround effects making some scenes creepier. One thing did stand out and seemed just weird but funny, in the final fight scenes Blade is using a shovel and the ringing of this hitting the bad guys was more prominent. I’d never really noticed it before but with it standing out this time it added a cartoon like vibe which made me smile.

So why only a 9? Well I was disappointed that the music used in the film, didn’t have a promenant position and lacked clout, if one film has scenes where the club music is needed to bring that last spit and polish it’s Blade. The initial scene in the slaughterhouse is iconic and it just fell flat and I was a little disappointed.


If Blade is a film you love then the UHD is a worthy upgrade over its aging Blu-ray and DVD counterparts. It’s not going to win many younger fans of Marvel but for those of us old enough to be there when the Juggernaut that is the MCU today started to really hit mainstream cinema goers, it’s a class act of 90s action hero movie magic.
One thing did stand out and seemed just weird but funny, in the final fight scenes Blade is using a shovel and the ringing of this hitting the bad guys was more prominent.
I haven't watched it yet and it is by far not the best source material but I have Blade recorded on my TiVo when it was played on an OTA station and skipping to that scene, the ringing is there. I probably wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't mentioned it as it doesn't stand out that much more but it is there.

Also, I need a much better copy of this movie.
I haven't watched it yet and it is by far not the best source material but I have Blade recorded on my TiVo when it was played on an OTA station and skipping to that scene, the ringing is there. I probably wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't mentioned it as it doesn't stand out that much more but it is there.

Also, I need a much better copy of this movie.
Glad to hear (pardon the pun) it’s there. I’d never noticed it before and on the UHD it seemed to stand out quite a bit, it could be the soundbar also contributing to me hearing it for the first time too.

I managed to pick this up pretty cheap so I was happy to buy it again 4th time :lol:

The Batman - Dolby Vision - Dolby Atmos

Film - 9/10

I have to admit, I had reservations of Pattison taking on the cowl. My fears were soon quashed and he pulls the film along nicely.

After the deep dive into mental health and deep sadness that was “Joker”, this film seems a little devoid of humanity, but it’s still a deep, dark and brooding film.

Is it the best Bat Film? That’s for you to decide not me, I enjoyed it equally as much as the Nolan / Bale films.

Image - 10/10

Stunner, absolute stunner. This disc is a demo disc worthy of a 10. The film is dark by its nature and the DP has taken that starting point and turned the lights down low, however, the Dolby Vision just amps that even more and yet, despite its almost void like image, the shadow detail is lovely and not crushed.

If you have an OLED then this is certainly one to show off its virtues. Jet black scenes with bright flashes of key lights from gun muzzles it’s just unbelievably good.

The image also has splashes of colour here and there, mainly primary colours of blue and red. When these colours are on show they are lovely and dense.

No grain here, so those who dislike grain fear not. Overall it’s as close to a perfect image.

Sound - 10/10

Dolby Atmos in full effect. On my system it’s was certainly not utilised to its best, but compared to what I’ve heard of various UHD and Blu-ray discs, it’s certainly one of the better ones.

It’s raucous, bombastic and gutsy but it can be delicate when needed.

Explosions, and gunfire are excellent but two scenes stood out for me. The club scene sounds insane with deep pounding music which you just want to keep turning up and up, but the best sound scene is our first introduction to the Batmobile.

This car sounds so menacing and its buildup of sound from the shadows really drives home that fear factor. It’s seriously brutal and I can only imagine how good it sounds on a full fat audio system.


Want a demo disc to show off you new 4K OLED or Audio system? Then put this to the top of your list. Packed full of shadow detail, super bright key lights and bombastic and beautiful sound.

If you like this film? Then this is certainly the best way to view it in the home.


Beverly Hills Cop 2 - Dolby Vision - DTS-MA HD
Film - 8/10

I find the second film much better than the first but it still isn’t a home run.

We have less of a set up at the beginning so we can get straight to the action and it’s all the better for it. The action though leaves a lot to be desired and it’s not going to be at the top of any list for that, however it serves the film well.

What is much better this time around is the relationship between the main characters. They’re more at ease with each other and this allows them to just get on with the comedic playful nature of the film.

However there could have been more, much more.

Image - 9/10

This is a much better image compared to the first film, I suspect just due to better initial photography. It’s a fine image with a nice level of grain which never really distracts. There are moments of visual fidelity which can rival even some of the best discs, but these are fleeting. The rest is just a very nice image.

The HDR bring the biggest refinement and it just gets the contrast spot on and colours are excellent. Shadow detail is fine and soft shots or out of focus shots are less prominent in this film compared to the first.

Sound - 8/10

Nothing to get too excited about. An average soundtrack here with highlights being the score. It’s pumping and sounds great (nothing like 80s synth sound deep and lovely)

Vocals are never drowned out and the SFX sound great despite them sounding like cheap canned stuff.


A much better film for me compared to the first. It’s not often I say that about sequels. I’m looking forward to seen what 2023 Beverly Hills Cop 4 brings. I’ll also be interested if the release 3 on 4K at some point.
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James Bond - The Daniel Craig Collection

Dolby Vision - DTS-MA HD & Dolby Atmos

Films - 8/10

As there are five films here I didn’t feel like trying to type five separate reviews on an iPhone. As such I’ve just lumped them all into one.

We all know what to expect from a Bond Film by now, if not then you’ve either been living under a rock or you’re very young and should check them out.

We all have our favourite Bond actors and films, but I will go out on a limb and say something controversial. I’m not a Bond of old fan. I find them too cheesy and age badly. The Daniel Craig ones however I found to be palatable and entertaining. With the cheese reigned in and a more cohesive narrative, they just stand out for me.

The first film is good and the second and third and ok. The fourth just didn’t do too much for me and seemed to lack something worthwhile. The fifth and final one is the best out of the collection.

As a collection of films they’re all great to watch back to back over a day or two.

Image - 8/10

So it’s a real mixed back here, as you go through the films you can see the image get better and better in terms of detail on offer and colour / contrast. The first two are not great, with too much edge enhancement and Dolby Vision pushing the contrast just too much which made the image look too posterised.

The third film sees detail jump a little but it still has issues with its contrast and grading. Don’t get me wrong they still look nice but they’re not way beyond what I’ve seen on the Blu-ray versions.

The fourth film sees detail jump again and really looks great in terms of its shadow details and etc. Unfortunately the DP likes sepia and a cross processed look which just looks cheap and quite naff sometimes. Like they just picked an Instagram filter and slapped it on to a really good negative transfer.

The fifth film then comes out of the gate looking mind blowing. It’s a clear resolution bump which just makes the image almost 3D like and the HDR is stunning. Colour is lovely and contrast is spot on, nothing looks unnatural and it’s among the best I’ve seen on UHD.

Sound - 9/10

All the films here sound excellent and the fifth film steps this up with an Atmos soundtrack.

Bombastic, blistering and engaging. These films draw you in when needed and lay off when more delicate scenes call for it.

At no point did I feel anything was missing.


I’ve owned the first 4 films on Blu-ray since their release and was eyeing this 5 film set since it was announced. However I wasn’t going to pay full beans. £70 was too much for a set of films I already had, so I waited and managed to get this set for £50. I did find it cheaper but once delivery was factored in, it wasn’t much of a difference.

It’s a great set and I’m not sure if Sony will revisit these films at any point especially now Amazon own MGM. So it’s possible this is the best they will look on a home release or at least physical for quite some time.

They’re not head and shoulders above the Blu-ray versions but enough for me to upgrade. If you like them but not a huge fan then stick with Blu-ray for now but certainly give the UHD of No Time To Die a go. It’s pretty much a reference disc.

Jumanji 2 & 3
Dolby Vision - Dolby Atmos & HDR10 - DTS:X

Films - 7/10

Again I’ve lumped these two films together to save myself some time.

While I did enjoy these films, I never felt the need to buy them, in comes the wife wanting these on UHD! Yes she asked for the 4K versions rather than the standard Blu-ray.

I loved the first Jumanji back when I was younger and can still watch it if it’s on, however It’s not a film in my must haves. So when they announced the second film, I did the eye roll and my brain jumped to why bother messing with something which is considered a classic.

Colour me surprised when I enjoyed Welcome to the Jungle. The cast were good, script was tight and it didn’t mess with its older sibling and was respectful. Then they announced The next Level and I eye rolled again, now because I could see the cash in effect. However I did enjoy it the first watch through.

The issue I have is they’ve aged already and just don’t hold the same fun factor after a few goes through. However my wife loves them and that’s all that matters.

Image - 9/10

Both films looks great, the 4K resolution adds a little extra snap to the fine detail but the HDR gives its biggest upgrade over the SDR offerings. Everything is more vivid. Some SFX look a little ropier on the UHD and grain isn’t an issue here.

If you like the films then they are certainly lookers.

Sound - 9/10

Like the image these disc have an upgrade over the Blu-ray but I have to say, checking the Blu-ray afterwards it’s not a huge upgrade.

These films sound excellent in the action sequences and the jungle drums pound deep. These would sound even better on a dedicated HT.


If you own these on Blu-ray or have access to stream digitally, then I can’t recommend an upgrade. However if you want these films in the best format they can be at this time then try and pick them up cheap. like I did.


I will be adding the Arrival UHD review below this. Once I get some time later.



Arrival - HDR10 - DTS-HD MA
Film - 9/10

I have a huge soft spot for Denis Veilleneuve films and Arrival is no exception. I can’t believe it’s already 7 years old.

I watched this in the cinema and fell in love with it. It’s one of the better SciFi films in such a long time. The script, acting, direction and editing are all on point and I even like the DP’s choices (more on that in a second)

It can be a little slow for some people and confusing for some too. However it was a natural upgrade for me, I just bid my time for a decent price.

Image - 8/10

The image on offer here isn’t going to blow your socks off. It’s not bad but some of the CGI and other green screen stuff sticks out quite a bit.

The DP’s choice in colour grading left quite a few people wanting more. For me however the cold, distant and alienating colour scheme for present day shots really help keep you off balance and never settle in, the future scenes are more colourful, friendly and warm and contrast quite a bit to the rest of the film and I like it.

Now let’s talk shadow detail… this disc is an OLED killer, with lots of scenes covering that just above black which OLED struggles with, this leads to some loss in detail and also posterisation. Grain isn’t too in your face either.

Sound - 9/10

It’s a great soundtrack, not reference but certainly sounds good. The Heptapods deep whale like calls sound solid while the chirps from the birds sound crisp and clean. Couple all the SFX with the beautiful score by one of my favourite Neo Classical Composers Jóhann Jóhannsson and you’re onto a winner.


Huge fan of the film and I consider this to be ranked of one of the best sci-fi movies in recent times. Not a huge leap over the Blu-ray but the added contrast helps give a bit more depth but if you’re on an OLED like me just be aware it will show up the Near Black issues of the set. Not to mention the grey that’s all over this film can show up OLED panel uniformity (banding) issues too.
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Yesterday I saw “Tenet“ .
Style and Cinematography are good .
The Cast was mediocre the highlight was the Villain.
The Story ??? After halftime I was completely lost and better taken the blue pill.
Nolan’s first failure in my book.

I just got back from seeing The Whale. I went in totally blind...

...expecting the tale of a man triumphing over obesity.

I couldn't have been more wrong. There's no montages of Charlie eating healthily or exercising, Ellie getting her grades back up or Thomas putting his hypocritical church leader on blast. It's just tragedy all around. Whether it's Charlie's failing health, Ellie's angst that's more than your garden variety teenage angst, Liz's trauma and resentment, Mary the cynical alcoholic or even the cheerful evangelist Thomas, it just feels like nothing can go right for the characters. There's no "escape route" presented to the characters, at least within the runtime of the movie.

There's three things that really stood out to me throughout the movie. First and foremost is obviously food. Food is presented almost entirely as something destructive or repulsive. The first time that food is the focal point of any scene, Charlie rejects an (apparently) healthy fruit bar in favour of some chocolate. He almost chokes to death eating a sub. Ellie pretty much roofies him when feeding him a turkey sandwich. When he and Dan the pizza delivery driver finally see each other, Dan is repulsed and almost looks like he's going to puke. He then goes on to post an expletive-laden plea on the college forum which probably cost him his job while scoffing pizza.

Secondly, there's the setting. Charlie is never even seen leaving his apartment. It really hammers home just how much he's become imprisoned in his own body, let alone his own home. When I saw the first outside shot of his apartment, my thoughts were, "When was the last time he's gone down the stairs?"

Finally, I feel some kind of theme of "brutal honesty". As I mentioned before, Charlie's plea that costs him his job is just him asking for the students to post their honest feelings. Liz straight-up tells him that his heart is failing. Ellie posts exposés of Charlie and Thomas on her Facebook page. Charlie's last words to Thomas detail what he hates about his own body.

So, yeah, I found it really poignant.

Overall, I give it a 9.5/10.
I saw Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania this past Thursday. Shows how much I really cared to share a review. I dig the MCU, but like my daughter said after the movie, “…it all went too fast”. As in, the the explanations for everything happening and resolutions through to the end.

Seriously, if I could, I would have fast forwarded after the opening scene, straight to the end credits(stay for both of them, as they literally tie in to other MCU content and many Easter eggs).
Other than that, the graphics are what we expect, since the first Thor movie. The actors were fine, but their scripts weren’t great.

In my eyes, the weakest Ant-Man. 6/10

Alien - HDR10 - DTS-HD MA
Film - 9/10

Alien is a classic genre defining film. I grew up on this franchise and I have owned it multiple times in all formats including three times on VHS, DVD, BD and now UHD.

I adore this film and can happily watch it over and over again. It’s the perfect mix of Horror and SciFi and tantalises enough of the Alien before giving you just enough of a look at it but never quite giving its full visage.

Couple this with the natural tension and animosity on set between some of the actors and it creates a perfect storm which other films have tried to capture over the years.

Image - 8/10

This film looks fantastic and is the best it may ever look. So why 8?

Good question and it’s all down to 4K and it’s ability to really show up shortcomings in SFX, Lenses, Film Stock and other technical limitations.

Alien suffers from high grain and soft details in the composite shots (all films that do optical composites do) They just look bad, for instance the opening title sequence the word Alien as it appears is chock full of buzzing grain which turns it from white to a grey colour. Also most of the scenes where you have outside shots on LV-426 looks poor.

You also have soft outer edges to some frames due to lens choice, along with some star lens issues on some bright lights in the latter scenes, these never stood out on the 1080p Blu-ray. Not to me anyway.

Now on to the good stuff. Once everyone is back on the Nostromo after their field trip, the detail takes a nice uptick.

The latter scenes really stand out and look like they were filmed yesterday.

HDR-10 looks fantastic throughout and the depth of blacks is impressive, however I can’t help feeling a Dolby Vision version would be a touch better. Colours on various lights around the ship really shine and look almost tangible. To me the colour timing seems to have changed ever so slightly and looks a little more natural now.

Sound - 8/10

The sound is good, however it’s a 1970s film and they tend to be on the more shrill side sometimes. However Alien packs a punch when needed but it’s all just a little flat to me.

This film could really do with a new Atmos/DTS-X soundtrack, something with more delicacy when needed and more atmosphere.


This maybe the best this will look. I say this because Disney now own the franchise and they have a habit of shortchanging physical media releases.

I don’t think they will do any new scan or give us a DV / Atmos version either. If they do release the films as a set at some point, I think they will just re-package this disk.

If you love this film and want the 4K UHD then go for it, it’s worth it for the HDR alone. You’re not going to get much more from the 4K resolution over 1080p BD. The sound also isn’t a reason to upgrade.
Wakanda Forever (Disney+) and Quantumania (theater), both enjoyable tier B Marvel movies. Also on Disney+ Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time, which I hadn't watched until now. I get that it was an expensive flop in its time, but I liked the fun and fast-paced action, and spectacular setpieces.

Top Gun Maverick - Dolby Vision / Dolby Atmos
Film - 9/10

When I first got wind of the Top Gun sequel I wasn’t sure what to make. On the one hand you do get some good films as sequels, T2, Aliens & Dumb and Dumberer…

Ok the last one is a joke. But you do get some poor sequels to good initial films too, and in most cases that always seems to be the consensus.

So when the first trailer dropped, I was pleasantly surprised and I started to have hope. At release I managed to catch the film and I really enjoyed the thrill ride. It’s not going to win awards for story/script but by George it should win loads for its sheer excellence in film making.

It’s one beautiful film to look at, those Californian sunsets, those aircraft & those shiny teeth.

If you can leave your brain in cruise mode and sit back and enjoy this film for what it is then there is a lot to love.

Image - 10/10

What a disc, stunning from the start till the very end. It’s mixed aspect ratios for film bits and aircraft action.

Detail is beautiful. Pin sharp without looking over processed, colours are deep, vibrant and gorgeous. No grain intrusion but yet looks filmic, it’s a demo disc all the way through.

Sound - 10/10

Like its image this disc is fantastic, loud when needed and everything just fantastic. Vocals never drowned by other sounds or music and those aircraft sound just stunning.

I didn’t notice any standout Atmos overhead sounds which is a shame but that could be just the limitations of my soundbar more than the soundtrack.

One thing which I did notice, in Top Gun the jets sounds are just so visceral and raw, to the point it sounds like you have an afterburner in your living room. However, here they’re more smooth and in check, not in a bad way just a different way of doing jet engine sounds.


If you have a 4K screen and decent sound system, you owe it to yourself to own this disc. I’d even go as far to say, the 1080p looks outstanding too and if your not on the 4K bandwagon then grab that version.

It’s a fun film with scrumptious image and eargasmic sound. Demo-worthy all day long, and if your friends can’t see the pout of UHD after watching that disc… well you need new friends.
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Not a UHD review from me today. Finally got to watch The Whale. Have to admit, I cried. Gut wrenching performance and certainly well worth the praise Mr Fraser has been getting, however the rest of the supporting cast were great too.

Aronofsky is one of my favourite directors and he’s back on form after Mother. A film which didn’t quite hit for me.

If you haven’t seen it yet, and you’re quite an emotional person or currently in a state of mind not conducive to accepting something like this, then I’d recommend waiting till you know you may cope better. If you’re not any of the above them have at, just be prepared for something which may open a door for you.
Been a while since I've review a movie so bear with me.


Aaron answers a Craigslist ad where Josef is looking for someone to film him for a day because he has cancer and wants his unborn child to be able to see how he was before he died. His actions and requests start off normal enough and get increasingly stranger.

The two co-writers are the only actors in this movie and one of them is also the director. They undoubtedly know you've watched scary/psychological thriller movies before and they throw in just enough jump scares to keep you on your toes but ultimately, I think they nail the, for lack of a better work, creepiness factor.

The pacing is slow but it feels intentional because it adds to anxiety a bit... that you're occasionally waiting for things to happen.

I'm struggling with what to rate it but I'll go with a 7.5/10 and that's mostly because I don't foresee ever needing to watch it again but I thought it was pretty darn good. Rotten Tomatoes 90% seems too generous to me, though.

Now on to Creep 2...

If you have a 4K screen and decent sound system, you owe it to yourself to own this disc. I’d even go as far to say, the 1080p looks outstanding too and if your not on the 4K bandwagon then grab that version.

It’s a fun film with scrumptious image and eargasmic sound. Demo-worthy all day long, and if your friends can’t see the pout of UHD after watching that disc… well you need new friends.
Do you know if the UHD cut that makes it to disc is the exact same, data i suppose, as what appears on streaming services?

We bought Maverick when it first became available to stream, don't recall if it was Netflix or Prime or maybe even Paramount+?, and always wondered if its essentially the same as the UHD Bluray version.
Do you know if the UHD cut that makes it to disc is the exact same, data i suppose, as what appears on streaming services?

We bought Maverick when it first became available to stream, don't recall if it was Netflix or Prime or maybe even Paramount+?, and always wondered if its essentially the same as the UHD Bluray version.
I don’t think they’re the same. From what I know streaming 4K ranges from a few Mbps to around 40 Mbps depending on the streaming service. Apple TV+ and Sony Core seem to be some of the ones offering better quality.

UHD Blu-ray ranges from about 70 Mbps to 140 Mbps.

I suppose the question is, if you can see the difference. I don’t think many people will notice a high bitrate stream vs Blu-ray, I can certainly see lower bitrate contents issues crop up, but I think that’s more screen size exaggerating things.

I watched the 1080p higher bitrate stream of Maverick at initial release rather than a low bitrate 4K stream. When I eventually watched the UHD Disc, I did notice a little more fine detail and the HDR was more than impressive, but I didn’t think the 1080p was a bad experience.
Super Mario Bros.

Me and my daughter were entertained. However, lots of death threats. We got it the first time.
Went to see Super Mario Bros. yesterday as well. The (not) funny part is that the last time I was at a movie theatre was to watch Sonic the Hedgehog, roughly three years ago.

This is what children will do to you.
Went to see Super Mario Bros. yesterday as well. The (not) funny part is that the last time I was at a movie theatre was to watch Sonic the Hedgehog, roughly three years ago.

This is what children will do to you.
It's alarming just how quickly my kids went from Finding Nemo to Star Wars to Pirates of the Caribbean to The Matrix. :scared:
John Wick 4: 7/10

Not as good as the first three. Pulled ideas from lots of other classic movies. A couple new characters weren’t necessary. The main villain was similar the one the first movie.
A couple stories weren’t completed,Z with one not having a back story.
Some “fight” scenes were too long. Takedowns were okay, but the way scenes were set up, didn’t have the same pizzazz like the first three movies.
Me and my wife were entertained, but the story telling wasn’t the same quality as expected of a John Wick film.

If you haven’t t seen any of the John Wick films, watch the prequel to John Wick 4 ;)
Cherry (on apple tv) - It's loosely based on a true story. The movie received mixed reviews from the critics, and was generally rated low. But from my watch, I couldn't see why and would definitely recommend a watch if you're at least somewhat interested.