On my Cruise Ship I had to time to watch several movies being played
Rio 2
Pointless? Yes, it didnt need a sequel and the fact its about how something we knew about in Rio 1 wasn't true kind of defeats the purpose but there isnt to say there wasn't potential in it.
The fact the two main character birds got together at the end of the first movie with the incentive being they were the last of their kind only for that to be false did lay ground work for an interesting love story where we could see if the two actually love each other or was their love only due to circumstances. Too bad they didnt do that and it was just mere lore about the blue birds and and constantly kicking Blue into the dirt until the ends where his human experience saves everyone. As boring as a pointless movie could be.
Only saving grace is Nigel being a relegated to being the comedic villain in this movie and he was an absolute joy just trying to get his revenge teaming up with a Toxic Frog simp. Wish he was the main villain again like this as the actual villain was really boring.
Again really boring, the entire time as a currency gimmick is nothing more than metaphors about life and how no one is immortal with the characters being nothing more than vessels for this metaphorical plot, I can't care for the plot. If I dont care about anyone involved.
It's fine, people wonder why we don't have animated kids movies with this level of seriousness but there isn't anything for kids to easily grab into it. Fine movie regardless though its hilarious how historically inaccurate it is to the Tsar and Rasputin but they just brush it off as we don't know the "real" story

. Guess thats one way to future proof it.
Ice Age 5: Collision Course
I ironically enjoyed this one, more because the Ice Age Pentology is interesting in how the writers clearly stopped caring after the 2nd one and each subsequent entry is more pointless and they justify it a lot less and here, they clearly gave up.
Manny goes through the same arc as the 4th movie, Sid gets shoved in a random girlfriend, they brought back Buck due to the plot circumstances and the Scrat skits became more frequent and more over the top with UFOs, meteorites and transferring the storm from Jupiter to Earth. Its so disjointed from the 1st movie being about 3 animals on the worst escort mission if put into a video game looking after an ugly baby (remember when Humans were apart of the movies?)
And this episode of "what the hell do we even do with Diego?" They put him and his totally not forced in girlfriend from the 4th movie through an arc about how kids are scared of them and if they would be good parents to kids, and nothing happens until the end when kids are suddenly not scared of him. Its amazing how poorly they handle Diego since his character arc is pretty much done after the 1st movie, and the 2nd movie of him being the middle ground of Sid and Manny already ran its course so they tried so hard to give him things since then feeling forced and even contradictory to previous movies (also makes his forced arc in the 3rd movie about feeling irrelevant with Manny slowing down with a kid ironically true) If anything, Sid getting the girlfriend in 4th movie and thinking about getting kids in the 5th one would make more sense as Sid already had experiences (poorly) handling kids in the 1st and 3rd movies and having kids his own and a family would round up his character.
And the thing is, I think Diego couldve fit here, the movies antagonists were a family of Dinosaurs with the male kid being abused by his family. It would fit Diego to interact with the antagonists and take this extremely personal given its like what he went through in the 1st movie, even end with Diego adopting the male kid if they want to give Diego having kids being a thing, but he has no interaction with them at all and the antagonists get redeemed via Buck offering a temprorary alliance and thats really it. Massive victim of the writers not caring, which you can't really blame them being forced to make 5 movies when only the 2nd one was a necessary sequel.